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Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 1 : Assignment 1

1) Statement 1: The Patents Act, 1970 extends to the whole of India except for the State of 1 point
Jammu & Kashmir.
Statement 2: A patentee as per Section 2 of the Act means the person for the time on the register as
the grantee or proprietor of the patent.

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is false, 2 is true

2) Statement 1: The Patents Manual is not binding on the Patent Office as it does not have 1 point
any force of law.
Statement 2: Budapest Treaty relates to International recognition of the deposit of micro-organisms
for the purpose of patent procedure.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 and 2 both are true

3) Which of the following conditions need NOT be satisfied in order to grant a Patent? 1 point

Expression of an idea
Capable of industrial application
Inventive step
New product

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Expression of an idea

4) Patents Act Amendment was carried out in the following year 1 point

All of the above

Accepted Answers:

5) The Controller means 1 point

The Controller General of Patents

The Controller of Trade Marks
The Controller of Designs
All of the above

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
All of the above

6) Which among the following rules of the Patents Act defines a Startup 1 point

Rule 1
Rule 2(fa)
Rule 2 (fb)
Rule 13
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Rule 2 (fb)

7) Infringment suit happens at 1 point

District Court
High Court
The Patent Office
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
District Court
High Court

8) According to the Patents Act, an invention capable of industrial application means that 1 point
the invention is capable of

Being made in an industry

Imported by the industry
Being used in the industry
Exported by the industry

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Being made in an industry
Being used in the industry

9) Which of the following is NOT protected by Intellectual Property Laws? 1 point

Writing a book
Composing a song
Owning a piece of land
Owning a motorcycle

Accepted Answers:
Owning a piece of land
Owning a motorcycle

10) Intellectual property rights is a conglomeration of 1 point

Industrial Designs

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Industrial Designs

Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 2 : Assignment 2

1) Statement 1: The isolation of marine based microorganism is patentable 1 point

Statement 2: An artistic work including cinematographic work is patentable

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

2) Statement 1: An invention for a new product which satisfies inventive step without 1 point
industrial applicability is still patentable
Statement 2: Patentable invention includes improvements of already existing inventions
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is false, 2 is true

3) Statement 1: A substance obtained by synergistic mixture of components is patentable 1 point

Statement 2: A topography of integrated circuits is patentable

Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

4) Which among the following shall not be considered as Anticipated by a prior Art? 1 point

Published after January 1st 1912 but dated before the priority date of the application
Publication of the contents on YouTube prior to filing of the application
Publication of the contents on YouTube after to filing of the application
Publication of the matter in a scientific journal 2 years before filing of the application

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Publication of the contents on YouTube after to filing of the application

5) Under Section 2(1)(l) of the Patents Act, 1970, a new Invention means any invention or 1 point
technology which has -

Arrangement of known devices functioning independently

It is obvious to the person skilled in the art
Not been anticipated and has not fallen in public domain
Contrary to nature’s law

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Not been anticipated and has not fallen in public domain

6) An invention is anticipated if 1 point

An invention claimed in a complete specification was communicated to the Government to

investigate the invention
The Display of invention at an Exhibition, extended by the Central Government, with the
consent of the true and first inventor
The description of an invention read by the true and first inventor before a learned society, with
the consent of the inventors
an invention whose subject matter has fallen in the public domain or it forms a part of the state
of the art

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
an invention whose subject matter has fallen in the public domain or it forms a part of the state of
the art

7) Which section of the Patents Act deals with Novelty 1 point

Section 3
Section 2(1)(j)
Section 2(1)(l)
Section 2(1)(ja)

Accepted Answers:
Section 2(1)(j)

8) Inventive step includes 1 point

Technical advancement compared to the existing knowledge

Economical significance compared to the existing knowledge
Not obvious to a person unskilled in the art
Social significance

Accepted Answers:
Technical advancement compared to the existing knowledge
Economical significance compared to the existing knowledge

9) A patent application for an invention shall not be deemed to have been anticipated if: 1 point

Said invention is disclosed to public without the consent of the true and first inventor
Said invention is used for a reasonable trial
Said invention is commercially worked in India before the priority date of claim of the invention
Said invention is communicated to the government by any person authorised by the

