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3rd Prep

Module 8
Choose the correct answer:
1- Hala (robbed- rummaged - protected – roamed) around in the drawer to find her
2- The (photographer - vet - ballerina - potter) sits at his wheels making bowls all day.
3- He (transported - translated - transplanted - transformed) old hubcaps into pieces of
4- This is not real. It's an optical (delusion – pollution - fusion - illusion).
5- His sculptures are real (tasks – jobs – trucks – works) of art.
6- The (bill – belts – piles – bells) of rubbish around the dustbins made it hard to walk.
7- We must stop (wastefulness -fullness -fitness - carefulness) of water.
8- He failed to get the message (across- along - ahead – over) to his audience.
9- Art shouldn't be (looked - cooked - locked - closed) away in galleries and libraries and
10- You can’t judge the view well from only one (angle – fridge – angel – edge).
11- It's Friday. She (must be – can’t be – should – will be) at school.
12- He's a farmer. He (can't - might – isn’t - must) live in a village.
13- I'm not sure, but they (might – must – are – can’t) be Americans.
14- He was seriously (wounded - clapped - killed - recovered) in the fight.
15- She's lived a life of fame and (luck - truck - fortune - money).
16- She tried to make a good impression (at - up - for - on) her parents.
17- Yahia Haggi is considered a prominent (number - colour - figure - shadow) in short
story writing.
18- The lesson was (annoy – annoys – annoyed - annoying), everyone was (annoy –
annoys – annoyed - annoying).
19- They usually (had - have - having - are) their books put away.
20- He (had - has - was having - is having) his teeth checked now.
Complete using these words:
(inspire - tripod – chalk - tricked – scratches - fascinated – celebrities – opinion )
1- Her favourite hobby is drawing and collecting pictures ............................................
from magazines.
2- Harris ............................................ me into giving him100 pounds.
3- Monica's new hairstyle has............................................all the ladies at the party.
4- a support with 3 legs for a camera.
5- The teacher gave me a piece write a sentence on the
6- In my............................................travelling to Aswan is a good idea.
7- Do you think this idea will...........................................Jack to start his new project?
8- I don't think the CD will work as there are a lot of...........................................on it.
Do as shown between brackets:
1- The teacher explains the lesson. (Change into passive)
2- My father wrote many letters. (Change into passive)
3- She will roast the meat. (Change into passive)
4- Manal may give me a present. (Change into passive)
5- Someone ironed our clothes. (Change into causative)
6- Amr carries my bag. (Change into causative)
Answer the following questions:
1- What is Andy Warhol called?
2- How did he spend his time when he was sick?
3- Where did he move to after he graduated?
4- How many films did he make?
5- What happened to him in July 1968?

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