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Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

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Review article

A review of the supercritical CO2 fluid applications for improved oil and gas
production and associated carbon storage
Siddhant Kumar Prasad a, Jitendra S. Sangwai b, Hun-Soo Byun a, *
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Chonnam National University, Yeosu, Jeonnam 59626, South Korea
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600 036, India


Keywords: Supercritical fluids find use in various areas in oil and gas production operations due to their unique properties.
Sc-CO2 mobility control Supercritical CO2 (sc-CO2) with its reduced viscosity, increased diffusivity, and liquid like density, is attractive
CO2 storage for enhanced hydrocarbon recovery, shale gas fracturing and drilling (especially in underbalanced condition).
Enhanced oil recovery
Apart from enhanced hydrocarbon recovery CO2 injection is also desirable due to associated CO2 storage through
various trapping mechanisms. CO2-EOR/EGR and storage processes are affected by coupled geochemical, pet­
Supercritical fluids
rophysical and geomechanical alterations due interaction of sc-CO2 with reservoir rock/fluids Along with
diffusion/dispersion of sc-CO2 in the fluid filled pore spaces. CO2-monitoring combined with lifecycle analysis
can help to ensure safety and optimize the CO2-EOR/storage project, considering the environment. However,
many technical, financial and policy challenges need to be overcome to realize the success of the CO2-EOR/
storage project and achieve carbon neutrality. This review paper discusses such challenges, the current miti­
gation practice, gaps and future direction of research. This holistic review would help gain insights into the sc-
CO2-EOR/storage mechanisms, selection criteria, various limitations, mitigation and optimizations while
applying the method for unconventional reservoirs with heterogeneity and varying fluid properties.

1. Introduction total oil in place (TOIP). After the decline in production due to insuffi­
cient pressure, secondary recovery methods are adopted, including
The oil and gas industry has a significantly influence on the global water and gas injection into the reservoir to augment production. During
economy. Fossil fuels are the world’s primary source of energy genera­ the secondary recovery, ~< 60% of the TOIP is recovered. However,
tion. The data on energy consumption suggests that the total global some amount of oil is still left in the reservoir after the secondary re­
energy consumption was 564.01 × 1018 J as of 2020, which increased to covery, which is the target of the tertiary or enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
595.15 × 1018 J in 2021 [1]. Out of the total energy consumption, fossil method [3–6]. Depending on the method, the EOR increases the oil re­
fuels have contributed almost ~82% of the total demand during the covery by either targeting the sweep efficiency or displacement effi­
2020–2021. Crude oil and natural gas consumption stood at ~55% of ciency, or both [3,6]. The polymer flooding method is a type of
the world energy consumption or ~312.09 × 1018 J during this period. chemical-enhanced oil recovery that targets the macroscopic sweep ef­
Petroleum products are present in nearly everything that people require ficiency to increase the oil recovery [3,7,8]. CO2 flooding is mainly
in their daily lives. For example, electricity generation, feedstocks for implemented to target the miscible displacement, though it can also be
chemicals, plastics, heating, asphalt for the construction of roads, and used for immiscible flooding for medium to heavy crude oil. Being
synthetic materials. Thus, rising energy demands have forced the oil and highly soluble in oil, CO2 swells the crude oil and reduces its viscosity
gas industry to increase their production. and density, which, combined with the miscibility effects, enhance
Initially, the primary production commences from the reservoir due displacement efficiency and oil recovery [3]. CO2 can also be injected
to its internal energy [2]. This internal energy consists of dissolved gas into the reservoir in a supercritical state (above the critical point of P =
and gas cap expansion, encroachment of the aquifer, gravity drainage or 7.38 MPa and T = 304 K) for increasing oil and gas recovery. In its su­
a combination, and maintaining the reservoir pressure sufficiently high percritical state, CO2 has a density comparable to liquid, low viscosity,
enough for production [3]. The recovery is roughly up to < 30% of the and higher diffusivity [9,10], resulting in easy penetration in the pore

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H.-S. Byun).
Received 10 January 2023; Received in revised form 12 March 2023; Accepted 15 April 2023
Available online 22 April 2023
2212-9820/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

spaces and enhanced oil recovery. Apart from tertiary oil recovery, CO2 areas in upstream oil and gas production operations. EOR methods and
also finds its use in well-stimulation techniques, specifically fracturing, carbon dioxide sequestration have attracted a majority of research focus
to recover shale gas from tight or low permeability reservoirs [11,12]. compared to drilling and hydraulic fracturing. Vital CO2-EOR aspects,
Although, using CO2 as a fracturing fluid increases the fracture including minimum miscibility pressure (MMP), reservoir rock and
complexity and improves the oil recovery, it has a poor proppant car­ crude oil interactions with supercritical fluid, and its association with
rying capacity due to lower viscosity which restricts its use [11,12]. carbon sequestration, have been segregated to emphasize the research
Increased fossil fuel production by using EOR methods and well focus of those publications. These, and other vital aspects such as CO2
stimulation has also contributed to increased levels of CO2 in the at­ mobility, and gravity segregation, need careful consideration while
mosphere due to exponential anthropogenic emissions. According to a injecting CO2 into the reservoir to displace the residual oil.
report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the average annual The MMP is an important criterion while designing the CO2 flooding
atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased to ~412.5 ppm in 2020 program. The CO2 miscible flooding is generally superior to immiscible
[13], which is attributed to CO2 emissions of up to ~31.5 billion tonnes, flooding for recovering light and medium crude oil. MMP needs to be
with a growth rate of ~5% during 2021. Increased emissions of CO2 and reduced if it is higher than the reservoir pressure or due to constraints in
other greenhouse gases have led to an increase in global warming, and the development technology and reservoir fluid properties [15]. MMP
the threshold of 1.5 ◦ C is about to be crossed before 2030. Even with also depends on the critical properties of the injected fluid and density
aggressive CO2 reduction measures, this dangerously increased global variation with reservoir temperature[16]. Depending on the reservoir
temperature might take the next 80 years or more to limit to 1.5 ◦ C [14]. characteristics and fluid properties, various methods are used to lower
Thus, efforts are being made globally, to restrict carbon emissions, the MMP, including supercritical CO2 microemulsion, CO2-philic sur­
which are being fuelled by a massive dependency on fossil fuels. sc-CO2 factants, and solvents. Higher mobility of the displacing fluid and
injection and fracturing are attractive ways to increase oil and gas gravity differences with reservoir fluid will lead to early breakthroughs
production (tertiary oil recovery) while simultaneously reducing CO2 and lower sweep efficiency. Thickeners can be used to increase the
levels in the atmosphere through sequestration. Fig. 1a shows the sc-CO2 viscosity thereby reducing its mobility [17,18]. Many different
number of publications regarding supercritical fluids used for EOR. The thickeners, such as polymers, oligomers, and surfactants (cationic,
data were obtained from Scopus using the keyword “supercritical fluids” anionic, non-ionic, zwitterionic, and tailor made) have been investi­
under “enhanced oil recovery” starting from 1981. Unrelated publica­ gated for this purpose. While developing a suitable thickener for sc-CO2,
tions were filtered out from the obtained results. It is visible from the reservoir and fluid properties (higher temperature and brine salinity),
figure that the research towards integrating supercritical fluids in economic and environmental aspects must also be kept in mind. Com­
improving oil/gas production and carbon sequestration has increased puter simulation plays a vital role in investigating intermolecular forces
significantly over the years and is now being actively pursued. A glance between the thickeners and sc-CO2 at molecular level, thereby selecting
at Fig. 1b shows the categorization of these publications into various an appropriate strategy for selecting and developing CO2 thickeners.
The supercritical fluid interaction with reservoir rocks and fluids
affect the geochemistry, petrophysics (porosity, permeability, and
wettability), and geomechanical properties (including fracture tough­
ness, Young’s modulus and compressive strength). Also, stress distri­
bution can occur during gas injection, due to temperature, pore pressure
changes apart from asphaltene precipitation (injectivity loss). Thus,
geochemical, petrophysical, and geochemical alterations are vital for
CO2-EOR and storage projects [19–28]. sc-CO2 exposure leads to min­
eral dissolution and precipitation in the porous media, altering petro­
physical properties and hydrocarbon recovery [29]. Other factors such
as saturation, injected fluid solubility, compressibility and gravity
segregation need to be accounted. Supercritical fluid exposure changes
the crude oil composition due to miscibility and dissolution of non-polar
and polar compounds. In addition, swelling and viscosity reduction
occurs, increasing the recovery efficiency. However, formation damage
might happen due to the compositional change and precipitation of
certain fractions of the crude oil (heavy and polar asphaltenes). Geo­
mechanical properties are affected by precipitation of minerals and
creation of flow channels, risking rock failure and CO2 leakage. Het­
erogeneity and anisotropy (especially for fractured carbonates) lead
storage sites to vary from one another. Typical timescales vary from few
decades for CO2 injection for both EOR and storage to few centuries or
near permanent for storage process. Injecting CO2 is also attractive to
develop shale gas reservoirs due to combined benefits of enhanced gas
recovery (EGR) and CO2 sequestration (higher CO2 adsorption
compared to CH4)[30]. Additionally, compared to hydraulic fracturing.
it avoids the clay swelling in shales, and enhances hydrocarbon recovery
due to complex sinuous fractures while reducing the risk of formation
fracture. Equally vital for CO2-EOR/storage and gas recovery are the
diffusion and dispersion mechanisms of CO2 upon injection [31–34]. For
low porosity and permeability tight formations such as fractured shales,
the diffusion of CO2 into the matrix (concentration gradient between oil
and CO2) is dominant mechanism whereas convection dominates for
Fig. 1. (a) Publications regarding sc-CO2 fluids in enhanced oil recovery; (b) higher permeability or conventional reservoirs[35]. CO2 diffusivity is
Publications in various areas in upstream oil and gas production involving sc- affected positively by the pressure, temperature, porosity, permeability,
CO2 fluids. and oil saturation whereas brine salinity affects it adversely [33,36].

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

Various mathematical and empirical models have been developed in this 2. Improved oil and gas recovery with sc-CO2 fluid
regard. Further research is ongoing to reliably predict the diffusion co­
efficient of CO2 in the reservoir fluids as its dispersivity is highly scale 2.1. Application of sc-CO2 in EOR methods
and heterogeneity dependent [16].
Field applications, monitoring technologies and life cycle analyses CO2 injection into the reservoir is widely seen as one of the promising
play a very indispensable role in the feasibility, safety, and commercial ways to increase the ultimate oil recovery from the reservoir while
success any CO2-EOR/storage project. While monitoring techniques simultaneously sequestering the atmospheric CO2 [37]. As stated earlier,
such as 4D seismic provide information about CO2 migration, saturation a reduction in crude oil viscosity, density and swelling (dissolution of
inside the reservoir with time, field application provide valuable infor­ CO2) leads to an increased crude oil recovery due to increased mobility
mation about the hydrocarbon recovery and CO2 storage viability in a and reduction in the mass of residual oil [3]. Various sc-CO2-crude oil
real field conditions instead of lab-scale studies. Lastly, the economic interaction mechanisms by which enhanced oil recovery takes place in a
and environmental feasibility of any CO2-EOR/storage project can be conventional sandstone reservoir have been condensed into a schematic,
understood with the help of life cycle analysis. Sensitivity of any CO2- given in Fig. 2. Here, the crude oil-CO2 interaction is governed by
EOR/storage project on various components in the process chain convective processes. For low permeability fractured shales and car­
including the CO2 source, emission, and crude oil price can be analyzed bonates, it occurs through diffusion (discussed in Section 2.1.3.).
and economically optimized keeping environment considerations in
mind. Additionally, there are numerous challenges in the successful 2.1.1. Minimum miscibility pressure (MMP)
implementation of CO2-EOR/storage project. Technical challenges CO2-EOR method is governed by MMP, the pressure at which the
include mobility control, recovery from unconventional and fractured injected gas attains dynamic miscibility at the reservoir temperature [3,
reservoir, CO2 storage performance and corrosion. Additionally, eco­ 15,38,39]. The determination of this parameter is critical to the appli­
nomic and policy challenges also exist which have a vital impact on the cation of CO2 injection. Numerous studies have developed empirical
feasibility of project. These require careful analysis and mitigation in correlations, while some have used neural network and genetic algo­
order for the project to be a success. rithm based MMP determination methods [40–46]. A new method de­
This review discusses the literature on sc-CO2 fluid application for termines the MMP using acoustically monitored separator, based on
improved oil and gas production operations and associated carbon disappearance of phase boundary between CO2-oil as the pressure is
storage. Crucial CO2-EOR aspects including minimum miscibility pres­ increased at fixed temperature [47]. Authors studied CO2-crude oil
sure, mobility control, CO2-EOR/storage in unconventional liquid (39.6◦ API) MMP at 296.15 – 333.15 K. The process is fast, reliable, and
(tight), carbonates, and transgressive reservoirs along with field imple­ non-invasive, compared to other methods. Another technique uses rapid
mentation is discussed. Factors such as geochemical, petrophysical and pressure increase to investigate the phase behaviour of fluids and
geomechanical alterations resulting from CO2-rock-brine interactions determine the MMP [48]. The main principle behind this method relies
play a vital role in affecting the CO2-EOR/storage potential. Addition­ in the change of slope or critical ratio of pressure change to the reduced
ally, life cycle analysis and CO2 monitoring technologies are vital to volume of the measuring cell. Like the previous method, it is fast, cost
optimize the CO2-EOR/storage. During injection for EOR/storage pur­ effective and reliable. In addition, this method can account for the
pose (typically at supercritical conditions), presence of water makes CO2 asphaltene precipitation.
corrosive. Depending on operating conditions, water chemistry, CO2 If the reservoir pressure is below the MMP of the injected gas, then an
impurity, H2S, corrosion can jeopardize the infrastructure if not miti­ immiscible displacement ensues. For the reservoir pressure above MMP,
gated. Current challenges and mitigation practices in current CO2-EOR/ miscible displacement occurs through direct or multiple contact misci­
storage technology have been discussed and future recommendations bility [3]. The miscible displacement occurs through three mechanisms:
are also provided. This holistic review would help gain insights into the first-contact, vaporizing and condensing gas drives [49]. In the first
mechanisms, selection criteria, limitations, mitigation and optimiza­ contact miscibility, the injected gas mixes with the reservoir fluid in all
tions when applying the sc-CO2-EOR/storage for unconventional reser­ proportions, resulting in a single phase. Hydrocarbon gas mixtures are
voirs with heterogeneity and varying fluid properties. first-contact miscible with crude oil. On the other hand, CO2, N2, and
flue gases are not first-contact miscible. Instead, they develop miscibility
upon multiple contacts (dynamic miscibility). The miscible displace­
ment has been observed to result in a greater oil recovery than the

Fig. 2. Schematic of the sc-CO2-crude oil interaction and EOR mechanisms in a conventional sandstone reservoir.

