Land Disposal by Alienation

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1. Define disposal and alienation of land

2. Identify the class of land that can be
3. Recall the persons and bodies to whom land
may be alienated
4. List the matters that are determined by the
State Authority on the approval of land
5. Describe planned and unplanned alienation
• Pada asalnya semua tanah yang terletak di dalam sempadan
sesuatu negeri sebelum ianya dilupuskan termasuk bahan-
bahan mineral dan bahan batuan yang terdapat di dalamnya
adalah terletakhak hanya kepada Pihak Berkuasa Negeri
(PBN) berkenaan.

• Kemudian PBN bertindak melupuskan sesuatu tanah itu

untuk digunakan atau diduduki sama ada di bawah suatu
hakmilik, lesen pendudukan sementara atau dengan cara
merizabkannya atau membenarkan pengambilan bahan
batuan melalui permit.
Disposal means any disposal of land made by
the State Authority in the exercise of any of
the powers conferred by section 42 or of any
of the corresponding powers conferred by
any previous land law. (NLC Sec .5)
What can be dispose?

a. Land
b. Air Space
Apa maksud Pelupusan?
• Di bawah Sek 5 KTN pelupusan ditakrifkan
sebagai apa-apa pelupusan tanah yang dibuat
oleh Pihak Berkuasa Negeri dalam menjalankan
kuasa-kuasa yang diperuntukkan oleh sek 42
KTN atau kuasa-kuasa yang sama di bawah
mana-mana undang-undang tanah terdahulu.
What is State Authority?

• “State Authority” (SA) means the Ruler or Governor of the State .

• State means any state to which the Act applies (Pen. Malaysia).
• Sec. 5 – ruler or governor of the State.
• Penang & Malacca – Governor
• Other States – Sultan
• Federal Territory - Federal Government
State’s Power of Land Disposal according to Sec 42, NLC;

a) To alienate state land for a term of years not exceeding 99 years

or in perpetuity pursuat to the provisions of sec 76;
Sec. 42 NLC Powers of disposal

b) To reserve State land and grant leases of reserved

Sec. 42 NLC Powers of disposal

c) To issue temporary occupation licenses in respect to

State Land, Reserve Land & Mining Land
Sec. 42 NLC Powers of Disposal

d) To permit the extraction and removal of rock material

from any land other than reserved forest;
Sec. 42 NLC Powers of Disposal

e) To permit the use of air space on or above state

land or reserved land.
1. What is Alienation?
2. What is the method of Alienation?
3. Why alienation is the best mode of
4. How is the period of alienation?
Sec 76 – What is

• Another mode of disposal of state land

(sec 42 (1)(a)
• The best mode of disposal
• Means to convey or give away a right
and title of a piece of state land
“Alienate” means to dispose of State Land in
perpetuity or for a term of years, in
consideration of the payment of rent. And
otherwise in accordance with the provision of
sec 76 NLC.
Types of Alienation
a. Alienation
i. On the ground
ii. Under ground
iii. Seabed
b. TOL – Permit 4A
c. Permit
i. Transfer of Rock material - Permit 4B & 4C
ii. Air space – Permit 4D
d. Reservation – Permit 4E
Who can apply (applicant)?
Any person/body described in sec 43

1. Natural persons other than minors,

2. Corporations having power under their constitutions to
hold land,
3. Sovereigns, governments, organisations and other
persons authorised to hold land under the provisions of the
Diplomatic and Consular Privileges Ordinance, 1957.
4. Bodies expressly empowered to hold land under any other
written law.
Others conditions;

- Only to the Malays as for Malay Reservation Land

- Only to the indigenous people as for Indigenous Reservation
- Only to the Kelantanese as for Kelantan State Land.

Land Alienation

Planned Unplanned

• An area of land is selected by • Application of land made by

the Land Office. the person or body on his or
• After assessing the suitability, its own initiative.
applications are then invited. • Applications made in
• The selected applicants are response to a call made
required to submit the formal by the Land Office.

