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Trung tâm Dạy & Học KIẾN NHÂN | 0938 796812

Name: ..........................................................................Date..........................................................................

I. Present Simple
Affirmative Negative Yes/No question Wh_word question

Một thói quen, phong tục hoặc một hành động được gặp lại Ex: People send greeting cards on
nhiều lần. New Year time.

Thể hiện một sự thật hiển nhiên, hoặc một sự thật vĩnh cửu Ex: The water boils at 100oC
Diễn tả một trạng thái, cảm xúc, khả năng hoặc là một nhận Ex: I see a bird.

Every/each + morning/day/week/month/year.
Occasionally> rarely > hardly > seldom > never = not ever

Always > normally> sometimes> usually > often > frequently

Now and then

II. Present Continous

Affirmative Negative Yes/No question Wh_word question

Diễn tả một hành động đang diễn ra ngay tại thời điểm nói. Ex: I am teaching my student.

Diễn tả sự không hài lòng hay phàn nàn về việc gì đó. Ex: He is always coming late.

now, at the moment, right now, at present…


Dùng sau câu mệnh lệnh.

III. State verb

understand, think, believe, know, recognize, see (=understand),
Động từ chỉ ý nghĩ
suppose, remember, imagine, forget, mean, realize
Động từ chỉ tình cảm like, dislike, hate, love, prefer, want, wish
Động từ chỉ sự sở hữu have (=possess), own, belong to, owe, need, include, cost, contain
Ms Diem | 0943 121 743 1
seem, appear, become, grow, prove, remain, stay, look, smell, sound,
Linking verb taste, feel và một số động từ: weigh, sound, be (exist), seem, deserve,
look, appear.

IV. State verbs and Action verbs

Action verbs State verb
think xem xét, cân nhắc think nghĩ rằng, tin rằng
Ex: Ex:
feel sờ vào, chạm vào feel xem xét, cân nhắc, cảm
Ex: Ex:
taste nếm taste có vị
Ex: Ex:
smell ngửi smell có mùi
Ex: Ex:
see gặp see xem xét, hiêu
Ex: Ex:
look nhìn look trông có vẻ
Ex: Ex:
appear xuất hiện appear dường như
Ex: Ex:
stay ở stay duy trì
Ex: Ex:
turn rẽ turn bước sang, chuyển sang
Ex: Ex:
expect mong expect cho rằng, nghĩ rằng
Ex: Ex:
weigh đo, cân weigh có trọng lượng, nặng
Ex: Ex:
enjoy tận hưởng enjoy thích
Ex: Ex:

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Exercise 1: Put the words in brackets with Present Simple and Present Continuous
1. Listen! My mother (sing)________________________a song.
2. Every night, We (go)________________________to bed at 10p.m
3. Maria (like)_______________Music but I (like)____________________Math
4. Now, they (stay)_ __________________________in Hue .
5. My father (read)__________________________a newspaper in the morning
6. Look! Jack (run)______________________.
7. Lisa usually (listen)____ to the teacher in the class, but she (not listen)_____now.
8. Where _____________________ your father(be)?
-He (be)________ living room. He (watch) ______TV.
9.____________they (go) to school by bus today?
10. There (be) ___________many flowers in our garden.
11. Everyday, Mr. Thomas (not go)_______________________to work by car.
12.In the autumn, I rarely (go)_______ sailing and (go)________ to school.
13.I (write)_____________________ a letter to my friend now.
14. At 12 a.m every day, I (have)_______ lunch and (go)________ to bed.
15. On Monday, I (have)____________ math and Art.
16. On Friday, I (have)____________ English.
17. At the moment, I (eat)_______an orange and My sisters (Play) ___Tennis.
18. Now, he (look)_______ his cat . It (eat)______ a mouse in the garden.
19. Mike, Tom, and Nick (be)__________________ close friend.
20. ___________your mother(walk)_________to market?

Exercise 2: Put the words in brackets with Present Simple and Present Continuous
1. What _____________she (do) _________________at 7.00 am?
2. How old _________she (be)?
3. How ___________she (be)?
4. My children (Go)________________to school by bike.
5. We (go)_______________to supermarket to buy some food.
6. Mr. Brown(go)________________on business to Hanoi every month.
7. Richie (like)______________coffee very much, but I (not like)______________it.
8. She (like)________________Tea, but she (not like)____________________coffee.
9. I (love)_______________ cats, but I (not love)__________________dogs.
10. Everyday ,I (go)______________to school on foot, but today I (go)________________to school by bike.

Exercise 3: Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1. We (always remember) __________the enthusiastic youth years.
A. are always remembering B. always remembered
C. always remember D. had always remembered

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2. (Enjoy) ________ a warm and peaceful Christmas with your family!
A. To enjoy B. Enjoying C. Enjoys D. Enjoy
3. We (expect) _________ the success of this event in the media.
A. are expecting B. expect C. had been expected D. have expected
4. My mom (love) __________ preparing meals for the whole family no matter how busy she is.
A. is loving B. loves C. had been loved D. didn’t love

Exercise 4: Put the verbs in the brackets with correct form

1. I fully (agree) ___________ with the view that women should be free to choose what they are going to
wear without the fear of (be) ___________________ judged.
2. He (wish) ___________________ he could have a boyfriend this Christmas.
3. Whether she will become more confident (depend) _______________ on how determined she is to stop
comparing herself to others.
4. My sister (prefer) __________ talking to me when she has some boy problems to confiding in our mom.
5. I am sorry for hurting your (feel) ______________.

Exercise 5: Identify action verb or state verb in the following sentences

1. I’m thinking of how far we could have gone together if we hadn’t broken up that day.

2. I think you should stop crying too much over your ex-boyfriend because it is clear that he is trash.

3. She looked cute in that flowery dress on the first day we met.

4. She looked at me with such empty eyes that sent shivers down my spine.

5. Mary, feeling refreshed after escaping from a toxic relationship, decided to travel alone to enjoy her
single days.

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