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>>roads & bridges

Highway Toll Indexation

Does it need a relook?
By Indranil Bose and Shreyoshi Saha

he National Highway Development Prog- the developers the right to claim compensation other administrative expenses. The primary
ramme (NHDP) was introduced in 1998 for such losses. However, the logic of such rep- inputs forming part of the maintenance cost of
and provided a new trajectory for road resentations is debatable and needs to be highways get affected by WPI inflation; however,
development in India. In the initial phases of weighed on appropriate economic principles. inputs like labour cost, employee salaries and
the NHDP, public funding was the default Undoubtedly, WPI indexation has many other administrative costs typically get affected
mode, till public-private partnerships (PPPs) challenges. It has been acknowledged by sev- by consumer price index (CPI) inflation.
took centre stage with the approval of the eral leading economists and the government
model concession agreement for PPPs in from time to time that such an index results in Inflationary trends
2006. So far, the National Highways Authority the underestimation of inflation at the whole- Supply-side pressures are better represented
of India (NHAI) has successfully awarded more sale level mainly due to the non-inclusion of through WPI inflation and demand-side pres-
than 250 PPP projects covering around 24,000 the service sector, where services contribute sures through CPI inflation. Global demand fluc-
km of national highways in the country. 60 per cent to India’s GDP. The base year for tuations have an instantaneous bearing on WPI
The NHAI toll policy of 2008 – National High- WPI estimation is 2004-05, making the index inflation unlike CPI inflation which tends to
ways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collec- non-reflective of changing times and con- remain sticky in the short term due to stickiness
tion) Rules, 2008 – governs tolling on national sumption patterns in India. The weightage of in the revision of any contracts. So far, RBI’s
highways. The policy enables NHAI to collect certain commodities which form part of the efforts have been towards containing WPI infla-
user fees from different categories of highway WPI such as crude oil and primary articles like tion, as it was conventionally considered a better
users. The toll rates are indexed to the whole- minerals, metals and agricultural commodities indicator. In 2011, with the introduction of the
sale price index (WPI) inflation to account for (cotton) are highly susceptible to external com- new CPI series, there has been a gradual shift in
changes in prices and are revised annually. How- modity and oil price shocks. RBI’s focus from WPI to CPI, which is more rep-
ever, such a revision in toll rates is restricted to Based on industry norms, the break-up of resentative of the Indian consumption basket.
only a 40 per cent increase in WPI plus a base operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for WPI inflation, post the global financial melt-
rate which is revised annually without com- highways is approximately 80 per cent for mate- down in 2008, declined drastically from 9 per
pounding. In 2015, the WPI inflation turned neg- rial, machine and labour and the balance 20 per cent to 2 per cent in 2009; however, retail CPI
ative (-3 per cent) for the first time during 2006- cent cost is on account of employee salaries and inflation remained sticky at higher levels from 8
16 and triggered pessimism amongst highway
developers owing to declining growth in toll rev-
enues. Negative WPI resulted in declining toll
WPI and CPI movements in the last decade (2007-16) (%)
revenue collections for highway developers mak- 2009 – Subprime crisis and negative 2011 – Lagged meltdown effect and
pressure on demand and wholesale expansionary monetary policy on retail prices
ing it difficult for them to manage project cash prices with sticky retail prices
12 2015 – Softening global demand,
flows and debt servicing requirements. There 11 declining commodity prices, lower
inflation expectations, expansionary
was a growing belief among the developer fra- 9
10 9 monetary policy

ternity that a negative WPI inflation rate is pri- 8 8

6 6 7 2015 – New CPI series with base
marily on account of the change in the monetary 8 changed from 2010 to 2012

policy, as initiated by the Reserve Bank of India 2011 – Composite CPI with 4 4
5 5
(RBI) in consultation with the Ministry of Finance 2011 – Base change
in WPI inflation from
2010 as base moving from
disaggregated CPI indices
in early 2014. Many developers made a repre- 2
1993-94 to 2004-05 with different bases 1

sentation to the government that declining toll

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
revenues owing to the negative WPI is a clear
case of “change in law” as per the provisions of Source: RBI WPI inflation CPI inflation -3
the signed concession agreements, thus, giving

2 ❘ Indian Infrastructure ❘ March 2017

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per cent to 11 per cent during the same period.