Planned alienation for large areas of land is normally done under the Land
Group Settlement Areas Act (GSA) 1960.
Why alienation is the best
way to get land?
• The proprietor gets land evidenced by title;
• The period is longer than the other modes of
• Proprietor feels secured to develop and invest in the
• If the land is later on acquired by SA for public
purposes, proprietor will get compensation;
• Proprietor can make dealings with regard to the
Period of Alienation

Section 76
“The alienation of State land under this Act shall consist
of its disposal by the State Authority –
(a) for a term not exceeding ninety-nine years;
(aa) in perpetuity -…”
Ahmad would like to apply for a piece of land
in Klang under alienation. He seeks your
advice on what is alienation and how is the
Steps To Be Taken
• Application for the land under alienation
• Approval stage and conditions to be
imposed by SA
• Payment of land revenue;
• Survey (for issuance of title);
• Preparation of title; and
• Registration.
The procedures of unplanned alienation is in the Manual for Land
Administration 1980. The procedures are as follows;

i. The applicant submits the application using the form specified by the
Land Office together with the plan and particulars of the said land
and fees payable.
ii. The Land Office will refer the application to the relevant
departments for their comments.
iii. The Land Administrator will forward the application to the State
Authority with the recommendation for or against the approval of the
iv. The Executive Council will decide on the approval of the application
and the applicant will be informed of this decision.
v. If the application is approved, the applicant will have to
pay all the fees specified.
vi. The subject land will be surveyed either by the Survey
and Mapping Department or a licensed surveyor.
vii. A registered title will be issued to the proprietor.
EXCO meets and discuss the following;
• To approve or not to approve application.
If approves, to determine the following matters :-
• Sec 76(a) – terms of alienations;
• Sec 76(b) – application must pay the annual rent;
• Sec 76 (c) - application may have to pay premiun at the SA’s
• Sec 76 (d) – land alienation will be subject to the category of land
• Sec 76 (e) – SA may impose condition or restriction in interest on
the title;
What is Registration?

• Land title will only be issued by the SA through the process of

• Alienation will only takes effect upon registration of RDT [Sec
• After payment of land revenue, survey done (for final title) and
preparation of title completed, registration to be perfected .
• Registration consists of:-
 Authentication (signed), and
 Seal
Of the Registrar/Land Administrator on the RDT
Items of Land Revenue
• Section 81(1)

Payable upon approval of


Fees from
First year’s rent
preparation of title

Premium Survey Fees

Pemberimilikan tanah kerajaan bermula daripada pendaftaran
dokumen hakmiliknya. (Sek 78(3))

Cukai tahun pertama adalah cukai yang kena bayar semasa
pemberimilikan diluluskan dan dikira berdasarkan keluasan
yang diluluskan.

Cukai hendaklah dibayar bermula pada awal tanah itu diberi
milik dan jika diberimilik selepas bulan september tahun itu
cukainya bermula daripada awal tahun berikutnya.
Payment of land revenue

Alienation is subject to payment to land revenue.

What is Land Revenue?
Sec 5 – every sum due to the SA can be either
premium or rent payable in respect of
alienated land ; or
Can be fees under any license of
permit relating to land.
Payment of land revenue to be made before
alienation takes effect.
Items of land revenue to be paid upon
approval – sec 81 (1)

After the SA has approved the application made the

following items of land revenue to be paid to the SA:
• 1st year’s annual rent;
• Premium if any;
• Amount of any survey fees;
• Fees for preparation and registration of document
of qualified title and final title;
Preparation of Title – Sec 77(1)
After payment of land revenue has been made,
the SA will determine what form of title to be