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

immiscible process by about ~8–14% due to stronger CO2-oil in­ confinement has negligible effect on the bubble point pressure at pore
teractions [50]. When the reservoir pressure is above the MMP, dynamic throat size greater than 100 nm[56]. For 5 nm pore throat, CO2-crude
miscibility occurs in a transition zone where lighter and intermediate oil MMP reduction by up to 16.2% was observed (~3.79 MPa differ­
crude oil fractions (C2-C6) are vaporized and mix with the injected gas ence). The reservoir heterogeneity along with miscibility also plays a
phase (natural and flue gas, N2, and CO2). Also, a part of the injected gas major role in oil recovery[57]. Two sandstone cores obtained from Berea
dissolves into the reservoir fluid. Ungar et al. designed a microfluidic and Kirby formation with ~100 mD, φ = 18% and ~80 mD, φ = 23%
chip based slim tube experiment consisting of medium and light crude were used and the nC10 was used instead of crude oil. Immiscible
oils, two mixed hydrocarbon and CO2 gases at ~24–42 MPa and flooding was carried out in layered setup (MMP of CO2-C10 – 12.6 MPa
~366–417 K [46]. The MMP for CO2-light crude oil system was deter­ at 344 K). X-ray CT scanner was used to generate 3D tomography of
mined to be ~16.4–30.6 MPa. In addition, flooding experiments were flooding. Authors observed a strong dependence of flow and oil recovery
carried out at pressures above and below MMP values. Author observed on the heterogeneity of the core sample. Higher permeability layer
a significant amount of residual oil left in the chip for injection pressures creates a channel for crossflow which resulted in a higher recovery
less than MMP in contrast with no almost residual oil at higher injection compared to case with no crossflow, probably due to increased dis­
pressures. placing fluid mobility and two-phase flow. But this was countered by
The MMP depends on several factors, such as reservoir temperature, less contact between oil and CO2 due to same reason, leaving behind
permeability, composition and purity of the injected gas, and crude oil crude oil in low permeability regions as confirmed by X-ray CT. In
[16,51–54]. Increasing temperature increases the MMP because higher addition, authors attributed the crossflow between layers to the capil­
pressure is required for CO2 to be miscible with reservoir fluid due to lary forces leading to an incremental oil recovery by ~4.8%.
increased thermal energy. MMP also increases with the C1 and N2 con­ For accurate determination of the MMP of injected gas, contributions
tent due to increased lighter fractions and molecules in the gas phase. from the abovementioned factors should be carefully evaluated. Neural
However, an increase in the intermediate molecules (C2-C6) leads to a network based MMP determination methods are useful in situations with
decrease in the MMP. For heavy oil reservoirs, the CO2-crude oil MMP is limited data [38,58]. Table 1 lists selected literature regarding MMP
much higher than the reservoir pressure, restricting the use of miscible determination methods for CO2-EOR. From Table 1, it is evident that
flooding [52]. Orr and Silva have concluded in their experiments that neural network-based MMP models have performed better than corre­
hydrocarbon extraction from crude oil can be correlated to the differ­ lations with average absolute relative error (AARE) values < 4%
ence in the molecular size of the injected gas and reservoir fluid [53]. compared to ~3–16% for empirical correlations. As more and more
Hawthorne et al. studied MMP of various injection fluids (CH4, C2H6, literature datasets are available to train and test the neural networks
C3H8, CO2, and produced gas with light crude oils (33.5–40.2◦ API) ob­ model, the accuracy would increase compared to other estimating
tained from Bakken and Cut Bank oilfield (USA) with varying reservoir methods. The above discussion shows that miscible displacement (above
temperatures [16]. The crude oil with highest reservoir temperature had MMP) is more efficient than immiscible. However, in some cases, the
highest MMP values for all injected fluid except produced gas. Addi­ MMP is greater than the reservoir pressure, preventing the use of
tionally, all the studied crude oils had the highest CH4 MMP followed by miscible flooding [15]. The H-block of X oilfield in southern Iraq is low
produced gas, CO2, C2H6, and C3H8. This reduced MMP for C3H8 is permeability and high-temperature reservoir located at ~6100–8200 ft
dependent on its critical parameters (physical state) and density along with a high salinity formation brine, far lower reservoir pressure than
with reservoir temperature. Generally, fluids with a sharp density CO2-crude oil MMP[59]. In other cases, even if the MMP is lower than
change during transition between gas and liquid states exhibit a reduced the reservoir pressure, miscible flooding cannot be implemented in the
MMP. A lower fluid quantity was needed to achieve MMP at gas phase reservoir due to constraints presented by the reservoir, fluid properties,
compared to liquid and supercritical state, beneficial for low pressure and techniques/equipments. In such cases, reducing the MMP is
and low permeability reservoirs. Another EOR study has confirmed the required to increase the hydrocarbon recovery [15]. This reduction in
increased light crude oil (41◦ API) recoveries when hydrocarbon rich MMP of CO2-crude oil can be achieved through the use of surfactants
gases were used for flooding (at 10.3–34.5 MPa, and 383.15 K)[54]. The and miscible solvents. Further details on CO2-philic surfactants are given
study pointed out considering the variations in the molar density of the in Section 3.1.
injected fluid with pressure for designing an efficient EOR project. Out of
all the fluid considered C3H8 had least narrow range of variation for 2.1.2. Miscible flooding and CO2-WAG method
recovery of almost 80% of the hydrocarbons. Higher C2-C4 content in the Various authors have studied oil recovery through miscible
produced gas could yield even better recoveries compared to CO2. CH4 displacement in a lab-based setup. Multiple contact miscibility (MCM)
yield the least recovery of heavy hydrocarbon fractions, even at higher was observed to result in a nearly 100% recovery from a heterogeneous
pressure of 34.5 MPa compared to C2H6, C3H8, CO2, and produced gas. etched-glass model using 1.5 pore volume (PV) of pure CO2 [60]. In the
As these gases recover mostly the lighter fractions, the remaining crude presence of heterogeneity, an early breakthrough has been observed in
oil will be richer in heavier hydrocarbons, which will become progres­ MCM flooding along with oil recovery in the range of 80–100% [60–63],
sively harder to recover. highlighting the efficiency of the process. Also, for MCM flooding,
High capillary pressure in shales and tight reservoirs impacts the soaking followed by water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection is preferred
crude oil-gas phase behaviour through multicontact miscibility[55]. for higher recovery due to enough time for increased oil-CO2 in­
MMP doesn’t get affected by capillary pressure changes for binary sys­ teractions. However, the compositional changes in the oil after the
tem as only MMP is through first contact miscibility. This first-contact soaking in the MCM process may increase the oil’s viscosity, making it
miscibility is dominant in ultralow permeability reservoirs (k < 200 harder to recover [50]. CO2 flooding uses various injection modes
nD) where diffusion dominates over advection. In contrast, capillary depending on the crude oil and reservoir properties, such as continuous
pressure changes at larger scales (k > 200 nD), impact the multicontact CO2 gas with and without water and conventional and tapered WAG
miscibility. Nano confined spaces (~10 nm) can change the phase injection. While a continuous gas injection scheme is suitable for light
behaviour of the system due to high capillary pressures. However, as and medium oils or water-wet reservoirs, water is injected to increase
confirmed in slim tube simulations and multiple mixing cells, this the sweep efficiency in low permeability or with layered permeability
change is very less (~5% of the MMP)[55]. This is possibly due to the contrast reservoirs. A schematic of CO2 miscible flooding with WAG
similarity between two phases at MMP, making the capillary pressure injection is given in Fig. 3. WAG method is widely used in tertiary oil
effect insignificant, which is practically neglected. Similarly, Zheng et al. recovery as it enhances the macroscopic and microscopic sweep effi­
(2021) in their investigations on the effect of nanopore confinement on ciency combined with the reduction in oil viscosity and breakthrough of
the CO2-hydrocarbons on tight reservoirs found out that pore gas due to high mobility. A slug of gas is injected, followed by water

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

Table 1
Selected literature regarding the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) for CO2 – EOR.
# MMP determination Valid prediction range Error (%) Remark
Injected fluid Tres (K) P (MPa) Crude oil composition

Vol. Int. MW (g/

(mol (mol mol)
%) %) C5+ / C7+

1. GA-ANN algorithm Pure CO2 305.3–383.1 6.9–28.2 5.4 – 6.9 – 180.6 – AARE − 2.32% Reliable for limited field
(Dehghani et al.38) 53.4 35.6 240.7 / - information
2. Analytical correlation Pure CO2 294.8 – 7.6 – 2–54 3– 154 – 259 / AAE − 11.9% Correlation for impure CO2
(Yuan et al.40) 394.3 34.5 43.5 142 – 319.7 flood valid upto 40 mol% C1
CO2 +C1 313.7 – 1.3 – 10.5 – 23.6 – - / 206–240 MAE – 9%
(10 − 20 mol%) 331.5 1.8a 16.5 24.4
3. Extrapolated vapour Pure CO2 305.1 – 0 – 25.6 - 5.48b - - For dead oil, Tres< 322 K, and
pressure method 322.1 fixed composition, add
(Orr and Jensen41) 1.4–2.1 MPa for dissolved gas
4. Empirical correlation CO2 + C1-4 / N2 / 305–390 6.5–34 0.14 – 13.6c 169.2 – Pure CO2 error Limited to N2 < 8%, Tcrit for C2
(Alston et al.42) H2S 302.5 7.2 – 8.3% and H2S; Most accurate
6.9–17.2 MPa
5. Empirical correlation CO2 + C1/N2/ 311 – 344 6.9 – 17.03 23.6 - Avg error – 8% Accurate for up to 55 mol%
(Sebastian et al.43) C4/separator gas 20.7 impurities
6. Empirical correlation Pure CO2 308.1 – 7.6–16.2 23 20–40 201 – Major effect of GOR variation
(Yellig and Metcalfe44) 362.1 on CO2-oil MMP for saturated
oils, Minor effect of C7+
7. Optically quantitative Pure CO2 366.1 16.3 ◦
API - 34.8 – 41.4, GOR – 58 (Sm3/ 6.2% deviation from Optically quantitative approach
microfluidic method Sm3) slim tube results for T ≤ 417.1 K, P ≤ 35 MPa
(Ungar et al.46)
8. Empirical correlation Pure CO2, CO2 301.5 – 6.8 – *Weighted C2+ parameter (F) – AAD – 4.4–11.7% Limited to oils with given F
(Orr and Silva53) + C1–4 / H2S 395.9 29.6 0.768 – 2.466 (Pure CO2); 6.4 –
7.2% (Impure CO2)
9. ANN algorithm Pure CO2, CO2 - - 83 Datasets; 70% for training and AARE – 3.9% (Pure MMP sensitive to change in Tres,
(Chen et al.58) + C1-4 / N2 / H2S 30% for testing. CO2), 4.4% (Impure Intermediates in oil and gas
CO2) stream decrease MMP.
( )
a MMPpure
C mol%;
(5+ )
Volatile ∑
; Tres – reservoir temperature; *F = 37 th
2 ki wiC2+ (Representative of crude oil composition; wi – weight fraction of i carbon number in C2+ fraction of
crude oil; ki - weighting factor); AARE (average absolute relative error); AAE (average absolute error); AAD (average absolute deviaton); MAE (maximum average

which acts as a chase fluid, and this cycle of alternate injection of water not mobile in the presence of water. In reservoirs with a permeability
and gas is carried. The injected CO2 dissolves in the crude oil, leading to contrast or highly heterogeneous, WAG is particularly advantageous
swelling and viscosity reduction. In addition, the lower interfacial en­ because gas and water are less affected by the reservoir heterogeneity in
ergy between gas-oil compared to water-oil helps to displace more crude the three-phase mixing zone, which helps to alleviate the
oil from pores inaccessible to water. A three-phase mixing zone is non-favourable mobility ratio effect. Hoare and Coll investigated the
developed as a result of which a large region of the reservoir is swept by effect of reservoir heterogeneity on the WAG injection efficiency
the injection [64]. Gas entrapment has also been proposed as one of the through simulations on inputs based on Hutton oilfield located in the
accompanying mechanisms in the WAG injection [65]. During the North Sea and observed an incremental oil recovery of upto 10% [66]. In
imbibition of water in the gas-saturated regions, some of the gas is conclusion, the WAG injection scheme reduces the gas consumption and
trapped in the pores, leading to the mobilization of residual oil that was decrease water, making it an attractive method for highly heterogeneous
reservoirs. However, CO2-WAG EOR process suffers from what is known
as injectivity loss (especially in reservoirs with permeability less than
10 mD). A Sharp decline is observed for water injectivity after initial and
first cycle along with further losses in the WAG cycle[67]. WAG injec­
tivity is affected by several factors including mobility ratio, relative
permeability hysteresis, Wettability, gas entrapment, reservoir hetero­
geneity and anisotropy[68–70]. Injectivity loss issue is discussed in
detail in Section 7.1.
CO2-EOR projects generally have a target depth higher than ~800 m
at which supercritical conditions are naturally reached in the subsur­
face, ensuring a denser state of CO2 and minimizing the buoyancy effects
in the reservoir (which reduce the recovery efficiency) [71]. As
mentioned earlier, the low surface tension and lower viscosity enable
supercritical CO2 to have good dissolving properties. However, extrac­
tion properties depend on the molecular structure and polarity of the
Fig. 3. Schematic of the water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection scheme with
crude oil fractions, according to Roopa and Dawe [72]. In their
CO2 miscible flooding.

