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Basic Education Department

S.Y. 2021 - 2022


Module Topic:
Code: Q2-M4 Mr. Christian Lyle T. Torres
Graphic Design and Proper Waste Management

Demonstrates understanding of shapes, space, colors, and the principles of emphasis,

harmony and contrast in digital painting and poster design using new technologies. (A)
Understands the importance of keeping the school and community environments healthy.
Applies concepts on the use of software in creating digital paintings and graphic designs. (A)
Standards: Demonstrates practices for building and maintaining healthy school and community
environment. (H)
Learning Competencies:
 Reviews the concept that art processes, elements and principles still apply even with the use of
 explains the elements and principles applied in digital art.
 applies concepts on the use of the software.
 utilizes art skills using new technologies.
 creates a digital painting similar with the Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh, Amorsolo, etc. (B/I)
 discusses the elements and principles applied in layouting.
 applies skills in layouting and photo editing using new technologies (hardware and software) in
making a poster. (B/I)
 creates advertisement/commercial or announcement poster.
 describes healthy school and community environments
 explains the effect of living in a healthful school and community
 demonstrates ways to build and keep school and community environments healthy
 practices proper waste management at home, in school, and in the community
 advocates environmental protection through proper waste management
Goal: Create a brochure about community health Criteria:

Role: Members of the Student Council Phase 1:

Audience: Elementary Students Transition of Movement
Situation: Every end of the quarter, your school is advocating health
awareness. As a member of the student council, your group wants to tell the Phase 2:
students the importance of keeping your community health good at all Melody
times. Vocal Quality
For your task, you are assigned to make a brochure advocating the
importance of the community's health and wellness, and how dancing and Phase 3:
singing can improve them. Your output will help other students to value Content
their health. Design
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021 - 2022

Product: Brochure

ACTIVE Components Rating Remarks
Across-Discipline 4  It is technology enable and experiential learning because
they created some artworks and it is done digitally.
Communication and 2  It is values-driven because they learn to love the
Collaboration environment.
Technology-Enabled 4  Discussion board really helps the teacher to know the
insights of the learners.
Individualized Learning 4

Values-Driven 4

Experiential Learning 4

4 3 2 1 0
The component is The component is The inclusion of the The inclusion of the The component is not
well-planned and present in the module components seems component is present in module and
practiced in module and reflected during forced in module and practiced in the class in class.
and in class. class. in class. but not reflected in the

Module 4: Graphic Design and Proper Waste Management

Subject & Level: ____MAPEH 6 __________ Prepared by: Mr. Christian Lyle Torres_______
Schedule: ____Second Quarter (W7-W8) ____

Graphic design is the art of creating and combining words and images to create a visual
representation of ideas and messages. It also refers to the designing process and the resulting products.
Graphic design is the result of a desire to expound or emphasize an existing message to motivate action.
Painting, on the other hand, is an expression of a completely new idea that creates a personal and emotional bond
between an artist and his or her audience to inspire a feeling and generate a response.

Learning Objectives:
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021 - 2022

 Realize that art processes, elements, and principles still apply even with the
use of new technologies
 Appreciate the elements and principles applied in digital art
 Create a simple graphic design
 Describe healthy school and community environments
 Explain the proper waste segregations

4.1 Graphic Design


4.1.1 (Day 1, Synchronous, 5 minutes)

Search one example of graphic design and make it as your background in teams, and share your
explanation why you chose them.


4.1.2 Lesson Proper (Synchronous Day 1 – 30 minutes)

Graphic Design
Graphic design is the art of creating and combining words and images to create a visual representation of
ideas and messages. It also refers to the designing process and the resulting products.
Graphic design is the result of a desire to expound or emphasize an existing message to motivate action.
Painting, on the other hand, is an expression of a completely new idea that creates a personal and emotional bond
between an artist and his or her audience to inspire a feeling and generate a response.
Graphic design allows designers to instantly see the effects of their layout for typographic changes.
Common uses of graphic design include the following:

 logos and branding

 magazines, newspapers, and books
 print advertisements
 posters
 billboards
 website graphics
 signs
 product packaging
Graphic design skill is used in the composition of layout designs. Composition or Layout is the manner by
which the elements of a design are combined or arranged together to create a visually pleasing design. The
following are the principles of layout and composition.

a. Balance - This can be achieved if the placement of the elements, such as

Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021 - 2022

the texts and graphics, are evenly distributed within the page. The three
basic ways to show balance are the following:

 Symmetrical - This can be done by making all elements equal in all sides.
 Asymmetrical - This can be achieved by creating an odd number of elements and putting them off-
 Radial - This is done by making the elements radiate from a central point.

b. Proximity - This refers to how the items are grouped and spaced on a page. To achieve proximity,
similar elements in a design should be grouped together.

c. Alignment - This pertains to lining up the top, bottom, sides, or middle of the texts or graphic elements
on a page. Horizontal alignment includes flush-left (also called left-justified or ragged right), flush-
right (also called right-justified or ragged left), centered, and fully justified.

d. Repetition - This is the use of the same colors, styles, shapes, or other elements and principles
throughout a design.

e. Contrast - This can be achieved by emphasizing the differences between the items or elements on the

f. White space or Negative space - This is the part of a page left unmarked to give a layout breathing
room. This should be carefully utilized because inexpert use of white space can make a piece or design
look incomplete.
In creating graphic design and layout, it is also important to pay attention to typography. Typography is
the style, arrangement, or appearance of printed letters on a page.
The artworks below use a variety of typefaces that are created using modified illustration techniques to
come up with a unique piece of artwork.


4.1.3 Discussion Board (Asynchronous Day 1 – 5 minutes)

Read the question and explain your answer in two to three sentences.
 What is the importance of studying and knowing what graphic design is?


