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Practice 1:

The text below is about a young man’s daring adventure into an enchanted forest.
1 Late one evening, under a blanket of stars, I decided to embark on a night-time
adventure through the dense forest that bordered our small village. The moon was a
thin crescent, barely shedding light on the winding path ahead. My flashlight flickered,
casting long shadows between the ancient trees. The air was filled with the chorus of
nocturnal creatures, a mix of hoots, chirps, and rustles that made my heart race with 5
a mix of fear and excitement. Armed with nothing but my curiosity and a backpack
filled with essentials, I pressed on, eager to discover the secrets the forest held under
the cover of night.

2 I had been walking for about half an hour when the path ahead seemed to vanish into
a thick wall of mist. Stepping into the fog felt like entering another world. The air grew 10
cooler, and the sounds of the forest were muffled, as if I had put on a pair of thick,
woolen gloves over my ears. It was here, in the heart of the mist, that I saw it—a faint
glow emanating from the ground, pulsing softly like the beat of a heart. I bent down to
inspect it, finding a cluster of luminescent mushrooms, their light ethereal and
otherworldly. 15

3 Just as I reached out to touch one, a sudden noise behind me made me freeze. I
turned slowly, my flashlight beam cutting through the fog, only to reveal a pair of
glowing eyes staring back at me. My breath caught in my throat as I realised I was not

Question 1: ‘The moon was a thin crescent, barely shedding light on the winding path ahead.
My flashlight flickered, casting long shadows between the ancient trees. The air was filled with
the chorus of nocturnal creatures, a mix of hoots, chirps, and rustles that made my heart race
with a mix of fear and excitement.’ (lines 1-4)

Identify the words or phrases from the extract given above that correspond with the environment
the writer found himself in.

The environment the writer Matching words or phrases from the given
found himself in extract

uneasy or causes

alive with sounds

Question 2: What do the following words in italics suggest about the writer’s feelings?

Based on the following the writer felt…

word/phrase in italics,

‘…eager to discover the secrets the

forest held under the cover of night.’
(Paragraph 1, lines 7-8)

Based on the following the writer felt…

word/phrase in italics,

‘…a sudden noise behind me made

me freeze.’ (Paragraph 3, line 16)


Question 3: Some readers might say that the writer’s decision to explore the forest at night was
too reckless. With reference to paragraphs 1 and 2, find evidence that supports this view.

Identify three quotes from Paragraphs 1 and 2, and explain how each quote provides evidence
for this view.

Quotes How each quote supports the view that writer’s

decision to explore the forest at night was too
Practice 2:
The text below is about a wildlife professor exploring the jungles of the Amazon.
1 As I trekked through the dense Amazon rainforest, my boots sunk into the soft, wet
earth with every step. The air was thick with humidity, wrapping around me like a warm,
wet blanket. The only sounds were the constant buzz of insects and the distant calls
of birds, creating a symphony that was both eerie and mesmerising. The canopy
overhead was a vibrant tapestry of green, barely allowing shafts of sunlight to pierce 5
through. After an hour of navigating through tangled undergrowth, I finally came upon
a clearing. At its center was a tranquil pond, its waters as clear as glass, reflecting the
perfect image of the sky above. This hidden gem, shrouded in mystery, felt like it hadn't
been touched by time.

2 Despite the beauty, a sense of unease settled over me. My guide had warned me 10
about the deceptive tranquility of the forest. Just then, a rustle in the bushes caught
my attention. I turned, expecting to face one of the rainforest's many creatures, but
instead, I found myself staring into the curious eyes of a jaguar, its coat blending
almost seamlessly with the dappled light. For a moment, we simply observed each
other, two beings caught in a silent conversation. My heart raced, not out of fear, but 15
in awe of this majestic creature. Then, as silently as it had appeared, the jaguar turned
and vanished back into the forest, leaving me with a profound sense of connection to
the wild.

3 As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, I made my
way back to the research camp, the image of the jaguar etched in my mind. The 20
journey back was slow, my thoughts consumed by the day's encounter. Finally, as the
first stars appeared, the camp came into view, the flickering lights of the campfire
welcoming me back to civilisation. But the forest had left its mark on me, a reminder
of the untamed beauty and mystery that still exists in the world, waiting to be
discovered. 25

Question 1: ‘As I trekked through the dense Amazon rainforest, my boots sunk into the soft,
wet earth with every step. The air hung heavy and damp, clinging to the skin with its warmth
and moisture. The only sounds were the constant buzz of insects and the distant calls of birds,
creating a symphony that was both eerie and mesmerising. The canopy overhead was a vibrant
tapestry of green, barely allowing shafts of sunlight to pierce through.’ (lines 1-6)

Identify the words or phrases from the extract given above that correspond with the environment
the writer found himself in.

The environment the writer Matching words or phrases from the given
found himself in extract

alive with sounds


Question 2: What do the following words in italics from Paragraph 2 suggest about the writer’s

Based on the following the writer felt…

word/phrase in italics,

‘…staring into the curious eyes of a

jaguar,’ (line 13)

Based on the following the writer felt…

word/phrase in italics,

‘My heart raced, not out of fear, but in

awe of this majestic creature.’ (lines
15- 16)


Pick out at least 2 striking words or phrases from the passage that you would like to analyse!

Striking word/phrase My Analysis

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