• Qualified Title; or
• Final Title
1. Procedure in the registration of title
The end product of alienation is land title. Maybe either
Qualified Title (QT) or Final Title (FT).It serves as evidence
of ownership. Land title bears only two particulars;
• who the proprietor is
• which land he owns
However a number of other particulars are included for
certain purposes, for example,
• the amount of annual rent (jumlah cukai tahunan)
• conditions and restriction (syarat2 dan sekatan)
are included to remind the proprietor what he has to do and
what he cannot do.
• QT : Land actual area & boundaries are still tentative,
• FT : Final survey has been done to determine exact area
& boundaries. The land can now be subdivided,
partitioned, amalgamated and subdivided buildings
erected thereon,
• Sec 78 NLC, land is still State land until a title has been
Qualified Title Final Title
Is registered after the proprietor has paid all Issued after a final survey of the area.
items of land revenue due upon approval of
It is issued before a final title . Survey is carried out by Survey Officer
appointed or by licensed
The actual area of land at the time of approval is Land have been measured, the boundary
provisional i.e; not definite and temporary (area stones have been given a reference
should as near may be with what is stated in the number and certified plan is available.
plan and description to which been approved.

Area may differ slightly after a final survey has Certified plan shows the boundaries of land,
been carried out. position of boundary marks, area and lot the
Proprietor is confers the same right as a FT A document of title enables its holder
except that it cannot be sub-divided, partitioned (possessor) to receive, retain, sell or otherwise
and amalgamated with any other land. dispose of the document and the goods or
property listed therein.

No building on the land can be subdivided/strata Land can now be subdivided, partitioned or
title cannot be issued. amalgamated and subdivided buildings erected
Proprietor has the power to lease, charge or Proprietor has the power to lease, charge or
transfer the land. transfer the land.
Dokumen Hakmilik
(Document Title)

Dokumen hakmilik adalah dokumen yang

membuktikan hak berdafter seseorang tuan
tanah. Ia mengandungi segala perkara dan
maklumat yang penting berkaitan dengan
tanah seperti nombor lot, keluasan, jenis
hakmilik, peringkat negeri/mukim, pelan tanah
dan lain-lain.
Ia adalah satu dokumen yang muktamad dan
tidak boleh disangkal seperti yang
diperuntukan di bawah sek 92. Ketidakboleh
sangkalan hak milik (indefeasibility of title)
terbukti berasaskan peruntukan undang-
undang Kanun Tanah Negara (sek 89 dan
Pada peringkat awal pendaftaran dibuat, terdapat 2 bentuk
dokumen hakmilik tanah yang boleh dikeluarkan di bawah
KTN iaitu (S.77(1) & (2));

a. Dokumen hakmilik muktamad/tetap

Dikeluarkan selepas kawasan sebenar dan sempadan
terperinci telah ditentukan dengan jelas.

b. Dokumen hakmilik sementara

Hakmilik ini diberikan secara sementara selepas
pemberimilikannya telah diluluskan oleh PBN sementara
menunggu proses pengukuran dan penyediaan pelan bagi
menentukan kawasan sebenar dan sempadan terperinci.






Matters to be determined upon approving
The followings are to be determined by the State Authority at the time
of approval:

• Area of land approved (keluasan tanah)

• Period/duration of alienation (tempuh pegangan tanah)
• Form of final title (jenis hakmilik)
• Form of qualified title (jenis hakmilik)
• Rent, rates determined according to sec. 80 (1) (kadar cukai tahunan)
• Premium, if any, (kadar premium tanah/jika dikenakan)
• Category of land use, and (kategori penggunaan tanah)
• Express conditions and restrictions in interests, if any
(syarat nyata dan sekatan kepentingan)
Sec 76 – alienation consists of:
• (a) term not exceeding 99 years; or
• (aa) perpetuity (forever);
• Payment of rent;
• Payment of premium;
• Subject to category of land use;
• Subject to condition and restriction in


Agriculture Building Industry

Land not subject to a category of land use. (SA will

NLC or No category normally attach conditions)
 residential purposes
 administrative or commercial purposes
 educational, medical, sanitary or other welfare facilities
 purposes of entertainment, refreshment or recreation etc

 factories
 workshop
 foundries
 warehouse
 dock, jetties, railways etc
Imposition of conditions and restrictions in interest
(Sec 120)

