BIM Information Technology Application in Construc

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376 Hydraulic and Civil Engineering Technology VIII

M. Yang et al. (Eds.)

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BIM Information Technology Application

in Construction Management Research
Jixue ZOU a,1, Rong DU a, Fan YANG a and Fei ZHANG a
Xi’an Eurasian University, Xi’an 710065, Shaanxi, China

Abstract. To improve the application of Building Information Modeling

(BIM)+Geographic Information System (GIS) management system in the whole
process of building construction application, this paper studied the advantages of
BIM+GIS technology in construction management on the basis of the application
of information-oriented construction system. The effective cross-border integration
of BIM and GIS promoted the basic construction requirements for the
development of smart cities as well as provided strong technical and platform
support for the implementation of building interior and exterior incorporation. The
factors that may affect safety hazards during construction were analyzed and
assessed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process to ensure the safety of
construction personnel. BIM+GIS technology optimized the various construction
phases of a project, improved the efficiency of the construction work and
rationalized the use of resources 3D model display. It will contribute to the
sustainable development of China's construction industry, only in this way can the
construction industry forever stand in the trend of The Times and not be engulfed.

Keywords. BIM+GIS technology, information technology promotion, safety

analysis, construction safety management.

1. Introduction

Building construction management in China is currently in a stage of gradual

development. At the same time, Chinese construction enterprises are still facing many
problems in intelligent safety management, especially in the management process,
mainly including: the identification of hazard sources is not targeted, the dynamic
control of hazard sources is difficult and the safety design during construction process
is comparatively backward. Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology is
substituted into the project management engineering data in order to effectively deal
with various issues in the project process. The three-dimensional (3D) BIM model
contains data information from all stages of the construction for building projects. It
provides visual information transfer during the design, construction and operation
phases of project decisions. Moreover, it shares construction data throughout the life
cycle of a project and improves the operational efficiency on intelligent construction
sites [1]. However, there are also some shortcomings in construction management. For
example, national authorities and industry do not have specific implementation plans
norms and unified standards for BIM information construction systems in enterprise
construction. However, companies are further faced with the problem of blindly
Jixue ZOU, Corresponding author, Xi’an Eurasian University, Xi’an 710065, Shaanxi, China; E-mail:
J. Zou et al. / BIM Information Technology Application in Construction Management Research 377

following software companies. It makes the on-site project management of construction

enterprises generally incompatible. This leads to the inability to share information
collaboratively between the Party A, construction and management platform software
[2]. At present, BIM+ Geographic Information System (GIS) technology can quickly
solve the problem of building informatization by virtue of its own advantages. At the
same time, it can also effectively improve the efficiency of the project from conforming
to the development of the times. Safety management is a major element of construction
management in China.

2. Literature Review

The integration of BIM+GIS has led to a gradual expansion of applications. The

technology has been employed in urban and landscape planning, urban traffic analysis,
municipal pipe network management, bridge and tunnel planning, etc. The BIM+GIS
model developed at this stage contains information on the whole process data of all
public infrastructure during the planning, design, construction, acceptance and
operation phases. BIM+GIS technology uses unmanned aerial tilt photography in the
planning stage of the project to accurately calculate the floor area of the 3D model of
the surrounding site. It helps to carry out scientific site planning for the project,
determine parameters such as spatial layout, slope adjustment and road alignment, and
determine their precise location. This reduces the construction difficulty of the project,
improves the feasibility of the project and ensures its quality. This improves the level
of intelligent management of construction and effectively safeguards the lives and
property of residents.

2.1. Introduction to BIM Technology

BIM is mainly used to create building model based on various building data from
construction projects (which can be extended to power, chemical and other related
industries). BIM technology is integrated throughout the entire life cycle of a building
and is applied to the quality and safety control of construction projects. It can be a tool
used in the design process to identify errors and make up for missed points. In addition,
it can serve as a timeline for construction units to accurately calculate the amount of
work to be done at each node. The biggest advantage of BIM technology is that
problems in construction can be identified and solved in advance [3]. With the boom of
"information change" in China's construction industry, BIM technology has been
increasingly used in recent years. From being the purest design theory, BIM technology
has become the most practical 3D modelling application tool of the day.

2.2. Introduction to GIS Technology

GIS was introduced by Goodchild in 1992. It is called Geographic Information Science

because it is a new science and technology. It focuses on the application of computer
technology to process, store, extract, manage and analyze geographical information in a
series of fundamental issues raised by the process. In essence, GIS is a system of tools
for managing, analyzing, visualizing and applying spatial data by replacing the original
paper maps with computers [4]. In all stages of BIM, 3D GIS allows for visual display
378 J. Zou et al. / BIM Information Technology Application in Construction Management Research

and decision analysis support. The building data in BIM model just satisfies the data
support for the management of 3D GIS application.

