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Siddesh AV


Kalpataru Ins tue Of Technology Tiptur

The Hiring Manager



Dear Hiring Manager

I am wri ng to express my enthusias c interest in the So ware Engineering Intern posi on within
the Consul team at HashiCorp. With a strong background in computer science, a passion for
programming, and a genuine commitment to contribu ng to open-source projects, I am confident in
my ability to make significant contribu ons to your team.

The opportunity to work on both open source and enterprise versions of tools, par cularly
programming in Go, aligns seamlessly with my academic pursuits and prac cal experience. Having
completed many projects, I am well-versed in the principles of stability, reliability, performance, and
security. This, coupled with my exposure to programming languages such as Go, Python, and Java,
posi ons me as a candidate with a diverse skill set ready to tackle the challenges associated with
infrastructure management.

Your emphasis on the stability and reliability of cri cal environments resonates with my own
commitment to delivering high-quality solu ons. My previous experiences, such as Full Stack Java
Developer and Python Developer have equipped me with a solid founda on in distributed systems,
service-oriented architectures, and security prac ces. I am eager to leverage this knowledge to
contribute to the success of HashiCorp's customers and the broader community.

The prospect of working on core features, par cipa ng in code reviews, and advoca ng for
improvements to product APIs aligns perfectly with my desire to be part of a dynamic team that is
commi ed to con nuous improvement. Moreover, the opportunity to own the full lifecycle of
feature development is one that excites me, as it resonates with my proac ve approach to problem-
solving and my ability to see projects through from concep on to release.

I am par cularly drawn to HashiCorp's emphasis on fostering a collabora ve and fast-paced team
environment. My experience working in [men on relevant team or project] has honed my ability to
thrive in such se ngs, making me confident in my capacity to contribute effec vely to the Consul

In conclusion, I am excited about the prospect of joining HashiCorp as a So ware Engineering Intern
and contribu ng to the development of cu ng-edge infrastructure tools. Thank you for considering
my applica on. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss in further detail how my skills and
experiences align with the needs of the Consul team.


Siddesh AV

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