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

lab-based study on heavy oil and tar sands, the recovery efficiency using for tight and very tight cores (0.1 – 0.01 mD), and ~56 – 87% for
CO2 around its critical conditions was observed to be around 15–30% extremely tight cores (0.001 – 0.0001 mD). While the continuous
from the packed porous medium. Also, the soaking period was suggested and huff-n-puff method have been used in low to very tight cores,
to improve the recovery of heavier crude oil fraction. The authors also huff-n-puff injection with immersed core was preferred mode for
suggested the application of supercritical CO2 for reservoirs with depth extremely tight cores [76–80]. continuous CO2 and multi-well
and pressure of about ~1500 m and 20 MPa, which are unsuitable for cyclic injection are feasible due to slow diffusion of CO2 into
steam injection due to heat loss in the overburden. For tight sandstones shale matrix and unrealistic expectation of injection one core end
(~0.8–1 mD and porosity of ~13–14%), sc-CO2 flooding led to an and production from the other. Immersed core huff-n-puff modes
asphaltenic crude oil recovery of 45% as opposed to the huff-n-puff with unconfined and immersed core allows gas flow around the
method with 22% [73]. Authors have also concluded a need for core for maximum surface area contact, making it most efficient
higher injection pressure to enhance the oil recovery. Also, the oil pro­ method. Other factors such as injection pressure, soak time, and
duction through the huff-n-puff method was reduced in comparison, lithology also play a vital role in oil extraction from ULRs. Oil
likely due to asphaltene precipitation and permeability reduction, which recovery has been found to increase for injection pressure above
will be discussed later. computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations MMP, the increase however varies significantly. Increasing the
have enabled the pore scale flow visualization and sc-CO2 – oil in­ soak increases the recovery upto a certain limit, beyond which a
teractions. CO2 efficiently displaces the oil phase due to its higher sol­ financially diminishing returns are met. Inclusion of CO2-WAG
ubility at supercritical conditions [74]. However, some of the CO2 upon injection technique with 0.125 PV water slug has been observed
flooding will inevitably get trapped in the pore spaces. This phenome­ to yield an incremental recovery of 30% over continuous CO2
non has been studied through CFD simulations in 2D randomly packed injection attributed to controlled mobility and reduced break­
medium [75]. The authors included representative light (nC4-nC9) and through[81]. Microfluidic huff-n-puff experiments have been
heavy (nC13-nC16) oils in their study at supercritical conditions carried out in a fractured glass model at 10 MPa and 323.15 K
(20–40 MPa and 323–353 K). They observed that supercritical miscible with CO2, N2, water and nC10 as oil phase[82]. Connected frac­
flooding is more effective in recovering lighter oil than the heavier due tures yielded higher recovery than dead end fractures at 90% and
to a wider displacement front. However, the viscous fingering in tests 60%, respectively for CO2. Nanofluidic devices (10 µD perme­
with heavy oil reduced upon increasing the temperature. ability and 14% porosity) have also been to simulate ULRs in CO2
huff-n-puff injection experiments[83]. Light crude oil was used
2.1.3. CO2-EOR for unconventional liquid reservoirs (ULRs), carbonate and flooding was done at 323 K at pressure upto 11 MPa. At low
formations and transgressive reservoirs injection pressures, gas solubility was reduced due to nano­
confinement. In contrast gas breakouts and oil recovery was
(a) Unconventional liquid reservoirs (ULRs) such as shales are observed at faster depressurization. Simulation studies for un­
characterized by permeability less than conventional reservoirs conventional reservoirs include fracture-matrix coupled flow
by 100–1000 times. Additionally, the mixed wettability in these equations along with dual porosity models to better capture the
reservoirs make oil recovery difficult. One estimate has put pri­ complexity[35].
mary recovery from ULRs to only less than 10% [35]. Using a low The effect of CO2-rock-brine interaction with shales can have
viscosity and miscible fluid (sc-CO2 and other hydrocarbon gases) complex effect on the permeability owing to mineralogy. In some
is attractive for EOR in such reservoirs due to easy penetration of cases, permeability has been found to be increased due to disso­
pore spaces already discussed earlier. EOR mechanism in frac­ lution, exaggerated in presence of water [29,84–86]. In other
tured shale reservoir can be divided into 4 distinct stages: Injec­ cases, permeability reduction in shales has been observed due to
tion, soaking, late soaking, and production. In the injection CO2 adsorption. Drastic permeability reductions have been
phase, the high-pressure injected CO2 flows through the observed in vertical directions compared to minor (10%) re­
matrix-fracture interface without permeating into the matrix ductions in parallel bedding [87,88].
which occurs in the soaking phase. A pressure gradient is created (b) Carbonates are characterized by strong heterogeneity, fractures
when the swelled oil moves through fracture in addition to and poor pore connectivity, leading to gas breakthroughs and low
possible wettability shift from oil-wet to water-wet from CO2 oil recovery during CO2-EOR[89]. The diffusion dominated
exposure. During late soaking, a molecular diffusion occurs due CO2-EOR in carbonates is similar to fractured low permeability
to concentration gradient between oil and CO2. This process is reservoirs due to presence of fractures and vugs can be divided
slow in ultra-low permeability reservoirs. Oil swelling and vis­ into major steps[89,90]: direct flow (fractures and vugs), flow
cosity reduction continue to extract oil from pores to fractures. under pressure gradient and oil swelling, crude oil viscosity
During production phase, as the pressure decreases to below reduction and expansion, and fracture-matrix hydrocarbon con­
bubble point in the high permeable fractures, solution gas drive centration equilibrium and production. Yu and Amro have pro­
helps move the oil towards the well. posed a mechanism of oil recovery through dual porosity
sc-CO2 is an ideal fluid of choice for EOR fluid in ULR compared carbonate reservoirs[91]. In the first stage the CO2 displaces
to other fluids such C2H6, CH4, N2, and H2O as its attributes have crude oil from macropore system (fractures) followed by
positive effect on oil recovery, which has also been discussed in permeability governed diffusion into matrix in the second stage.
previous section. At supercritical conditions, only CO2 and C2H6 A higher permeability understandably reduces the diffusion. The
can reach liquid like density, and retain a higher diffusivity typically diffusion coefficients associated with carbonate reser­
(lower viscosity) out of other fluids mentioned here. Also, both of voirs are similar to conventional oil reservoirs (9.4 ×10–10 to
these fluids induce significant asphaltene precipitation. C2H6 at­ 9.4 ×10–7)[92,93]. During CO2 injection Minerals found in the
tains miscibility with crude oil at lower pressure than sc-CO2 and carbonate reservoirs such as dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), calcite
unlike CO2, does not forms acid. Its only downside of being (CaCO3), and anhydrite (CaSO4) react with CO2[94]. Interaction
costliest of all the EOR fluids, whereas CO2 is significantly with CO2 can lead to mineral dissolution and ultimately,
cheaper with added benefit of storage. Various lab scale CO2 compaction, reducing porosity and permeability.
flooding experiments have been performed of core samples with Khather et al. carried out sc-CO2 flooding of dolomite and
low to extremely low permeability values (1 mD and below, up to limestone core samples saturated with light crude oil (38◦ API,
0.0001 mD). A range of recovery factors have been reported: 0.0754 wt%) at 338.15 K and 14 MPa and an incremental re­
from ~11–46% for low permeability cores (1 – 0.1 mD) to ~54% covery over water flooding was observed in the range of 11–45%

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

[94]. A reduction in porosity and permeability was observed by low water-heavy oil ratio, the recovery cannot reach 100%.
up to ~58.3% and ~25.2%, respectively apart from the miner­ A recent development uses a supercritical multithermal fluid
alogical changes. Asphaltene content in the recovered oil had also (SCMTF), composed of N2, H2O, and CO2, to develop deep offshore
decreased ~39% from initial content, indicating precipitation heavy oil reservoirs [101]. SCMTF has been produced by gasification
during the flooding process. These alterations are more severe for and combustion of organic liquids comprised of sewage, diesel, and
increased contact time. Apart from complex recovery mechanism natural gas in the air and SCW environment at ~647–973 K and
and asphaltene precipitation, CO2-EOR pose other issues in car­ 22.1–30 MPa [102]. Authors investigated the feasibility of SCMTF
bonates including viscous fingering, corrosion, injectivity loss. flooding, and a mechanism of heavy oil (ρ of 977 kg/m3 and 3.52 wt%
These issues are discussed in Section 7.1. asphaltene) recovery from a sand pack was also proposed. Three ex­
(c) Transgressive sandstone-carbonate reservoirs present chal­ periments involving sc-CO2 and sc-N2 in a 1:5 molar ratio were carried
lenges especially to CO2/WAG injection due to their interbedded out at ~673–713 K and 23–25 MPa, respectively. The oil recovery was
nature with varying petrophysical properties[95]. An example is observed to be ~85–94% of OOIP, incrementally over the steam flood­
S1A reservoir in upper Qishn formation in Yemen with reservoir ing alone by ~25–34%. The recovery was attributed to the combined
pay zone of 1.5–7.6, 18–28% porosity. AlRassas et al. developed a action of density, viscosity, and molecular weight reduction of crude
geo-cellular model of S1A reservoir utilizing geophysical, with enhanced swelling, reduced interfacial tension, dealkylation, and
geological, and petrophysical data[95]. The static model had extraction of lighter fractions. Injection at higher pressures was rec­
initial reservoir temperature and pressure of 358.7 K and ommended to maximize the heavy oil recovery. However, higher tem­
12.8 MPa with 30% and 27% porosity and 999.9 and 948.5 mD perature injection should be carefully evaluated for coke deposition and
permeability for sandstone and carbonate layer respectively. formation damage problems. In addition, a moderate amount of sc-CO2
Authors included CO2-WAG injection scheme in the simulation and sc-N2 mixture in the SCMTF flooding leads to optimum recovery,
study to investigate their effect on the CO2-EOR coupled with the and an excess amount leads to quicker front advancement and break­
CO2 storage. 21-year field production data were utilized for his­ through. Another study has investigated the generation and feasibility of
tory matching and constraining of the reservoir model. The re­ SCMTF flooding in detail [103]. The authors conducted flooding at
sults confirmed the CO2 trapping mechanism of CO2-WAG ~673–773 K and 23–25 MPa in a sand pack saturated with crude oil
process to be much more than continuous CO2 injection. Also, a (after reducing to irreversible water saturation). The crude oil
WAG ratio of 2:1 with 43.8% residual trapping was observed to displacement efficiency of the SCMTF reached up to ~90%, with an
yield higher recovery factor of 32% compared to the 1:1 WAG optimal oil-to-water ratio of 10% during the SCMTF generation. SCMTF
ratio (29%). Reservoir anisotropy ratio (kv/kh) has a strong effect flooding has also been numerically modelled to investigate the effect of
on the CO2 storage capacity (solubility trapping and residual injection parameters on the oil recovery at ~653 K and 23 MPa [104].
trapping of over 12% and 14%, respectively). These findings The average porosity and permeability were set at 24.44% and 1096 mD
indeed provide valuable insights for improved oil recovery and in a grid size of 30 × 30 m and varying thickness from 0.25 to 2.19 m.
storage from a mixed lithology reservoir. The SCMTF flooding showed a higher recovery than steam and SCWF
(up to 29.6% and 11.09%, respectively) throughout the range of injected
2.1.4. Other supercritical fluids in EOR PV (0− 4). The oil and water content in the reactants during the SCMTF
Besides CO2, water and N2 have also been used in a supercritical state generation plays a vital role in its composition and enthalpy, thereby
for enhanced oil recovery studies [96–98]. However, the recovery effi­ affecting its application for the flooding process [103]. Higher oil con­
ciency with sc-N2 was observed to be lower than the sc-CO2 (8.7% and tent in the reactant would generate higher gas in the process of SCMTF
15.8%, respectively) due to lower swelling and a significant increase in generation, which would increase the cost of production and lead to a
the bubble point pressure, not suggested for EOR processes [98]. Su­ lower recovery than the lower oil content case. Also, it should be noted
percritical water flooding (SCWF) is suited to reduce the viscosity of that lower oil content would lead to less gas generation and hence lower
heavy crude oil due. In addition, it overcomes the poor performance of the enthalpy of the SCMTF. A higher enthalpy SCMTF is desirable since
hot water flooding due to heat loss to overburden and surrounds porous it has more energy. Thus, there should be an optimal composition of
medium. The critical point of water is around 22.1 MPa, and 674.15 K. SCMTF for the flooding results to be successful. Table 2 provides the
Supercritical water has also been used in many chemical industry pro­ details of EOR experimental studies carried out with CO2 and other
cesses such as solvent/catalyst/reactants. Also, it can fully dissolve the supercritical fluids. Besides the above studies, supercritical fluids and
non-polar crude oil fractions and maintain a higher solubility for polar other methods have been explored to enhance oil recovery. These are
crude oil fractions or ionic compounds [96]. One advantage of super­ discussed below.
critical water is that it acts as a hydrogen donor, which has implications
for solvency (inhibition of coke formation) and heavy crude oil upgra­ 2.2. sc-CO2 for enhanced shale gas production (shale gas fracturing)
dation [99]. An experiment study regarding the treatment of oil sand
bitumen by supercritical water concluded that the residue obtained after Shale gas is a cleaner energy source than coal and natural gas and
the treatment had lower molecular weight distribution and related emits less than half of the CO2 emission of coal [105]. According to an
structural parameters due to the degradation of the molecular structures article by the US energy information administration, the technically
[100]. The authors also suggested using supercritical water to disperse recoverable shale gas is ~7922 trillion cubic feet (tcf), making it an
the heavy crude oil fractions. To demonstrate the feasibility of super­ attractive prospect for hydrocarbon extract to fulfil energy demands
critical water flooding (SCWF) for enhanced heavy oil recovery, a sand [106]. Shale gas, along with shale oil, is an unconventional resource
pack was first saturated with extra heavy oil from the Tuha oilfield, found in the lower permeability reservoir (1 µD) [107]. Hydraulic
China [96]. The boundary conditions of the reactor were kept adiabatic fracturing is used to improve the recovery from these tight reservoirs. A
to minimize the heat unbalance. The oil recovery using SCWF had ~97% high-pressure fluid composed of water and other chemicals is injected
efficiency with operating conditions of 25 MPa and 673.15 K, compared into the formation resulting in fracture formation and increased con­
to ~80% for steam and ~74% for hot water flooding. This recovery was ductivity. The fracture stays open by the use of a proppant, generally
achieved with only 1.5 PV injection, suggesting the advantage of this sand. Various fluids have been used, viz., liquid, foam, and gas based.
method. The slightly higher recovery for steam flooding at PV< 1.5 was Liquid-based fracking fluids have added chemicals, some of which might
attributed due to the higher enthalpy of steam at 2 MPa and 623.15 K, be toxic and need proper disposal to avoid contamination. sc-CO2, with
compared to SCWF at 25 MPa and 673.15 K. However, during the initial its liquid-like density, very low viscosity, and no surface tension and
stages, when there could be coke formation in the reservoir due to the capillary force, could be vital for its role in shale gas fracturing, which

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

Table 2
Selected literature of EOR experiments carried out using CO2 and other supercritical fluids.
# Lithology Crude oil EOR experimental details Ref
Type φ (%) /k (mD) ρo (g/cc) / µo Injected Oil- fluid Injection parameters Results
(cP) fluid MMP (MPa)

1. Sandstone core 12.03 / ~4.2 0.897a / 1.9 CO2 29.6 1.2 PVI, 381.7 K Miscible flooding, 5.4% incremental oil 15
(318.7 K) recovery over 3.58% for waterflooding
2. Low φ, low k 13.5–20.2 / CO2 25.1 – 36.2 ~6.5 – 30 MPa, Immiscible flooding, increased CO2 33
cores 8–985 (343.2 – 343.2 – 403.2 K diffusion with P, T, oil saturation
403.2 K)
3. Etched glass 1–15%b /- 0.813 / 3.3 CO2 ~8 Up to 1.5 PVI, 8.3 MPa, Miscible flooding, 80–100% oil recovery 60
surface (305.4 K) 298.2 K
4. Fractured 46 – 49% / nC10 Liq. CO2 5.4 2.2 – 12 PVI, 2–12 mL/ 79 – 100% oil recovery 61
chalk 2.7–2247 (293.2 K) min,
9 MPa, 293.2 K
5. Sandstone 17% / 176 nC10 CO2 14.24 2 PVI, ~11 – 15.9 MPa, 8.1 – 92% oil recovery 62
cores (353.2 K) 353.2 K
6. Glass bead 38 − 42 / IPA + water IPA - Up to 3.5 PVI, 0.3 – 6 mL/ FCM, vap/ condensing drive, 50 – 100% 63
pack 10–25 + C6H10 min oil recovery
7. Epoxy 26 – 35 / 0.862 / 4.2 CO2 23 0.68 – 2.52 PVI 5 – 95% oil recovery; 8.6 – 14% 64
cemented ~4.8 – 1247.9 (382.2 K) 0.5 mL/min, incremental for FCM over IM
cores (PC – 1 − 154) 15 – 30 MPa
8. Sandstone ~18 / 0.847–0.858 / CO2 16.9 0.05 – 0.1 PVI gas and 20% incremental oil recovery over 65
cores 25 – 300 1 (WAG) (328.2 K) water slug, 7.4 MPa, wateflooding
328.2 K
9. Tight 13.5 – 14.4 / 0.878 – 0.882 sc-CO2 - 1 PVI, 0.1 mL/min, 12 – Upto 20% oil recovery for 4 cycles 73
sandstone 0.832 – 1.034 / 32 MPa, 348.2 K
10. Sand pack 49.7 / 3360 0.977 / 50879 SCWF - So- 92.4%, 25 MPa, ~97.1% oil recovery, µo reduction 36.9% 96
673.2 K
11. Carbonate 16.9–17.3 / 31.2◦ API / sc-CO2 / - Soi- 67 – 70%, 14.6, 8.7% incremental oil recoveries for 98
2.45–7.18 0.74 sc-N2 12.7 MPa, 373.2 K sc-CO2, sc-N2 over 45–46.1%
12. Sand pack 54.4 – 56.2 / 0.977 / 6230 SCMTF - Soi- ~94 – 96%, 85.2 – 90.4% oil recovery for SCW:(sc- 102
4432–4519 23 – 25 MPa, CO2 + sc-N2) molar ratio - 5:1
673.2 – 713.2 K
Area porosity; φ – Porosity; k- permeability; ρo, µo – crude oil density and viscosity; PV- pore volumes injected; IPA- Isopropyl alcohol; PC – Permeability contrast;
FCM -First contact miscible; IM- immiscible; SCWF – Supercritical water flooding; SCMTF – Supercritical multithermal fluid.

