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Vidya Pratishthan’s

Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology, Baramati

Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Prelim Examination
Academic Year 2022-23

Subject:-Data Science Max Marks:-50

1. All Questions are compulsory
2. Figures to right indicates CO, RBT Level and Marks

3. Use of scientific calculator is allowed

CO3 : Apply the lifecycle of Data analytics to real world problems

1. Write a case study on Global Innovation Network and Analysis (GINA), through data analytic life
cycle phases. CO3 , L3 [12]
CO4 :Implement Data Analytics using Python programming
2. Differentiate between Linear and Logistic regression. CO4 , L2 [3]

3. The below-given data is a hypothetical dataset of transactions, each letter representing an item

Transaction ID Items
T1 E,K,M,N,O,Y
T2 D,E,K,N,O,Y
T3 A,E,K,M
T4 C,K,M,U,Y
T5 C,E,I,K,O,O

Find association rules using FP growth algorithm. CO4 , L4 [10]

CO5 :Implement data visualization using visualization tools in Python programming
4. Explain Holdout Method and Random Sub sampling method CO5 , L2 [5]

5. What is TFIDF? Calculate TFIDF for each word of all the documents mentioned in the example
below CO2 , L4 [8]

Document Text Total No. of Words in Document

A Jupiter is the largest planet 5
B Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun 8

CO6 :Design and implement Big Databases using the Hadoop ecosystem
6. Explain HDFS and Mapreduce wrt Hadoop architecture. Explain with wordcount example.CO6 , L3
Answer Key:

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