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Painting the Canvas of 2023

पश्चिमी तरंग
Pashchimi Tarang
जनवरी 2023

पश्चिम क्षेत्रीय भार प्रेषण कें द्र, मुंबई द्वारा प्रकाशित मासिक ई-समाचार पत्र
What's inside?
01 Energy in Harmony Page: 01

02 Grid-India Day 2023 Page: 02-05

03 74वां गणतंत्र दिवस Page: 06-07

04 WRLDC Champions League Page: 08-10

05 Powering Up Progress Page: 11-12

06 Cyber Jagrukta Diwas Page: 13

07 Retirement Planning Made Easy Page: 14

08 आधुनिक परिवेश में हिन्दी की स्थिति Page: 15

09 MoU Signed with SPIT Page: 16

10 From Classroom to Control Room Page: 17

11 Apprentice Assessment Page: 18

12 Inspiring Innovations Page: 19-20

13 WRLDC Internal Audit Page: 21

14 Alokan: “We” is Victory Page: 22

15 Badminton Blitz Page: 23

16 Birthday Celebrations Page: 24-25

17 HR Policy Walk-Through Page: 26-30

18 Mohiniyattam Dance Performance Page: 31

19 The Beauty of Kala Ghoda Page: 32-33

20 Literature & Art Page: 34-38

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023

Message from
Head of the Region

Dear Friends,

I hope this edition of Pashchimi Tarang finds you basking in good health
and soaring in high spirits.

As we embark on a new journey in 2023, I extend a heartfelt

appreciation to all the employees for the unrelenting efforts,
commitment, shown towards System Operation so far. Your invaluable
contributions have played a crucial role in our success, and let us join
hands and work towards making the coming year an even more
resounding success, filled with prosperity and productivity.

Through this edition, let us take a moment to reminisce on the

memorable events that took place in WRLDC in January. We celebrated
Republic Day with exultant fervor, paying homage to the sacrifices of
the Security forces and upholding the values of our beloved nation.

Furthermore, we dedicated a day to the tireless toil and remarkable

achievements of our employees with Grid-India Day, a celebration of
the energy that powers the seamless functioning of the electricity grid.
We also hosted a cricket tournament, that witnessed enthusiastic
participation from our employees and filled fun and competitive spirit.

With unwavering dedication and an unflinching commitment, I am

confident that our team will continue to work towards maintaining the
reliability and efficiency of the Indian electricity grid, serving the
people of our magnificent nation.
जय हिन्द, जय भारत!

वेलूरी बालाजी

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023

Energy in Harmony
An Electrifying Start to the Year 2023!

Minimum Maximum
Demand Met Demand Met
44362 MW 71053 MW
on 27th Jan 2023 on 13th Jan 2023
at 02:00 Hrs at 10:00 Hrs

Minimum Maximum
Energy Energy
Consumption Consumption
1276.40 MUs 1443.40 MUs
on 26th Jan 2023 on 12th Jan 2023

So far Highest recorded in January 2023 :

Madhya Pradesh Highest Energy Consumption of 329.3 MUs on 10.01.2023. "

Madhya Pradesh Highest Demand of 17238 MW on 13.01.2023 at 09:00hrs.


Gujarat Highest Solar generation of 3815 MW on 16.01.2023 at 12:00 hrs. "

Chhattisgarh Highest Solar generation of 232 MW on 07.01.2023 at 11:00 hrs.
Maharashtra Highest Solar generation of 2178 MW on 08.01.2023 at 12:00 hrs.
WR Highest Solar generation of 8583 MW on 16.01.2023 at 12:00 hrs.
WR - ISTS Highest Solar generation of 1305 MW on 16.01.2023 at 12:00 hrs.
Maharashtra Highest Solar generation of 14.9 MUs on 09.01.2023.
WR Highest Solar generation of 58.54 MUs on 16.01.2023.
Gujarat Highest Solar generation of 26.9 MUs on 25.01.2023.


Gujarat Wind generation of 5266 MW on 04.01.2023 at 23:00 hrs. "

WR - ISTS Wind generation of 2923 MW on 27.01.2023 at 01:00 hrs.
WR - ISTS Wind generation of 59.76 MUs on 27.01.2023.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 01

Grid-India Day 2023
Acknowledging Contributions,
Celebrating Achievements!

The Western Regional Load Despatch Centre, Mumbai celebrated the 6th year
anniversary of the establishment of Grid Controller of India as an independent
organization on January 3, 2023. The event was marked with great enthusiasm,
pride, and happiness among the employees.

The Executive Director of WRLDC, Sh. V. Balaji, addressed the employees and
acknowledged their contribution towards keeping the flag of Grid-India high. He
expressed gratitude and honor to the leaders who believed in this institution and its
potential to make the power sector more vibrant for the betterment of human life.

The day was filled with fun and cultural activities for the WRLDC employees to
celebrate the occasion, who came dressed up in the colour code of Blue & Green
on the day to synergise with the Grid-India logo. A fun quiz and musical chair race
was also organised in which everyone took part with great energy, pride, and spirit,
expressing their gratitude and love for the organization.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 02

Grid-India Day 2023

As Grid Controller of India continues to

grow and expand its reach, the 6-year
anniversary serves as a reminder of
the hard work and dedication put in by
the employees to make it a success.
The celebration of Grid-India Day was
a testament to the commitment and
passion of the employees towards the
betterment of the power sector.