has been investigated by various authors [108–110]. A schematic for breakdown pressure for later remained lower than fresh water
shale gas fracturing using CO2 is given in Fig. 4a. sc-CO2 allows for throughout the orientation range (a decrease from ~21–15 MPa from
higher penetration and faster clean-up due to higher mobility, leaves the 0–90◦ ). On the other hand, the higher reservoir temperature reduces the
proppant inside the fractures upon vaporization and does not lead to viscosity of sc-CO2, resulting in an enhanced fracturing [11]. Feng et al.
clay swelling phenomenon, which is associated with the water-based studied the mechanical characteristics and failure mechanisms of shale
fluids [108]. sc-CO2 and water, with different physical properties, will upon exposure to sc-CO2 [114]. The splitting modulus (E) and adsorbed
have different fracturing fluid properties. An experimental investigation energy (U) of the shale samples were reduced by 22% and 50% upon
into the fracturing in granite with different fluids (sc-CO2, liquid CO2, exposure to sc-CO2 resulting in a tensile and shear failure. Upon XRD,
water and oil) concluded that the formation breakdown pressure SRF, and SEM analysis it was pores and fissure were observed to have
increased with the viscosity [110]. Also, the low viscosity of sc-CO2 been developed which gradually intensified with time due to increasing
(with the lowest breakdown pressure of ~9–10 MPa) was observed to adsorption of sc-CO2. This could increase the conductivity and lead to
form three-dimensional sinuous fractures with secondary branches, enhanced recovery from shale. Another vital aspect of developing shale
making it appropriate for shale gas recovery. Another study regarding gas reservoirs with CO2 which impacts the CO2 storage is CO2 and CH4
fracture propagation in shale using sc-CO2, liquid CO2 and water adsorption potential. This has been discussed in detail in Section 4.2.
observed a reduction in fracture initiation pressure by almost ~50% However, certain limitations are involved in sc-CO2 as a fracturing
compared to water with more complex networking (irregular cracks), fluid, such as proppant carrying ability. Foam-based fracking fluids have
resulting in increased conductivity [111]. Liu et al. made a geo­ several benefits. They reduce water consumption significantly, have a
mechanical model for investigating rock and gas interaction during high proppant carrying and suspending capacity, and lead to reduced
sc-CO2-based fracturing in a shale specimen [112]. Authors observed a fluid loss and formation damage. CO2 and N2 foams are generally used
wider and more complex fracture in the case of sc-CO2, probably due to for hydraulic fracturing [115]. N2 foam can be generated at a lower
lower dynamic viscosity and higher adsorption, eventually leading to pressure than CO2 foam but has the drawback of being more
more damage and higher cracks. The fracture initiation pressure, energy-intensive due to higher surface pumping pressure [11]. As dis­
propagation, and characteristics will, of course, depends on the bedding cussed earlier, adding chemicals to generate foam could have a potential
or pay zone orientation, reservoir stress and temperature. An experiment environmental impact, similar to the water-based fracturing fluid.
was conducted to investigate the effect of anisotropy of the shale core on
the hydraulic and sc-CO2 based fracturing [113]. The fracturing was
done through holes drilled at different angles from the horizontal plane 2.3. Application of sc-CO2 fluid in drilling operations
(0◦ to 90◦ ). Core was loaded at an axial load of 10 MPa and confining
pressure of 20 MPa. The fracture initiation pressure decreased with The feasibility of using supercritical fluids in drilling operations was
increased orientation for freshwater and sc-CO2. However, the first investigated by Kolle [116]. sc-CO2 was explored for its use in
jet-assisted coiled tubing drilling of ultrashort lateral completions. A

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

of gravity override and high mobility, which lower the oil recovery ef­
ficiency. For supercritical CO2, higher gravity differences with reservoir
fluids will lead to undesirable segregation of the injected gas and
reservoir fluid. Increased mobility of the injected gas will lead to
fingering effects and breakthroughs, reducing the recovery. This section
discusses the methods and chemicals used to control injected fluid
mobility, increasing sweep efficiency and hydrocarbon recovery.

3.1. sc-CO2 mobility control through the use of entrainers, surfactants,

and nanoparticles

Mobility control of supercritical fluids by co-solvents has been

explored by Llave et al. [120]. An entrainer or a co-solvent addition
increases the solubility of crude oil components in a CO2 gas phase,
increasing its density and viscosity in addition to improving its hydro­
carbon extraction capabilities. Authors selected higher molecular
weight 2-ethylhexanol, n-decanol, a long chain ethoxylated alcohol, and
isooctane. Experiments were performed at ~313–323 K and
~5.5–22.1 MPa. Results showed a limited sc-CO2 viscosity increase and
minor density improvements due to low solubility in alcohols and higher
molecular weight hydrocarbon. For 2-Ethylhexanol, although a signifi­
cant increase in viscosity was achieved (up to ~1565 cP) at ~0.44 mol
fraction, a limited density increase was observed. These results indicate
a requirement for a higher concentration of entrainers, making en­
trainers economically unfeasible.
Foam flooding can overcome the mobility issues associated with CO2
and considerably increase sweep efficiency [121]. Foam means a gas
dispersed in a liquid medium. It is characterized by foam quality which
essentially means gas content (% (v/v)). Foam with quality exceeding
90% is known as dry foam. Nanoparticle-assisted CO2 foam flooding has
been investigated for enhanced oil recovery from etched glass micro­
fluidic setup [122]. Crude oils with API gravities ranging from 14◦ to 37◦
were used, and commercially available silica-coated nanoparticles were
used to stabilize the foam. The generated foam displayed excellent sta­
bility in the microporous media for the duration of flooding. It resulted
Fig. 4. A schematic of (a) sc-CO2 based shale gas fracturing; and (b) sc-CO2
in an additional 15% oil recovery compared to only CO2 flooding,
based underbalanced drilling operations.
possibly aided by the wettability alterations in the presence of nano­
particles. Strong foam generation is a prerequisite for foam flooding as it
CO2 model was used to provide various drilling-related parameters. The is thermodynamically unstable and would break down in reservoir
author observed that the threshold pressure of erosion in granite and conditions. Various chemicals can be added to generate the foam, such
shale using sc-CO2 was reduced by almost ~33% and 56% compared to as polymers (e.g., PAM, HAPAM) and nanoparticles. Some researchers
water, respectively. The specific energy of erosion (SE) also showed an have also considered the usage of N2 and CO2 mixture foam in their
even more significant reduction of ~58% and 97%, respectively. The lab-scale studies for enhanced oil recovery [123]. Authors proposed that
reduced threshold pressure for erosion for sc-CO2 is probably due to supercritical CO2 is unable to generate strong foam probably due to less
different physical properties than water, such as lower viscosity and gas available at supercritical conditions since the density is close to
higher adsorption. Upon observing the encouraging results from this liquid at these conditions, reducing the foam strength. Studies have
study, it was decided to conduct a feasibility study for the sc-CO2 attributed the weakening CO2 foam to high mobility compared to N2
application in deep underbalanced drilling operations through compu­ foam due to degradation at increased pressures, leading to poor sweep
tational modelling to predict the pressure, density and viscosity in the efficiency [123,124]. The addition of N2 creates more gas phase in the
annulus with depth [117]. Simulation results concluded that a higher system since its density is almost one-fourth that of supercritical CO2
density of sc-CO2 helped maintain the necessary torque for the down­ (~10 MPa and 323 K), thus enabling foam generation. According to Du
hole motor for the drilling to continue. Also, the sc-CO2 gets converted et al.[125], this difference in the behaviour of CO2 and N2 foams is
into the gaseous phase, maintaining an underbalanced condition. It was attributed to the higher solubility of CO2 in water. An experimental
ultimately concluded that the sc-CO2 can be helpful in underbalanced study to investigate the performance of CO2/N2 mixed foam flooding in
situations and turbulent annular flow. A schematic of sc-CO2 based a Barea sandstone core at ~12.4 MPa and 363 K observed a 62.5% in­
underbalanced drilling is given in Fig. 4b. Numerous other studies have crease in the intermediate crude oil normalized recovery over pure CO2
concluded the advantage of using sc-CO2 over water for drilling. The foam [121]. The apparent viscosity of the CO2/N2 mixed foam is higher,
findings include the maintenance of underbalanced conditions and as indicated by the higher nominal pressure drop, compared to CO2
higher depth at the same pressure compared to water [118,119]. For foam, thus aiding the sweep efficiency.
situations like turbulent flow, increased borehole inclination and cutting Various surfactants used to control the mobility of sc-CO2 are
size, transporting cuttings by sc-CO2 alone would be difficult, requiring condensed into a schematic form in Fig. 5 and listed in Table 3. These
additives to improve its viscosity (see Section 3). range from common ionic to custom surfactants discussed below. The
various ionic surfactants can be anionic, cationic, zwitterion, and non-
3. Mobility control of sc-CO2 fluid ionic [126–131]. The first effort to find a suitable surfactant was made
by Bernard and Holm [132]. However, as sc-CO2 dissolves surfactants
Gas-based methods for enhanced oil recovery have the disadvantage poorly due to low dielectric constant, a lot of effort has been put into

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

phenyl ethoxylated alcohols (SURFONIC® L12–6, TDA-9, and N-100,

respectively. See Table 3)[139]. These surfactants have a solubility of
~1 wt% in CO2 at ~13.8 – 34.5 MPa for 298.15–373.15 K). Authors
observed an incremental oil recovery of 1–4% with branched alkyl
ethoxylate over 71% for pure CO2 owing to wettability alteration (in­
termediate to water-wet) rather than minor change in CO2-crude oil IFT.
A similar study observed a 75% oil recovery for branched phenol
ethoxylate SURFONIC® N-100[140]. The use of foaming agents controls
the mobility of CO2 in supercritical conditions, but they have limitations
and disadvantages in certain conditions. The requirement of a high
quantity of foam (up to ~80% of the HC pore volume in place) and
controlling its propagation inside the reservoir over long distances are
some of the significant challenges [18,141]. For high temperatures and
extreme salinity conditions such as those found in the reservoir in the
Middle East (~120 ◦ C and up to 220,000 ppm salinity), the surfactant
should have a high cloud point (the temperature above which the
generated foam is stable) [142].
Apart from the above, various authors have also used custom-made
surfactants in CO2 solubility and viscosity enhancement studies. These
include fluorinated (fluoroalkyl AOT analogs, double tail hybrid,),
structurally modified AOT analogs, siloxanes, and hydrocarbon surfac­
Fig. 5. Various surfactant categories used for sc-CO2 mobility control in
enhanced oil recovery operations.
tants [143–148]. The functional analogs of alkyl anionic and non-ionic
surfactants generated by silicone and CO2 phobic chains were found to
be miscible with CO2 at ~27.6–41.4 MPa and ~338 K in a study con­
selecting surfactants suitable for this role [126]. Typically, anionic
ducted by Fink and Beckman [149]. The increased solubility and vis­
surfactants are used in CO2 foam flooding for sandstone formations due
cosity depend on the shape of micelles, including rod-shaped and
to the negatively charged nature of the sandstone surface, leading to less
spherical. Both siloxane and fluoro-based surfactants suffer from envi­
adsorption [130]. CO2 - brine emulsion is more stable in the presence of
ronmental effects and high costs. Hydrocarbon surfactants promise to
water-soluble non-ionic alkylphenol ethoxylates than alkyl ethoxylates,
overcome these disadvantages. In addition, these have also been studied
probably due to π- π interactions of the benzene rings, enhancing the
in combination with short-chain alcohols including 1-pentanol as a
stacking at the CO2 – brine interface resulting in the foam stability
co-solvent [150]. Eastoe et al. used structurally modified AOT analogs
[133]. For carbonate formations, cationic or non-ionic surfactants are
with vinyl acetate, carbonyl, and tert-butyl functional groups based on
suitable for CO2 foam generation in due to minimized adsorption owing
enhanced solubility as exhibited by simulation studies showing strong
to electrostatic interactions as carbonates have positively charged sur­
aggregation, compared to typical surfactants [144].
face [134,135]. In addition, ethoxylated amines are beneficial because
of the flexibility of high cloud point and interfacial activity at high
3.2. Oligomers, polymers, and in-situ polymerization for sc-CO2
pressure, temp, and salinity conditions (up to ~393 K, ~182 g/L of
NaCl, and 22.7 MPa) as well as the non-ionic form for the surfactant
injection process. These surfactants are switchable and non-ionic in the
In-situ polymerization is another way to increase CO2 viscosity. It
dry state to cationic in the aqueous phase [136]. They do so by the
utilizes free radical polymerization, which can be done at typical
protonation from the carbonic acid due to the dissolution of CO2 in the
reservoir conditions and does not require water or other additives. Terry
formation brine. Some commercially available anionic and amphoteric
et al. used three olefin monomers (1-octene, ethylene, and 1-decene)
surfactants have been examined in a high temperature and saline envi­
based on CO2 solubility and conducted the experiments at pressures
ronment (393 K, 1.89 M monovalent NaCl, 0.32 M divalent CaCl2 and
upto ~13 MPa and ~342–350 K [151]. Though authors observed the
MgCl2) [137]. The generated foam is viscous and stabilized by strong
polymerization for ethylene and octane, the viscosity increase was not
solvation of the surfactant head and tail by the brine and CO2, respec­
observed, the reason being low solubility due to the absence of side
tively, which reduces the interfacial tension. At higher temperatures, the
chains to support the suspension. CO2-soluble organic titanates, poly­
foam stability reduces due to the surfactant becoming less CO2-philic. In
merized with an organic substrate, have produced satisfactory results
addition, alcohol can also be used to dissolve surfactants in sc-CO2
upon field trials with a 300% increase in gas production. The concen­
owing to arranging between the surfactant tails and reducing the micelle
tration of this organic fluid was 2%, and the viscosity at ambient tem­
interactions and the interfacial tension [126,138]. Ethanol has been
perature was observed to be around 18 cP [152]. Numerous authors
used to enhance the dielectric constant and the polarizability of sc-CO2,
have used thickeners to increase the injected gas-phase viscosity [18].
hence the dissolution of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT),
These, in low concentrations, could increase the viscosity of the injected
an anionic surfactant. Also additionally, the increased pressure has been
gas phase to almost that of the crude oil, improving the sweep efficiency
found to improve the dissolution for surfactants though limited. This
considerably. An increase in the displacing fluid viscosity leads to
increased dissolution of AOT in sc-CO2 could be useful for foam flooding
delayed breakthrough, increased sweep efficiency, and reduced gas-oil
in tight (low permeability) reservoirs. Zwitterionic surfactant such as
ratio (GOR). This observation is supported by the results of a simula­
alkyl betaines with low adsorption on the surface could be used for
tion study in CSM-GEM software involving heterogeneous formation by
sandstone and carbonate formation, depending on their molecular
Hinai et al. [153], where an increase in the viscosity of CO2 by 0.1, 0.16,
structure. The critical areas to focus on while applying the supercritical
and 0.25 cP enhanced the ultimate oil recoveries by ~4.4%, 6.5%, and
CO2 foam flooding include the foam pressure gradient, the flow
9%, respectively for 20 years. In addition, an increased recovery of up to
behaviour, especially in tight reservoirs, and the injection plan [130].
4% was observed for natural gas, compared to pure CO2. However, the
Commercially available non-ionic surfactants have been used in
dissolution of light hydrocarbon gases (C2-C4) produced higher oil re­
CO2-EOR studies involving shale cores[139,140]. Burrows et al. per­
coveries due to more significant swelling and viscosity reduction.
formed huff-n-puff sc-CO2 flooding through Eagle Ford and Mancos
A look at the literature reveals various classes of polymers and
shale cores, with and without linear/branched alkyl and branched
oligomers being studied for CO2 viscosity enhancements, including