3. Research Method of Construction Safety Inspection of Building Engineering

3.1. Safety Analysis of Construction Process Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process


AHP is a systematic hierarchical weighted decision analysis method that falls under the
theoretical domain of operations research. It is used to analyze and ensure construction
safety and to promote the sustainable development of China's construction industry.
Firstly, the building construction information in BIM+GIS model of an engineering
construction project is established as a structural model. According to the relationship
and subordination between the decision making factors, the factors are divided into
three levels. The highest level is BIM+GIS building construction information. Both the
middle and lowest levels refer to the priority weighting of the factors in their level to an
element of the previous level downwards. After judging the importance between the
factors at each level, the analysis matrix for construction safety of a project is
established in the following steps [5]. The analysis matrix an established during the
calculation of the weights of the elements of construction safety is shown below:


A=⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ (1)

Then, the optimal transmission matrix R is calculated.

R = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ (2)

Based on the results of the analysis of the above formula, all safety decision factors
included in the construction safety analysis matrix are converted in a uniform manner.
Of these, the

=   −    (3)

=   +    (4)

 = (5)

where, i=1,2,ؕ,n; j=1,2,ؕ,n

J. Zou et al. / BIM Information Technology Application in Construction Management Research 379

where, rij is the safety factors for construction. is the construction safety factor
after consistent transformation.
After processing the building safety coefficients of the optimal transfer matrix, a
new building safety analysis matrix R' is created. For the new matrix R’ the row vector
can be obtained by summing up the building safety coefficients in the matrix by rows,
which is expressed as W = ( ,  , … ,  ) , calculating the row vector
 ,expressed as follows.

 =  (6)

The weights of the eigenvectors of the rows of the building safety factor are
obtained by processing the above formulae  ,whose expressions are given below,:

 = ∑ 

Following a consistency test of the above matrix results, a combined ranking of the
most critical ranking weights for all factors in the same tier relative to the highest tier
was carried out for construction safety factors [6]. From the ranking results, it is
possible to know the various factors that influence the construction process of a
building project. Through AHP, wit can be accurately determined whether they meet
the safety warning criteria and the best solution to prevent safety hazards can be

4. Introduction and Application of Safety Management Based on BIM Technology

General construction projects mainly include: design institutes, engineering

construction units, construction units, supervision units, equipment spare parts
suppliers, quality supervisors, etc. The traditional construction method uses a static
two-dimensional (2D) plan design as a reference for construction. It would be time-
consuming and labour-intensive to require designers to return to the drawings for
revision or on-site guidance. The constant revision of 2D drawings not only disrupts
the construction plan, increasing the cost of the project and the workload of the
construction staff. It can also extend the construction cycle of the entire project during
standstill periods, significantly reducing construction efficiency. The use of BIM
technology allows the actual situation of key production elements on the construction
site to be simulated and displayed in a 3D visualization model. This aspect allows for
the implementation of scientific safety management on the construction site and the
identification and dynamic management of risk resources. On the other hand, it also
allows for good safety planning and management, so that unsafe situations during
construction can be reduced. The project's efficiency goals are achieved by avoiding
accidents, especially those that cause losses to employees. The integrated function of
BIM+GIS can be better manage the information transmission between all parties of the
construction project [7].
380 J. Zou et al. / BIM Information Technology Application in Construction Management Research

4.1. Mapping of Joint Review Management

The joint review of drawings is a necessary part of the pre-construction process. Those
who must participate in the joint review include the designer, the builder, the technical
director, the construction company and the supervisor. Generally, the supervisor is
responsible for conducting the design public disclosure with the joint auditors. After
the disclosure, the construction unit should organize a review of the drawings by the
joint auditors. By reviewing the drawings, conflicts between building components can
be predicted in advance, intuitive communication can take place and the cooperation of
project personnel can be improved. It also affects the cost, quality, safety and schedule
of the project construction to a certain extent. The joint review of the drawings starts
with an understanding of the function of the building. The construction drawings are
examined for contradictions and ambiguities, inconsistencies in plan and elevation
dimensions, and errors in the most error-prone parts of the building [8]. The joint
review of drawings through BIM technology can ensure the quality of design drawings
and avoid delaying the construction schedule of the project.