In conclusion, the Grid-India Day

celebration was a great success,
bringing together the employees in a
joyful and memorable event to mark
the progress and achievements of the
past 6 years. The WRLDC team is
looking forward to many more years of
success and growth, powered by the
spirit and passion of its employees.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 03

Glimpse of the Grid-India Day 2023

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 04

शिखर की तलाश

निकल पड़ो तुम,

शिखर की तलाश में। श्री एस. एस. रघुवंशी
द्वारा ग्रिड-इंडिया दिवस पर रचित कविता

तलहटी में बैठ, पर भूल न जाना तुम,

शिखरों का सपना बोया, न के वल सपने तुम्हारे हैं,
रास्तों पर निकल कर, सपनों को परिणाम तक पहुंचाना,
बीच ठिकानों पर क्यों सोया। ऋण तुम्हारे हैं।

माना कि सुंदर हैं दृश्य बहुत, न डरकर झंझावातों से,

बीच रास्तों के मुकाम पर, इनको हिस्सा बनाकर,
पर स्वर्णिम स्वप्न-संसार की, निकल पड़ो तुम,
परिणीति शिखर ही है। शिखर की तलाश में।

भूल कर इन सुंदर, तुमसे पहले भी लोगों ने,

छलावे मँझधार को, खुद को भुलाया था,
निकल पड़ो तुम, जिस जमीं पर तुम खड़े हो,
शिखर की तलाश में। इन शिखरों को पाया था।

रास्तों के पड़ाव हैं, उनकी कु र्बानियों का हासिल,

सुखदायी बड़े, तुम्हारे हिस्से आया हैं,
ऊं चाइयों की धुंध से, तुम्हारी ज़िम्मेदारी का हिस्सा
तुम हो क्यों डरे, अभी बकाया है।
कठिन ऊँ ची डगर से,
आसान है यही राहें। छोड़ कू प निकल पड़ो,
सागर की प्यास में,
निकल पड़ो तुम,
शिखर की तलाश में।

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 05

पारंपरिक ध्वजारोहण और सांस्कृ तिक कार्यक्रमों के साथ मनाया गया

74वां गणतंत्र दिवस

गणतंत्र दिवस भारत का एक राष्ट्रीय पर्व है जो प्रति वर्ष 26 जनवरी को मनाया जाता है। इसी दिन
सन् 1950 को भारत सरकार अधिनियम (1935) को हटाकर पूरे 2 साल 11 महीने और 18 दिन लगा
कर बनाया गया संविधान लागू किया गया था और हमारे देश भारत को पूर्ण गणतंत्र घोषित किया
गया था। इस वर्ष 2023 में भारत का 74वां गणतंत्र दिवस उत्साहपूर्वक मनाया गया।

हर वर्ष की भाँति इस वर्ष

भी ग्रिड कं ट्रोलर ऑफ
इंडिया लिमिटेड - पश्चिमी
क्षेत्रीय भार प्रेषण कें द्र,
मुंबई में 74वें गणतंत्र दिवस
समारोह का आयोजन
किया गया। इस अवसर पर
भारतीय ध्वजारोहण एवं
राष्ट्रगान की पुनीत परंपरा
संपन्न होने के साथ-साथ
सांस्कृ तिक कार्यक्रम का
भी आयोजन किया गया,
जिसमें सभी कर्मचारियों
एवं उनके परिवारजनों ने
भाग लिया।

कार्यक्रम में कर्मचारियों एवं उनके

परिवारजनों द्वारा देशभक्ति गीतों की प्रस्तुति
दी गयी एवं देशभक्ति कविता पाठन किया
गया। इसी दौरान श्री एस. एस. रघुवंशी द्वारा
गणतंत्र दिवस विशेष आशु-भाषण गतिविधि
‘अगर मैं......होता’ का भी आयोजन किया
गया, जिसमें सभी उपस्थित कर्मचारियों ने
उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया। आदरणीय
कार्यपालक निदेशक महोदय, श्री वेलूरी
बालाजी ने सभी को सम्बोधित किया एवं
भारत के महानायकों को याद करते हुए
उनके जीवन से प्रेरणा लेने की शिक्षा दी।
विभागाध्यक्षों ने भी अपने सम्बोधन में सभी
को भारत के एक ज़िम्मेदार नागरिक होने के
नाते हमारे नैतिक कर्तव्यों का सम्पूर्ण निष्ठा
से पालन करने का सन्देश दिया। इसी के
साथ ‘भारत के अमृत काल के आगामी 25
वर्षों’ पर भी चर्चा की गयी।

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 06

74वां गणतंत्र दिवस

The Grid Controller of India,

a beacon of pride,
Guiding the flow of electricity,
far and wide.

We work relentlessly,
to keep the grid stable,
Ensuring that power,
is always available.

Grid-India works day & night,

to balance the load,
Making sure that,
power reaches every abode.

On this Republic Day,

We take pride in our role,
In keeping our nation's lights,
burning bright and whole.

Grid-India raised,
The Indian flag with pride.
And celebrated this,
Special day with joy!

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 07

WRLDC Champions League
A Showcase of Unparalleled Sportsmanship
and Unwavering Team-spirit!

The Western Regional Load Despatch Centre, Mumbai celebrated the spirit of
74th Republic Day with a thrilling cricket tournament that brought together
employees from all departments. The tournament saw a high level of energy,
sportsmanship, and team spirit from all the players, making it a huge success.




