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CHAPTER 1: Communication in a Global Workplace Environment

1.___Communication__ is defined as "the transmission of information and meaning from one individual or
group to another."
2.In the communication process, __encoding__ means converting an idea into words or gestures that will convey
3.When you decide the spoken or written means by which you will send a message, you have selected the
__channel__ of communication.
4.When the receiver translates the message from its symbol form into meaning, it is known as _decoding_.
5.The verbal and nonverbal responses of the receiver create _feedback__, a vital part of the entire
communication process that helps the sender know that the message was received and understood.
6._Nonverbal__ cues include eye contact, facial expression, body movements, space, time, territory, and
7.According to a model developed by cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall, _context_ refers to the stimuli,
environment, or ambience surrounding an event and is arranged on a continuum from low to high.
8.The belief in the superiority of one's own culture is known as __ethnocentrism__. This natural attitude is found
in all cultures
9.An oversimplified perception of a behavior pattern or characteristic applied to entire groups is a(n)
10._Tolerance__ means learning about beliefs and practices different from our own and appreciating them. One
of the best ways to develop this trait is to practice empathy.
CHAPTER 2: Planning Business Messages
1.During the _prewriting_ phase of the writing process, the writer analyzes the audience and the purpose for
2.Sam is collecting and organizing information for a marketing report he is writing. Sam is involved in the
second phase of the writing process, which is the _drafting_ phase.
3.Catherine is proofreading her cover letter and résumé for accuracy before e-mailing them to a prospective
employer. She is in the third phase of the writing process, which is the _revising_ phase.
4.An interesting theory called _Media_ richness describes the extent to which a channel or medium recreates or
represents all the information available in the original message.
5.The channel of choice for corporate communicators today is clearly ____________________.
6._Adaptation__ is the process of creating a message that suits your audience. One important aspect of this
process is tone.
7.Conveyed largely by the words in a message, __ affects how a receiver feels after reading or hearing a

8.Theresa has emphasized second-person pronouns (you, your) instead of first-person pronouns (I/we, us, our) in
a letter to a customer. She is using the _"you"_ view.
9.____ describes technical or specialized terms within a field.

CHAPTER 3: Composing Business Messages

1.Tanya is collecting information for a business document she is writing. We call this collection process
2.Long reports and complex business problems generally require some use of __formal_ research methods.
3.Looking in the files and talking with your boss are methods of __informal__ research.
4.In the frontloading_ pattern of organization, the main idea comes first, followed by details, an explanation, or
5.Persuasive and bad-news messages should usually use the _indirect_ pattern.
6.A(n) _compound-complex_ sentence contains an independent clause (a complete thought) and a dependent
clause (a thought that cannot stand by itself).
7.The refund authorization was processed by our customer service representative is an example of a sentence
using the _passive_ voice.
8.A dangling _modifier_ results when the word or phrase the modifier describes is missing from its sentence.
9.A(n) _paragraph_ is a group of sentences about one idea.
10.Before and meanwhile are examples of transitional expressions that show _time_ association.

CHAPTER 5: Electronic Messages and Digital Media

1. _E-mail_ messages tend to carry more weight, are more formal, and are taken more seriously in certain
2. In the __ of an e-mail message, you should cover just one topic.
3. Sending unsolicited advertisements, also called ____, either by fax or e-mail is illegal in the United States.
4. A(n) __podcast__ is a digital audio or video file that can be downloaded to a computer or watched on a
5. An e-mail message should include a descriptive ____________________ to help ensure that the message will
be read.
6. To, From, Date, and Subject in an e-mail message or a memo are called _guide__ words.
7. Unless your company specifically allows it, never use your employer's computers for ____________________
messages or entertainment.
8. Although e-mail is still a relatively new business communication tool, a set of rules for polite online
interaction called _netiquette_ has emerged.
9. _Instant_ messaging enables you to use the Internet to communicate in real time in a private chat room with
one or more individuals. It is like live e-mail or a text telephone call.
10.Teams or departments use __ to collect and disseminate information to large audiences creating a database for
knowledge management.


1. Business ____________________ are systematic attempts to convey information, answer questions, and
solve problems.
2. In a report using the ____________________ organizational pattern, the problem, discussion, and
findings are presented before the conclusions and recommendations.
3. Use ____________________ format for short (usually eight or fewer pages) informal reports addressed
outside an organization.
4. Use Empowered Team Decision-Making Without Losing Control is an example of a(n)
____________________ heading.
5. A distinct type of information report is the ____________________ report. In this type of report, business
travelers identify the event they attended or the company they visited; summarize three to five main
points objectively; and, if requested, itemize their expenses on a separate sheet.
6. The purpose of a(n)____________________ report is used to tell management whether a nonroutine
project is on schedule.
7. ____________________ or recommendation reports attempt to solve problems by evaluating options and
offering recommendations.
8. A(n) ____________________ condenses the primary ideas, conclusions, and recommendations of a
longer report or publication.
9. When a company must decide whether to proceed with a plan of action, it may require a(n)
____________________ report.
10. ____________________ are a record of the proceedings of a meeting.


