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Work in group :

Windy / 15190012
Evelyn Patricia / 15190025
Ignatius / 15190036

1. - Kinship: Generally, kinship refers to the term we have for our family members, our family tree.
It differs from one family to another depending on their culture.
- Taxonomies: We can say taxonomy is like an umbrella of variations. For example, we
know breads, but breads also have different kinds, such as baguette, pretzel, bagel, etc.
- Color: Color is simply how people refer to colors in different languages.

- Prototypes: Prototype refers to “types”. For example, spinach, carrots, broccoli are
- Taboo: Taboo is a subject usually avoided in society, such as sex, death, religion, etc.
- Euphemisms: Euphemistic words and expressions are used when we speak of taboo
subjects by disguising or neutralizing the unpleasantness.

2. The relationship between language and culture, that new language or words specifically are
formed from different cultures resulting in new words that are used by specific cultures for
better or worse. Knowledge’s cultivated from the culture’s music, literature, and arts influences
the creation of new word that is used in particular society/ culture. This knowledge however
isn’t passed down from genetics but the previously mentioned gains of one’s culture literature.
3. According to the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, one's thoughts are either determined by or influenced
by language. In other words, depending on the language used to describe the world, people who
speak various languages have different perspectives on it.

The hypothesis is divided into two different branches: "linguistic influence" and "linguistic
determinism." In the former, it is said that a person's use of language "determines," or either
limits or facilitates, their ability to develop ideas. For instance, a linguistic determinist would
assume that speakers of that language would not be able to comprehend that concept if that
language lacked a word to define it.

Whorf's research on the Hopi Indians, an American Indian tribe from Arizona, served as the
foundation for one of his most well-known defenses of linguist determinism. Whorf thought the
tribe didn't have a language.

4. family tree (Khek) :

* Mother side:
- Grandmother = apho
- grandfather = akung
- mom's sister = ii / a i
- mom's brother = khiu-khiu
- mom's sister's husband = ichong
- mom's brother's wife = khiume
- cousin = cece / koko/ call name if same age

* Father side:
- Grandmother = apho
- grandfather = akung
- dad's sister = kuku
- dad's brother = apak
- dad's sister's husband = Kuchong
- mom's brother's wife = Pakme
- cousin = cece / koko/ call name if same age

5. example of taboos:
1. Sitting in front of doors.
2. Opening umbrella indoor.
3. Wearing vibrant clothes during a funeral.
4. Wearing a hat indoor.
5. Girl eating in front of doors.

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