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

Table 3
Selected list of surfactants commonly used for sc-CO2 mobility control.
# Surfactants Molecular weight Experimental parameters Results

Concentration Pressure (MPa) and

Temperature (K)

Anionic surfactants (suitable for sandstone formations)

1. Sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate 444.46 g/mol 0.5–3.5 wt% 20 MPa and 313.15 K Increased CO2 foam viscosity upto 0.35 cP for 1.5 wt%
(AOT)126 AOT + 20 wt% ethanol; in situ foam generation by
dissolved AOT
2. α-olefin sufonates131 324 g/mol 0.5 wt% 323.15 K, ΔPdrop upto Increased foam half-life (5–8 times) with Si
100 psi nanoparticles (0.5–1 wt%), stable foam with 1 wt%
NaCl, oil recovery up to ~49% with nanoparticles
Cationic surfactants (suitable for carbonate formations and high temperatures and salinity)
3. Quaternary ammonium surfactants134 ~220–320 g/mol Upto 1 wt% Up to 23 MPa and 393 K CO2 foam stable at high salinity (22 wt%), increased
foam viscosity up to 10 cP at 0.6 wt%
4. Duomeen TTM (C16‑18 N(CH3)C3N(CH3)2 - 0.05–1 wt% 23.4 MPa and 393.5 K Increased CO2 foam viscosity (~45 cP) at 1 wt% in a
(TTM))130 limestone core flood (4 ft/day)
Non-ionic surfactants (suitable for carbonate and shale formations)
5. Ethoxylated surfactant (C12− 14 E22)128 - 0.05–0.2 wt% 0.1 MPa and 353.15 K Less adsorption at carbonate surface.
6. Linear/branched alkylphenol and alkyl - Up to 0.1 wt% ~9 MPa and 298.15 K Stabilized CO2-brine emulsion (5 wt% NaCl)
7. Linear/branched alkyl and branched ~428, 463 Upto 1 wt% ~13.8 – 34.5 MPa for Enhanced solubility, ~1–4% incremental recovery of sc-
phenyl ethoxylated alcohols139,140 298.15–373.15 K CO2 Flooding (27.6 MPa and 353.15 K.
Zwitterionic surfactants (suitable for both sandstones and carbonate formations)
8. Cetyl betaine129 328.3 g/mol 0.1–2 wt% Up to 423.15 K and Thermally stable at 408.15 K for 30 days, increased
23.4 MPa foam viscosity up to > 15 cP at ~22 wt% salinity and
TDS at 423.15 K
Switchable surfactants (suitable for carbonate formations with high temperatures and salinity)
9. Ethoxylated cocoamine surfactants136 - 0.2–1 wt% 23.4 MPa and 393.15 K Stabilized CO2 foam at 182 g/L salinity, increased foam
viscosity up to ~15 cP at 393.15 K for 1 wt%
10. N-erucamidopropyl-N,N- - 12 mM Ambient/room conditions Switchable CO2 foam at room temperature without any
dimethylammonium bicarbonate stabilizers
Fluorinated/semifluorinated surfactants
11. Fluoroalkyl AOT analog –(bis - 0.01–0.05 wt% 313.15 K Solubility in sc-CO2 at moderate pressures
12. Hybrid fluorinated surfactants (F7H4)147 - 4.4 wt% 38 MPa and 313.15 K Enhanced solubility and sc-CO2 viscosity upto ~2 times
Siloxane based surfactants
13. PDMS based block copolymers148 ~5100–20700 g/ 1 wt% 6.9–34.5 MPa Stable water in CO2 emulsions for 24 h and no
mol 293.15–343.15 K coalescence for 7 days, reduced flocculation for 20%
14. Amphiphilic trisiloxane surfactants143 - 1 wt% 5.9 MPa and 283 K Stabilized dilute (1 wt% water) and CO2 emulsions for
> 2 h at 298 K and 30 MPa, minimal flocculation
Hydrocarbon surfactants
15. Methylated branched hydrocarbon ~335–694 g/mol 1 wt% 298.15–348.15 K Stabilized dilute (1.1 wt% water) and CO2 emulsion at
surfactants145 > 2.4 MPa and 308.15–338.15 K
16. AOT surfactant150 444.56 g/mol 25 MPa and 313.15 K Solubilization in AOT modified sc-CO2 with 10 mol% n-
pentanol due to polar core.
17. Structurally modified AOT (vinyl acetate, - 6.2–50 mmol/ 50 MPa and 318.15 K Improved CO2-philicity for stabilized emulsions.
carbonyl, and tert-butyl functional dm3 (AOK) / 298.15 K (AOVac)

temperature (298.15–333.15 K) and pressure (~20 – 56 MPa). A subtle

change in the number of repeating units led to a noticeable reduction in
the viscosity-increasing capability. An increase in the viscosity of
nC6-sc-CO2 mixture up to 3–20 times was observed during the experi­
ments at 298.15–333.15 K and ~21–57 MPa). O’Neil et al. studied the
solubility of various oligomers and polymers, including polyether, pol­
yacrylate, polysiloxane and commercially available block copolymers in
CO2 at 298.15–338.15 K and 6.89–41.37 MPa, correlating it to weak
solute-solute interactions [155]. It was concluded that lower interfacial
Fig. 6. Polymer types used for controlling the mobility of sc-CO2 in enhanced tension reduces the cohesive energy density and makes an additive more
oil recovery. soluble in CO2. In contrast, molecular weight is governing factor for less
CO2-philic polymers. Functionalization of polymer side chains can
siloxanes, fluoro, vinyl, hydrocarbon, and copolymers (given as a enhance the polymer solubility in CO2, which is indicated by a reduction
schematic in Fig. 6). These have also been listed in Table 4. A significant in the cloud point of the CO2-polymer system. Fink et al. carried out
obstacle to using polymers and sc-CO2 is the low solubility of the high cloud point measurements in systems containing CO2 and propyl acetate
molecular weight polymers and oligomers [154]. Siloxane-based poly­ functionalized dimethylsiloxane (DMS) and hydromethylsiloxane
mers have an affinity to CO2, making it attractive to investigate them for (HMS) [156]. The authors observed a cloud point pressure reduction of
thickening sc-CO2. Low molecular weight, functionalized poly­ ~17.23 MPa at ~295.15 K, indicating considerably increased solubility.
dimethylsiloxanes oligomers have been investigated to enhance the Interestingly, functionalizing with alkane side chains raised the cloud
viscosity of sc-CO2 [154]. The experiment was performed at a range of point indicating reduced solubility. CO2 is a weakly dielectric which

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

Table 4
Selected literature regarding the polymers and oligomers used for mobility control of sc-CO2 in enhanced oil recovery.
# Polymer Molecular weight Experimental parameters Results Oil recovery (%)

Concentration Pressure (MPa) and

Temperature (K)

Siloxane based polymers

1. Amide-terminated Polydimethyl x = upto ~50 10–16.6 wt% 20.7–56.5 MPa Miscible with sc-CO2 + nC6 at 1 wt -
siloxane (PDMS) oligomers154 298.15–333.15 K %; viscosity increase up to > 20
2. Polysiloxane homo and Up to 75000 g/mol Up to 4 wt% ~6.9–41.4 MPa Homopolymer solubility - 4 wt%, -
copolymers155 298.15–338.15 K 20.7 MPa, 308.15 K
Copolymer solubility – up to 1 wt%,
27.6 MPa, 308.15 K
3. Side chain functionalized x=5 ~0.4–3.5 wt% Up to ~40 MPa, Increasing solubility with side chains -
PDMS156 295.15 K (decrease in cloud point up to
17.2 MPa)
4. PDMS157 ~197,000 g/mol 2–6 wt% ~17.23 MPa and Increased cloud point pressure with ~25% increase from neat
327.59 K increase in temperature, ~90-fold CO2; reduced
viscosity increase for 6 wt% breakthrough
5. PDMS158 x = ~200–2000 ~5 wt% 298.15 K Cloud point of 20–30 MPa for -
x = ~200–2000
6. PDMS159 - 4 wt% 20 MPa and 327.15 K Viscosity increase up to ~13 times -
7. Fluorinated polymers and ~85000–530000 g/ 5 wt% 300 MPa and Increased solubility of polymers in -
copolymers160 mol 543.15 K presence of fluorinated groups
8. Perfluoropolyethers161 ~8165–29252 g/ ~1–28 wt% 298.15 K Deceasing solubility with mol. wt.; -
mol complete miscibility with optimal
mol. wt.
9. Trialkyltin fluorides and < 50,000 g/mol < 5 wt% 297 K Dissolution without cosolvent; -
fluorinated telechelic increased viscosity (2–3 times) for
Ionomers162 2–4 wt%
10. Styrene-fluoroacrylate - 1–5 wt% 6.7–48.28 MPa, 295 K Enhanced CO2 viscosity by -
copolymers163 5–400 times, decreased solubility
with styrene content
11. Styrene/heptadecafluorodecyl - 0.5–5 wt% 308.2 K Increased viscosity by 352 times for -
acrylate (St–HFDA) 5 wt% with 0.299 molar ratio of
copolymers164 styrene
Hydrocarbon polymers
12. Poly(butene)165 ~500–2500 g/mol 1.5–20 g/L 298.15 K, 11.7 MPa Increased CO2 viscosity by up to 1.09 -
13. Poly (vinyl ethyl ether) (PVEE) 3800 and 910 g/mol 0.005–0.01 mf 329.15 K Increased CO2 viscosity by 13–14 Incremental 2.2–82%
and poly(1-decene) (P-1-D)166 times at 14.6–20.1 MPa and over pure CO2, delayed
329.15 K breakthrough
14. Poly (vinyl acetate-co-vinyl - Up to 2.35 wt 308 K Increased viscosity -
ether) (PVAEE)167 %
15. PVEE and Poly (iso-butyl vinyl 3800 and 4000 g/ 0.081–3 wt% 329 − 377 K Completely soluble in CO2 at -
ether) (Piso-BVE)141 mol 55 MPa, negligible viscosity increase
for Piso-BVE, 43% for PVEE

x – repeating units; mf- mol fraction

means it does exhibit a polar interaction, leading to increased solubility perfluoropolyethers (NMR molecular weight range of ~8160 to 29,252)
of polymers with a polar functional group is increased as opposed to have been shown to exhibit increased CO2 solubility due to the presence
non-polar. Polydimethyl siloxane combined with co-solvent toluene of fluorine groups [161]. Both CO2-philic and CO2 phobic groups can be
increased the CO2 viscosity by 90 times and lowered the pore volume of incorporated into the polymers, increasing the solubility and viscosity in
injection fluid required for ultimate recovery for viscous CO2, compared CO2, respectively, as shown in Fig. 7. CO2-philic groups increase the
to neat CO2 or CO2-toluene [157]. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) has solubility due to increase affinity towards CO2 whereas CO2-phobic
been investigated for sc-CO2 viscosity enhancement by several authors
in concentrations ranging from ~1–5 wt%, along with various
co-solvents involving toluene, nC7, CHCl3, and tetrahydrofuran (THF)
Another class of polymers with a fluoride group, fluoropolymers,
have also been found to increase sc-CO2 viscosity. Non-polar polymers
or copolymers can be more soluble in CO2 by incorporating fluorine or
polar groups. Rindfleisch et al. conducted cloud point tests to determine
the solubility of fluorinated (poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-hexa­
fluoropropylene), poly(vinylidene-cohexafluoropropylene)) and non-
fluorinated (polyacrylate, poly(ethylene-co-methyl acrylate)) polymers
in sc-CO2 at ~543 K and 300 MPa [160]. Authors found the increased
solubility of fluorinated and partially fluorinated polymers, compared to
the non-fluorinated counterparts. Teflon AF (fluorinated copolymer)
with polar groups was found to be soluble at pressures and temperatures
as low as ~60 MPa and 343 K. Similarly, high molecular weight Fig. 7. Functionalization with various CO2-philic and CO2-phobic groups for
increased polymer solubility and CO2 viscosity.

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

groups lead to molecular association leading to increased viscosity. was found to be most effective in increasing the sc-CO2 viscosity by
Semi-fluorinated trialkyltin fluorides and fluorinated telechelic ion­ ~1.2–2.8 times over a concentration range of 0.81–5 wt%.
omers were synthesized and investigated for CO2 viscosity increase Small associating compounds can also thicken CO2. Like copolymers,
[162]. These polymers were able to dissolve in CO2 without the use of a they also require functionalization with CO2-phobic and CO2-philic
co-solvent and increase the CO2 viscosity by 2–3 times at a concentration groups to increase viscosity and solubility, respectively. A close look at
of 2–4 wt% at 297 K. Huang et al. [163] investigated the effect of the literature reveals many small associating molecules based on the
styrene/fluoroacrylate copolymers on the viscosity of CO2 at 295 K and above properties. The CO2-philic group majority studied include fluo­
6.7–48.28 MPa. They observed a considerable increase in the viscosity rinated and silicon-based groups, which have environmental and cost
for 1–5 wt% concentration possibly due to phenyl groups stacking in the concerns, as already discussed earlier. Ester side chain functionalization
CO2-copolymer solutions. Similarly, the molecular dynamic simulation increases the solubility in CO2 by side chain carbonyl-CO2 interactions
of styrene-heptadecafluorodecyl acrylate (St-HFDA) interaction due to the presence of carbonyl oxygen [156]. As observed by many
revealed that the π-π stacking of styrene groups had a crucial role in studies, the presence of acetate side chains enhances solubility. Also, the
increasing the CO2 viscosity [164]. The results are desirable for use in alkyl group functionalization can affect solubility [141]. CO2 phobic
enhanced oil recovery operations, but use is restricted due to the cost groups generally have a high molecular weight, leading to unfavourable
and environmental concerns related to fluorinated chemicals. interaction due to the disparity between molecular weights. On the other
The search for environmentally benign polymers efficient in CO2 hand, much less molecular weight also leads to the CO2 phobic group
viscosity enhancement at typical reservoir conditions leads to hydro­ dominating the free energy of mixing, making it insoluble in CO2 [172].
carbon polymers. Examples include poly(propylene), poly(1-decene) (P- Also, π-π stacking and hydrogen bonding contribute to more CO2-phobic
1-D), and poly(butene) which have an aliphatic side chain, improving characteristics.
their solubility in CO2 [165]. The presence of aromaticity seems to In conclusion, there are various categories of additives for sc-CO2
negatively impact the solubility of these hydrocarbon polymers with mobility control. The performance (solubility in CO2 and viscosity
some exceptions, such as poly(acenaphthalene) and poly (1-vinyl enhancement) depends on various factors, including operational pres­
naphthalene). The authors of the above study have shown that func­ sure and temperature, concentrations, functionalization, molecular
tionalization with carbonate, amide, ester, aldehyde, halogens, hy­ structure and weight. This is indicated by a schematic diagram. (Fig. 8).
droxyl, and benzene rings system with unsaturation decrease the As visible from this figure, various factors such as pressure temperature,
polymer solubility in CO2. Despite enhanced solubility for some poly­ concentration and thickener type, molecular weight and structure in­
mers, the viscosity increased by only upto < 1.3 times against a required fluence the solubility of thickeners in sc-CO2 and the viscosity of the
range of 20–30 times. Based on the results of the above study, Zhang resulting solution which are vital along with developing cost-effective
et al. selected two lower molecular weight polymers, namely P-1-D, and environment-friendly additives for sc-CO2. The goal is to reduce
polyvinyl ethyl ether (PVEE), and polyvinyl acetate (PVA), in their the challenges associated with high mobility, breakthrough, and gravity
studies regarding enhanced oil recovery (14.6–20 MPa and 329.15 K) segregation and increase the sweep efficiency and hydrocarbon recovery
[166]. Results displayed an adequate CO2 solubility for both polymers, from the reservoir.
although higher for PVEE, compared to P-1-D at the same cloud point
pressure. Both polymers led to an appreciable rise in the viscosity of pure 4. CO2 EOR and associated CO2 storage
CO2 (13–14 times at 14.6–20.1 MPa and 329.15 K). The flooding ex­
periments at ~15.2–16.2 MPa and 329.15 K with thickened CO2 4.1. Associated CO2 storage
exhibited an incremental oil recovery from 2.2–82% over pure CO2,
depending on the petrophysical properties and fluid saturations. The A part of injected CO2 for EOR becomes trapped in the reservoir
molecular dynamic simulations carried out to study the CO2-poly (vinyl which is known as associated CO2 storage [173]. The different trapping
acetate-co-vinyl ether) (PVAEE) interactions give more microscopic in­ mechanisms by which CO2 storage typically takes place in a saline
sights into the viscosity increase mechanism [167]. The interaction of aquifer as discussed by various authors are given below [21,174,175].
CO2 with polymer depends on the mesh structure of the polymer, which
constrains its movement, giving it more time to interact. Ideally, the a. Solubility trapping: The dissolution of CO2 in the formation brine in
non-fluorous polymers should have a monomer with the weakest pores spaces.
solute-solute interactions and another monomer with a Lewis base to b. Mineral trapping: Chemical reaction between CO2 and minerals
interact with CO2, a weak Lewis acid [168]. Increasing the viscosity of present in brine.
the CO2 is easy compared to the natural and associated gas due to less
concentration of polymers required to enhance CO2 viscosity. For
example, it was observed that 3 wt% of P-1-D polymer in sc-CO2 in­
creases the viscosity up to 0.13 cP compared to 5 wt% for associated gas
for the same value [169]. But, the application of thickeners for sc-CO2 is
trickier at higher temperatures due to decreasing density (lower disso­
lution) and lower mixture viscosity [170,171]. A majority of studies
from the literature have investigated the polymers at a temperature
lower than many of the reservoirs around the world. A recent study
investigated 26 polymers (including high and low molecular weight) at
higher temperatures and high pressure (329 – 377 K and 50–55 MPa)
[141]. Cloud point pressure measurements were taken at different
temperatures. Also, the polymers showing lower cloud point pressures
were studied for their effect on the viscosity of sc-CO2 using a viscom­
eter. It was observed that changes in the alkyl arm and the steric effect of
the polymer greatly affected their solubility in the sc-CO2 but were
ineffective in changing the viscosity. For example, Piso-BVE polymer is
more soluble in the sc-CO2 than PVEE at higher temperatures but has a
negligible rise in the viscosity for same concentration and temperature, Fig. 8. Factors affecting CO2 thickener performance (increased solubility and
compared to 43% in the case of PVEE at 377 K. Also, the P-1-D polymer CO2 viscosity).