The tournament was divided into four

teams - Grid Warriors, Energy Avengers,
Electrifying 11, and Power Rangers. Each
team was made up of employees from
various departments and represented the
spirit of teamwork and collaboration within
the organization. The players displayed
their skills on the field and made the
tournament a thrilling event for all who
witnessed it.

The final match of the tournament was

between Electrifying 11 and Energy
Avengers, and it was an intense battle
between two strong teams.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 08

WRLDC Champions League

The team Electrifying 11, in the

captaincy of Sh. Tushar Mohapatra,
eventually emerged as the winners,
and the team was awarded the
WRLDC Champions trophy. The
players were cheered by the
spectators and received accolades
for their performance.

In conclusion, the WRLDC Champions

League cricket tournament was a huge
success, and it showcased the spirit of
sportsmanship and teamwork among
employees. The tournament was not just
about the competition, but it was also about
promoting a healthy lifestyle and inculcating a
sports culture within the organization. It also
encouraged them to stay physically active
and challenged their teamwork skills, which
they can apply in their work environment.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 09

Glimpse of the WRLDC Champions League

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 10

Powering Up Progress
Technical Executives Get a Behind-the-Scenes Look at
Bhira Hydro's Groundbreaking Operations!

On 21st January 2023, a 12 The Bhira Hydroelectric Project,

member team from the Western commissioned in 1927, is located
Regional Load Dispatch Centre near the village of Bhira in
(WRLDC) visited the Bhira Pump Maharashtra, approximately 150 km
Storage Plant of Tata Power. This from Mumbai. This project generates
team, consisting of Executive electricity using water from Mulshi
Trainees, Assistant Managers and Lake near Pune, and boasts of six
led by senior executives Sh. Aditya units with a capacity of 25 MW each.
Das and Sh. Naresh Mhalas, was The Bhira Pump Storage Project,
on a mission to observe and learn which has a capacity of 150 MW, is
about the state-of-the-art power a key component of the Bhira
generation facilities of Tata Power. Hydroelectric Project.

During their visit, the WRLDC team Unfortunately, due to economic

met with the plant engineers and reasons and a lack of sufficient head
learned about the workings of the in the tail-race area (lower reservoir),
Bhira Hydroelectric Project and the Bhira Hydroelectric Project is not
Bhira Pump Storage Project. They currently operating in pump mode.
were impressed by the advanced However, the team was informed
technology and innovative design that a gate under construction will
of the plant, which makes it a enable the resumption of pump
leading player in the energy mode operation in the near future.
generation sector.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 11

Powering Up Progress: Bhira Visit

In conclusion, the visit of the

WRLDC team to the Bhira Pump
Storage Plant of Tata Power
was a good learning experience
for the team members. They got
an opportunity to observe and
learn about the latest technology
and innovative solutions being
employed in the energy
generation sector.

The model of Bhira PSP

hydrology being explained
by a senior TPC Engineer.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 12

Cyber Jagrukta Diwas
Grid-India-WRLDC takes the Charge for
Raising Awareness for a Safe Cyber World!

With the increasing reliance on technology and the internet, cyber-crimes have
become a growing concern for individuals and organizations alike. To address
this issue, the Government of India has launched an initiative for sustained
awareness on cyber hygiene and to spread awareness, Grid-India is observing
"Cyber Jagrukta Diwas (CJD)" on the First Wednesday of every month since
September 2022.

Recently, WRLDC, Mumbai hosted a successful Cyber Jagrookta Diwas on 4th

January 2023. The program was a hybrid event attended by WRLDC employees
and participants from other RLDCs. The day was filled with an informative
session, case studies discussion, and a quiz competition on cyber security

An expert from Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC),

Mumbai delivered an insightful session on cyber security, in the presence of Dr. M
Sasikumar, Executive Director, C-DAC, Mumbai. The IT executives from SRLDC,
Bengaluru also shared their knowledge and experience, showcasing the
Suraksha portal developed in-house by SRLDC.

The quiz competition on cyber security

awareness was a major highlight of
the day, with participants from all over
Grid-India. Sh. Sachendra Singh, Sh.
Nitin Sharma, and Sh. Dheeraj Gupta
from WRLDC emerged as the top
three winners, respectively.

Cyber Jagrukta Diwas serves as a platform for individuals and organizations to

learn about cyber security best practices, case studies, and creative sessions to
prevent cyber-crimes. Through this initiative, Grid-India - WRLDC aims to create a
safer and more secure cyber world for everyone.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 13

Retirement Planning Made Easy
In-Depth Awareness Session on Employee
Pension Scheme by WRLDC HR Department!

The WRLDC HR department

conducted an informative
awareness session on the
Employee Pension Scheme
1995 (EPS), on 19th January
2023, led by Sh. Krushna
Pradhan, Manager (HR). The
purpose of the session was to
educate employees on the
benefits and features of the
EPS and how it can help them
secure their financial future.

The EPS is a defined benefit pension scheme for employees in the organized
sector. It was introduced by the Indian government to provide social security to
employees in case of retirement, death, or disability.

Sh. Krushna Pradhan discussed the importance of the EPS 1995 and how it can
help employees save for their retirement. They also explained the eligibility
criteria and the process for enrolling in the scheme. The session was attended by
employees from all departments and was highly interactive, with employees
asking questions and seeking clarification on various aspects of the EPS.