4.2. Presentation and Optimal Management of Special Construction solutions

Modelling, analysis and optimization of special construction safety schemes using BIM
technology. The logical correlation between the construction steps and construction
procedures is presented intuitively and accurately [9]. According to the construction
requirements and site pipeline layout plan, use BIM 3D model simulation to compare
different construction solutions. Further, identify options or adjust parts that do not
meet the construction requirements, functional use and aesthetic requirements of an
area. The drawings are then returned to the designer for communication and
coordination, and adjustments are made accordingly before going on to disclosure and
on-site construction. The feasibility of construction safety is enhanced by the reporting
and visualization of the technical display of the construction safety scenarios on site.

4.3. 3D / 4D Technology Visualization Disclosure Management

The BIM 3D technical disclosure that it is based on the engineering design drawings of
the construction unit and establishes a 3D model of the building BIM. The BIM 3D
modeling software contains all the construction data information of the project. During
the communication work, the BIM 3D model is used to visually explain the technical
parameters to the construction personnel through visualization equipment [10]. This
allows them to quickly understand the design solution and the construction plan. Use
BIM+Virtual Reality (VR)+GIS to achieve technical disclosure. The construction
process, the logical relationship between the construction processes, the repetition or
cross-construction work, the construction technology of major schemes, etc. are
displayed visually in VR animation and 3D construction simulation. The technical
disclosure of BIM model effectively improves the intuitiveness and accuracy of the
revealed content and greatly enhances the work productivity.

4.4. Collision Detection and Detailed Design Management

According to the construction drawing design, BIM advancement mode is established

to achieve collision detection and in-depth design within each discipline. BIM
J. Zou et al. / BIM Information Technology Application in Construction Management Research 381

modelling software such as REVIT is used to import civil building models, structural
models and electromechanical models for collision detection. Adjustments and
modifications are made to components with collision conflicts according to the
drawings [11]. Simulate the dynamic installation of electromechanical pipelines and
equipment with Fuzor. The installation solutions in dense areas of pipelines and
equipment are checked for difficulties in implementation by means of roaming displays.
This enables contradictions in the installation process to be identified in advance,
optimizes the construction process and improves the efficiency and quality of the
installation. With Pinmin HIBIM, the brackets and hangers are numbered and mapped,
respectively, with 2D code attached, to coordinate with the drawings and position them
accurately. While improving the quality and effectiveness from the deepening design
work. it also ensures the enforceability, guidance and implementation of the results of
the deepening design work [12]. At the same time, the integration of drawings and
mold is realized. Identification and management of hazards sources:
All production elements and generated components of the construction site are
mapped into the BIM model of the main building. On this basis, BIM technology and
BIM safety analysis software (as Fuzor) are used to identify, classify and evaluate the
hazardous resources in the construction process through BIM modeling. From there,
sites with risk sources are quickly located, identified and counted, and safety analysis
reports are provided. The safety BIM model is established and optimized according to
the safety analysis report, and a safe construction plan is proposed. Finally, the safety
BIM mode and safety construction methods are used to provide safety construction
control on site.
The geographical environment and surrounding conditions of the construction site
are analyzed according to BIM+GIS. Measures are taken to reduce or minimize
pollution [13]. At the same time, the BIM model's building information platform is
used to adjust or develop solutions for relevant processes that may cause environmental
pollution. Further, hazardous substances, waste items and waste water that can cause
environmental pollution are controlled in a unified manner. The objective of green
construction can be achieved [14].

4.5. Safety Planning Management

Ensuring safety in building construction is the most important aspect of all stages of the
building lifecycle. Hidden dangers can exist in even the most basic building
construction. Safety in building construction is therefore of widespread concern. Safety
hazards in building construction include dangerous behaviors of construction personnel
without safety awareness, incorrect or unstandardized use of building materials, unsafe
placement of equipment as well as inadequate construction quality management and
supervision [15]. The use of BIM technology for 3D roaming display of the
construction environment allows for a comprehensive understanding of the
construction scheme in advance. In the planning stage of the project, the combination
of GIS technology and unmanned aerial tilt photography allows for the accurate
calculation of the floor area of the 3D model of the surrounding site and the
determination of the spatial layout [16]. This can reduce the difficulty of building the
BIM+GIS technology is used to precisely locate the areas to be protected and to
prepare specific safety design methods in advance. BIM5D is used to manage the
382 J. Zou et al. / BIM Information Technology Application in Construction Management Research

whole process of project progress, project cost, project resources and construction

4.6. On Site Safety Education

During the construction process, some construction units prioritize their limited
resources on construction production with the goal of reducing costs and speeding up
the progress. They usually reduce the cost of safety education and training and safety
precautions. This makes safety training and education a formality and the construction
conditions cannot be improved. However, for the safety of construction personnel and
construction efficiency, safety education and training for construction personnel is
essential. Through BIM+VR/ Augmented Reality (AR) technology, a 3D virtual space
can be provided offering users aural, visual and tactile simulations [17]. Site staff can
wear VR equipment and see how the project looks at various times. The 3D virtual
space allows for accurate advance planning of the project site, comprehensive pipeline
layout roaming, construction process animation demonstration, etc. It also possible to
simulate fire safety evacuation, insurance escape and insurance rescue for site staff
after a major safety accident that occurs. The dissemination of safety knowledge and
methods in the form of 3D models can raise the safety awareness of on-site staff.