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

c. Structural trapping (stratigraphic or hydrodynamic): Trapping of and aromatic hydrocarbon content of the shale samples decreased after
CO2 in formation below an impermeable seal or under the influence sc-CO2 exposure. Thus, developing shale prospects with sc-CO2 benefits
of an aquifer. from increasing fracture conductivity while the higher preferential
d. Residual (capillary) trapping: CO2 due to capillary forces and relative adsorption of CO2 on shale over CH4 leads to simultaneous increased gas
permeability effects. production and CO2 sequestration.

Various subsurface features preferred for CO2 storage are deep saline 4.3. Factors affecting CO2-EOR / CO2 storage potential
aquifers, basalt structures, depleted reservoirs and coal seams[21,
176–178]. CO2 is generally injected into subsurface geological forma­ Processes such as geochemical interactions of CO2 with reservoir
tions under supercritical conditions for permanent storage[21]. fluids can change mechanical, petrophysical properties significantly
[19,20,23,189]. It is therefore important to study effects of interaction
4.2. Adsorption capacity of CO2 and CH4 of CO2 with reservoir rocks and geochemical, petrophysical and geo­
mechanical alterations. Also, diffusion and dispersion of CO2 have
Developing the shale prospects with CO2 and CH4 has implications crucial impact on the EOR/storage as well as gas recovery. These
for CO2 storage which has been investigated by various researchers mechanisms are shown in a schematic in Fig. 10 and discussed below.
[179–185]. Apart from the above-mentioned CO2 storage mechanisms
for saline aquifers, shale reservoirs also trap CO2 through adsorption 4.3.1. Interaction of sc-CO2 with reservoir rock and brine - geochemical,
[184,185]. A schematic regarding the same has been provided in Fig. 9. petrophysical, geomechanical changes
While hydrodynamic, adsorption, and residual trapping occur in a In a study carried out to study the sandstone surface properties after
shorter timescale (compared to injection time), solubility and mineral sc-CO2 exposure at 348.15 K and 32 MPa, authors observed that
trapping act on long term or permanent[184]. High-pressure adsorption chemical interactions led to the dissolution of certain minerals from
studies were done on coal and shale samples from a Brazilian basin sandstone formation (K-feldspar, albite, ankerite). Combined with the
involving CH4 and CO2 up to 17 and 25 MPa, respectively, at ~308, kaolinite formation and mineral surface corrosion, this resulted in a
318 K. Results were fitted with Langmuir isotherm [180]. Authors wettability change to more water-wet [29]. A recent study has investi­
observed increased CO2 adsorption on shale up to 6.9 times that of CH4 gated the effects of CO2-brine-rock interaction on the porosity and
for the coal and carbonaceous shales. A similar adsorption study on the permeability of the shale samples at ~353 K for 24 h [190]. The porosity
shale samples from Barnet, Eagle Ford, Marcellus, and Montney reser­ of the samples had increased by ~2–3.4% while permeability increased
voirs in the US (at 313 K) concluded CO2 to have an adsorptive capacity by ~7 times after 24 h. To determine the changes in the mineral
up to ~2–3 times that of CH4 in the shale samples [181]. The influence composition and fluid chemistry, the authors carried out XRD and
of shale composition and pore structure on the selective adsorption of SEM-EDS analyses of the exposed samples. It was deduced from the
CO2 over CH4 has been studied by Gu et al. [186]. The authors study that sc-CO2 exposure had dissolved dolomite, K-feldspar, albite,
concluded that the saturated vapour pressure of CO2 is lower than CH4, and calcite. Also, kaolinite precipitation resulted in an increased clay
resulting in multilayer adsorption. The shale samples had a high total percentage in the sample after the exposure. Apart from the above
organic carbon (TOC) with higher heterogeneity in pore size, favourable analysis, tensile strength and surface friction coefficient had reduced
for the CO2 movement. As the CO2 molecule is slightly smaller than CH4 noticeably in 24 h (up to 9.8%). The increased permeability observation
(kinetic diameter of 0.33 nm compared to 0.38 for CH4), it has a higher is also supported by the works of other authors [191,192]. As a result,
surface area and can penetrate the pore spaces in the shale formation. there is more adsorption and, thus, consumption of CO2, which has
Also, the adsorption capacity of CO2 has been observed to increase from implications for CO2 sequestration. However, some studies have also
3 to 10 MPa, in contrast with CH4 [187]. Also, the authors observed a observed a decrease in permeability due to free particle formation due to
lower adsorption capacity of CO2 compared to liquid CO2. sc-CO2 mineral dissolution, making it necessary to inject dry CO2 to successfully
adsorption studies on shale have been done by various authors [114, implement carbon storage [193]. A lab-scale study involved low-field
188]. Zhou et al. exposed crushed shale samples from various oilfields in NMR and XRD analyses to quantify the alterations of porosity, perme­
China to sc-CO2 at ~308 K and different pressures of 8, 12, and 16 MPa ability, and geochemistry of a synthetic core with pure minerals (calcite,
[188]. CO2 and CH4 adsorption were done before the exposure to feldspar, illite, and kaolinite) after exposure to CO2 at 20 MPa and
sc-CO2. Authors observed that sc-CO2 exposure decreased the adsorption 343.15 K [19]. Interplanar spacing of the sample had increased by the
of gases owing to pore structure change and surface chemistry. The interactions with sc-CO2, and it was concluded that the injection of
average pore size was observed to increase while the silicate, carbonate, saturated CO2 could further expand pore size. In another study, cores
obtained from a tight sandstone reservoir in Lucaogou formation
(China) were exposed to brine (~29800 ppm salinity) and subcritical to
sc-CO2 environments (348.15 K and 2.6–32.8 MPa)[29]. The miner­
alogy of core samples was studied through SEM-EDS, XRD and ion
concentrations were studied through ICP-AES. Authors observed a 0.3%
decrease in the mas of the core samples due to mineral dissolution at
acidic sc-CO2 environment. This resulted in a dissolution of K-feldspar,
albite, and ankerite. Iron minerals and kaolinite precipitate were
observed in the core samples from SEM-EDS analysis. These mineral­
ogical changes altered the rock surface to a more water-wet. A higher
water wet surface can help desorb oil from rock surface, enabling
imbibition and ultimately, oil recovery. These changes are crucial for
improved pore connectivity in tight reservoir which would enable both
CO2-EOR and sequestration.
Shale lithologies present challenges to properly understand the
various parameters related to CO2 mobility and storage including
diffusion, dissolution, and displacement. Clay rich shales have exhibited
Fig. 9. A schematic of CO2-storage in shale reservoirs through various trap­ a decreased pore connectivity in contrast to increase for carbonates upon
ping mechanisms. CO2-brine exposure for 45 days[194]. Zhang et al. have observed a

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

Fig. 10. A schematic of interactions sc-CO2 reservoir rocks and fluids (crude oil and water) relevant for CO2-EOR/storage operations.

decrease in the Ca content in the shale upon exposure to sc-CO2[195]. another due to heterogeneity and anisotropy. An ideal the CO2 storage
The dissolution of minerals affects the CO2 diffusion in addition to site should have following attributes[24]:
mechanical properties such as ductility and brittleness. Production and
EOR process related to shale reservoirs need to significantly alter the a. Sufficient injectivity and capable of resisting buoyancy driven flow
reservoir properties in form of fracturing, and other stimulation tech­ of CO2 over an appreciable timescale without leak and migration.
niques as they are extremely tight (low permeability). Typically, shale is b. Caprock: should have sufficient fracture and fault resistance. Ideal
composed of kaolinite, illite, smectite, montmorillonite, biochemical characteristics are non-(porous, permeable, fracture and reactive)
carbonates in form of dolomite and calcite, and some iron minerals[22]. layer, undisturbed by surrounding chemistry and tectonics[22].
Reservoir petrophysical and mechanical properties could change due to
CO2 storage due to reaction with the rock as discussed above, leading to According to Ozotta et al., there has been an increased push for CO2
possible formation of new flow paths and leakage[24,196]. In one of the storage in recent years to combat the climate change. More efforts have
studies for investigating mechanical properties of shale rock sample been put into CO2 storage in shales than in carbonates which are more
upon exposure CO2-brine system, fracture toughness has been observed prone to dissolution and failure upon CO2 exposure[21]. CO2 storage
to increase by about 0.5 MPa owing to calcite cementation[25]. Lami­ form a part of strategy to achieve carbon neutrality, the other part
nated zones are more prone to CO2 permeation as they are weaker than concerns with the reduction of CO2 emissions[199]. As already dis­
other lithofacies[197]. Rock failure can happen due to reduced stress cussed in previous sections, CO2- comes with the advantage of associ­
compliance owing to microfractures initiations and expansion following ated carbon storage potential. Two important viewpoints have been put
the porosity and permeability alterations[195]. This reduced strength in forth by Jiang et al. in regard to the economic viability carbon seques­
shales has been observed to reduce the Young’s modulus and brittleness, tration methods. In first part, CO2-EOR is economically encouraging
depending on the saturation time. It has also been reported that faults or compared to other methods. The costs associated with CO2-EOR (pur­
fractures can be reactivated due to increased pore pressures upon CO2 chasing, processing facilities, transportation, injection, and monitoring
flooding, possibly risking CO2 leakage[25]. Commonly used parameters infrastructure can be recovered, depending on the prevailing crude oil
to evaluate formation susceptibility to failure are UTS (ultimate prices. In contrast to the first viewpoint, CO2-EOR contribution to car­
compressive strength) and Young’s modulus (E)[23]. In an experiment bon sequestration could be questioned, especially since CO2 is put back
to evaluate mechanical properties of shale samples exposed to sc-CO2, into the atmosphere upon consumption of fossil fuels. According to
UTM and E were observed to decrease by ~34%[23]. Similarly, another Ghiat and Al-Ansari, approximately 0.75–1.5 tonnes of CO2 are stored
study has concluded UCS, E, and brittleness index to decrease time upon for emission of 1 tonne of CO2[200]. This is however, a very conserva­
exposure to sc-CO2[198], however the magnitude of decrease is tive estimate as numerous factors affect the net CO2 savings. The CO2
dependent on the orientation of bedding (more reduction for vertical source, thus becomes vital for realizing carbon negative status. Various
bedding compared to parallel), and more for UCS compared to E after carbon sources such as direct air capture, biomass conversion, and
sometime. Stress redistributions can happen during CO2 injection due to ethanol plant are potential candidate for this purpose[201,202]. For
temperature and pore pressure changes, or asphaltene precipitation (loss example, using ethanol plant as the CO2 source, 1–2.5 tonnes of CO2 can
of CO2 injectivity), changing the rock geomechanics[27,28]. Pore be stored per tonne of CO2 emitted[202].
pressure fluctuations alter the effective stress leading to deformations
and permeability alterations[27], impacting hydrocarbon recovery and 4.3.2. Diffusion and dispersion of CO2 in reservoir fluids
CO2/storage. Temperature effects on the CO2 diffusivity and dispersion CO2 diffusion and dispersion mechanism impact the CO2-EOR/stor­
and asphaltene precipitation due to CO2 and are discussed in 4.3.2 and age projects and gas recovery. Rezk and Foroozesh carried out a
4.3.3. CO2 storage is feasible in fractured shales but the storage sites as compositional simulation study coupled with fine tuned EoS model to
well as geochemical and mechanical impacts always vary from one understand the effect of porosity, permeability, injection rate and soak