This awareness session was designed to provide employees with the information
they need to make informed decisions about their pensions and received positive
feedback from the attendees.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 14

विश्व हिं दी दिवस पर हिं दी कार्यशाला का आयोजन

आधुनिक परिवेश में हिन्दी की स्थिति

विश्व हिंदी दिवस के अवसर पर

दिनांक को 10 जनवरी 2023 को
पश्चिमी क्षेत्रीय भार प्रेषण कें द्र में
हिन्दी कार्यशाला का आयोजन
किया गया । इस कार्यशाला का
विषय “आधुनिक परिवेश में हिन्दी
की स्थिति” था एवं संकाय श्री
रमेश यादव, वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार एवं
स्वतंत्र पत्रकार, मुंबई थे।
कार्यशाला में श्री यादव जी ने भाषा
के महत्व पर ज्ञानवर्धन किया एवं
माननीय गृह मंत्री जी के संदेश को
दोहराया कि राजभाषा हिन्दी
किसी भी भारतीय भाषा की
इस कार्यशाला में कार्यालय के 25 कर्मचारियों ने भाग प्रतिस्पर्धी नहीं बल्कि उसकी सखी
लिया। हिंदी कार्यशाला आयोजन का उद्देश्य कार्यालय के है और हमारी सभी भाषाओं का
सभी कार्मिकगणों को हिंदी में कार्य करने हेतु आकर्षित विकास एक दूसरे के परस्पर
करना था, जिसका सकारात्मक प्रभाव कार्यशाला के दौरान संयोग से ही संभव है।
देखने को प्राप्त हुआ।

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 15

Empowering the Engineers of Tomorrow
WRLDC and Sardar Patel Institute of Technology (SPIT)
Sign Memorandum of Understanding!

Grid-India, being a knowledge-based organisation, is a hub of innovation and

progress and the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
between the Grid-India - Western Regional Load Despatch Centre (WRLDC) and
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institute of Technology (SPIT) is a
testament to this. The MoU was signed on 06th January 2022 in the presence of
the heads from both the organizations and was attended by senior academic
faculty members and executives from SPIT and WRLDC.

The MoU is a significant step towards fostering industry-academia collaboration, a

relationship that is crucial for the growth and development of any industry. In an
era where technology and innovation are driving the world forward, the gap
between industry and academia must be bridged in order to keep pace with the
rapidly changing landscape.

By working together,
WRLDC and SPIT aim to
create opportunities for
students, researchers, and
industry professionals to
exchange knowledge and
ideas. This collaboration will
not only benefit students and
researchers by giving them
hands-on experience, but it
will also help the power
sector by providing them with
access to fresh ideas and
innovative solutions.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 16

From Classroom to Control Room
WRLDC Brings Electrical Engineering to Life
Through 'Gyanoday' Internship Program!

In today's rapidly advancing world, learned. At the opening session, the

it's more important than ever for the interns were welcomed with open
next generation of engineers to be arms and everyone wished them a
well-versed in the latest fulfilling learning experience. The
developments in their field. That's students, in turn, expressed their
why Western Regional Load gratitude and happiness at being
Despatch Centre (WRLDC) is proud accepted for the program, eager to
to announce the launch of a two- dive in and make the most of this
month internship program, as part of unique opportunity.
its ongoing Grid-India 'Gyanoday'
initiative and MoU with Sardar Patel WRLDC's partnership with SPCE is
College of Engineering (SPCE) in just one example of how
Mumbai. organizations and educational
institutions can work together to
On January 9th, 2023, seven final- bridge the gap between theory and
year Electrical Engineering students practice. By providing students with
from SPCE arrived at WRLDC to real-world experience and practical
begin their journey. Over the next skills, internships like this one
two months, they'll participate in a ensure that the next generation of
range of sessions and workshops engineers are well-prepared to
covering a range of topics, including tackle the challenges of the future.
the Indian Power System, Energy
Accounting, Renewables, and The Power sector in India is
Scheduling and Dispatch. undergoing rapid transformation, and
the skills and knowledge these
This internship is not just about students gain from this internship will
learning from the experts at WRLDC, be invaluable as they embark on
however. The students will also have their careers. WRLDC is proud to
the opportunity to put their newfound play a part in shaping the future of
knowledge into practice through a India's power sector and is confident
project work assignment, which will that these seven students will go on
give them a hands-on experience to make a significant impact in their
and a deeper understanding of the respective fields.
practical applications of what they've

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 17

Rotational Learning Leads to Big Wins
Completion of an Experienced-Packed
Year for Apprentices at WRLDC!

WRLDC recently marked the

successful completion of its one-
year apprenticeship program with
an assessment and experience-
sharing session. Five apprentices,
Ms. Mansi M. Waghmare, Sh.
Rushabh N. Dhoble, Sh. Mukund
R. Kavathekar, Sh. Pratik P.
Padalkar, and Sh. Deven S.
Prajapati, participated in the
program, rotating through various
departments to gain a
comprehensive understanding of
the organization.

During the session, the apprentices shared their experiences and insights with
mentors from various departments, and an assessment was conducted by Smt. S.
Usha and Smt. Pushpa S. The heads of departments and senior executives were
present to witness the achievements of the apprentices and offer their
congratulations and best wishes for their future endeavors.

The apprenticeship program at Grid-India's Western Regional Load Despatch

Centre provided the participants with a unique opportunity to gain hands-on
experience and a thorough understanding of the inner workings of the
organization. The rotation through different departments allowed the apprentices
to broaden their knowledge and gain a comprehensive perspective of the industry.

