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Book, Multimedia,

and Software Reviews

Spinal Deformities: The treatment section consists of 15 spinal deformities, as well as some
The Essentials chapters—two thirds of the book— photos of patients with deformities.
Heary RF, Albert TJ, eds. New York, NY 10001, and focuses on surgical procedures The chapters are well referenced, but
Thieme, 2007, hardcover, 320 pp, illus, ISBN: that correct specific spinal deformi- most references are to surgical jour-
978-1-58890-341-9, $119.95. ties. Brief descriptions of the defor- nals. Physical therapy is mentioned
This textbook is written for residents mities are presented in the chapters in the first chapter as an integral part
and fellows in neurosurgery and or- on congenital scoliosis, infantile of a trial of conservative treatment
thopedic surgery. It includes contri- scoliosis, neuromuscular scoliosis, prior to surgical intervention and
butions from more than 50 experts Scheuermann kyphosis, and spon- again as a component of postopera-
in these 2 fields. The book is divided dylolisthesis. Some of these chap- tive care; however, for the most part,
into 2 sections: “Principles of Spi- ters also include short sections on references to physical therapy are

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nal Deformities” and “Treatment of nonoperative treatment, such as scattered throughout the book and
Spinal Deformities.” The principles serial casting for infantile scolio- are brief, without discussions of spe-
section consists of 11 chapters, in- sis and bracing for neuromuscular cific techniques. This book contains
cluding chapters on the natural scoliosis. The last chapter, “Brac- interesting information on the anato-
history of spinal deformities, di- ing and Nonoperative Treatment of my, natural history, and surgical cor-
agnosis, screening procedures for Spinal Deformity,” concentrates on rection of spinal deformities, but the
spinal surgery, surgical anesthesia, treatments using braces. It provides majority of the topics are likely to
and intraoperative neuromonitoring. a summary of the biomechanical be of only academic interest to most
Chapter 1, “Overview of Spinal De- principles of spinal bracing, the dif- physical therapists.
formity,” emphasizes the differences ferent types of braces, and the spi-
between adult and adolescent spinal nal deformities for which bracing is William A Roy
deformities and provides a brief in- indicated.
WA Roy, PT, PhD, is an Associate Professor of
troduction to the concepts of fixed This is a well-written textbook in- Basic Sciences in the College of Osteopathic
Medicine, Touro University Nevada,
versus flexible deformities and the tended for neurological surgery and Henderson, NV.
dynamic interaction of coronal plane orthopedic surgery fellows and resi-
and sagittal plane deformations. dents. It contains numerous plain ra- [DOI: 10.2522/ptj.2008.88.2.295]
Chapter 5, “Anatomical Variants with diographic, computed tomographic,
Spinal Deformity,” discusses physi- and magnetic resonance images of
cal changes in the axial skeleton
and associated vascular structures
that occur in different spinal defor-
mities; and chapter 7, “Principles of
Sagittal Plane Deformity,” includes
a brief introduction to normal spi-
nal curvatures and the changes that
occur with age.


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February 2008 Volume 88 Number 2 Physical Therapy ■ 295

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