Accepted Answers:
Said invention is disclosed to public without the consent of the true and first inventor
Said invention is used for a reasonable trial
Said invention is communicated to the government by any person authorised by the Government

10) Which among the following inventions are NOT patentable under Section 3 of the Patents1 point

A magician performing a trick

An e-commerce platform involving money transactions
Topography of integrated circuits
New form of a known substance with enhanced efficacy

Accepted Answers:
A magician performing a trick
An e-commerce platform involving money transactions
Topography of integrated circuits

Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 3 : Assignment 3

1) If there are more than one invention filed as provisional applications, and the applications 1 point
are cognate or modifications of another, then the applicant has to get the permission from ________ ,
who can allow one complete specification to be filed in respect of all such provisional applications?

The Examiner
The Applicant
The legal Assignee
The Controller

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
The Controller

2) Statement 1: There can be multiple provisional applications filed before filing one main 1 point
Statement 2: Each claim will have different priority based on a provisional filed at a particular
point in time

Statements 1 and 2 are true

Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 are true

3) Statement 1: It is mandatory for every application to carry a model or sample illustrating 1 point
the invention
Statement 2: A specification purporting to be a complete specification, shall be treated as a
provisional specification if the Controller approves

Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is false, 2 is true

4) A declaration to inventorship shall be furnished within a period of ___________________ 1 point

after the filing of the complete specification

One month
Two months
Three months
Six months

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
One month

5) The name of the Applicant in the Drawings shall appear 1 point

In the left hand top corner

In the right hand top corner
In the right hand bottom corner
In the left hand bottom corner

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
In the left hand top corner

6) Which among the following shall be postdated under Section 9 of the Patents Act 1 point

Publication of application
Examination of application
Filing of a provisional specification, if the applicant requests within 12 months after filing of
initial filed provisional specification
Filing of a national phase application

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Filing of a provisional specification, if the applicant requests within 12 months after filing of initial
filed provisional specification

7) Which of the following treaties relate to International recognition of the deposit of 1 point
microorganisms for the purpose of patent procedure?

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

Budapest Treaty
Treaty establishing the WIPO
Agreement on the TRIPS

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Budapest Treaty

8) A claim in a complete specification of a patent shall not be invalid if 1 point

If the publication of the invention in that claim after the priority date of such claim
Use of the invention in that claim on the priority date of such claim
Grant of another patent which claims the invention, so far as claimed in the first- mentioned
claim, in a claim of the same priority date
Grant of another patent which claims the invention, so far as claimed in the first- mentioned
claim, in a claim before the priority date

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
If the publication of the invention in that claim after the priority date of such claim
Use of the invention in that claim on the priority date of such claim
Grant of another patent which claims the invention, so far as claimed in the first- mentioned claim,
in a claim of the same priority date

9) Which among the following are correct in regard to submission of biological material 1 point
under Budapest Treaty?

Access to the material in the depository institution is available only after the date of the
application for patent in India
Deposit of the material shall be made later than the date of filing of the patent application
Disclose the source and geographical origin of the biological material used in the invention
a reference to the deposit of material shall be made in the specification as per Rule 13 within 3
months from the date of filing of the application

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Access to the material in the depository institution is available only after the date of the application
for patent in India
Disclose the source and geographical origin of the biological material used in the invention
a reference to the deposit of material shall be made in the specification as per Rule 13 within 3
months from the date of filing of the application

10) Every complete specification shall 1 point

Fully and particularly describe the invention and its operation

Be accompanied by an abstract to provide technical information on the invention
End with a claim defining the scope of the invention
Filed along with Form 2

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Fully and particularly describe the invention and its operation
Be accompanied by an abstract to provide technical information on the invention
End with a claim defining the scope of the invention
Filed along with Form 2

Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 4 : Assignment 4

1) An assignment or proof of right to apply for a patent shall be furnished with the 1 point
application or within…

Three months
Two months
Six Months
One year

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Six Months

2) A proof of right under Section 7(2) shall be furnished, if not furnished with the application, 1 point
within _____ after filing of an application for a patent

6 months
9 months
12 months
31 months

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
6 months
3) Subject to the provisions of the Patents Act, an evidence shall be provided 1 point

As an affidavit
Oral evidence
Either (a) or (b) or both, depending on what the Controller thinks it right
None of the above
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Either (a) or (b) or both, depending on what the Controller thinks it right

