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Choose the best answer

1. The popular band is currently ______, performing in cities across the country.
A. on break B. on vacation C. on tour D. on hiatus
2. I think it's important for kids to have opportunities to show how well they can sing, dance, or play a
musical instrument, and ______ are a great way to do that.
A. talk shows B. fashion shows C. game shows D. talent shows
3. The skier put on his ______ to protect his eyes from the wind and glare of the snow.
A. goggles B. helmet C. skates D. gloves
4. Many people take supplements or ______ in order to maintain good physical health.
A. prescription B. vitamins C. surgery D. bandage
5. I want to join a gym but the ______ price is $50 per month! That’s a lot of money!
A. membership B. fitness C. sport D. achievement
6. The ______ is a natural phenomenon that occurs when sunlight is refracted by water droplets in the air.
A. storm B. desert C. rainbow D. glacier
7. The ______'s tremors sent shockwaves through the jungle, shaking the trees and causing animals to flee in
A. rain B. forest C. iceberg D. earthquake
8. The dog's thick fur provided protection from the cold, ______ wind.
A. freezing B. boiling C. furious D. organized
9. The driver was _____ when he got stuck in traffic and missed his important meeting.
A. enormous B. furious C. embarrassed D. excited
1. 10. The children's hands were _____ after playing in the mud.
A. exhausted B. starving C. filthy D. hilarious
11. The song became an instant ____, topping the charts and selling millions of copies.
A. track B. hit C. album D. tune
12. The talk show ____ engaged her guests in lively conversations about current events and personal
A. singer B. audience C. band D. host
13. Watching TV ____ can be fun because they tell us about exciting stuff and good deals.
A. episode B. documentary C. ads D. podcasts
14. After enjoying a delicious meal at the local cafe, make sure to ______ to show your gratitude for the
chef's culinary skills.
A. leave a tip B. reserve a table C. get the check D. eat out
15. She broke into the house with the intent to steal valuable items. The crime is ____.
A. murder B. burglary C. terrorism D. robbery
16. She is watching a _______ about the natural disasters happening in 2000.
A. sci-fi B. mystery C. documentary D. comedy
17. He is drawn to movies with cutting-edge technology, futuristic settings, and imaginative visions of the
future. What type of film is that?
A. science fiction B. soap opera C. biography D. adventure
18. The film boasted an impressive ______, featuring renowned actors and actresses in key roles.
A. sequel B. soundtracks C. plot D. cast
19. Fans of the original movie were excited to hear about the upcoming ______ continuing the story.
A. script B. sequel C. soundtracks D. plot
20. The opening ______ of her album is sweet and sentimental.
A. series B. note C. ad D. track


1C 6C 11B 16C
2D 7D 12D 17A
3A 8A 13C 18D
4B 9B 14A 19B
5A 10C 15B 20D

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