Gradually, in 2011, the lagged impact of the Movement in crude oil and retail petrol price in India (Rs per litre)3
global financial meltdown affected retail prices
as well, which declined from 12 per cent in 2010 68.8 69.8 66.4
to 8 per cent in 2011. This period also witnessed 64.7 61.6 62.5

a gradual correction in wholesale prices making 60.0 52.7

it the only year in the decade 2006-16, when 50.0 44.7 44.0
46.4 44.4
wholesale prices were higher than retail prices. 40.0
Post 2011, WPI inflation witnessed a con- 30.0
33.7 32.4
sistent decline from 9 per cent to negative 3
per cent in 2015, whereas CPI inflation de- 20.1
19.0 18.3
15.5 17.8
clined from 8 per cent to 5 per cent during the 10.0

same period, thus increasing the divergence 0.0

2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
between the CPI and the WPI. Also, during this
Retail price of petrol, India (Rs per litre) Wholesale price, Indian basket of Brent crude (Rs per litre)
period, the CPI base year was changed twice Source: PPAC Statistics

with modifications in CPI composition. On the

other hand, barring basic changes, WPI infla- factors led to declining WPI inflation in 2015. when the WPI declined drastically, eventually
tion did not witness such drastic changes in WPI constitutes primary inputs like crude oil, becoming negative. Factors like positive growth
composition during the period. heavily traded commodities like agricultural in the reserve money supply and declining call
WPI and CPI inflation indices are correlated, commodities (like wheat, cotton) and mineral- rate trends have shown a similar trend in CPI in-
albeit with a lagged effect on each other. The based products (like copper) and manufactured flation, however, WPI inflation has declined dras-
RBI-appointed Urjit Patel Committee’s report products using these inputs. Global price move- tically indicating that several other factors have
highlighted (pp. 14 and 74, Annexure 1, Urjit ments in these commodities can send a price a bearing on the WPI as compared to the CPI.
Patel Committee Report, 2014) the circular im- shock to wholesale price inflation immediately.
pact of components of the WPI and CPI on each The softening of global crude oil prices, mineral RBI’s nominal anchor
other. Certain categories (like food and fuel) in prices (like copper), agricultural commodity Typically, RBI uses tools like open market oper-
the WPI and CPI have commonalities and to that prices (like that of cotton) from 2014 onwards ations, foreign exchange sterilisation and policy
extent affect each other. The food basket consti- has had an impact of decreasing the price of pri- rates to control inflation. The WPI inflation rate
tutes a 26 per cent weightage in the WPI as mary articles and manufactured products, has conventionally been the reference inflation
compared to 46 per cent in the CPI and the fuel thereby resulting in WPI disinflation till 2016. rate for any indicative targeting by RBI, mainly
basket constitutes 16 per cent in the WPI as (Disinflation is declining inflation, which is still because the frequency of WPI inflation data as
compared to 7 per cent in the CPI, highlighting positive. Deflation is negative inflation.) compared to the CPI was higher whereas CPI
that the 42 per cent weightage in the WPI and Other factors such as global merchandise data had greater lag in its release, thus losing
53 per cent in the CPI will have a bearing on trade flows (both import and export) reflect the relevance. Also, the WPI was more representa-
each other. Non-food and non-fuel components demand conditions in trading countries like the tive of the entire population as compared to the
in both the indices have been empirically found US, the UK, the UAE, China and Canada. Soft- CPI in the pre-2011 phase.
to have the least impact on each other. However, ening trade flows get reflected in declining de- In 2014, a report was submitted by the
despite the correlation between the WPI and the mand witnessed in all these countries between Urjit Patel Committee to revise and strengthen
CPI, there are a multitude of factors that have an 2013 and 2015 exerting negative pressure on the monetary policy framework. The report indi-
instantaneous bearing on the WPI, making it the global prices of tradable goods, thereby cated a move from a multiple indicator app-
rather vulnerable and may have a lagged and impacting the WPI and CPI. These countries wit- roach to a single nominal anchor giving credi-
diffused effect on the CPI. nessed a rapidly declining WPI as against the bility to RBI’s monetary policy with a focus on
CPI. On the other hand, inflationary expectations price stability. It suggested that inflation target-
Inflation causation of consumers have a significant contribution ing be adopted formally and retail inflation be
Although the WPI and CPI are correlated, sev- towards keeping CPI inflation sticky unlike their selected as the nominal anchor. Inflation tar-
eral factors have a greater impact on one index impact on the WPI, which is rather weak. It has geting reduces inflation volatility and the
as compared to the other. Some emanate from been observed that in 2015 the three-month- impact of shocks and anchors inflation expec-
the domestic market while others are a result ahead mean CPI inflationary expectations have tations. Emerging economies face the chal-
of global trade conditions. A number of these remained sticky at elevated levels at a time lenge of vulnerability to high inflation threaten-