4) Statement 1: A patent of addition shall contain a specific reference to the number of of 1 point
the main patent or the application for the main patent
Statement 2: A patent of addition is an improvement or modification of an invention filed as a
main patent

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 both are true

5) The Proof of right is filed using 1 point

Form 1
Form 3
Form 4
Form 5

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Form 1

6) Statement 1: The Applicant shall use Form 1 to file a Divisional application 1 point
Statement 2: If there are no designated forms for doing a particular act, the applicant shall use
Form 30

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 both are true

7) Which among the following is NOT TRUE in relation to a patent of addition 1 point

If the patent for the main invention is revoked, the patent of addition may continue as an
independent patent for the remaining part of the term of the main patent
Renewal fee is to be paid to keep the patent of addition alive if the main patent is revoked
A patent of addition can be granted even before the grant of the patent for the main invention
The term of the patent of addition is generally less than the term of the patent for the main
Accepted Answers:
A patent of addition can be granted even before the grant of the patent for the main invention

8) Which among the following describes the powers of the Controller 1 point

Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person

Receiving evidence on affidavits
Reviewing his own decision on application made within the prescribed time
Issue notification on Secrecy directions under Section 35

Accepted Answers:
Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person
Receiving evidence on affidavits
Reviewing his own decision on application made within the prescribed time

9) The following applications can be filed using Form 1 1 point

Divisional Application
Patent of Addition
Convention Application
Ordinary Application

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Divisional Application
Patent of Addition
Convention Application
Ordinary Application

10) Who among the following are eligible to apply for patents and get them granted 1 point

Any person claiming to be the true and first inventor of the invention
Any person being the assignee of the person claiming to be the true and first inventor
Legal representative of any deceased person who before his death was entitled to make such
an application
An officer currently working in the Patent Office.

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Any person claiming to be the true and first inventor of the invention
Any person being the assignee of the person claiming to be the true and first inventor
Legal representative of any deceased person who before his death was entitled to make such an
Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 5 : Assignment 5

1) In the case of an expedited examination, a first statement of objection along with any 1 point
document shall be issued by the Controller to the applicant within ____ from the date of disposal of
the report of examiner by the Controller

15 days
21 days
1 month
3 months

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
15 days

2) Which form is required to be filed for expedited examination of patent application under 1 point
section 11B and Rule 24C

Form 18
Form 18A
Form 7
Form 7A

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Form 18A
3) Statement 1: When an applicant or other interested person does not make a request for 1 point
examination of the application within specified period then application is treated as withdrawn.
Statement 2: The examiner to whom the application, specification, documents is referred
ordinarily make the report anytime to the Controller

Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is True, 2 is False

4) A request for examination can be initiated by 1 point

An interested person
Any person
The opponent
The Controller

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
An interested person

5) Statement 1: A startup, which is a spinoff from Google Inc., can file for expedited 1 point
Statement 2: Application for examination made under Rule 24B can be converted to
examination under Rule 24C by filing appropriate form and fees

Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is false, 2 is true

6) Under Rule 24B, the period within which the Controller shall dispose off the report of the 1 point
examiner shall ordinarily be ________________
from the date of receipt of such report by the Controller

1 month
2 months
3 months
6 months

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
1 month

7) The patent office, on payment of prescribed fees, shall make the specification and 1 point
drawings available to the public upon

Filing of the Patent application

Publication of the Patent application
Examination of the Patent application
Grant of the Patent

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Publication of the Patent application

8) Every application shall be published and open to the public under Section 11A(1) except 1 point
in cases where

The Secrecy direction is imposed under Section 35

The application has been abandoned under Section 9(1)
The application has been surrendered as in Section 63
The application has been withdrawn three months prior to the period as in Section 11A(1)

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
The Secrecy direction is imposed under Section 35
The application has been abandoned under Section 9(1)
The application has been withdrawn three months prior to the period as in Section 11A(1)

9) Every application gets published under Section 11A, which includes particulars of 1 point

Date of application.
Number of application
Name of the applicant identifying the application
Address of the applicant identifying the application

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Date of application.
Number of application
Name of the applicant identifying the application
Address of the applicant identifying the application