1. The planning of every report begins with a statement of ____________________ that describes the goal,
significance, and limitations of a formal report.
2. A(n) ____________________ is a collection of information stored electronically so that it is accessible
by computer and digitally searchable.
3. A(n) ____________________ tool is a service such as Google that indexes, organizes, and often rates and
reviews Web pages.
4. An online diary or journal that allows visitors to leave public comments is called a weblog or
5. ____________________ is giving credit to your information sources.
6. Business reports often rely on ____________________ data from firsthand experience such as surveys,
interviews, observations, and experimentations.
7. Using the ideas of someone else without giving credit is called ____________________ and is unethical.


1. ____________________ analysis issues include size, age, gender, experience, and professional
2. You should capture listeners' attention, introduce yourself, establish your credibility, and preview your
topic in the ____________________ of your presentation.
3. Develop each of your main points in the ____________________ of your presentation.
4. In the ____________________ of your presentation, you should summarize your main themes and leave
the audience with something memorable.
5. A comparison of similar traits between dissimilar items, such as Turning the course of this economic
downturn has been like stopping an avalanche; it's possible, but very, very difficult, is a(n)
6. Help your audience recognize the organization and main points in an oral message with
____________________ signposts that keep listeners on track.
7. ____________________ points in a PowerPoint presentation consist of concise and parallel key phrases.
8. To ensure professional results for your multimedia presentation, choose a professionally designed
____________________ that will combine harmonious colors, borders, bullet styles, and fonts for
pleasing visual effects.
9. After delivering their presentations, businesspeople often post their multimedia shows online because
attendees appreciate these ____________________ handouts.
10. ____________________ delivery means speaking freely, generally without notes, after preparation and
rehearsing. This delivery method allows you to freely discuss the ideas you have prepared and rehearsed
several times.


1. ____________________ accounts for most of the jobs found by candidates.

2. A résumé that focuses on a candidate's skills rather than on past employment has been prepared using the
____________________ style.
3. A résumé that lists work history job by job, starting with the most recent position, has been prepared
using the ____________________ style.
4. Seeking a position in criminalistics in a professional crime laboratory where my skills in operating lab
and field equipment, knowledge of the procedures to protect evidence, and six years' experience
analyzing physical evidence will help the organization prevent crime and convict criminals is an example
of a caree
5. A(n) ____________________ of qualifications, which presents three to eight bulleted statements
identifying your most impressive accomplishments to prove you are the ideal candidate for the position,
appears near the top of your résumé.
6. A(n) ____________________ résumé should be sent to companies that use automated applicant-tracking
software to screen incoming résumés.
7. An e-____________________ offers links to examples of a job candidate's performance, talents, and
accomplishments in digitized form.
8. When an employer has advertised a job opening, you will write a(n) ____________________ application
9. In the ____________________ of your application letter, you should promote your qualifications for the
10. Motivate action by requesting an interview in the ____________________ of your application letter.


1. Many companies now use ____________________ interviews to save time and money by eliminating
less-qualified candidates before scheduling face-to-face interviews.
2. A(n) ____________________ interview is meant to test a candidate's reactions during nerve-racking
3. ____________________ interviews are typically conducted by a group of people who will be your
supervisors and colleagues. Usually seated around a table, interviewers may take turns asking questions.
4. To feel confident and to sell your qualifications, you should prepare and practice
____________________ stories that provide specific examples of your educational and work-related
experience to showcase your qualifications and achievements.
5. Examples of positive ____________________ messages for the interview process include arriving on
time, dressing professionally, controlling your body movements, exhibiting good posture, using
appropriate eye contact, smiling appropriately, and listening attentively.
6. To test your thought processes and ability to think logically, interviewers describe a hypothetical scenario
and ask you how you would handle it using ____________________ questions.
7. Your interviewer says to you Describe a time when... or Tell me about a time when... These phrases are
openings for a(n) ____________________ question.
8. To provide the best possible recommendation of you to a potential employer, your
____________________ need information about the company and position.
9. Some job candidates who are declining a job offer choose to write a(n) ____________________ letter to
thank the employer for the job offer and to formally refuse the position.
10. You should write a formal ____________________ letter to confirm the exact date you will terminate
your employment when it is a position you have held for an extended period.

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