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1. Match the words together to get the collocations. Then, translate them
into Ukrainian. 1 point (7 min)
A B Ukrainian translation
1. to suggest a) a market
2. to raise b) a product range
3. to make c) needs
4. to reduce d) an award
5. to enter e) software
6. to win f) idea
7. to meet g) wastes
8. to fill h) a search
9. to take advantage i) status
of conduct j) a gap extend k) idea develop l) a breakthrough

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct collocations. 2 points ( 10 min)

dispenses, enormous interest, installed, endless possibilities, fascinating,

attraction, vending machine, local government funds.

The 1)________________ is a very clever idea. It 2)__________ small

plants and flowers, 24 hours a day. You can find these machines in many
places in Japan, for example, at train stations and in shopping centres.
The new machine was created by a company called Power Plant. They
3)___________the first one in 2009 and it immediately created
4)____________. The company now has about 50 machines in different
locations around Tokyo and they are planning to put more in other cities.
There are 5)_____________with this idea. Now, customers can choose from
about 30 different plants and flowers. The most popular are roses,
sunflowers, and tulips. But in the future, you will be able to buy all kinds of
things from these machines, such as seeds, trees and even tiny gardens for
your home! This is a 6)____________product and I'm sure that it will be a
great success. In fact, Power Plant has already received
7)_______________to help develop it. It can surely become one of the most
famous tourist 8)________ .
3. Choose the right definition for the following words: 1 point (7 min)

1. fail to take advantage of a chance or possibility
2. to earn or generate income or profit
3. a public display or show of art, products, or other items of interest
4. to increase the cost or value of a product or service
5. to be fired or dismissed from a job
6. an automated device that dispenses items such as snacks, beverages,
or tickets when money is inserted
7. to introduce and make available a new item or service for sale
8. to organize and conduct a gathering of people for discussion or
decision-making purposes

a. to get the sack
b. exhibition
c. to launch a product
d. miss an opportunity
e. make money
f. hold a meeting
g. raise a price
h. vending machine

4. Choose the right answer. 1 point (7 min)

1. One of my colleagues usually thinks ____ many ideas for our new project.
(about, of, off)
2. The new vending machine will go ____ sale tomorrow. (on, off, to)
3. They installed solar panels _______ the world to provide clean energy.
(in, about, around)
4. Can you come up ______ a good idea for our class party? (-, with, in)
5. The CEO decided to step down ______ the leader of the company.
(as, -, from)
6. As demand increases, prices go ____ in the market. (down, up, -)
7. The sales team will negotiate _____ potential clients to secure the deal.
(about, against, with, -)
8. She wants to work _____ a big company and have a stable job.
(as, to, for)
9. It takes time for some people to catch ____ to new ideas. (on, with, for)
5. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb (Past Simple or Past
Continuous) from the options provided: 2 points (10 min)

1. Last night, while I (work) ______________ on the project, the power (go)
______________ out.
2. Sarah (have) ______________ a meeting when the client (call)
3. The team (finish) ______________ the presentation just before the
conference (start) ______________.
4. We (not, expect) ______________ the supplier to deliver the goods so late.
5. While I (check) ______________ my emails, my manager (walk)
______________ into the office.
6. While the manager ____________ (give) a presentation, the employees
____________ (listen) attentively.
7. The team ____________ (complete) the project on time, which led to an
increase in sales.
8. During the meeting, the CEO ____________ (discuss) the company's future
plans, which ____________ (make) the employees happy.
9. The market changes ____________ (affect) the company.
10.When the sales team ____________ (meet) with the client, they
____________ (negotiate) a deal.

6. Reading Comprehension. Read the text and do the following tasks: 2 point
(20 min)


I've always had a lot of business ideas. Some have been good, some haven't,
and I've never actually started a business until now. But now I'm in the market
with my first product - the iBag. It's so new that it doesn't even have a website
yet, but we're working on that. So how did I get here?
Well, I used to be a computer programmer, but I got the sack. Then I was
unemployed for about a year. I didn't really know what to do with myself. I
went to an art exhibition and there was a woman there who made bags from
old CDs. She was selling them for 20 euros each. I couldn't believe it! I
thought 'I could make one of those'. So, I went home and made one. I took it to
work and showed it to my friends. They all wanted one. That was when I had
the idea for the iBag.
I knew I needed money to start the business, so I went to the bank to ask for a
loan. They said no. Then I went to see a friend of mine who works in
advertising. He liked the idea, so he asked his boss if they wanted to invest in
the company. The boss said yes and gave us 100,000 euros. We used that
money to launch our first product, the iBag.
The first time we sold the iBag was at a trade exhibition in Paris. We sold 500
bags in three days. After that, lots of shops wanted to sell our bags. Now we
sell them in five countries. They cost 100 euros each, and they're very popular.
We're going to sell them in ten more countries next year.
Of course, I'm very happy with the success of the iBag, but I think I missed an
opportunity. If I had registered the name iBag as a trademark, I could have
sold it to Apple for a lot of money. Now they want to use the name for one of
their products, and there's nothing I can do about it.
So, what advice would I give to people who want to start their own business?
Well, I think it's important to believe in your idea. If you don't, nobody else
will. And be prepared to work very hard. I work 16 hours a day, seven days a
week. But most importantly, if you get the chance, take it. You never know
what might happen.

Decide if these tatements are True or False:

1. The iBag is the first business idea the author has had.
2. The iBag is made from old CDs.
3. The author got the idea for the iBag after seeing a woman selling bags at an
art exhibition.
4. The author received a loan from the bank to start the business.
5. The author's friend who works in advertising invested in the company.
6. The iBag was first sold at a trade fair in London.
7. The iBag is currently sold in five countries.
8. The iBag costs 50 euros each.
9. The author regrets not registering the name iBag as a trademark.
10. Apple wants to use the name iBag for one of their products.

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