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Raisoni College Of Engineering

and Management, Wagholi, Pune

Department Of MCA
Subject – Analysis of Algorithm

TOPIC - Hamiltonian Cycles

Submitted By :
Mahesh Satbhai ( F.Y MCA - 37 )
Mangesh Kavhar ( F.Y MCA - 38 )
1. Introduction

➢ What is Hamiltonian cycle?

➢ A cycle that visits each vertex exactly once.

➢ Hamiltonian Cycle or Circuit is a path in an undirected graph that visits all the
vertices in the graph exactly ince and terminates back at the starting node.

➢ Sir William Rowan Hamilton, a pioneering mathematician and physicist

introduced the concept of Hamiltonian cycles in the 19th century.
2. Problem Statement
Given an undirected graph, our task is to determine whether the graph contains
a Hamiltonian cycle or not.


In the above example, we are given an undirected having 8 vertices. We start traversing from
vertex 1 and are able to visit every vertex exactly once and return back to vertex 1 which is the
starting vertex.

➢ The graph is undirected.

➢ The task is to determine the presence of a Hamiltonian cycle in
the graph.
➢ A Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once
and returns to the starting vertex.
4. Importance of Hamiltonian Cycles

➢ Computer Science: Integral to algorithms, network design, and

➢ Optimization Problems: Key to solving problems like the traveling
salesman problem.
➢ Network Design: Crucial in planning efficient routes for transportation
and communication networks.
5. Real-world Applications

➢ Transportation Planning:
• Optimal route planning for vehicles.
➢ Network Routing:
• Efficient data packet routing in communication networks.
➢ DNA Sequencing:
• Representing sequences of DNA base pairs as a graph.
6. Hamiltonian Cycle Properties

➢ Properties:
• Visits each vertex exactly once.
• Forms a closed loop, returning to the starting vertex.
Thank You..!

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