10) An ordinary patent application has been filed on 1.1.2010, request under section 11B and 1 point
Rule 24B shall be filed under which of the following circumstances of the Indian Patents Act

After 60 months from the date of priority

Within 48 months from the date of filing of application
Within 48 months from the date of revocation of the application
Within 6 months from the date of revocation of the secrecy direction

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Within 48 months from the date of filing of application
Within 6 months from the date of revocation of the secrecy direction
Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 6 : Assignment 6

1) Statement 1: The examiner to whom an application for patent is referred under Section 1 point
12 shall check if the invention has been anticipated before the date of filing of the applicant’s
specification and dated on or after 1st day of January 2012

Statement 2: The examiner to whom an application for patent is referred under Section 12 shall
check if the invention is claimed in any claim of any other complete specification published on or after
the date of filing of the applicant’s complete specification filed in India and dated before or claiming
the priority date earlier than that date

Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 are true

2) Under Rule 28, the applicant shall be given ___________ notice of hearing as appears to1 point
the Controller under the circumstances of a case.

5 days
10 days
20 days
1 month

Accepted Answers:
10 days

3) Statement 1: During the patent prosecution, the examiner comes across a YouTube 1 point
video published prior to the subject matter disclosed. This can be considered as anticipation prior to
Statement 2: Any amendment made to the application shall be reexamined and investigated

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statement 1 and 2 both are false
Statements 1 and 2 are true

Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 are true

4) An applicant, originally a resident from Mumbai, now residing in USA and runs his 1 point
Business in USA, files a national phase application in India through a law firm based in Delhi. The
applicant’s appropriate office for submitting the application is


Accepted Answers:

5) If the applicant’s specification is otherwise in order for grant and an objection under 1 point
Section 13(1)(b) is outstanding, the Controller may postpone the grant of patent and allow a period of
___________ for removing the objection

15 days
1 month
2 months
3 months

Accepted Answers:
2 months

6) In case of anticipation by prior claiming, the Controller may postpone the grant of patent 1 point
under Rule 29 and allow __________ for removing the objection.

Two Months
Three Months
Four Months
Six Months

Accepted Answers:
Two Months
7) Under Rule 28 of the Patents Act, the written submission and relevant documents, if any, 1 point
shall be filed within _____________ from the date of hearing

15 days
25 days
1 month
3 months

Accepted Answers:
15 days

8) Which form is required to be filed for expedited examination of patent application under 1 point
section 11B and Rule 24C

Form 18
Form 18A
Form 7
Form 7A

Accepted Answers:
Form 18A

9) As per Rule 5 of the Patents Act, which of the following details must be furnished by the 1 point
Patentee to the Controller for any proceedings of the Patents Act, 1970

Address for service, such as postal address in India

Email address
Alternate address other than the primary one of the Patentee
For the foreign applicants, postal address of the relative in India

Accepted Answers:
Address for service, such as postal address in India
Email address

10) As per Section 15 of the Patents Act, if the Controller is satisfied that the patent 1 point
application does not comply with the requirements of the Act or the rules, then he may _____

Refuse the application

Ask the applicant to withdraw the application
Require the amendment of the application to his satisfaction
Refer the application to the IPAB for their consideration

Accepted Answers:
Refuse the application
Require the amendment of the application to his satisfaction
Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 7 : Assignment 7
The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2024-03-13, 23:59 IST.

Assignment submitted on 2024-03-13, 21:37 IST

A. This Assignment is of 10 points. Each question is of 1 point.
B. All the questions are compulsory.
C. Questions 1-8 are Multiple Choice Questions with only one option correct
D. Questions 9-10 are Multiple Select Questions with more than one option correct (at least
two options are correct). Marks will only be awarded if all the options are correct.
E. Students should read the questions very carefully before answering.
F. There is no negative marking.

