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': ]o, Date :.16.05.


The Hon'ble District Collectrate-cum-district Executive Magistrate

Kamareddy District.

Sub :- Agriculture land bearing Sy.No.122/ 10 extent of 1.31 gts situated

under the shivar of Old Banswada illegally mutated in the name of Neeradi
Pedda Gangaram S/o Veeraiah and to extent of 0.36 gts to Neeradi Savithri
W/o Chinna Gangaram illegally who are in eligible persons, and their children
are government employees, without foltowing due procedure of law, civil suit
vide OS No.58/2018, OS No.6l/2018 before the Junior Civil Judge at.
Banswada and OS No.03/2019 before the ADJ Court, Bodhan.

following schedule caste persons beg to submit the following
plaint as follows.

rhat the Government has given land under ceiling patta in Sy.No.122
^q o l.Gaini Balaiah to an extent 0.20 gts,
20 gts, 3.Errola Chinna Gangaram to an
aiah to an extent 0:20 gts, s.Mukkagalla
simbee to an extent 0.16 gts, T.Parugulla
Nagawato an extent O.2O gts, S.Dubbala Mohan to an extent 0.16 gts ard
9.Dadege Mohan to an extent 0.16 gts, Total Ext.Acr.4.O2 gts and issued patta
certificate to Gaini Balaiah, Big pass book, (1) patta certificate, pahani for the
year 1981-82, 1994-95 shows that all the above name persons are pattadar
and possessors. But the Tahsildar, Banswada and Revenue authorities issued illi gJ.l.r
patta certificate to Neeradi Ramulu, Nagurao and phirman bee.

2. That one Neeradi Ramulu died (6) years back issues but the revenue
authorities mutated the lands in the name of Neeradi Gangaram to an extent
0.36 gts and Neeradi Savitllri to an extent 0.36 gts who children are
government jobs and the above said persons are in possession
of the above
said lands, but some unsocial elements are threatening to
vacate the above
said lands.

3. That on Ravi and Kha_leel, Ibrahim and others are

beat the Sangeetha
and her bangles are broken and got bleeding injuries,
the petitioner given
police complaint on 26.L2.2O2t, but the police
was no action taken and kindly
direct the police, Banswada to take legal action
against the above said persons.
The complaint copy and photos are frled
herewith for kind perusal of the
Hon trle Magistrate.
4. That when the subject suit land pending before the Hon,ble Junior
Judge, at Banswada court and ADJ Court, at Bodhan for adjudication
and the
Neeradi Pedda Gangaram is party in the suit and another suit pending
A.D.J Court at Bodhan.

5, That the revenue authorities issued illegal patta certificate to Neeradi

Ramulu, Nagurao and phirman bee without issuing any notice to original above
assignee and without following due process of revenue law beyond
back which
is against constitution, fundamental rights, principal of nature justice,
provisionally illegal, against morality and against principals of Indian

6. That kind$ verify the documents filed by petitioners/ owners and

call for
the records of mutation of late Neeradi Ramulu, Nagu Rao and phirman

Hence we the petitioners/owners humbly begs to submitted that issue

new Digital pattadar pass book cum title deeds to thi petitioners/ owners
to the legal heirs of dead persons and calcel the patta pass books of Neeradi
Pedda Gangaram, Neeradi Savithri, Nagu Rao, and phirman Bee and
direct the
police officials to take legal steps against the Ibrahm, Ravi, Khaleel and others
on complaint dated :26.12.2021 for which we will be thanklul and obliged to
your kind authorization.

Yours Faithfully,
Llst of documents:
1. Patta pass book of Neeradi Ramulu.
3:",\saJ 4 Jc,' cr'le,"r*
2. Pahani Patrika for the year l98l-82, 1994-95,
1) J. aa o- &D.I "r, )c,t-oirsr,
3. Old Thoka pass book of G.Balaiah
' $\I^
Jl aC- \PFI6' s(o.)' q' ]e;
a --.rU(ota,r
4. Photo showing the petitioners in land Sy.No. 122 Ao n C)o
\^l 6, sure-: F) J f- "n "Y /r
5. The copy of police complaint. ' t"pet d.$
c'(. e-r

6. The Caste Certificate of Sangeetha. t,


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