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May I have your attention please! Our program will start in about a
minute, please find yourself a comfortable seat to settle down. Thank

A quote by Jim Rohn, says “Reading is essential for those who seek
to rise above the ordinary”.


My due respect to our SPTA President Madam Emirose L. Espiel,

( even though she’s not in here) reading ambassadress Mrs. Neddie M.
Golandrina to our Junior High School Coordinator Ma’am Jocelyn G.
Lumas, and Senior High School Coordinator Sir John Yrick S. Minguita, to
our dynamic and enthusiastic head teacher III of Caridad National High School
Sir Bonifacio M. Decoy Jr. students, teachers a pleasant Afternoon to one
and all!

We gather here this afternoon, to celebrate the PAMBANSANG

BUWAN AT ARAW NG PAGBASA, with the theme PAGBASA: Pag-asa sa
Matatag na Kinabukasan.

To formally begin our program this afternoon, may I request everyone to

please stand for the Opening Prayer via-audio visual presentation, and please
do remain standing to pay respect and honor to our flag for the singing of our
Philippine National Anthem and Pilar Hymn to be conducted by Ma’am Nerlyn
L. Espejon, Teacher I

Thank you. You may now be seated

Now to give us the welcome address, may I call on, on stage our very
compassionate Junior High Coordinator, Ma’am Jocelyn G. Lumas, Teacher
III, a round of applause please!

Thank you, Ma’am Josh, for that wonderful welcome address.


To amuse us this afternoon, a story telling piece will be given to us by

the Select CNHS Students, Let’s give them a big round of applause!

Thank you, guys, for that very wonderful performance.

To give us a message. May I call on, on stage our School Reading
Ambassadress, Mrs. Neddie M. Golandrina, Let us give her a hand please.

Thank you ante Neddie, for that warm message.


Now, let us lend our ears for an inspirational message to be given to us

by our Head Teacher III of Caridad National High School, Sir Bonifacio M.
Decoy Jr, Let us give him a hand please.

Thank you sir Bon, for that inspirational message.


To entertain us again, another presentation number will be given to us

by the Select CNHS Students, Let us give them a resounding round of

Thank you, guys, for that very entertaining presentation


This time may we call on, on stage, the pride and asset of Caridad
National High School, the recently proclaimed District Outstanding Reading
Coordinator, ma’am Aimee E. Cuizon, to read the activities of this reading

Thank you so much ma’am aims, and congratulation as well on your

achievement for being an outstanding reading coordinator, please know that
the students, faculty and staff are so proud of you.


Now, we are almost at the end of our program and to give the closing
remarks, may I call on, on stage our, Senior High School Coordinator, Sir
John Yrick S. Minguita, Teacher II. Let us give him, a hand please!

Thank you so much sir.

Let us give ourselves a resounding round of applause for this

successful program. Thank you very much!

This has been your emcees for this afternoon, Ma. Teresa S. Aparente
& Ma. Licka S. Mendoza, reminding you “The more that you read, the more
things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll

Again, thank you and God bless us all!

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