1) When the Controller directs that a reference to another patent shall be inserted in the 1 point
Applicant’s specification under Section 19(1), such reference shall be inserted

Along with the Abstract

After the Claims
Along with the Applicant’s name
After the Title

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
After the Claims

2) Statement 1: In a divisional application, the applicant need not a file a complete 1 point
specification while filing a further application
Statement 2: In a divisional application, the further application shall not include any matter
disclosed in the complete specification of the first mentioned application
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is false, 2 is true

3) The Controller may at the request of the Applicant direct that the application shall be 1 point
post-dated to such date at any time after filing of an application but

Before the grant of the patent

After the surrender of the patent
After filing Form 15 but within 18 months from the date on which patent ceased to have an
All of the above

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Before the grant of the patent

4) Amendment of an application for a patent or a complete specification or any document 1 point

relating thereto, at any time either before or after grant of the Patent as per the provision of the
Patents Act, 1970

Statement 1: shall be made by way of disclaimer, correction or explanation and incorporation of actual
Statement 2: Shall be allowed though it describes matter not in substance or shown in the
specification before the amendment

Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

5) A reference to other patent in a complete specification, in the case of potential 1 point

infringement, can be deleted by the Controller only

Statement 1: If the other patent is revoked

Statement 2: The specification of that other patent is amended by the deletion of the relevant claim

Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 are true

6) The Controller may at the request of the applicant postdate an application to such date, 1 point
provided no application shall be postdated to a date later than

6 months
12 months
15 months
18 months
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
6 months

7) Which among the following forms can be used if the applicant by virtue of an assignment 1 point
or agreement makes a request to the Controller to substitute his name as the applicant to get an
undivided share of the patent

Form 5
Form 6
Form 8
Form 30

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Form 6

8) A divisional application can be filed by an applicant 1 point

Before the grant of the patent

After the grant of the patent
After filing provisional before complete specification
Along with an application for patent of addition

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Before the grant of the patent

9) An applicant has received a direction from the Controller under Section 16 of the Patents 1 point
Act, 1970. Find out the correct option(s) of further
act by the applicant.

He may file divisional application before grant

He may ask oral hearing to convince the Controller that the invention comes under single
inventive concept
He may forego second invention
He may file divisional application for the second invention after the grant of first one

Accepted Answers:
He may file divisional application before grant
He may ask oral hearing to convince the Controller that the invention comes under single inventive
He may forego second invention

10) Which among the following statements are TRUE if an application for leave to amend an 1 point
application for a patent or a complete specification
made after the grant of a patent.

Nature of proposed amendment maybe published

Refuse to amend the patent, since it was already granted
Any person interested shall give a notice of opposition in Form 14 within 3 months from the
date of publication of the application
Nature of proposed amendment need not be published

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Nature of proposed amendment maybe published
Any person interested shall give a notice of opposition in Form 14 within 3 months from the date of
publication of the application
Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 8 : Assignment 8
The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2024-03-20, 23:59 IST.

1) Statement 1: Any person shall file a pre-grant opposition 1 point

Statement 2: Any person interested may give notice of opposition to the Controller under
Section 25(2) before the expiry of one year from the date of publication of grant of patent

Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 both are true

2) Statement 1: Opposition proceedings under Section 25(2) shall be filed any time after 1 point
the grant of a patent but before the expiry of one year
from the date of publication of grant of patent
Statement 2: Inventions claimed in any claim of the complete specification was publicly used
or publicly known before the priority date of that claim shall not be a ground for pre-grant opposition
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

3) Statement 1: On receiving notice of opposition under Rule 55(3) of Section 25(1), the 1 point
applicant shall file his statement and evidence in support of his application any time from the date of
notice from the Controller.
Statement 2: The notice of opposition shall be filed in Form 7 under Section 25(2) and sent to
the Controller in duplicate at the appropriate office

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is false, 2 is true

4) The Controller shall constitute an opposition board consisting of three members on 1 point
receipt of notice of opposition under

Section 25(1)
Section 25(2)
Section 26
Section 28

Accepted Answers:
Section 25(2)

5) A petitioner shall file Form 12 within ___________ from the date of the order of the 1 point
Controller along with statement setting out the facts upon which the petitioner relies on.

