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Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________________


I. Read each question carefully and choose the correct answer.

1. Which statement describes motion? It is _______. *

A. an action exerted to an object

B. an act or process of an object changing position at a particular time
C. a place where someone or something is found

2. Which of the following objects needs more force to move? *

A. mini table
B. laptop
C. chair

3. An object is moving when it is ________. *

A. resting
B. changing its position
C. on the edge of the table

4. Which action changes the shape of an object? *

A. writing on paper
B. painting a wall
C. molding clay

5. How will you show motion using the toy car below? *

A. push it forward
B. put blocks around it
C. place another toy beside it

6. On a windy day, what can cause the kite to fly? *

A. clouds
B. wind
C. string

7. What happens when unbalanced forces are acting on a basketball? The ball ____ . *

A. remains at rest
B. rolls
C. changes its size

8. Drivers slow down when they are driving through a school zone. How did they apply force in this
scenario? They applied force to ____________. *

A. change in the speed of a moving object

B. stop a moving object
C. move an object

9. What type of force must be applied to the rope to raise the flag up the pole? *

A. push
B. blow
C. pull
10. What kind of force is acting on a chair that is resting on the floor? *

A. unbalanced
B. balanced
C. magnetism

11. Juan invited you to his birthday party. He gave you a map to his house with different landmarks which
can be used as reference points for you to know whether you are getting nearer to his house. Which
reference point will tell you that you have almost reached Juan's house? *

A. playground
B. ice cream shop
C. garden

II. Write check ( √ ) if the statement is correct and click ( X ) if it is not.

_________1. Force only exists if there is contact or interaction between objects.

_________2. The less force is exerted on an object, the faster it will move.

_________3. There is always a change in position whenever an object moves.

_________4. Distance can be used to identify the change in position of an object.

_________5. Objects in motion will stop moving if there is another object blocking it or another force
stopping it.

_________6. More force is needed to move an object with less mass.

Read and answer

1. What happens to the object when you push it? *

A. It remains at rest.
B. It moves closer to you.
C. It moves away from you.

2. What do you call an object that can help you identify the position of another object? *

A. distance
B. reference points
C. motion

3. An object is in motion when it ____________. *

A. is changing position
B. is not moving
C. becomes a reference point

4. What are the forces acting upon objects that are not moving? *

A. unbalanced
B. gravity
C. balanced
5. How can you move heavy objects? Apply _________. *

A. greater force
B. lesser force
C. little to no force

6. Which action can stop a moving object? *

A. molding clay
B. throwing a ball
C. stepping on a brake pedal

Read and understand each question and click the correct answer.

1. What is the difference between a natural and an artificial source of energy? Natural sources of
energy naturally exist while artificial sources of energy _______.

A. are created by God

B. are man-made
C. can produce energy on their own

2. When does a plant need light energy? When it is ________.

A. making its food

B. reproducing
C. hydrating

3. The sun is the Earth’s primary source of ________________ energy.

A. light
B. heat
C. heat and light

4. Some animals like fireflies and angler fish can produce their own light. This ability to live organisms to
produce their own light is called _________.

A. glow in the dark

B. bioluminescence
C. translucence

5. Which source of light energy maintains the order of vehicles on the road to avoid accidents?

A. LED billboards
B. street lights
C. traffic lights

6. Rita uses a flat iron to straighten the wrinkles on her newly washed clothes. What type of energy did
she use to do the work?

A. heat energy
B. light energy
C. heat and light energy

7. What do you call the natural source of heat energy that comes from the core of the Earth?

A. hydrothermal
B. solar
C. geothermal

8. Which group are artificial sources of both heat and light energy?

A. stars and fireworks

B. candle and burning wood
C. flashlight and microwave oven

Write LE if the statement describes Light Energy and write, HE if the statement describes Heat

_________1. It comes from the rise in the temperature of matter.

_________2. It enables you to see things around you.

_________3. It travels in a straight line.

_________4. It can change the phase of matter.

_________5. It can be transferred from one object to another.

_________6. It travels the fastest among all forms of energy.

_________7. It is used to sanitize things thoroughly.

_________8. It cannot pass through opaque objects.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of light energy? Light energy ____.
A. reflects different colors
B. is produced by vibrations
C. travels the fastest among all energy
D. enables you to see

