Vo CAD2694 - Personal Project

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CAD2694 – 3D Scanning and Modeling

Personal Scanning Project

For this project, you will be scanning one or more objects or rooms, and then
adding to them. You can scan a single object and make additions to it using
your favorite 3D modeling software or scan multiple objects and add them
together. You can scan a room using the Faro and make additions to it or add
other scans into it. Please try to be creative with your thought process. You will
create a proposal for this project, and then work through taking the scans and
doing the modeling work.

Minimum Requirements:
1 Proposal in MS Word format
1 or more high-quality 3D scan
5 additions to the scanned object (additional scans can count as additions)
1 animated rendering
5 high-quality static renderings
1 PowerPoint Project

Please be ready to explain your project. This project is worth a sizable portion
of your grade, so plan on spending time on it throughout the semester. Put a
lot of thought and time into this and show us what you can do. Also, please be
creative and try to think “outside the box” for this.

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