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

time on oil recovery and storage for varying CO2 diffusion coefficient 5. Role of field applications, CO2 monitoring, and life cycle
[34]. The reservoir conditions were kept above the sc-CO2 conditions analyses for development, safety, and optimization of CO2-EOR/
(17.2 MPa and 368.7 K), homogeneous porosity and permeability and storage project
light crude oil (0.813 g/cc and 2.21 cP). For all the cases, an increase in
the diffusion coefficient increased the recovery factors and tapping ef­ Field applications and CO2 monitoring are valuable for ensure safety
ficiency. High permeability had least impact of variation in diffusion and integrity of any CO2-EOR/storage project. Life cycle analysis on the
coefficient while decreased injection rate and increased soak time led to other hand is indispensable for the optimization of any EOR/storage
increased incremental recovery factor and solubility trapping. For project and considers its environmental as well as economic impact.
enhanced gas recovery (EGR) process, dispersion of CO2 in CH4 is
important[31]. Temperature, residual water, salinity, and impurities in 5.1. Successful CO2-EOR/storage field case studies
CO2 play a major role in affecting the dispersion and ultimately on the
recovery and CO2 storage. There is scarcity of field data on EGR oper­ A successful field implementation of any EOR/EGR process has many
ations using CO2, warranting the need of complex geological, petro­ different stages namely the pre-implementation and implementation
physical, and fluid properties in simulation studies. stages, the evaluation of recovery response and the commissioning and
related startup activities[214]. For example, after the peak oil produc­
4.3.3. sc-CO2 induced compositional changes in crude oil and precipitation tion of ~31700 barrels of oil per day from Wasson field in the Texas,
of heavy crude oil fractions USA in 1975, field and plant studies were carried out and CO2 miscible
Nielsen et al. studied the effects of temperature and pressure on the flooding was opted for implementation in 1984. The pay zone is dolo­
asphaltene precipitation from crude oils ranging from asphaltenic to tar mite with an average depth of ~5100 ft and areal extent of ~41-acre.
sand bitumen diluted by nC5 [203]. The authors concluded that aggre­ The MMP was determined from the black oil model to be ~1315 psi
gate mean size increased slightly with pressure (0–5.6 MPa) while (9.07 MPa) and CO2 was injected at ~1800 psi (12.4 MPa). Field facil­
decreasing with temperature (273–423 K). The core flooding experi­ ities for CO2 injection, production, gas collection and excess water
ments performed at ~332–336 K and 16 MPa by Srivastava et al. have handling including the transmission pipelines were designed as per the
concluded an increased asphaltene flocculation (up to 3.48 wt%) requirements. The Oil production rate had increase from
accompanied by the saturation pressure, gas-oil-ratio alterations due to mid-1986–1988 (15700 BOPD, 108800 BWPD for Jan 1988) in response
an increase in CO2 concentration from ~0.7–75 mol% [204]. Similarly, to CO2 injection, beyond the projected decline value for secondary
other studies have shown that higher CO2 concentrations in the system flooding, indicating success. Additionally, excess CO2 removal facility
can lead to increased asphaltene precipitation, which reduces upon had been commissioned in 1987. Some of the wells were shut or excess
increasing pressure and decreasing temperature [205–207]. CO2 was reinjected.
A molecular dynamics simulation study investigated the sc-CO2- The impurity of the reinjected gas affects CO2-EOR and the associ­
induced asphaltene aggregation, with and without the presence of in­ ated CO2 storage performance[173]. The impurities consist primarily of
hibitor Limonene [208]. Simulations carried out at 350 K and 15 MPa CH4 and lighter components such as N2 and C2 (up to 99.6%). Presence
have exhibited aggregation for all the molecular configurations of lighter fraction that is CH4 increase the CO2-MMP which has a direct
considered. Liu et al. observed in their simulation study that asphaltene impact on the oil recovery as the displacement mechanism changes from
molecules exhibited a strong aggregation tendency compared to nC7 and more efficient miscible to a less efficient immiscible. For example, a
toluene. [209]. CO2-induced asphaltene precipitation through multiple WAG injection scheme has been implemented in the Northeastern
contact miscibility was studied in a high-pressure high, temperature Powder River basin in Wyoming, USA. The reservoir temperature is
(HPHT) cell (~344 K and 21 MPa) [210]. The authors observed a 315 K. Using the vanishing interfacial tension (VIT) method the CO2-oil
decrease in the asphaltene content in the crude oil (with 3.75 wt% C60+ MMP range was determined to be 9.72–28.13 MPa for CH4 content
and 34◦ API) with an increase in CO2 concentration, indicating their 0–100 mol%. The miscible flooding was realised for upto 30 mol% CH4
precipitation. FTIR analyses of the precipitates obtained from the for a pressure of 17.23 MPa and above. The hydrocarbon pore volume
exposure to CO2 had shorter alkyl chains than those obtained using injected (HCPVI) increased with impurity content due to the less
paraffins. Also, apart from asphaltenes, other fractions such as saturates, compressible CH4 (compared to CO2) at reservoir conditions. Incre­
aromatics, and resins have been found in the precipitate. Such changes mental oil recovery increased upto 20 mol% before decreasing for
in the crude oil composition also affect the flow properties of the crude higher CH4 content due to increased MMP as discussed above. The
oil, affecting the oil recovery when using supercritical CO2. A study associated CO2 storage on the other hand decreased with impurity in the
investigated the flow properties of a waxy crude oil (18.6% wax) treated reinjected gas. Increased CH4 content shifted the phase envelope to
with sc-CO2 at 25 MPa and 353.15 K (similar to reservoir conditions) higher pressures and reduced the gas mixture density, negatively
[211]. The treated waxy crude oil had a higher content of C24+ hydro­ impacting the reservoir CO2 storage potential.
carbons. The rheological test revealed that the treated waxy oil was Relative permeability hysteresis and various trapping mechanism
harder to flow due to its increased yield stress and apparent viscosity. play an important role in the CO2 storage potential by affecting residual
The increased heavier hydrocarbons led to a more stable emulsion after trapping of CO2 (changing wettability and capillary pressure just after
sc-CO2 exposure. Apart from sc-CO2, injection of sc-H2O could also lead CO2 injection)[215–217]. The Bell Creek oil field, Montana, USA has
to changes in the composition and physicochemical properties of the seen CO2-EOR implementation in 2013. Core plugs with 26% porosity
crude oil. Using sc-H2O leads to viscosity and density reduction due to and 1052 mD permeability were collected from a depth of 4533 ft and
the cracking of higher molecular weight hydrocarbons. Unlike sc-CO2, relative permeability tests were carried out at reservoir conditions of
where there is a higher chance of coke formation, sc-H2O leads to less 16.20 MPa and 315.37 K. The increased irreducible gas saturation
coke formation and upgradation of heavy crude. during imbibition of 0.19 compared to 0.07 for drainage process indi­
Like conventional reservoirs, CO2 EOR in ULRs suffer from asphal­ cated a significant trapping of CO2 during the cycle. The swelling tests
tene deposition. A study investigated the asphaltene plugging during indicated an enhanced dissolution of CO2 in the crude oil (up to
CO2 injection at 298.15 K in a confined shale core samples with pore 0.48 mol fraction at 10.38 MPa) and increased swelling up to 23%. A
sizes 3 and 50 nm. Asphaltene particles with size ranging from 30 to reservoir simulation study concluded that the oil recovery and associ­
200 nm were found to have deposited on a nanomembranes, indicating ated CO2 storage had increased by 1.21% and 20%, respectively, for
increased plugging potential[212]. Increased cycles of CO2 soaking were permeability hysteresis and a residual CO2 saturation of 0.3.
observed to reduce the pore size and permeability (one third of original

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

5.2. Field monitoring technologies and CO2-EOR/storage safety a. Ground deformation due to CO2 injection – Interferometric synthetic
aperture radar (InSAR)[225] and global positioning system (GPS)
Once CO2 is injected into the reservoir, understanding its behaviour [226]
and spatial distribution is crucial to develop and optimize the EOR and b. Oil displacement and CO2 trapping in pores - Nuclear magnetic
CO2 capture projects. Time lapse seismic monitoring or 4D seismic resonance (NMR)[227]
technique is frequently used for this purpose. 4D seismic monitoring c. CO2 saturation- Thermal neutron detection (TND)[228]
essentially measures the P and S wave velocity data over the same area
at different times. This is useful to monitor changes in the dynamic
properties such as saturation and pressure. Static properties including 5.3. Life-cycle analysis and optimization of CO2-EOR/storage project
mineralogy and porosity do not change during a 4D survey. Two sets of
data are acquired for CO2-EOR data monitoring: before and after the Life cycle analysis helps us to make economic decision while eval­
injection. The measured compressional wave velocities change when the uate environmental consequences. CO2 is initially injected into reservoir
insitu fluid is replaced with the one having different density and elastic in EOR project causing increased oil production and CO2 storage. At the
moduli[218]. The P-wave can travel through both rock and fluid surface, CO2 and water are separated from oil and CO2 is reinjected into
whereas S-wave can travel only through solids. Therefore, the P and S the reservoir. Additionally, some CO2 is purchased during this process.
wave velocities changes when seismic wave travels through fluid filled During this cycle, CO2 emissions take place from compressors, pumps
pore spaces in the formation. This change in P-S velocity ratio combined and other facilities to which emissions from refinery and combustion of
with seismic inversion and rock physics can be helpful to detect stored oil products add up. For example, for Weyburn CO2-EOR project a net
CO2 along with fluid and pressure distributions over time[219]. Saline storage of 18.6 million tonnes of CO2 has been estimated to be stored out
water aquifers and depleted oil and gas reservoirs offer a great potential of 23 million tonnes recycled for a period of 25 years. According to
for CO2 storage[220–222]. Most of the CO2 is heterogeneously stored in NRCan (Natural Resources Canada), CO2 emissions from usage of 130
the reservoirs in a supercritical state. Properties of sc-CO2 changes with million barrels of oil is estimated to be ~61 million tonnes. Thus, it is
varying conditions of reservoir pressure and temperatures. In addition, easy to infer from above involved statistics that making economic de­
the compressibility of formation brine also changes when interacting cisions in developing EOR project could have huge environmental
with sc-CO which in turn, affect the P-wave velocity[222]. For depleted impact. An optimization methodology known as GLP (gray linear pro­
oil and gas reservoirs, the physical properties of residual oil changes gramming) has been used to optimize the objective function consisting
with time upon contact with sc-CO2. Depleted reservoirs with less GOR delivered, recycled, and stored CO2 based on CO2 purity, supply, and
(gas oil ratio) are favourable for monitoring CO2. GOR affects the emitted along with expected oil recovered from EOR. According to the
seismic response by altering the density, bulk modulus and velocity. In optimized model, 20 million tonnes of has been purchased for Weyburn
addition, unconsolidated rocks are favoured for monitoring CO2 due to project and incremental oil recovery has been estimated to be around
large P-wave velocity decreases. In the same way, compacted formations ~133–142 million barrels for 25 years period. More details can be
are not suitable for seismic CO2 monitoring. accessed from the reference[229]. From the sensitivity analysis, the
The CO2 itself reacts with rock surface in the pore scale (discussed in Weyburn project has been found to be economical success and could be
section rock interaction) and alters the rock matrix which could have further extended upon increased oil prices.
significant changes in the seismic response and making it difficult to
segregates the effects of CO2. Another issue is the presence of CO2 6. Corrosion and its impact on CO2-EOR/storage process chain
patches in relative to the seismic wavelength, which change the rock
compressibility, thus changing the response at higher and lower fre­ Corrosion is a challenging issue associated with CO2-EOR process
quencies of measurement. Thus, calibrating compressibility saturation is chain which can be divided into carbon capture, CO2 storage, trans­
vital to design a CO2 monitoring project and predict the stored CO2 in portation, injection and oil production. During the process of EOR, CO2
the reservoir through image processing and seismic inversion. Also, is transported preferably in a single phase such as supercritical or gas
improving the signal-to-noise ratio and anomaly detection in 4-D seismic phase at 5–20 MPa due to since energy consumption, while temperature
survey will play a vital role in further enhancing the accuracy. Salako varies from 293.15 to 323.15 K. Typical wellhead pressure involved in
et al. have combined 4-D seismic technique with pulsed-neutron log data CO2-EOR is ~10 MPa[230]. Depending on the injection rate and well­
for predicting pore volume as well as dynamic reservoir property head pressure depth, the pressure encountered in the bottomhole could
changes with 69% accuracy for Bell Creek oilfield[223]. The matured be higher than 30 MPa. During production, the conditions generally
sandstone reservoir (payzone depth of 1310–1372 m and thickness of vary from supercritical conditions for CO2 to around ~303.15 K,
6–9 m) has been subjected to CO2-EOR using WAG and continuous CO2 < 1 MPa (wellhead). In CO2-EOR production, the CO2 content can be as
injection scheme (CCI). Another CO2 monitoring and storage related high as 70% (v/v) after continuous production for months[231]. The oil
studies have been carried out by White at the Weyburn-Midale field in and gas gathering transportation lines operate at relatively less pressure
Canada[224]. Oil reserves lie at ~1450 m depth with a fractured than well at 0.3–2 MPa. Corrosion happens in CO2-EOR/process chain in
dolomite thickness of < 30 m. Passive time lapse seismic monitoring the presence of trace amount of water in the injected CO2 due to car­
studies revealed a P and S wave velocity change by ~8% and 1.5%, bonic acid formation. Some of the major factors affecting the corrosion
respectively, when the reservoir brine was replaced by CO2. The over­ in a CO2-EOR project are listed below and their effects are listed below.
lying formation has higher porosity and the change is reflected in
seismic response when CO2 is injected. This technique is sensitive to low 1. Water-wetting: can accelerate the corrosion rate. As a rule of thumb,
CO2 saturation of 5–10%, making P wave time lapse image accurate to corrosion rates are drastically reduced under 30% water cut. The
detect CO2 presence. In addition, the above technique combined with maximum recommendation concentration for CO2 transportation is
saturation estimates from reservoir flow simulation can be used for ac­ 500 ppm [10].
curate volume predictions, relevant for associated CO2 storage. 2. Partial pressure of CO2: leads to formation of more carbonic acid and
Apart from 4-D seismic imaging, other CO2 monitoring techniques carbonate ion to carry forward the corrosion.
have also been used which can monitor a host of parameters related to 3. Temperature: Increase in temperature above dew point precludes the
CO2-EOR/storage. These are listed below: condensation of water, thereby reducing the corrosion rate
4. pH value: reduces the corrosion rate due to ions precipitation. An
increase from pH value 5–6 decreases the solubility of ions in water
by 100 times.