5. Analysis of the Result on BIM + GIS Information Technology in Construction


5.1. Application of BIM + GIS in Decision-making Stage

BIM+GIS technology is commonly applied in urban & landscape planning, urban

traffic analysis, building design review & performance evaluation, municipal pipe
network management, bridge & tunnel planning as well as climate condition
assessment [18].
BIM+GIS information technology is also used in various stages of urban planning
and construction development for on-site statistical analysis, urban planning and
construction review, and proposal validation. A more accurate analysis and decision
making is achieved. The intensity and accuracy of the information collected on the
construction site is uncertain. At this point, the BIM model is used and combined with
GIS computing applications to carry out a comprehensive assessment and analysis to
find the elements that have a significant impact on the design and decision making of
the project [19].
The BIM software system combined with data from GIS and other applications is
used for comparative analysis of engineering solutions and environmental conditions
[20]. It is possible to take into account the functional characteristics and economic
indicators of the construction project while making investment decisions. This
effectively achieves a perfect unification of economic indicators such as construction
project objectives and input costs. (Figure 1)
J. Zou et al. / BIM Information Technology Application in Construction Management Research 383

Figure 1. Visual technical disclosure.

5.2. Application of BIM + GIS in Design Stage

In the design phase, BIM technology replaces the traditional 2D structure design with
3D visualization design technology. Structural drawings of building interior data for
industrial construction projects are simply exported as 2D images via the 3D module.
Simplified infill processing enables the modelling of the structure in plan, elevation and
section. The drawings are complete with pre-determined information and pre-buried
signals, greatly reducing the workload of structural deepening and drafting [21]. It also
reduces the problem of engineering design errors when engineering design conditions
are variable, thus improving the quality of structural design drawings. It can accurately
calculate the floor area and use GIS to make accurate estimates of the surrounding
living and service areas outside the building. As shown in figure 2 and figure 3.

Figure 2. Visual technical disclosure.

Figure 3. 3D detailed design.

5.3. Application of BIM + GIS in Construction Stage

In the construction stage, the use of BIM+GIS methods can realize construction
progress simulation, construction organization simulation, 3D pipeline roaming, site
use planning, material tracking and deepening design. BIM technology enables a more
3D visualization of the flat elements of the building site, thus providing a true
understanding of the conditions of the construction phase [22]. Especially for form,
new constructions, new materials as well as more complex and variable nodes, BIM's
parametric and visualization features can be used to carry out comprehensive analysis
and simulation of nodes from the perspective of process flow, component disassembly,
with processing apparatus and so on. This improves the constructability of the building
384 J. Zou et al. / BIM Information Technology Application in Construction Management Research

scheme design to reduce costs, compress schedules and reduce design errors and waste.
Dynamic installation simulation of electromechanical pipelines and equipment using
Fuzor. The roaming display checks whether there are difficulties in implementing the
installation plan in areas with dense pipelines and equipment. This allows for early
detection of conflicts in the installation process, in order to effectively reduce the time
required for human screening of conflicts, save time and costs and optimize the
construction process. The ultimate goal is to improve the efficiency and quality of the

5.4. Application of BIM + GIS in Acceptance Stage

Acceptance work is an important part of the process before the building is completed.
Only through strict project acceptance can the overall quality of building construction
be fundamentally guaranteed. BIM+VR/AR technology can provide 3D virtual spaces,
as well as sensory simulations in terms of hearing, vision and touch. Site staff can see
the appearance of the completed construction by wearing VR equipment. Through the
3D virtual building space acceptance staff can get a real sense of the electromechanical
pipelines, complex nodes and interior finishes in the built environment. The use of
BIM not only improves the perception of acceptance and reduces the requirement for
the professional competence required to read the drawings, but also lowers the industry
barriers to acceptance. It facilitates on-site acceptance by owners and other supervisors.

