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American Nurses Association political involvement and the current political initiatives and

the activities

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American Nurses Association political involvement and the current political initiatives and the
The professional nursing organization of my interest is the American Nurses Association
(ANA). The nursing profession is provided with guidance and backing by the ANA, a
professional organization that assumes leadership in this regard. Employing championing,
enlightening, investigating, and implementing nursing practice as well as the occupation itself,
the organization advances the welfare of nurses. This is done by advocating for nurses in
legislative matters, promoting quality patient care and safety, providing resources for
professional development, and offering support in career advancement.
The ANA website comprises a wealth of political information, including the following:
their core mission is to safeguard and enhance public health, safety as well as welfare via
furthering nursing professionalism; they take it upon themselves to endorse career development
for nurses at all levels; support legislative measures that advance the nursing profession both on
state and national levels (ANA, 2019). These initiatives include advocating for evidence-based
practices while drafting policies that improve nursing offerings in line with quality standards
nationwide. Employing such activities, ANA strives to guarantee unfailing service provision by
its members, who possess a robust knowledge base and necessary resources that are integral for
delivering safe and sound healthcare services (ANA, 2019). These initiatives aim at ensuring that
legal safeguards aligned with improvement-oriented pursuits aimed towards enhancing nurses'
expertise are put in place while maintaining uncompromising levels of patient care excellence
The current political initiatives of the ANA include advocating for the enactment of laws
that strengthen nursing practice, such as those facilitating better healthcare access, elevating
nurse practitioner numbers, and backing up the adoption of models led by nurses. Furthermore,
the ANA vigorously promotes advancing empirical-based practices and principles that endorse
nursing performance. The ANA firmly advocates for the adoption of policies both at a federal
and state level that would result in better healthcare accessibility and upgraded safety protocols
to benefit all patients (Craig, 2020). Nursing professionals regard these political initiatives as
crucial since they offer a chance for nurses to exercise their impact upon legislative undertakings
and help the field progress. Through active participation in politics, nurses can guarantee that
their viewpoints are acknowledged and advocated for a while, safeguarding their issues and
The political initiatives apply to me because they are essential because they make my
voice heard regarding health issues such as lack of compensation. I can get involved in the
political process by becoming a member of the ANA and actively participating in their advocacy
events, numerous local chapters, and attending meetings. Additionally, I may stay apprised of
legislative initiatives as they transpire while maintaining involvement through outreach to
elected representatives for consistent engagement within the political process. Moreover, it is
plausible that I may partake in other groups, such as the Committee for National Nursing
Mobilization, to promote and enhance nursing endeavors. The provision of policy research and
mechanisms to interact with elected representatives are some ways ANA enables nurses to
remain apprised and get involved in political matters.
In conclusion, the American Nurses Association is crucial in supporting and providing
guidance for nursing professionals. The ANA is presently engaging in political proceedings and
making specific bills to promote nursing. Nurses can engage in political proceedings by
becoming an ANA members and actively participating in their advocacy undertakings. Another

approach could be through affiliation with one's local branch, where attending meetings can yield
significant involvement opportunities.

ANA. (2019). Federal issues. ANA.
Craig, G. (2020, March 7). Federal legislative agenda. American Nurse.

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