3 months
6 months
9 months
12 months

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
3 months

6) Upon request made by the opponent, in regard to the invention obtained from the 1 point
opponent in the manner as in Section 25(2)(a), the Controller shall revoke the patent and

Just remove the name of existing Patentee

Direct the patent stand amended in the name of the opponent
Patent shall be surrendered
Any person interested shall oppose the revocation of the patent

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Direct the patent stand amended in the name of the opponent
7) In opposition proceedings, if the Patentee desires not to contest or leave a reply in 1 point
evidence within the stipulated period then

The patent shall be deemed to be abandoned

The patent shall be deemed to be withdrawn
The patent shall be deemed to be revoked
The patent shall be surrendered

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
The patent shall be deemed to be revoked

8) Under Section 25(2), the Controller shall either maintain or amend or revoke the patent 1 point
on receiving receipt from

Recommendation from the opposition board

The Patentee
The Opponent
The examiner who originally examined the application

Accepted Answers:
Recommendation from the opposition board
The Patentee
The Opponent

9) Form 8 shall be filed by 1 point

The applicant for the patent

The inventor of the originally filed application
The aggrieved inventor of the patent and the applicant
Any person in a prescribed manner in that behalf

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
The applicant for the patent
The aggrieved inventor of the patent and the applicant
Any person in a prescribed manner in that behalf

10) Which among the following grounds shall be raised in regard to the conduct of the 1 point
applicant under Section 25(1)

If the subject of any claim of the complete specification is not an invention within the meaning
of this Act
If the applicant failed to disclose the Controller information required under Section 8
If the convention application was not made within 12 months from the date of the first
If the application does not disclose or wrongly mentions the source of biological material used
for the invention

Accepted Answers:
If the applicant failed to disclose the Controller information required under Section 8
If the convention application was not made within 12 months from the date of the first application
If the application does not disclose or wrongly mentions the source of biological material used for
the invention
Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 9 : Assignment 9

1) When Section 35(1) is imposed on an application, which among the following statements 1 point
are true

The application will not be published

The application will be revisited by the Central Government every six months
The application shall not be refused
All of the above

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
All of the above

2) Statement 1: If an application for a patent for the same invention has been made in India 1 point
seven weeks before the application outside India the applicant need not seek permission from the
Indian government to apply for the foreign patent.

Statement 2: The request for permission for making a patent application outside India shall be
disposed by the Controller after a period of 3 months from the date of filing the request.

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statement 1 and 2 both are false
Statements 1 and 2 both are true

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

3) Statement 1: An application for a patent shall be in order for grant of the patent if the 1 point
application has not been refused by the Controller by virtue of any power vested in him

Statement 2: The application, specification and other documents shall be open for public inspection
after grant of the patent

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statement 1 and 2 both are false
Statements 1 and 2 both are true

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 both are true

4) In an application for a patent, any person who contravenes the direction given under 1 point
Section 35, the application will be

Deemed to be abandoned
Deemed to be revoked
Deemed to be withdrawn
Deemed to be surrendered

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Deemed to be abandoned

5) Statement 1: The date of a patent shall be the priority date of the application 1 point
Statement 2: A patent shall be granted for more than one invention

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statements 1 and 2 both are false
Statements 1 and 2 are true

Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 both are false

6) An application for an amendment of a name in the place of a deceased person can be 1 point
made using

Form 7
Form 8
Form 10
Form 13

Accepted Answers:
Form 10
7) When a patent has ceased to exist, the patentee or his legal representative shall file 1 point
Form 15 within ____________ from the date on which the patent ceased to exist.

18 months
2 years
3 years
5 years

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
18 months

8) Any direction required to settle a dispute between the co-owners of the patent, shall be 1 point
made to the Controller to seek directions
to the co-owners by filing this form

Form 5
Form 10
Form 11
Form 12

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Form 11

9) Under Section 47, any article for which a patent has been granted, can be used by any 1 point
person only

For the purpose merely of experiment

For the research purpose
For the commercializing purpose
For his own use

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
For the purpose merely of experiment
For the research purpose

10) A granted patent shall confer the following rights to prevent the third parties, who do not 1 point
have his consent

From the act of making

Offering for sale
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
From the act of making
Offering for sale
Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 10 : Assignment 10

1) Any person entitled for registration of title and interest in a patent shall do so by filing 1 point

Form 11
Form 15
Form 16
Form 30

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Form 16

2) Statement 1: As per the provisions of the Patents Act, 1970 a Patentee may, at any time 1 point
after grant, offer to surrender his patents

Statement 2: As per the provisions of the Patents Act, 1970 a Patentee may offer to surrender his
patents, only after three years from the date of grant of patents

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statements 1 and 2 are false
Statements 1 and 2 are true
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

