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Determination of the H2O POROSITY

a) Equipment and Tools

1-Desiccator, vol.1000ml with valve in the lid

2- Condensate trap (vacuum flask 1000ml) filled with cotton wool with

3-vaccum tight hose

4-caliper gauge

5-Rotaty van vacuum pump with gas ballast

6- Demineralized water contain 1% Ethanol

7-balance and ruler, tissue moderate absorbency
b) Test Methods
1- Dry of the sample plat at 105 °c for 5h
2-let the plate cool then measure height (H) width(w) thickness(t) to
calculate the volume (v) of the plate and weight it (M1)
3- Place the plate in desiccator (-300 to -500 mbar) filled with water,
the plate must be completely soaked in water until no new bubbles
formed approximately 30min.
4-stop bump and let it in desiccator under negative pressure for 30 min.
5- Remove the plate by the lug
6- wipe the plate by tissue without drying plate then weight it (M2).

C) Calculation
1-Calculate of the grid volume

2-Calculate the volume of the pasted plate

H(plate) *W (Plate)*t (plate) /1000= V plate

3-calculate the active mass volume


4-calculate of soaked water volume


5-calculate the water porosity %

V(H2o) *100/V(AM)=H2o -pro

* Notice the result given with one decimal place

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