The successful completion of the

apprenticeship program is a
testament to the hard work and
dedication of the apprentices, and
the commitment of Grid-India to
providing comprehensive training
and education to its employees.
The experience-sharing session
provided a platform for the
apprentices to share their
perspectives and insights with
mentors, while the assessment
allowed the organization to
evaluate their progress and
identify areas for improvement.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 18

Inspiring Innovations
Visit of Dignitaries to WRLDC, Mumbai
in the Month of January!

The Western Regional Load Managing Director of the

Despatch Centre (WRLDC) in Maharashtra State Electricity
Mumbai was a buzz of activity in Transmission Company Limited
January as three high-ranking (MSETCL) made his visit to the
dignitaries paid a visit to the facility. WRLDC. His experience in
The first dignitary to visit was Sh. managing large-scale electricity
Durgesh Manjure, Senior Director transmission projects made him a
(Resource Adequacy Planning) of valuable resource for the WRLDC
the Midcontinent Independent team as they work to modernize and
System Operator (MISO) on January upgrade the energy infrastructure in
6th 2023. His extensive experience the region. During his discussion
in resource adequacy planning made with the senior executives, Sh.
him a valuable asset to the WRLDC Aditya Das, Dy. General Manager
team, as they seek to ensure a (MO) also gave a presentation on
reliable and secure supply of WRLDC Grid Operation Highlights.
electricity for the western region.
All the three dignitaries were given a
Next, on January 13th, Sh. S. R. tour of the WRLDC control room
Narasimhan, Chairman & Managing followed by an interactive session
Director (Grid-India), arrived at the with the heads of departments and
WRLDC. All the newly recruited technical executives. These visits
Executive Trainees got the were an important opportunity for the
opportunity to share their NPTI WRLDC team to gain valuable
training experience with CMD during insights and perspectives from the
his visit. experts, as they work to ensure a
reliable and secure supply of
Finally, on January 25th, Sh. Dinesh electricity for the western region of
T. Waghmare (IAS), Chairman & India.

Sh. Durgesh Manjure

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 19

Glimpse of the Dignitaries Visit

Sh. S. R. Narasimhan

Sh. Dinesh Waghmare (IAS)

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 20

WRLDC Internal Audit
From Compliance to Continuous Improvement!

To ensure that the

operations of Grid-India –
WRLDC, Mumbai are in
line with the highest
standards of quality,
safety and security,
WRLDC conducts two
audits each year. These
audits are a critical part of
the company's quality
management system and
help to identify areas of
improvement and monitor
the implementation of
best practices.

The recently conducted internal audit of Cycle#2 for the fiscal year 2022-23 at
the Western Regional Load Dispatch Centre is a testament to the company's
commitment to maintaining the highest standards of excellence. The audit was
planned and carried out on on 17th-18th January 2023 by a pool of internal
auditors from WRLDC and was focused on ensuring compliance with four
international standards: ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management, ISO
14001:2015 for Environmental Management, ISO 45001:2018 for Occupational
Health and Safety and ISO 27001:2013 for Information Security Management.
The audit covered all departments of WRLDC and was integrated with the
company's Integrated Management System.

In addition to the internal audit, an onsite preparatory surveillance was held by

consultant auditors from M/s Allied Boston on 19th January 2023 and 27th
January 2023. The audit covered the IMS requirements and was conducted by
two expert auditors, Sh. Venkat V. Vikram for Quality Management System,
Environmental Management System, and Occupational Health and Safety
Management System and Sh. T. Ganguly for Information Security Management

Both the internal audit and the onsite preparatory surveillance were conducted
with the participation of the Head of Region, heads of departments,
management representatives, and the audit group. An opening and closing
meeting was held on both days, which was attended by all relevant
stakeholders. This ensured that the audit was transparent, comprehensive, and
provided valuable insights into the operations of WRLDC.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 21

Bringing Teams Together,
Building Stronger Bonds
CC HR-OD's Team Building Exercise a Hit!

The CC HR-OD division of Grid-India recently conducted a team building

exercise on 19th January 2023, which was an initiative under the name of
‘Alokan: “We” is Victory’. The event was a huge success and was aimed at
promoting teamwork and encouraging employees to work together.

The activities included "The Treasure Hunt", "The Fact Bubble Quiz", and "The
Card Flip". Each of these activities was designed to promote different aspects of
teamwork, including coordination, cooperation, communication, trust,
leadership, and strategic planning. These activities allowed employees to
showcase their team skills while also learning from one another.

A total of 16 teams participated in the program, with 3 teams from WRLDC

being among the participants. Each team consisted of 4 members who came
together to showcase their team skills and learn from one another. The
competition was fierce, with each team putting in their best effort to emerge as
the winner.

After a hard-fought competition, the

team from WRLDC – ‘WR Titans’,
consisting of Sh. Koti Naveen, Sh.
Dheeraj Gupta, Sh. Sachendra Singh,
and Sh. Bablu Kumar emerged as the
2nd Runner-Up. They demonstrated
excellent teamwork and a strong
commitment to their objectives, which
made them a worthy runner-up.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 22

Badminton Blitz
Grid-India's Strong Showing at Inter-CPSUs Badminton Tournament!

Badminton, one of the most popular sports in India, recently witnessed a

competitive battle among the Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) at
the Inter-CPSUs Badminton Tournament organized by Rural Electrification
Corporation Limited (REC Limited) from 09th-13th January 2023 at Thyagraj
Stadium in New Delhi.