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

5. Flow regime and velocity: As the flow regime changes from laminar Table 5
to turbulent flow, this protective layer near pipeline wall is removed, Challenges encountered in CO2-EOR/storage process and their mitigation
exposing the surface to corrosion. measures.
6. Presence of H2S: Aside from cracking, sulphide scales protect the # Challenges Description Mitigation measures
steel from further corrosion and lead to a reduced rate than sweet Technical challenges
corrosion. When the ratio of CO2/H2S is < 20, sour corrosion ensues 1. Injectivity loss in CO2- Average injectivity • Decreasing the WAG
while for higher ratios, sweet corrosion occurs. (recommended WAG scheme: loss of 20% in CO2- ratio to increase CO2
maximum concentration of 200 ppm)[10]. WAG injection mobility.
scheme; dependent on • Increase injection
wettability, pressure or additional
Every CO2-EOR project is different from another and require several heterogeneity, injection wells.
parameters that need to be evaluated for successful corrosion mitigation anisotropy, trapped • Increased lab and field
and asset integrity, especially in case of CO2 breakthrough. Some of gas scale studies for
these parameters include CO2 purity and water chemistry, injection and optimized injectivity
and oil recovery
design parameters, service life, production data and simulation inputs. depending on each
The equipments and field infrastructure related to CO2-EOR can be case
divided into different categories: CO2 injection system, down-hole 2. CO2 mobility control Higher mobility of CO2 • Reduce the CO2
equipments, pipelines, and existing equipment. Corrosion assessment – Viscous fingering, mobility with
breakthrough and additives (surfactants,
and mitigation measures are important for effective corrosion control.
reduction in oil polymers, cosolvents,
Corrosion allowance, corrosion resistant alloys (Super 13 Cr, Alloy 28 or recovery efficiency nanoparticles)
825) can be used during the design phase. CO2 recovery plant could be • WAG injection
used to remove excess CO2. scheme
Laumb et al. have selected a CO2/water injector and an oil producer 3. Understanding CO2- Diverse for rock and • Integration of
oil and CO2-rock-brine fluid properties, geomechanics with
well from Weyburn CO2-EOR and storage project[232]. The selection of
interaction pressure and geochemistry with
corrosion case studies is subject to availability of sufficient data during temperature, governs petrophysics
pre, active and post CO2 injection phases. Corrosion in a well is typically the mechanism of oil
evaluated through the casing and cement integrity assessment by using recovery
4. CO2-EOR performance Low to extremely low • Reinjection of CO2
cement bond logs (CBL), vertilogs, imaging and sector bond tools (SBT),
in ULR permeability and and produced gas
and calliper logs. The CO2/water injector well had multiple perforations (Unconventional mixed wettability, (rich in intermediates)
above the production perforations as detected by vertilogs. During the liquid reservoirs) leading to low oil • Oil production by huff
year 1987–2002, casing wall loss severity increased upto ~70–80% at recovery (slow diffusion of CO2
~1350 m depth causing the injection well to be abandoned in 2010. The into matrix) and puff
(expansion and
producer well had ~80–93% loss in pipeline at ~485–875 due to severe
pitting corrosion as determined by CIT (casing imaging tool) along with • Using field core at
URS (ultrasonic radial scanner) and MSC (mechanical side wall coring). reservoir conditions
for reliable lab data
• Numerical simulation
7. Current challenges and mitigation practices and gaps
for qualitative
CO2-EOR has been established its potential for enhanced hydrocar­ 5. CO2-EOR performance Poor oil recovery due • Using CO2 volume
bon recovery coupled with CO2 storage. Increasing efforts are being in carbonate to strong swell technology (low
made for achieving carbon neutrality / negative status around the world reservoirs heterogeneity, mixed fluidity fluid
wettability, fractures, injection)
to reduce atmospheric CO2 levels. However, there are several challenges
vugs, poor pore • WAG injection, CO2
in the implementation of CO2-EOR which include technical, economical connectivity, mobility control
and policy support from government. Technical challenges are reactivity with CO2 • Intelligent CO2
numerous, ranging from surface facilities, transportation and corrosion, (geochemical, and monitoring
petrophysical (optimized injection
reservoir heterogeneity and CO2 mobility control, to CO2 interaction
changes), and production for
with rock, brine and oil. Economic challenges include crude oil price maximum recovery)
volatility and CO2 source cost while policy hurdles lie in encouraging 6. Corrosion (Sweet – Presence of trace • Assessment of CO2,
stakeholders towards CO2-EOR storage process in efforts towards CO2; Sour- H2S water in injected CO2- water chemistry,
achieving carbon neutral or negative status. These hurdles impact the severe corrosion of injection parameters,
downhole equipments, monitoring and
proper implementation of CO2-EOR and ultimately, the oil recovery and
injection system, inspection.
sequestration. These challenges along with mitigation measures are reduced service life. • CRA (Corrosion
provided in (Table 5) and have been discussed below. resistant alloys)
-Super 13, alloy 28
/825 and corrosion
7.1. Challenges and mitigation practices
allowance in the
design, carbon steel
i. Injectivity loss: WAG injection scheme oil increases the oil re­ with inhibitors
covery and overcomes the problem associated with CO2-EOR by • CO2 recovery plant to
increasing the macroscopic sweep efficiency in addition to remove excess CO2
• ICD (Inflow control
microscopic displacement of oil through CO2. However, WAG device to control the
scheme suffers from a phenomenon known as the injectivity loss flow rate of producing
[67,68]. A Sharp decline is observed for water injectivity after wells
initial and first cycle along with further losses in the WAG cycle. 7. CO2 source for CO2- Contaminated CO2 • CO2 from large
EOR and storage impacts oil recovery industrial sources as
The post waterflood injectivity decline is due to relative perme­
negatively (less relatively pure
ability hysteresis[69]. Water and gas are competing for same pore concern for storage)
space. Wettability, gas entrapment, reservoir heterogeneity and (continued on next page)
anisotropy have a complex influence on the WAG injectivity[70].

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

Table 5 (continued ) followed by expansion[35]. The possible pressurization first oc­

# Challenges Description Mitigation measures curs followed by the fracturing phase. In the next phase (huff)
CO2 diffuses into matrix followed by expansion in puff phase. Oil
(ethanol, fertilizers,
hydrogen plants)
is expelled from tight pores through a combination of several
8. CO2 storage site Diverse and dependent • Integration of factors including swelling, viscosity and IFT reduction, wetta­
selection on geomechanics with bility alteration, and relative permeability hysteresis. Therefore,
CO2-rock-brine petrophysical, and huff and puff method (described above) and utilizing fractures
interactions geochemical
and increasing the pressure to above MMP can result in increased
(dependent on rock alterations
type, mineral, brine • Utilization of well oil recovery through above mentioned mechanisms. In addition,
composition, logging, rock physics reinjecting CO2 and produced gases rich in intermediates increase
petrophysical and model, and 4D seismic the miscible effects and hence, oil recovery.
mechanical monitoring. For carbonate reservoirs, WAG injection scheme followed by
Economic challenges
controlled mobility of CO2 should be preferred for tackling high
9. Crude oil price and Feasibility of CO2- • Life cycle analysis - permeable and conductive zones. Intelligent CO2 monitoring in­
CO2 source cost EOR/ storage project – Sensitivity analysis tegrated with injection and production profiles can help optimize
based on economics and economic the oil recovery in CO2-EOR.
and point of optimization under
iv. Corrosion control: Corrosion associated with CO2-EOR/storage
diminishing returns different price and
operating scenarios. process chain, poses a serious threat to asset integrity and deign
• Cheaper CO2 source to life, jeopardizing the production and leading to premature
reduce the overall abandonment. Dry CO2 does not pose an issue but the presence of
economic burden on trace amounts of water aggravates the corrosion depending on
CO2-EOR and storage
pH, flow regime, temperature, water wetting, H2S and CO2 con­
Policy support centration. In addition, the presence of H2S leads to sour corro­
10. Achieving carbon Sensitization and Policy towards sion. Several factors need careful evaluation for corrosion
neutrality willingness to partake incentives, deployment mitigation including injected CO2 purity and water chemistry,
in accelerated and growth of CO2-EOR/
injection and operating parameters, service life and design, and
activities towards storage research and
achieving carbon activities, and field scale monitoring and inspection. Injection and production well
neutrality through tests downhole infrastructure and gathering stations are usually design
coupled CO2-EOR/ with CRA (Corrosion resistant alloys) -Super 13, alloy 28 /825. In
storage addition, corrosion allowance to the design based on anticipated
corrosion rate and service life. Pipelines may be design using
In an oil-wet or mixed wet rock, gas enters the permeable zones carbon steel with inhibitors or alloy 825. Excess CO2 in the pro­
and reduces the water relative permeability and injection rate. It duction stream can be removed by CO2 recovery plant. Lastly CO2
has been estimated that injectivity losses of approximately 20% ICD (Inflow control device to control the flow rate of producing
will happen in the WAG process[68]. Some techniques to mitigate wells are beneficial for varying permeability zones. All this is of
this issue include tapered WAG, decreasing WAG ratio increases course dependent on techno-economical evaluation. Monitoring
injection pressure, additional injection wells. In a tapered WAG, pipeline for corrosion in case CO2 ingress in production stream
the gas injection decreases progressively from longer to shorter from a nearby CO2-EOR/storage project depends on case-to-case
cycles. This technique reduces the response time with more in­ basis.
cremental oil recovery for less gas[233]. Also, with reduced gas v. CO2 source for EOR/storage and site selection for CO2 storage:
injection cycles, the water injectivity losses are also mitigated. Contaminated CO2 impacts oil recovery negatively. CO2 should
Optimal WAG ratio on the other hand is governed by the wetta­ be sourced from large industrial sources as relatively pure
bility of rock. WAG ratio is simply the ratio of volumes of injected (ethanol, fertilizers, hydrogen plants). These are cheaper than
water to gas. In a water-wet reservoir, higher WAG ratio results in other sources. Life cycle analysis and economic optimization can
a reduced oil recovery due to bypassing of oil whereas in a mixed be helpful for selecting CO2 source with least burden on the
wet rock, effect of WAG ratio is much smaller probably due to oil feasibility of CO2-EOR/storage project. Ideally, CO2 storage site
coated pore surfaces, improving the contact between oil and should have sufficient injectivity while resisting CO2 leakage
solvent. Thus, decreased WAG ratio in a water wet reservoir re­ along with sufficient fracture and fault resistant caprock. In real
duces this elimination of bypassed oil[234]. Reducing the WAG field conditions, every CO2 storage site is different from each
ratio will reduce the mobility control thereby facilitating other, depending on geochemical interaction of CO2 with reser­
increased injectivity, reduced loss of reservoir pressure, misci­ voir rocks and resulting petrophysical and geomechanical alter­
bility and oil recovery[70]. ations. Timescales vary from few decades for CO2 injection for
ii. CO2 mobility control: As discussed in Section 3, the higher both EOR/storage to centuries for storage. Thus, detecting
mobility of sc-CO2 leads to viscous fingering, gravity segregation leakage and subtle changes with high accuracy is difficult and
and breakthrough which reduces the oil recovery efficiency. significant post injection monitoring techniques and activities
Some methods to control the mobility of the injected CO2 is to use required. Integration of geomechanics with geochemistry and
WAG injection and use of mobility control additives to increase petrophysics along with CO2 monitoring technique, rock physics
sweep efficiency (Please refer to Section 3, Tables 3 and 4). model and well logging would ensure selection of appropriate
iii. CO2-EOR performance in ULRs and carbonate reservoirs: Un­ CO2 storage site (unique for each case)
conventional liquid reservoirs and carbonate formations are vi. Economic and policy support challenges: The feasibility of any
characterized by extremely low permeability, mixed wettability CO2-EOR/storage project depends on the economics and point of
and heterogeneity, which lead to low oil recovery efficiency. The diminishing returns. Cost of CO2 source and crude oil price have a
mechanism of oil recovery from ULR such as fractured shale differ major impact on the economics. Higher crude oil prices justify
from that of conventional reservoirs due to extremely low spending on CO2-EOR infrastructure and extend the oilfield life­
permeability and governed by diffusion through the matrix time. Life-cycle analysis using sensitivity analysis and economic
optimization is vital for understanding the economic impact of

S.K. Prasad et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 72 (2023) 102479

CO2 storage on different components in chain from cost consid­ Mobility ratio, injectivity, recovery efficiency and environment
eration and CO2 source selection to incremental oil recovery and compatibility should be evaluated before field scale deployment.
environment. c. Future research should involve environment friendly, high-
temperature and salinity compatible polymers/surfactants with
Cooperation from various stakeholder such as companies and govt is favourable CO2 mobility. Increased injection pressure, number of
essential in realizing the goal of carbon neutral/negative status. Gov­ wells, and lower WAG ratio in CO2-WAG method can help reduce the
ernment can encourage provide policies towards incentivizing the injectivity losses.
deployment and growth of CO2¬EOR/ storage research and activities
[235]. Tax reduction crude oil recovered form CO2-EOR is an example of 2. Other supercritical fluids for EOR
such an incentive to companies. This along with stricter emission stan­
dards with help in achieving the goal of carbon neutrality. sc-N2 sc-H2O have also been used in EOR studies. sc-N2 leads to lower
oil recovery due to less swelling than sc-CO2. sc-N2 combined with sc-
7.2. Current gap and improvement scope CO2, yields a higher recovery than steam flooding. sc-H2O reduces the
oil density and viscosity due to thermal effects and dissolution of heavier
CO2-EOR/storage technologies have matured and many researches crude oil fractions, reducing coke formation, compared to sc-CO2. Su­
have been done involving geochemistry, petrophysics, and geo­ percritical multithermal fluid (SCMTF), a new concept which combines
mechanics. However, some gaps still remain which are listed below. N2, CO2, H2O, has shown promising results in the initial investigations.

• Cheaper and environment friendly polymers/surfactants for suffi­ 3. CO2-EOR/storage performance

cient CO2 mobility control.
• Reduction in CO2-crude oil MMP and injectivity losses in WAG in­ Geochemical, petrophysical, and geomechanical alterations due to
jection scheme. interactions of CO2-with reservoir rock and fluids impact the EOR/
• Proper understanding of CO2-crude oil and CO2-rock-brine in­ storage potential. Coupling geomechanics with geochemistry and pet­
teractions and oil recovery mechanisms for tight and fractured car­ rophysics in lab scale experimental and simulation studies would lead to
bonate reservoirs. more accurate results. Also, the diffusion and dispersion of CO2 in
• Fast and accurate real-time CO2 leak detection for storage projects reservoir fluids have vital effect on EOR/EGR as well as storage which
and safe CO2 storage over extended timescale (centuries). cannot be discounted.
• Cheap and abundant CO2 source for reduction in overall cost
a. There is a need to reliably predict the diffusion coefficient and
8. Conclusion and future of research involving sc-CO2 dispersion of CO2 in the reservoir fluids as its dispersivity is highly
scale and heterogeneity dependent.
This review discusses the literature on sc-CO2 fluid applications for b. Every CO2 storage site has different characteristics. CO2 monitoring
improved oil and gas production operations and associated carbon techniques, rock physics modelling and well logging would ensure
storage. Crucial CO2-EOR aspects such as minimum miscibility pressure, selection of appropriate CO2 storage site. Fast, real-time and accurate
mobility control and CO2-EOR/storage mechanisms along with field CO2 monitoring technology is needed for leakage detection and
implementation are discussed. Geochemical, petrophysical and geo­ ensuring safe storage for extended timescale (centuries).
mechanical alterations resulting from CO2-rock-brine interactions, and c. CO2 source and purity affect the EOR/storage potential and process
CO2 diffusion/dispersion in reservoir fluids play a vital role in affecting economics. CO2 can be sourced from large industrial processes
the CO2-EOR/storage potential. Also, life cycle analysis and CO2 moni­ (ethanol, fertilizers, hydrogen plants) with least burden on the
toring technologies are vital to optimize the CO2-EOR/storage. Major feasibility of CO2-EOR/storage project, based on the life-cycle
challenges during CO2-EOR/storage process such as injectivity loss, analysis.
corrosion, EOR/storage performance, storage site selection, and current
mitigation practices are discussed along with gaps. This holistic review 4. CO2-EOR for carbonates and unconventional liquid reservoirs
would help gain insights into mechanisms and selection criteria, limi­ (ULRs)
tations, mitigation/optimizations, and gaps when applying sc-CO2-EOR/
storage for unconventional reservoirs with heterogeneity and varying Fractured shales present a challenge to oil recovery in form of
fluid properties. extremely low permeability and mixed wetting characteristics. Car­
bonate reservoirs on the other hand are heterogenous (fractures, vugs,
1. sc-CO2 mobility control for improved oil and gas production and poor pore connectivity) and react with CO2, leading to geochemical
and petrophysical alterations.
sc-CO2 with less viscosity, high diffusivity and liquid like density is
attractive for EOR/EGR operations and underbalanced drilling. How­ a. For URLs: CO2 huff-n-puff method and reinjecting CO2 and produced
ever, viscous fingering, early breakthrough, and gravity override reduce gas rich in intermediate fractions can help achieve miscibility and
the sweep efficiency. Also, the proppant transport and cuttings carrying increased oil recovery. Field cores at reservoir conditions and
capacity are affected in shale gas fracturing and in underbalanced dril­ modelling can be helpful in optimizing oil recovery from URLs.
ling, respectively. b. For carbonates: Some of the EOR strategy can be low fluidity fluid
injection, CO2 mobility control, and WAG injection scheme. CO2
a. To overcome high mobility-related issues in EOR, polymers, co- monitoring technologies can help optimize oil recovery by adjusting
solvents, surfactants and nanoparticles can be used. Polymers are injection and production profile
functionalized with CO2-philic and CO2-phobic groups for enhanced
CO2 solubility and viscosity. Majorly studied fluorinated and 5. Corrosion control in CO2-EOR/storage
siloxane- polymers have environmental and cost concerns, leading to
research for environment-friendly hydrocarbon polymers and Presence of water makes CO2 corrosive which can jeopardize the
surfactants. infrastructure depending on various parameters including pressure,
b. Rigorous lab scale studies should be carried out to examine reservoir temperature, pH, H2S content. Assessment and monitoring play a crucial
and fluid compatibility, solubility and viscosity enhancement. role in decide the action plan.

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