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Personality test
Options in all these questions would have five categories:
-strongly agree
-strongly disagree
1. I would be quite bored by a visit to an art gallery. (Strongly agree)

2. I rarely hold a grudge, even against people who have badly wronged me. (Neutral)

3. I would feel afraid if I had to travel in bad weather condition. (Agree)

4. I’m interested in learning about the history and politics of other countries. (Agree)

5. People sometimes tell me that I am too critical of others. (Disagree)

6. I rarely express my opinions in group meetings. (Strongly disagree)

7. I sometimes can’t help worrying about little things. (Neutral)

8. If I knew that I could never get caught, I would be willing to steal a million dollars. ( Strongly disagree)

9. People sometimes tell me that I’m too stubborn. (Disagree)

10. When I have a bad experience, I need someone to make me feel comfortable. (Disagree)

11. Having a lot of money is not especially important to me. (Disagree)

12. I think that paying attention to radical ideas is a waste of time. (Disagree)

13. I make decision based on the feeling of the moment rather than on careful thought. (Disagree)

14. People think of me as someone who has a quick temper. (Strongly disagree)

15. I feel like crying when I see other people cry. (Neutral)

16. I plan ahead and organize things, to avoid scrambling at the last minute. (Strongly agree)

17. My attitude toward people who have treated me badly is “forgive and forget”. (Agree)

18. I wouldn’t use flattery to get a raise or promotion at work, even if I thought it would succeed. (Agree)

19. I often push myself very hard when trying to achieve a goal. (Strongly agree)

20. In social situations, I’m usually the one who makes the first move. (Neutral)

21. I worry a lot than most people do. (Disagree)

22. I would enjoy creating a work of art, such as a novel, a song, or a painting. (Disagree)

23. When working on something, I don’t pay much attention to small details. (Strongly disagree)

24. I am usually quite flexible in my opinions when people disagree with me. (Disagree)

25. I can handle difficult situations without needing emotional support from anyone else. (Disagree)

26. I like people who have unconventional views. (Agree)

27. I make a lot of mistakes because I don’t think before I act. (Strongly disagree)

28. On most days, I feel cheerful and optimistic. (Strongly agree)

29. If I had the opportunity, I would like to attend a classical music concert. (Neutral)

30. When it comes to physical danger, I am very fearful. (Agree)

31. If I want something from someone, I will laugh at that person’s worst jokes. (Disagree)

32. I tend to be lenient in judging other people. (Neutral)

33. When I’m in a group of people, I’m often the one who speaks in behalf of the group. (Agree)

34. I would never accept a bribe, even if it were very large. (Strongly agree)

35. People have often told me that I have a good imagination. (Agree)

36. I always try to be accurate in my work, even at the expense of time. (Strongly agree)

37. When people tell me that I’m wrong, my first reaction is to argue with them. (Strongly disagree)

38. I prefer jobs that involve active social interaction to those that involve working alone. (Agree)

39. Most people tend to get angry more quickly than I do. (Agree)

40. I feel strong emotions when someone close to me is going away for a long time. (Agree)

41. I think that I am entitled to more respect than the average person is. (Neutral)

42. When working, I sometimes have difficulties due to being disorganized. (Disagree)

43. Even in an emergency I wouldn’t feel like panicking. (Agree)

44. I wouldn’t pretend to like someone just to get that person to do favour’s for me. (Strongly agree )

45. I’ve never really enjoyed looking through an encyclopedia. (Disagree)

46. I only do the minimum amount of work needed to get by. (Disagree)

47. Even when people make a lot of mistakes, I rarely say anything negative. (Agree)

48. I’d be tempted to use counterfeit money, if I were sure I could get away with it. (Disagree)

49. I don’t think of myself as the artistic or creative type. (Disagree)

50. People often call me a perfectionist. (Agree)

51. The first thing that I always do in a new place is to make friends. (Agree)

52. I would get a lot of pleasure owning expensive luxury goods. (Disagree)

53. I find it boring to discuss philosophy. (Disagree)

54. I prefer to do whatever comes to mind, rather than stick to a plan. (Disagree)

55. Most people are more upbeat and dynamic that I generally am. (Disagree)

56. I remain unemotional even in situation where most people get very sentimental. (Disagree)

57. I want people to know that I am an important person of high status. (Disagree)

58. I have sympathy for people who are less fortunate than I am. (Agree)

59. I try to give generously to those in need. (Agree)

60. It wouldn’t bother me to harm someone I didn’t like. (Strongly disagree)

61. People see me as a hard-hearted person. (Disagree)