Under the aegis of the Power Sports Control Board, this tournament brought
together 13 participating teams from different CPSUs to showcase their
badminton skills and compete for the top prize. The players were eager to
represent their respective organizations and put forth their best performance on
the court.

The tournament saw a remarkable performance from

the Grid-India team, which constituted three players,
namely Sh. Akhil Gupta, Sh. Ram Singh, and Sh.
Suresh Chandra Bachkheti from WRLDC, Mumbai as
well. They fought their way to the quarterfinals and
managed to beat THDC with a score of 3-0, securing
their place in the semifinals. The team's determined
spirit and strong camaraderie were evident
throughout the tournament and they made a lasting
impression on the spectators and fellow players alike.

Despite facing stiff competition

from other teams, the Grid-
India team put up a brave fight
and stood 4th among the 13
participating teams. This
achievement is a testament to
their hard work and dedication
to the sport.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 23

From the Desk to the Birthday Cake!

Here's to another year of

laughter, love, and life!
May the birthday candles
bring a shimmer of joy and
the wishes of the day lead to a
Sh. Rishav Kumar Sh. Sunil Kumar Jaiswal path of everlasting success
02 January 03 January
and happiness. Cheers to a
fantastic year ahead!
Happy Birthday!

Sh. Badigenchala Raviteja Sh. Sravan Verma

04 January 05 January

Sh. Ashish Rajpal Sh. Shubham Barai

18 January 19 January

Sh. Rishabh Jain Sh. Bablu Kumar

26 January 31 January

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 24

Birthday Celebrations!

Sh. Sunil Jaiswal

Sh. B. Raviteja

Sh. Shubham Barai

Sh. Bablu Kumar

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 25

Uniform Policy,
Limitless Possibilities!
Nurture Your Child's Dreams with Grid-India's
Children Higher Education Advance Rules

Objective of the Policy: The objective of the Grid Controller of India Limited
Children Higher Education Advance Rules is to establish uniform policy and
rules relating to the grant of education advance to the employees of the
Corporation with a view to enable them to defray expenditure on account of
higher education of their children studying in India or abroad.


All employees who on the date of making application have been confirmed in
the regular establishment (i.e. excluding service as trainee) and have put in 3
years’ service shall be eligible for grant of the advance and whose children have
secured admission or currently pursuing graduation/post-graduation/
professional courses in India or abroad.

Employees of Govt. / Public Sector Undertakings/Statutory Corporations/Quasi-

Govt. who join the services of the Corporation/and get absorbed in the services
of the Corporation, will be given the benefit of their earlier 'continuous service'
rendered in the earlier organization immediately prior to joining the Grid
Controller of India Limited for the purpose of computation of continuous service.

Where both the husband and wife are employees of the Corporation and are
otherwise eligible for the grant of advance, the advance shall be admissible to
one of them at their option.

An employee of the Corporation having less than 36 months for superannuation,

shall be eligible for loan with the approval of the CMD.

The advance shall be granted to those employees in whose case the total
deduction from their monthly salary does not exceed more than 75% of the
gross pay after taking all deductions into consideration including proposed EMI
of the advance.

The Education Advance may be granted to the eligible employees for the
purpose of higher education of their children.
Repayment of outstanding loan in full/part, earlier obtained by the employee
from banks. /financial institutions for higher education of their children.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 26

Grid-India HR Policy Walk-Through

Applications for grant of the advance shall be submitted in the prescribed form
through proper channel along with the documents as mentioned on receipt of an
application duly forwarded by the Controlling Officer, HR Department will take
necessary action for processing the application. The HR Department will
scrutinize the application with reference to the conditions of eligibility as
provided under these rules as well as priorities, etc. if any, laid down for dealing
with such cases so as to satisfy themselves that all the conditions have been

Checklist of documents to be submitted along with the application:

Copy of statement of marks/ certificates of last examination passed.

A confirmation from the Institution that the dependent is admitted

for the course for which loan is sought.

Copy of prospectus/ Certificate from the principal or Head of the

Institution for ascertaining the amount of expenses.

Latest salary slip of the Applicant & Sureties.

While according sanction to the grant of advance, the Competent Authority will
also authorize disbursement of the first instalment of advance in accordance with
the requirement of the educational institution/university in favour of the Institution
subject to execution of Agreement and Surety Bond in the prescribed form.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 27

Grid-India HR Policy Walk-Through

In case of Foreign Institute/ University where remittance has to be done in
foreign currency, the installment shall be released in favour of employee on
submission of relevant documents. He shall submit proof of remittance within 15
days of disbursement of the loan amount.

When applying for subsequent installments of advance, the borrowing employee

will certify that the previous installment have been fully utilized and shall
produce necessary receipts/ documents in support of the same. After being fully
satisfied, the Competent Authority will authorize disbursement of the remaining
installments of the advance as per the provisions of these Rules.

The repayment of outstanding Education Advance along with accrued interest in

the parent organization, will be subject to execution of an agreement in favour of
the Corporation in the prescribed Performa and within the admissible limits.

He shall also furnish two sureties as prescribed under these Rules.

The Corporation shall not be responsible for any payment of late fee/ penalty by
the employee.

The applicant shall get the Surety Bond executed as detailed below from an
employee of the Corporation. An employee shall be eligible to stand as surety if:

His salary/ wages are not less than two-third of that of the applicant.
He is not likely to superannuate within 3 years of the date of executing the
Surety Bond.
He has not stood as Surety in more than two cases of Education Advance.
The employee applying for Education Advance has not already stood as
Surety for him when he applied for Education Advance.