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of heat energy? Heat energy ______.
A. comes from the temperature of a matter
B. can cause matter to change phase
C. travels through empty space in a straight line
D. moves easily through conductors

3. Which of the following is the main reason why we need to conserve energy and protect the
environment? It___________.

A. helps living things to survive

B. makes the world beautiful
C. creates a peaceful world
D. keeps the environment clean
4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of sound energy? Sound energy ______. *

A. has volume
B. can power technology
C. is produced by vibrating objects
D. is used for communication

5-6. What forms of energy are used in electric stoves, toasters and microwave ovens to cook
food at home? Choose 2.
A. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy
C. Sound Energy
D. Electrical Energy
7. It is the ability of living things to produce light.
a. bioluminescence
b. artificial
c. natural
d. sun
8-9. What forms of energy are used in the sirens of ambulances and firetrucks that are to
signal emergency? Choose 2.

A. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy
C. Sound Energy
D. Electrical Energy

10-11 Write the type of energy resources that is being described in each item below. What
energy resource...
Natural artificial
________________10. naturally exists; not created by man

________________11. is created by man

12. What forms of energy do we get directly from the sun?

A. light and sound energy
B. heat and chemical energy
C. light and heat energy
D. heat and sound energy

13. Some animals like fireflies and glow worms can produce their own light. This ability of living
organisms to produce their own light is called _________.
A. bioluminescence
B. glow in the dark
C. reflection
D. refraction

Describe how each type of energy is used in each item below. Answer in 1 sentence only.
(2points each)

1-2. Light Energy

3-4. Heat Energy

I. Write SE if the statement describes sound energy and write EE if it describes

electrical energy.

______1. It is produced by moving negatively charged particles.

______2. It is the energy that comes from the vibration of objects.

______3. It enables us to communicate with one another.

______4. It can be generated from the sun, water, and wind.

______5. It powers appliances that are used at various places.

______6. It is used by some animals to navigate, get their food, and protect themselves.

II. Read and understand the questions below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What property of sound energy describes the loudness and softness of sound?

A. volume B. tone C. pitch

2. What are the two types of electrical energy resources?

A. natural and artificial

B. living things and nonliving things

C. renewable and nonrenewable

3. Which of the following sources of sound signals danger?

A. guitar B. fire alarm C. water fall

4. Which object is a handy source of electricity?

A. battery B. power plant C. generator

5. Which energy sources are nonrenewable?

A. oil, wind, coal

B. natural gas, fossil fuel

C. water, geothermal, sun

6. Which practice conserves energy?

A. using phones while charging

B. unplugging appliances after use

C. brushing teeth while the faucet is on

Describe how each type of energy is used in each item below

1. Sound energy


2. Electrical Energy


I. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

_______1. Weather can change any time of the day.

_______2. Weather affects our food, clothing preferences, and daily activities.

_______3. The weather of a particular place can last for more than a month.

_______4. News reporters predict the weather.

_______5. The changes in weather are caused by several elements.

II. Put a on the blank if the sentence shows precautionary measures in dealing with
different weather and mark with an X if it does not.

_______6. Bathing under heavy rain.

_______7. Stay calm and do not panic.

_______8. Wear sunscreen when swimming on sunny days.

_______9. Prepare emergency lights, batteries, and matches before a storm.

_______10. Wear thick clothes during sunny day.

Read each question carefully and choose the correct answer.

1. What is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place?

A. climate
B. weather
C. season

2. Which condition of the atmosphere is an example of a weather?

A. Philippines has a long, hot summer.

B. It is usually cold in January.
C. It rained 3 days last week in Davao City.

3. What is the study of weather?

A. Geology B. meteorology C. Hydrology

4. What government agency provides weather updates in the Philippines?


5. Which of the following are the elements of weather?

A. sublimation, deposition, evaporation

B. sunny, cloudy, windy
C. air pressure, wind direction, precipitation

6. How does weather affect the livelihood of people in the community?

A. People prefer to eat food that can give the body extra heat.
B. People prefer to do indoor activities such as reading.
C. Farmers cannot plant or harvest their plants due to flooding.

7. Which of the following can protect you from the harmful heat of the sun?

A. sweater and boots

B. towel and slippers
C. sunscreen and umbrella during hot days to keep yourself comfortable.

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