3) Statement 1: A person shall be qualified to have his name entered in the Register of 1 point
patent agents if he has discharged the functions of the Controller for not less than ten years

Statement 2: One of the rights of patent agents is to prepare all documents, transact all business and
discharge other functions before the Controller under this Act

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statement 1 and 2 both are false
Statements 1 and 2 are true

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 are true

4) Statement 1: All officers and employees of patent office shall be incapable to acquire or 1 point
take direct interest or any right in any patent issued by that office

Statement 2: An employee of the Patent office may prepare or assist in the preparation of a document
required under this Act

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statements 1 and 2 are false
Statements 1 and 2 are true

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

5) A notice of petition for revocation of patent under Section 64 shall be served to the 1 point
following, except to

Proprietors of patent mentioned in the register

Someone who shares patent and whose name appears in the register
Any person
Someone who is an assignee of that patent and their name mentioned in the register

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Any person

6) A certified copy of an entry from the register may be furnished by the Controller upon 1 point
request made to him and after payment of fees within a period of

One week
Anytime after one month
Anytime after 3 months
Anytime after One year

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
One week
7) Any person interested may file Form 14 within ________ from the publication of notice, 1 point
under Section 63 and Rule 87, to the Controller to oppose surrender of patents.

3 months
6 months
9 months
12 months

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
3 months

8) A register of patents shall contain 1 point

The names and addresses of grantees of patents

Notifications of assignments and transmission of patents
Names of Patents agents registered
Particulars of matters affecting the validity or proprietorship of patents

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
The names and addresses of grantees of patents
Notifications of assignments and transmission of patents
Particulars of matters affecting the validity or proprietorship of patents

9) A patent may be revoked on a petition of any person interested on the following grounds 1 point

That the patent was obtained on a false suggestion or representation

That the subject of any claim of the complete specification is not an invention within the
meaning of this Act
That the complete specification does not disclose or wrongly mentions the source or
geographical origin of biological material used for the invention
That leave to amend the complete specification under Section 57 or 58 was obtained by fraud

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
That the patent was obtained on a false suggestion or representation
That the subject of any claim of the complete specification is not an invention within the meaning of
this Act
That the complete specification does not disclose or wrongly mentions the source or geographical
origin of biological material used for the invention
That leave to amend the complete specification under Section 57 or 58 was obtained by fraud

10) In which of these conditions, the controller may refuse to recognize certain agents under 1 point
Section 131

Whose name has been removed from, and not restored to, the register
Any company or firm, if any person whom the Controller could refuse to recognize as agent in
respect of any business under this Act
Agent who neither resides nor has a place of business in India
Who has filed Form 23 within two months from date of removal of agent’s name from the

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Whose name has been removed from, and not restored to, the register
Any company or firm, if any person whom the Controller could refuse to recognize as agent in
respect of any business under this Act
Agent who neither resides nor has a place of business in India
Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 11 : Assignment 11

1) Statement 1: Application for a Compulsory licence under Section 84 shall be made after 1 point
the expiration of 12 months from the date of the grant of a Patent
Statement 2: Any person shall make an application to the Controller under Section 84 for the grant of
a Compulsory licence

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statements 1 and 2 both are false
Statements 1 and 2 both are true

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 both are false

2) Statement 1: In considering the application for compulsory license, the Controller shall 1 point
take into account the time elapsed since the sealing of the patent
Statement 2: The reasonable requirements of the public shall be deemed not to have been satisfied if
the demand for the patented article has not been met to an adequate extent or on reasonable terms

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statement 1 and 2 both are false
Statements 1 and 2 both are true

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Statements 1 and 2 both are true

3) Statement 1: Form 20 shall be filed by the licensee seeking revision of terms and 1 point
conditions citing the current terms have been onerous under Section 88(4)
Statement 2: If the applicant doesn’t file a request for hearing under Section 88(4) within a month
from the notification of the Controller regarding the prima facie case not been made out, the Controller
shall extend the time to two months

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statement 1 and 2 both are false
Statements 1 and 2 both are true

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

4) A notice of opposition under Section 84 or Section 85 can be raised by the Patentee or 1 point
any other person by using the following form

Form 10
Form 11
Form 14
Form 16

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Form 14

5) In the case of an application made for Section 84 by an applicant being the holder of a 1 point
license under the patent, the Controller may