Where a Surety employee is likely to leave the employment of the Corporation

or ceases to be in the employment of the Corporation on account of resignation,
retirement, termination, death or for any other reason before the borrowing
employee has repaid the advance in full (including interest thereon) the
employee shall arrange to get executed a Surety Bond from another substitute
surety immediately on the occurrence of the event, except in case of death
where surety shall be provided within one month of such event. The liability of
the surety will be in force till the advance is repaid to the Corporation in full
(including interest thereon).

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 28

Grid-India HR Policy Walk-Through

Terms and Conditions:

The total no. of advances during the entire service shall not exceed four i.e. two
per dependent child subject to limits mentioned under clause.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the employee shall be bound to

comply with any supplementary rules/orders which may be made subsequently
in this regard from time to time with a view to safeguarding the Corporation's
interest as well as proper and faithful observance of then provisions of these

Furnishing of false certificates or breach of any of the terms and conditions

stipulated in these Rules and/or any other supplementary rules/orders will
render the employee concerned liable to appropriate disciplinary action as per
CDA Rules apart from his being called upon to refund to the Corporation
forthwith the entire outstanding advance along with interest.


An advance granted under these Rules shall carry simple interest

@ 7.5% from the date of payment of the advance, the amount of
interest being calculated on the balance outstanding on the last
date of each month. Recovery of interest shall commence on full
repayment of Principal.


The advance granted to an employee under these Rules together with the
interest thereon shall be repaid in full before superannuation/separation from
service of the employee by monthly installments within a period not exceeding
15 years (120 installments for principal and 60 installments for interest).
Provided further that it will be open to an employee to repay the amount in a
shorter period if he so desires.

The amount of advance and interest thereon to be recovered from the employee
shall be fixed in whole rupees, except in the case of last installment where the
remaining balance including any portion of rupee shall be recovered.

Commencement of Recovery:

Recovery of advance granted for repayment under shall commence from the
pay of the month following that in which the first installment advance is drawn. If
an employee resigns from the service of the Corporation or his services are
terminated for any reason whatsoever or if he/ she dies before repayment of the
advance together with accrued interest thereon, the entire outstanding amount
shall become payable to the Corporation forthwith.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 29

Grid-India HR Policy Walk-Through

Commencement of Recovery:

Failure on the part of the employee concerned or his successors, as the case
may be, to repay the advance for any reason whatsoever will entitle the
Corporation to invoke surety bond and recover the outstanding amount from
other dues payable to employee


The grant of advance under

these rules shall always be
subject to the availability of
Monthly recovery funds.
instalments of repayment of
the advance commences
from the due date and is
made regularly from pay of
the employee concerned s the
D reserve
thereafter. The C
M cancel,
m o dify,
to any
o r amend
add, d .
e rules
of thes

Contributed By -

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 30

Classical Dance Meets Modern Leadership!
Grace and Elegance Come Alive by
the Mesmerizing Mohiniyattam Performance!

On the occasion of Republic

Day, Warrier Foundation's
Avyukt Arts, Pratigraha
Natyalaya & Sanskriti
Academy organized its
annual 'Baithak' series 2023,
which was graced by the
stunning performance of Smt.
S. Usha, Chief General
Manager (MO) and Ms. Renu
Seshadri, daughter of Smt.
Pushpa S., Sr. General
Manager (Grid Management).
The duo mesmerized the
audience with their stunning
performance of Mohiniyattam,
an Indian classical dance
form that has its roots in the
state of Kerala.

Mohiniyattam, which gets its name from the word Mohini – a historical
enchantress avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu, is known for its delicate and
feminine movements. The dance style follows the Lasya style described in Natya
Shastra, which is a dance that is filled with grace, eros, and beauty. The
performance by Smt. S. Usha and Ms. Renu Seshadri showcased the true
essence of Mohiniyattam and left the audience spellbound.

The Grid-India-WRLDC family applauds the determination and passion of Smt. S.

Usha and Ms. Renu Seshadri, who have pursued their dream of performing
classical dance, even while holding high-ranking positions in their respective
fields. Their graceful and mesmerizing performance transported the audience to
the heart of India's rich cultural heritage.

As they embark on their artistic odyssey, we

extend them a shower of warm wishes like petals
of a blooming lotus. The Grid-India-WRLDC
family proudly stands behind these gifted
individuals, providing a gentle breeze of support
to carry them to even greater heights of creativity
and expression. May their journey be filled with
inspiration and may their art continue to light up
the world like a thousand twinkling stars.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 31

The Beauty of Kala Ghoda:
A Cultural Oasis in Mumbai
ऐ दिल है मुश्किल जीना यहाँ...
ज़रा हट के , ज़रा बच के , ये है मुंबई मेरी जान!

Mumbai, the bustling city of dreams, facades and intricate details, are a
is a melting pot of cultures, traditions, visual feast for the eyes. From the
and architectural styles. Nestled in the stunning Jehangir Art Gallery to the
heart of South Mumbai, amidst the charming street-side cafes, Kala
chaos and hustle of the bustling city, Ghoda is a testament to the city's
lies a haven of peace and tranquility - architectural prowess.
Kala Ghoda. This iconic
neighborhood, steeped in rich history
and tradition, is a true gem waiting to
be discovered.