4.1.4 Seatwork 1 (Asynchronous Day 1 – 20 minutes)

Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021 - 2022

I. Identification. Create your own Graphic design using any free software.
Save your file and upload it in canvas. Refer to the rubrics below. File type: png or jpeg


1 2 3 4

CREATIVITY The work shows little or no The student’s work lacked The student’s showed The student’s showed a
evidence of original though sincere originality originality unique craftsmanship

EFFORT The students did not finish The student finished the The student finished the The student finished the
the work in a satisfactory project, but it lacks finishing project, in an average project, in an above average
manner touches or can be improve manner yet more have could manner yet more have could
with little effort been done. been done.

SKILLS The student showed poor The student showed average The student showed above The student showed
craftsmanship craftsmanship average craftsmanship outstanding craftsmanship

4.2 Healthy Community



4.2.1 Introduction (Day 2, Synchronous, 5 minutes) Observe the picture below. Write all the things you can
observe in the picture.


4.2.2 Lesson Proper (Day 2, Synchronous, 30 minutes)

Waste Management
A. Waste Reduction
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021 - 2022

Waste reduction means reducing the amount of waste created or produced.

The three R's-Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle-helps minimize the amount of waste materials that need to be
disposed. They also help conserve natural resources, landfill spaces, and energy.
a. Reduce
The best way to manage waste is to avoid producing it. This can be done by being more careful and wiser in
choosing things to buy. Here are some guidelines to remember when buying or shopping.

 Buy products in bulk. Larger economy-size products or ones in

 concentrated form uses less packaging and usually cost less.
 Avoid overpacked goods such as paper, foil, and plastic. They are difficult to recycle, and add expense for
the package.
 Avoid disposable goods such as paper plates, cups, napkins, razors, and lighters. These material contribute
to the problem with waste management because they must be replaced every once in a while.
 Buy durable goods. These are items that are well built and carry good warranties. They will last longer,
and save more money and landfill spaces too.
 Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins. In this way, you do not have to constantly buy paper napkins
every time you have used up all you have kept at home.
 Remove your name from the malling list of materials you no longer need.
 Speak or talk to store managers and inquire about products and packaging that help cut down on waste.

b. Reuse
Reuse products for the same reason that it would help avoid having too much wastes that need to be disposed.
The following are some of the things you can do to reuse things that you consider waste materials.

 Repair broken appliances, furniture, and toys.

 Sell old clothes, appliances, furniture, and toys that you no longer need.
 Use resealable containers rather than plastic wraps.
 Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of paper cups.
 Bring reusable shopping bags, also known as “eco bags," instead of using plastic and paper bags all the
c. Recycle
Recycling helps our environment by allowing us to conserve our limited resources in more creative and useful
ways. Below are some ways to recycle

 Buy products made from recycled materials.

 Check collection centers or pick up services and see what they accept from your belongings that you want
to dispose of.
 Consider buying recycled materials at work for office supply, equipment, or manufacturing
 Collect recyclable materials such as paper, cardboard, straw, old newspapers and magazines, plastic cups,
plastic bottles, and many others.
 Think of creative ways to redesign those recyclable materials in order to use them as decorations at home
or in school.

B. Waste Storage
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021 - 2022

Waste storage refers to the temporary storage or embankment of waste

products before they are collected for disposal.
Everyone should be responsible in storing wastes before they are collected. Biodegradable wastes should be
separated from nonbiodegradable wastes to save time as there would be no more need for garbage collectors to
separate all wastes materials themselves every time. It also prevents diseases from spreading more easily.
Containers used for storing biodegradable materials should also be tight fitting and properly sealed to prevent
insect or pest infestation.
C. Proper Disposal
Proper disposal of all kinds of wastes should be prioritized. Everyone should know how to dispose garbage
properly in order to avoid more serious problems such as water and soil contamination, air pollution, spread of
diseases, and many others.
Biodegradable waste can be used as compost to serve as fertilizer. Nonbiodegradable waste should also be
disposed properly. For example, recyclable materials must be utilized creatively and usefully. On the other hand,
nonrecyclable materials can be used as landfill.
Hazardous and hospital wastes should also be properly disposed. Republic Act no. 6969, better known as
"Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990," regulates the storage and disposing of
hazardous wastes materials.


4.2.3 Discussion Board (Day 2, Asynchronous, 5 minutes)

Search over the internet and upload one picture in canvas of what you think an environment with proper
waste segregation looks like

Free space for 4.2.3


4.2.3 Seatwork 4 (Day 2, Asynchronous, 20 minutes)

Identification. Read the statement carefully identify if it is Reduce, Reuse, or Recycle. Input your answers in

1) Buy products in bulk.

2) Repair broken appliances, furniture, and toys.
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021 - 2022

3) Collect recyclable materials such as paper, cardboard, straw, old

newspapers and magazines, plastic cups, plastic bottles, and many others.
4) Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of paper cups.
5) Speak or talk to store managers and inquire about products and packaging that help cut down on

Short answer (3pts.)

As a Grade 6 Student what is the importance of having a healthy community and school and at the same time
knowing the proper waste segregation. Write your answer in 2 to 3 sentences.

3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pt.

The thought is complete and it was The thought is complete but it was The thought is incomplete and it
explained clearly. not explained clearly. was not explained clearly.

4.3.1 Consultation
4.3.2 Performance Task Making

4.4 Summative


Ma. Karina Hernandez, Geranalyn Andres-Soriano, Eduardo Cipriano, Eliseo P. Buhain, 2019; MAPEH Adventures
in the 21st Century; REX Bookstore Inc.
Blossom Nolasco, Menchie Portento, Enrico Joaquin, 2018. Living with Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health;
Vibal Group Inc

Prepared by:
Christian Lyle T. Torres, LPT.

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