Order the existing licence to be cancelled

Order the existing licence to be amended
Avoid making a new order for grant of a licence to the applicant
All of the above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
All of the above

6) When the circumstances that gave rise to the issuance of compulsory licence no longer 1 point
exist and such circumstances are unlikely to recur, an application can be submitted for the termination
by filing

Form 17
Form 19
Form 21
Both (a) and (b)

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Form 21
7) Which among the following is unlawful in a licensing agreements 1 point

Validate a contract which would be invalid

Include a new person for a share in a patent by filing Form 16 with a proof of title
Coercive package licensing
Preventing licensee from using other patented process
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Coercive package licensing

8) If the Controller is satisfied that the prima facie was not made out in a case under Section1 point
88(4), he may notify the Applicant accordingly and unless the Applicant requests within __________ in
the matter, the Controller may refuse the application

1 month
2 month
6 month
9 month

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
1 month

9) Which among the following are the sequence of events, the Controller considers in 1 point
deciding the application filed for compulsory licence under Section 84

Nature of the invention and the domain which are exclusive for Section 84
The ability of the applicant to work the invention to the public advantage
Number of applications filed by the applicant
The capacity of the applicant to undertake the risk in providing capital and working the

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
The ability of the applicant to work the invention to the public advantage
The capacity of the applicant to undertake the risk in providing capital and working the invention

10) The Central Government shall issue notification in the official Gazette in respect of any 1 point
patent in force in circumstances such as

National emergency
Extreme urgency
Public non-commercial use
Secrecy direction
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
National emergency
Extreme urgency
Public non-commercial use
Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists (course)

Week 12 : Assignment 12

1) Every appeal to the Appellate Board shall be made within __________ from the date of 1 point
the decision, order or direction of the Controller or the Central Government

One month
Two months
Three months
Six months

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Three months

2) The time period for paying the renewal fee, without extension as per section 142(4) after 1 point
the recordal of patent is _________

3 months
6 months
9 months
12 months

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
3 months

3) Statement 1: In any infringement suit filed by the holder of exclusive license, the 1 point
patentee shall be added as a defendant
Statement 2: The Patentee so added as a defendant in an infringement suit shall be liable for any

Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

Statement 1 is false, 2 is true
Statements 1 and 2 are false
Statements 1 and 2 are true

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Statement 1 is true, 2 is false

4) A person is qualified to become a Technical member of the Appellate Board if 1 point

Held the post of Controller for at least five years

Exercised the functions of the Controller for at least five years
Functioned as a Registered Patent Agent for at least ten years
All of the above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
All of the above

5) Which among the following transactions are confidential? 1 point

First Examination report from the Controller

Applicant’s request for expedited examination
Examiner’s report to the Controller
Publication of the application under Section 11A(1)
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Examiner’s report to the Controller

6) The information that a Patentee is required to submit regarding the extent to which the 1 point
patented invention has been commercially used in India, under

Section 146(2) and Rule 131(1)

Section 87(2) and Rule 130(1)
Section 89 and Rule 113
Section 145(3) and Rule 113(1)

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Section 146(2) and Rule 131(1)

7) The Court shall not grant any damages in any suit of infringement during the time period 1 point

The application was published

The renewal fee was not paid
The lapsed patent was restored
The patent was granted

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
The renewal fee was not paid

8) As per The Patents Act, an appeal may be filed against the decision of Controller before 1 point

The High Court

The District Court
The Supreme Court

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:

9) The reliefs that a court may grant in any suit for infringement include 1 point

An injunction
Infringed goods shall be seized
Infringed goods shall be destroyed

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
An injunction
Infringed goods shall be seized
Infringed goods shall be destroyed

10) Which among the following statements are true in regard to Section 146 1 point

Failure to furnish information shall be punishable with fine which may extend to ten lakh
Furnish information by filing Form 27 within two months from the date of notice of the
The Form 27 shall be furnished every calendar year within three months of the end of each
Any person interested may file an opposition for filing Form 27

Partially Correct.
Score: 0.67
Accepted Answers:
Failure to furnish information shall be punishable with fine which may extend to ten lakh rupees
Furnish information by filing Form 27 within two months from the date of notice of the Controller
The Form 27 shall be furnished every calendar year within three months of the end of each year

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