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Subject : English Score Teacher’s Parent’s
Class : Grade 7 Opend Minded Signature Signature
Academic Year : 2023/2024
Day/Date : ___________________________
Teacher : Anggryni Puspitasari, S.Pd.

A. Choose the right answer by crossing in a, b, or c letter!

1. He ... after realizing that he can't win the game.

a. tell off b. give up c. work out. d. check out

2. We have to ... a way to fit this shelf here.

a. work out b. tell off c. take up d. give up

3. I want to ... the new pizza shop in my neighbohood.

a. give up b. look up c. check out d. work out

4. Can you ... that word in the dictionary?

a. tell off b. check out c. look up d. work out

5. The teacher ... the students ... for talking during the presentation.
a. look - up b. take - up c. give - up d. tell - off

B. Read the text and answer the questions.

Tom's New Year Resolutions

It was the first day back at school. Tom got up and got dressed. Then, he looked at his toothbrush and he
promised, ‘In 2023, I’m going to brush my teeth after every meal.’ The tooth brush fell over! Tom went
downstairs, saw his mother and he said, ‘In 2023, I will always be nice to you’. His mother just smiled.
When Tom arrived at school, he spoke to his teacher, Mr Taylor. ‘Sir,’ he said, ‘in 2022, I didn’t always do
my homework. I want you to know that, in 2023, I will always do it.’ Mr Taylor replied, ‘We’ll see!’ At
lunchtime, Tom went to the canteen and he ate salad. He said to his friends, ‘In 2022, I ate a lot of junk
food, too many burgers and fries and stuff! Starting from today, I’m going to stop eating fast food and I will
eat healthy foods like chicken, fish and salad.’ Tom’s friends laughed. When Tom arrived home after school,
he ate his dinner and then he logged on to his computer and he started playing computer games. He
played for just fifteen minutes and he said to himself, ‘In 2022, I played games for about three hours a day.
In 2023, I will not play computer games all the time. I’ll only play for one hour a day.’ He looked in the
mirror and he grinned at himself. You see, Tom made these resolutions for 2022, but he didn’t stick to any
of them! But this time, Tom really means it! He thinks he can do it. Let’s hope so!

I. Read the sentences and write TRUE or FALSE?

1. Tom stayed in bed. ___________
2. He spoke to his toothbrush. ___________
3. Tom’s toothbrush fell over. ___________
4. Tom promised to be nice to his father. ___________
5. Tom went to school and handed his homework in. ___________
6. At lunch time, Tom had a burger and fries. ___________
7. Tom told his friend that he loved fast food, so would not be making any changes. ___________
8. When Tom arrived home from school, he immediately did his homework. ___________
9. Tom looked through the window and smiled. ___________
10. He stuck to all his resolutions in 2022 ___________

II. Tick the resolutions that Tom made.

1. I will stop smoking.
2. I’m going to eat healthier food.
3. I will walk to school instead of taking the bus.
4. I’ll always be nice to my mother.
5. I’m going to stop spending so much money on sweets and chocolate.
6. I will brush my teeth after every meal.
7. I will always do my homework.
8. I’m going to keep my bedroom clean and tidy.
9. I will not spend so much time playing on my computer.
10. I will take the dog for a walk when my mother asks me to.

C. In January, you and you family made some resolations. Put the words in the correct order to find out
what they were.

1. I'm / to / chocolate / give / going / eating / up

2. is / dad / work / my / going / less / to
3. music / going / give / my / to / up / is / listening / to / loud / brother
4. going / take / up / is / to / German / my / sister / classes
5. car / drive / going / learn / grandmother / to / a / is / to / my

D. Read the sentences. Write P for Prediction, write I for Intention.

1. I’m going to play tennis tomorrow. ( )
2. There will be 50 people at the party. ( )
3. My brither and I are going to go to your party. ( )
4. I think it will rain later. ( )
5. Be careful! You are going to fall. ( )

E. Complete the sentences. Use must or musn't and a verb from the box.

stop go eat move walk throw away

1. The traffic light is red. You must stop.

2. You are very fat. You ____________ so much.
3. The rubbish smells. You ______________ it ___________.
4. My tooth hurts. I _______________ to the dentist.
5. You have broken your leg. You ____________ it.
6. The grass is wet. You _______________ on it.

F. Complete the text with must / mustn't.

John went to the doctor because he didn't feel well. The doctor gave him some medicine and said : 'You
____________ take the medicine three times a day. You ___________ stay in bed and you __________
rest. You ____________ get up for anything! You __________ do any exercise. You ___________ drink
alcohol and you ___________ smoke. You ___________ drink lots of water and you ____________ sleep
all you can'! 'You __________ eat healthy food also'

Teacher's comment: ___________________________________________________________________

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