Key Learnings and Takeaways

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Maximizing Happiness – Reflection Paper

Name: Aravind Gogada

ID: EMBA23003

Key Learnings and Takeaways:

I gained valuable insights into different perspectives on happiness through this course.
The significance of values and the impact of habits were highlighted. I learned that
developing a habit requires consistent and persistent effort until it becomes a part of your
character. There should be no exceptions or relaxation of effort until the habit is firmly
established. Challenges make our lives interesting, and overcoming them is what gives our
lives meaning. Stress is not what happens to us, but rather our response to what happens and
we have the power to choose our response. Lastly, faith encompasses truth and enlightens our
The course helped me adopt a positive and proactive approach. By understanding my
emotions and learning healthy ways to express them, I have been able to improve my
emotional regulation. Also, I regularised my habit of running which we took up as a habit
challenge during class and it is being continued now.

Defining Moments:
Although I have never faced significant setbacks in my life, I have always tried to
approach every situation as a challenge. However, one thing I regret is not being able to crack
the medical entrance exam after my 12th grade. While it was a painful experience, it allowed
me to explore other career paths and discover new growth opportunities. I pursued a degree in
Food Processing Technology after that and have worked for two major MNCs. Currently, I
am pursuing an Executive MBA as part of my career progression.

In approaching life's moments, I would incorporate the lessons learned from the
course by first recognizing the significance of values and the impact of habits. I would strive
to align my actions with my core values and work towards developing positive habits that
reflect those values. When faced with challenges, I would remind myself that overcoming
them is what gives my life meaning and approach them with resilience and determination.

In moments of stress, I would remember that stress is not what happens to me, but my
response to what happens. I would strive to choose a positive and proactive response, seeking
solutions and maintaining a sense of perspective. Additionally, I would embrace faith as a
guiding force that encompasses truth and enlightens my life, providing me with strength and
guidance during difficult times.

Overall, I would approach life's moments with a greater sense of purpose, resilience,
and mindfulness, drawing on the lessons learned from the course to navigate challenges and
embrace opportunities for growth and fulfilment. Empathy, Faith and Seva will be major key
takeaways that I will try to incorporate into my life as well.
Agenda for the Future

I aim to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of values, habits, resilience,

and faith. This understanding has helped me envision a future where I am more conscious of
aligning my actions with my values, developing positive habits, and approaching challenges
with resilience and faith.

I have decided to incorporate mindfulness into my daily routine. Mindfulness has

been proven to help manage stress, make better decisions, and promote overall well-being. To
achieve this, I will set aside time for meditation, practice deep breathing exercises, and try to
be more present in the moment. I believe that this will not only enhance my daily life but also
contribute to my long-term goal of a more balanced and fulfilling future.

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