Kala Ghoda, which literally means

"black horse" in Hindi, is named after
a statue of King Edward VII on
horseback, which used to stand at the
center of the area. Today, the statue
is long gone, but the name has stuck,
and Kala Ghoda has become one of
the most sought-after addresses in
Mumbai. But it's not just the buildings that
make Kala Ghoda so special. This
neighborhood is a hub of cultural
activity, a place where art, history,
and tradition converge. From the
National Gallery of Modern Art to the
National Museum of Indian Cinema,
Kala Ghoda offers a wealth of
knowledge and inspiration to visitors.

Stepping into Kala Ghoda is like

taking a step back in time. The
colonial-era buildings, with their grand

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 32

The Beauty of Kala Ghoda

It also hosts Kala Ghoda Art

Festival, which is a kaleidoscope of
creativity that unfolds annually in the
heart of the bustling city. During this
time, the streets of Kala Ghoda
transform into a sensory explosion of
color, sound, and art, with every
nook and cranny spilling over with an
eclectic mix of exhibitions and
performances. Visitors from far and
wide flock to this magical event,
lured by the promise of a feast for
the senses.

Food lovers, too, will find plenty to

tantalize their taste buds in Kala
Ghoda. From street-side cafes
serving up Mumbai's famous street
food to gourmet restaurants offering a
culinary journey through India's
diverse cuisine, there's something for
every palate.

In conclusion, Kala Ghoda is a true

oasis in the heart of Mumbai. A
place where visitors can escape the
chaos of the city and immerse
themselves in its rich cultural
heritage. So, next time you're in
Mumbai, be sure to take a stroll
through this magical neighborhood,
and let its beauty and wonder
captivate you!

And for those seeking a shopping

experience like no other, the Article By
neighborhood's quaint boutiques and
Shalini Agrawal
antique shops offer a unique and
Officer (PR)
authentic retail therapy experience.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 33

ख़ुद से ख़ुद की पहचान

जब भगवान हर चीज़ में है,

तो सिर्फ पत्थरों में क्यूं ढूंढते हो तुम ?
सजीवों को छोड़कर,
निर्जीव में क्यूँ ढूंढते हो तुम ?

सिर्फ़ चार दिन की जिंदगी है फ़िर भी,

दूसरों से ईर्ष्या क्यूँ रखते हो तुम ?
हार कर भी जीत जाते हैं इस जहां में,
फिर हर घड़ी जीत क्यूँ ढूंढते हो तुम ?
जब पूछेंगे अपने तुमसे,
यहां से विदा होने के बाद,
जब खुशियों खड़ी हैं सिरहाने,
दिल जीत के आने को कहा था,
तो दुखों का दरवाजा क्यूँ पीटते हो तुम ?
फिर भी दिल तोड़ने का हुनर क्यूं रखते हो तुम ?
मोहब्बत से भरे इस जहां में,
नफ़रत का ज़रिया क्यूं ढूंढते हो तुम ?
थक हार कर बैठ जाओगे किसी दिन,
इस जिंदगी की दौड़ से,
पूरी जिंदगी में जिंदगी कहाँ थी,
क्या ढूंढ पाओगे तुम ?

जिंदगी भर ख़ुद के लिए किया होगा बहुत तुमने,

क्या दूसरों के लिए किया गया,
परोपकार ढूंढ पाओगे तुम ?

श्री रामलखन मीणा

द्वारा जीवन-रस पर रचित कविता

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 34

Canvas Chronicles!
Bringing Imagination to life with each Brush stroke..

The Pour-fect Sketch!

Sh. Bablu Kumar

The Elephant in Bloom!

Ms. Renu Seshadri

D/o Smt. Pushpa S.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 35

Canvas Chronicles!
Bringing Imagination to life with each Brush stroke..

Sailing Through Dreams - A Little Girl's Landscape!

Painted by
A boat afloat on a gentle stream, Ms. Atishya Thakur
Sailed by dreams and a young girl's team. (9 years, Class V)
Her brush, a magic wand in hand, D/o Sh. Manoj Thakur
Transforming the canvas, so grand.

The river winds, reflecting the sky,

With every stroke, a new world comes alive.
A peaceful scene, a charming sight,
A masterpiece by a child's delight.

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 36

A Visual Exploration of Ranchi...

Hundru Wat

The Road Les

s Traveled

Dhurwa Dam

afy Canopy
A Journey Through a Le
Clicked by -
Smt. Pooja Pandey

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 37

A Visual Exploration...

'Metropolis at Night': An Illuminated Symphony!

Clicked by -
Sh. Minnakuri Venkateswara Rao

पश्चिमी तरंग | जनवरी 2023 38


This Newsletter is for general information only. The views expressed in

the Newsletter may or may not represent the official views of
Grid Controller of India -WRLDC, Mumbai.

The Grid Controller of India -WRLDC management shall not be

responsible for any damages or commercial loss arising from use of the
information and contents of this newsletter by any person or entity. The
contents of this Newsletter shall not be reproduced without the prior
consent from the authorized personnel.

Editorial Team
कृ ष्णा चंद्र प्रधान मोमाई दे

ऋषभ जैन शिल्पी कु मारी सचेन्द्र सिं ह

शालिनी अग्रवाल

Grid Controller of India Limited

(Formerly Known as Power System Operation Corporation Limited)
Western Regional Load Despatch Centre
F-3, Central Road, MIDC Area Marol,
Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093 | |

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