1. The state Authority may alienate land under this Act subject to
such express conditions and restrictions in interest.
2. The conditions and restrictions in interest to be imposed under
this section shall be determined by the State Authority at the
time when the land is approved for alienation.
3. Every condition or restriction in interest imposed shall be
endorsed on or referred to in the document of title to the

 Imposition by the State Authority of obligations relating to

the use of land for agricultural, building and industrial
 Section 5 : ‘condition” does not include any restriction in
 2 types of conditions:
o Express conditions
o Implied conditions
Expressed conditions are restrictions or conditions imposed by
the State Authority in order to control the proper usage of land and
are written on the document of title.
(Syarat nyata ialah arahan atau larangan yang dikenakan oleh PBN ke atas sesuatu tanah
bagi maksud mengawal penggunaannya dan ditulis dalam hakmilik.)

Examples of expressed conditions are;

a. The alienated land shall only be constructed with a single dwelling,

b. The alienated land shall not be planted with or be allowed to grow with rubber
All land is subjected to the expressed conditions that are
endorsed on the document file. Any breach on the
expressed conditions will result in the ownership of land
to be terminated. Expressed conditions may be
amended or rescind on application by the proprietor.
(Semua tanah adalah tertakluk kepada syarat nyata yang tercatat di dalam
dokumen hakmiliknya. Perlanggaran mana-mana syarat nyata boleh
mengakibatkan tanah dilucuthak. Syarat nyata boleh dipinda atau dimansuhkan
atas permohonan tuan tanah.)

Implied conditions are also restrictions on land use. The difference are;

a. Are not stated on the document of title, they are only written in the
b. Are not imposed by the State Authority but are merely the
requirements of law,
c. Cannot be amended or nullify except by amending or nullifying the

Any breach on the implied conditions will also result in the ownership of
land be terminated.
(Perlanggaran syarat tetap boleh menyebabkan tanah dilucuthak. Syarat-syarat tetap terkandung
dalam KTN adalah di bawah sek 114 hingga sek 119).
Express Conditions Implied Conditions

Restrictions or conditions imposed by the State Restrictions on land use but they are written in
Authority the law
Written on the document of title; Examples of Implied conditions with regard to
e.g: boundary marks are;
a) The alienated land shall only be a) The proprietor must take steps to prevent
constructed with a single dwelling. damage, destruction or unlawful removal of
b) The alienated land shall not be planted the boundary marks.
with or be allowed to grow with rubber b) The proprietor must give immediate notice
trees. as to the location of the land to the land
c) “Paddy” Administrator or Penghulu should the above

More specific in nature such that a particular More general in nature.

land proprietor is only subject to the expressed e.g; All land proprietor must look after their
conditions written in his title but not to the boundary marks well.
expressed conditions written on someone else’s This applies to all land proprietors in the
title. Peninsular Malaysia.

May vary from one land to another even though Implied conditions in the same category of land
they are in the same category. are the same and does not vary from land to
e.g; Land A must be planted with rubber land.
while Land B must be planted with e.g; Land under agriculture category must
paddy only build one dwelling for the
proprietor or occupants of the land.
May be amended or rescind on application by Cannot be amended or nullify except by

 Restrictions in interests are restrictions or limitations on

the rights of proprietors that are imposed in order to
guard the interests in land.
(Sekatan kepentingan ialah batasan atau sekatan ke atas hak-hak tuan tanah bagi maksud
mengawal kepentingan).

 In other words, a restriction in interest restricts the power

of the registered proprietor to deal with his land.
(Sec 5 – “condition” does not include any restriction in interest)

 Section 120 : SA may impose restriction in interest.