March 2017 ❘ Indian Infrastructure ❘ 3

>>roads & bridges

ing output and employment. Hence, the price

stability target makes it imperative to make Movement in global cotton futures price ($)
inflation targeting the goal of monetary policy Today 85

so as to anchor inflation expectations. 80

5 day
Along with the 2011 CPI modifications and
the Urjit Patel Committee recommendations, 1 month 75

the CPI-combined (CPI-C) series (a series of CPI 1 year 70

that factors in both urban and rural compo-
nents) is the preferred choice, reflective of the 3 year

latest consumer expenditure survey (2004-05 60

5 year
National Sample Survey Organisation) and the
cost of living and influences inflation expecta- July October January April July October January April July October January
2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017
tions. The committee suggested the adoption
High 77.03 10 day average vol 18,800 Year-to-date
of the CPI-C target at 4 per cent with a band of Low 76.58 52 week high 78.45 % change 8.20

+/- 2 per cent considering the vulnerability of Volume 1,500 52 week low 55.77 1 yr % change 31.13 Source: CNBC
the Indian economy to external shocks and
large weight of food in the CPI and to avoid a In light of the factors affecting the WPI and ate cash flows primarily to meet highway oper-
deflation bias. Considering the current elevat- the typical operations and maintenance cost ations and maintenance costs and debt servic-
ed CPI inflation, hardened inflation expecta- break-up for a highway developer, it can be ing costs, a hybrid formulation for the toll infla-
tions, supply constraints and weak output per- ascertained that a mere claim of a change in tion index is better suited to factor in retail price
formance, the transition path to the target was the monetary policy may not be a sufficient changes that get affected by CPI inflation. This is
calibrated to bring down inflation to 8 per cent reason to demand compensation for negative mainly because the cost of living is factored into
by 2015 and 6 per cent by 2016 before for- WPI inflation. There are several factors which the CPI and hence if components like labour,
mally adopting the target of 4 per cent. have a bearing on the WPI and alienating any employee and administrative costs getting
probable impact of the adoption of the nominal affected by CPI inflation are not accounted for
Comparable emerging market experience anchor and the impact because of the correla- suitably, it will result in the underestimation of
World development indicator (WDI) data tion between the WPI and CPI may be chal- the toll growth rate in comparison with growth in
revealed that in the year 2015, globally, there lenging. Also, the operations and maintenance operations and maintenance expenses. The toll
had been a general softening of WPIs across cost structure reflects components which are indexation should also factor in the variability
most emerging and developed economies. This affected both by the WPI and CPI, hence, the index to account for fluctuations in market inter-
is mainly owing to the declining global tradable need to move towards a more composite toll est rates that will impact debt servicing costs.
commodity and oil prices post 2012 and muted indexation method from the current one.
global demand conditions. It is understood that as toll revenues gener- Emerging market experience with toll
According to a World Bank report, toll rate
Global wholesale price index inflation trends (%)
indexation is usually carried out with the CPI
0.15 India United Kingdom United States
with adjustments done once or twice a year. In
South Africa Malaysia China
Brazil some of the emerging market economies like
0.10 Indonesia, highway tolls are indexed to retail
prices with a toll rate growth price regulation
0.05 cap of 25 per cent. On the other hand, in the
Philippines, in order to make investments in
highways attractive for investors, the Presi-
dential Decree 1894 mandates a formula tak-
ing into account local and foreign interest
rates, the CPI, currency values, and a construc-
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 tion materials price index. ◗
Source: World Development Indicators
(The article does not reflect the views of any
organisation, only those of the authors.)

4 ❘ Indian Infrastructure ❘ March 2017

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