5.5. Application of BIM + GIS in Operation Stage

In the building operation and maintenance stage, BIM+GIS technology enables the
delivery of the completed engineering models, maintenance planning, building systems
analysis, asset management systems, building space control & big data analysis, as well
as disaster planning & disaster response simulation. The BIM modelling is delivered to
the company by the builder after acceptance and after appropriate trials and
adjustments have been made to it. In this way, the building operations and maintenance
management is provided with not only the preliminary design and completed drawings,
but also a 3D BIM model that includes all the data and information about the building.
As shown in figure 4.

Figure 4. 3D model display.

BIM+GIS technology organically integrates building spatial information,

equipment data and other materials. The advantages of spatial positioning and
information recording are exploited through the business service management system
[23]. Rationalisation of operation, management and maintenance planning to minimize
contingencies in operational activities.
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6. Discussion

BIM+GIS integration is a multi-disciplinary field. There is a lot of attention being paid

to the application and research value arising from the integration of BIM models and
GIS models [24]. This paper uses AHP for validation and mathematical models to
evaluate various influencing factors in the construction process in order to ensure
building construction safety, optimize engineering design and construction, and
improve project quality. Moreover, the experience and knowledge of experts are
extracted to explore the value of its application from the technical level, model level
and application level of BIM+GIS integration [25]. The main conclusions are as

6.1. Technical

Technically, GIS adopts the GML standard, while BIM usually applies IFC
international annotation. The 3D modeling software varies from country to country,
and the data is stored in different ways and file formats, such as Revit's RVT format
and Luban's LBIM format. Due to the lack of a unified 3D spatial data specification
and standard file format, BIM model data depends on the BIM system software itself
[26]. For example, the materials in Revit's RVT files are from their own database. If the
conversion of BIM data to GIS data is desired, special software or tools are required. In
order to break through the data barrier between BIM and GIS, China has also
successfully developed BIM 3D data export plugins, such as Revit's RVT format and
Bentley's DGN format.

6.2. Model

From the model perspective, firstly, BIM 3D modeling software contains building
information for individual projects. GIS technology is used to manage BIM data on a
large scale for a region or city. As the volume of GIS data and BIM building
information data increases, when the model data information reaches a certain scale, it
can lead to a large load on the terminal equipment. It is so that the model is difficult to
load and store for display, at this time even upgrading the hardware equipment will not
help. Therefore, manual processing or model format conversion of BIM data and GIS
data can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, but the model accuracy will be high.
Although model format conversion has limitations, lightweight models can be
generated automatically to reduce time and manpower and thus meet different display
interaction requirements. The advantage of a lightweight model is that it makes the data
lighter [27].

6.3. Application

At an application level, BIM technology is often used to integrate and provide

information on the complete building lifecycle data. GIS technology, on the other hand,
is suitable for integrating and managing geospatial information outside the building, as
well as macro environment data such as underground and above-ground pipeline
systems. BIM is mainly used for comprehensive conflict detection of 3D models in all
phases of construction, as well as for internal building planning, ventilation analysis,
light analysis and energy analysis of the internal spaces of HVAC buildings. This
386 J. Zou et al. / BIM Information Technology Application in Construction Management Research

improves the synergy of project management [28]. Whereas GIS has a perfect spatial
coordinate system, including projection coordinates and geographic coordinates.
Therefore, it can provide strong environmental expression, information management
and spatial analysis capabilities. BIM expands the application field of GIS, and at the
same time, GIS is also involved in the whole life cycle management of BIM

7. Conclusions

With the rise and development of three-dimensional BIM+GIS technology in the

foreign countries, China is also gradually breaking through the bottleneck, and the
application scope is from the coastal to the inland. For the use of BIM+GIS three-
dimensional modeling information technology displayed three-dimensional
geographical model buildings include construction project data, covering the whole life
cycle of BIM [29]. In other words, in the aspects of planning, design, construction,
operation and maintenance, the contents of the Notice on Strengthening the
Management of Infrastructure Construction Projects to Ensure the safety and quality of
Projects issued by the department of the National Development and Reform
Commission are taken as the key points [30]. Strengthening the management of project
quality and safety is the core factor of construction project management in smart
construction sites, and plays an important role in ensuring the quality of projects.
Based on the combination of BIM and GIS, the two-3D integration of construction
industry is realized to promote the development of smart construction site, ensure the
safety and control of our geographic information system and building construction, and
greatly promote the core competitiveness of BIM+GIS software in our country. More
enterprises hope to realize industrial upgrading through the integration of BIM and GIS
technology, so as to realize the combination of BIM technology with mobile computing
and the Internet to enhance the timeliness and data accuracy of smart city management.


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