For example ;
“The alienated land cannot be transferred, given tenancy or charged
except with a written consent from the State Authority”

All land is subjected to the restrictions of interests that are stated

in the document of title. Restrictions in interests may be imposed,
amended or rescinded.
(Semua tanah adalah tertakluk kepada sekatan kepentingan yang tercatat dalam dokumen
hakmiliknya. Sekatan kepentingan boleh dikenakan, dipinda atau dimansuhkan)

The proprietor enjoys the following benefits on the land:

1. the right to transfer, lease, give tenancies, charge and lien

and give easements on the land,

2. the right to sub-divide, partition or amalgamate the land

(true to final title holder only),

o A process the breaking up of an alienated land held under

a final title;
o Held under a single title into 2 or more portions;
o Each land to be held by the same proprietor or co-
o Upon completion of the subdivision, portions will be held
under separate titles.

o Involves the dividing of land into portions;

o Each co-proprietor has a separate title to that

What is amalgamation?

o Involves the combination of two or more

contiguous/adjoining lots of alienated land;
o The lands are under separate titles;
o When combined, the land will be held under
single title.
3. the right to sub-divide any building on the land (true to final
title holder only),
4. the rights to surrender the whole or some parts the alienated
land to the state,
5. the rights to alter the land use category, rescind or alter any
express condition or restriction in interest endorsed on the
document of title,
6. the right to hand down the land ownership to the successors
upon his death by virtue of a will,
7. the exclusive use and enjoyment of the air space above the
land and land below the surface, as is reasonably
necessary to the lawful use and enjoyment of the land,
8. the right to support the land in its natural state by any
adjacent land, and all other natural rights subsisting thereof,
(pengekalan atas tanah dalam keadaan aslinya oleh mana- mana tanah di
sebelah dan hak asli lain yang sedia ada di atas tanah itu)

9. rights of access to foreshore, river or public access.

(di mana tanah itu bersempadan dengan perhentian awam cthnya tepi pantai
atau sungai, stesen keretapi atau jalan awam, berhak kepada jalan keluar
masuk ke situ – tanah dianggap sebagai bersempadan dengan perhentian
awam meskipun terpisah oleh tanah Kerajaan atau tanah rizab yang ada
hubungannya dengan perhentian awam tersebut).
Alienated land may revert to and vest in the State Authority
under the following circumstances:

1. upon the expiry of the term specified in the document

of title,
2. upon the forfeiture of the land by land administrator on
the grounds of non-payment of rent or breach of
3. upon the death of a proprietor without successors,

4. upon abandonment of title by proprietors ( ie. the proprietor

is not in effective occupation of the land and has not for the
past seven years, done any act or thing evidencing his title

5. where the shore line or the bed of any river advances so as

to encroach on the alienated land,

6. where the proprietor surrenders the whole or some parts of

the land the state authority.

• A land title serves as an evidence of ownership.

• It can be in the form of Final Title and Qualified Title [(sec
• SA will determine what forms of final title to be issued (look at
the type of land);
• Final title can be either Registry or Land Office Title.
o Registry Title – Sec 77(3)(a)
o Land Office Title – Sec 77(3)(b)
o Registry titles are registered by the Registrar of Titles
o Land Office Title are registered by the Land Administrator

Sec.84 – RDT and IDT

• After SA has determine whether land falls under

Registry Title or Land Office Title, SA proceed to
prepare 2 forms of document title.
• RDT – Register Document Title
• IDT – Issue Document Title
Final Title comprises of :-
a. Registry Document Title (RDT)/ Land Office Title
Hakmilik Daftar/Pejabat Tanah)
 Registered by the Registrar of Title in the Registry of
 Available to the public

b. Issue Document Title (Hakmilik Dokumen Keluaran)

 Registered by the Land Administator at the Land Office
 Kept by the registered proprietor
 Evidence of ownership
Hakmilik Tetap terbahagi kepada 2 mengikut S 77(3) iaitu;

a. Hakmilik Pejabat Pendaftaran – iaitu hakmilik yang dibuat melalui

Pejabat Pengarah Tanah dan Galian di peringkat negeri.

Hakmilik jenis ini adalah untuk;

i. Tanah Bandar
ii. Tanah Pekan
iii. Lot tanah desa melebihi 4 hektar
iv. Bahagian pinggir laut atau dasar laut

b. Hakmilik Pejabat Tanah – iaitu hakmilik yang dibuat melalui Pejabat

Tanah di peringkat daerah.

Hakmilik jenis ini adalah untuk;

i. mana-mana lot tanah desa yang tidak melebihi 4 hektar
tertakluk kepada ketetapan PBN
Dokumen Hakmilik terdiri daripada empat jenis iaitu;

a. ‘Geran Negeri’ di bawah Borang 5B iaitu bagi tanah

pegangan kekal di bawah hakmilik Pejabat
b. ‘Pajakan Negeri’ di bawah Borang 5C iaitu bagi tanah
pegangan sementara di bawah hakmilik Pejabat
c. ‘Geran Mukim’ di bawah Borang 5D iaitu tanah
pegangan kekal di bawah hakmilik Pejabat Tanah
d. ‘Pajakan Mukim’ di bawah Borang 5E iaitu bagi tanah
pegangan sementara di bawah hakmilik Pejabat Tanah

Registry Title Land Office Title

State Grant State Lease Mukim Grant Mukim Lease

(Form 5B) (Form 5C) (Form 5D) (Form 5E)
Register Register Register Register
Document Document Document Document
Title Title Title Title
(In perpetuity) (term of years) (In perpetuity) (term of years)
Hakmilik Tetap Pejabat Pendaftar

Terdiri dari dua dokumen iaitu DHD dan DHK.

a. Geran Negeri (State Grant - Borang 5B)
b. Pajakan Negeri (State Lease - Borang 5C)

Geran Negeri dikeluarkan untuk tanah yang diberimilik


Pajakan Negeri bagi tanah yang diberimilik bagi satu

tempoh beberapa tahun.

DHD (RDT) adalah salinan kepada DHK(IDT) dan kedua-

duanya hendaklah mengandungi pelan tanah yang telah
Hakmilik Tetap Pejabat Tanah

Terdiri dari dua dokumen iaitu Dokumen Hakmilik Daftar dan

Dokumen Hakmilik Keluaran.
a. Geran Mukim (Mukim Grant – Borang 5D)
b. Pajakan Mukim (Mukim Lease – Borang 5E)

Geran Mukim ialah untuk tanah diberimilik selama-lamanya dan

disimpan di Pejabat Tanah.

Pajakan Mukim untuk tanah yang diberimilik bagi tempoh

beberapa tahun dan disimpan di Pejabat Tanah..
Registry Titles Land Office Titles
 Registered by Registrar of title  Registered by land Administrator
(District Offices)
 Land matters of Director of Lands  Land matters at land Office
and mines office
 One office for each state located of  One Land office for each district
the capital city of the state
 Town/village land > 4 ha, foreshore  Country land < 4 hectare
@ seabed
 Also, any country land that State
authority feels should be under
Registrar of title
Four (4) types of land titles

Final Registry Titles Final Land Office Titles

- State Grant (land alienated - Mukim Grant (perpetuity)
in perpetuity) - Mukim Lease (period of
- State Lease ( a period of years)

Qualified Title Qualified Title

corresponding to Corresponding to Land
Registry Titles – QT ( R ) Office Titles – QT ( M )
Form 11 A Form 11B
Tukar Syarat
Sek 124 menerangkan bahawa mana-mana tuan tanah
boleh memohon kepada PBN untuk ;

a. Meminda jenis penggunaan tanah

b. Mengenakan jenis kegunaan tanah
c. Membatalkan syarat nyata
d. Membatalkan ungkapan “Padi”, “Getah”, atau
“Kampung” dsbnya
e. Meminda syarat nyata
f. Mengenakan syarat nyata baru
g. Membatalkan sekatan kepentingan
h. Meminda sekatan kepentingan
i. Mengenakan sekatan kepentingan

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