62. I have well-developed plans to improve things. (Strongly agree)

63. Others more often than I take the lead in making new plans. (Disagree)

64. I shy from opportunities to change my surroundings. (Disagree)

65. If there is a problem, I tackle it right away. (Agree)

66. To a certain extent I am satisfied with who I am. (Agree)

67. I think that I am popular. (Strongly disagree)

68. Sometimes I feel that I do not add value to something. (Disagree)

Section 3
Computer based questions


Represents correct Answer

1. How can you quickly access the desktops when you have many applications open?

A. Close each application

B. Log off log back on

C. Click the show desktop icon on the taskbar

D. Minimize the open applications

2. What is the quickest way to switch between application windows on a computer? A. Minimize all application so you can

search for the application you want in the taskbar

B. Click the show desktop icon on the taskbar to minimize all application into the taskbar

C. Press alt-tab together to switch between applications

D. Ctrl-C to see all open applications and select the one you need

3. To open a folder on the desktop using a mouse, you should place the pointer of the mouse over the target object and do
what action?

A. Double left click

B. Double right click

C. Single left click

D. Single right click

4. To see additional functions available in an open desktop, document or website, what action should the user perform?

A. Double left click

B. Double right click

C. Single left click

D. Single right click

5. Chrome, Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Edge are all examples of which of the following?

A. Cell phone carriers

B. Internet browsers
C. Word processing programs D. Transfer protocols

6. When sending a group email, how do you ensure that one or several recipients cannot see the names of other recipients?




7. A partition between a user’s computer and the network/internet to block unauthorized access is known as:

A. Cookies

B. Key logging

C. Spyware

D. Firewall
E. Malware

F. Anti-virus

G. Worm or virus

8. What program command saves a copy of a file under a different name?

A. Save as
B. Duplicate

C. Copy

D. Save

9. Select one of the following to determine the proper procedure for shutting down the computer

A. Just unplug the computer

B. Go to the start menu and click “shut down “

C. Push the lighted button on your processor

D. It’s best to never turn off your computer

10. A ------- is a pointing device use to move a pointer on the screen and to make selections.

A. Processor

B. Keyboard

C. Mouse
D. Monitor

11. The maximize button is used to:

A. Expand a window to fill the entire screen

B. Scroll slowly through a window

C. Reduce a window to a button on the taskbar

D. Return a window to its original size

12. What is the name of the windows location that stores cut or copied information?
A. Clipboard
B. Start menu

C. Paint

D. Hard drive

13. “Desktops” is a computer term that refers to:

A. The part of your work area where the computer monitor sits

B. Something that can and should be ignored by most users

C. The list of the contents on a particular computer

D. The initial screen showing icons for folders, file, and applications
14. Any computer parts that you can actually touch are considered to be

A. Hardware
B. Platforms

C. Systems

D. Software

15. An unwanted program running on a computer is called a

A. Sickness

B. Encryption

C. Pain

D. Virus
16. How do you open a program when there are no icons on the desktop?

A. Restart the computer

B. Right click to reveal all icons

C. Click the start button and select the program from the menu
D. It is not possible to open the program if no icons are on the desktop

Choose the answers given below in all 4 Questions


SET - 1
Select the best answer.
Remember the Questions and Options will not be in the same order given below.

1. Juan in the library this morning.

A. Is study
B. Is studying
C. Studying
D. Are studying

2. Alicia, the window please. It’s too hot in here.

A. Opened
B. Will opened
C. Opens

D. Open

3. The movie was the book.

A. As good

B. As good as
C. Good as
D. As

4. Eli’s hobbies include jogging, swimming, and .

A. To climb
B. Climb mountains
C. Mountain climbing
D. To climb mountains

Select the word or phrase that is incorrect.

Remember the Questions and Options will not be in the same order given below.

1. The majority to the news is about violence or scandal.

A. Violence
B. News
C. The
D. To

2. Takeshi swimmed one hundred laps in the pool yesterday.

A. In
B. Hundred
C. Swimmed
D. Yesterday

3. When our vacation, we plan to spend three days scuba diving.

A. Diving
B. Days
C. When
D. Plan

4. Mr. Feinauer does not take critical of his work very well.
A. His
B. Well
C. Does
D. Critical

Select the best answer.

Remember the Questions and Options will not be in the same order given below.

1. The rate of has been fluctuating wildly this week.

A. Exchange
B. Money
C. Coins
D. Bills

2. The bus arrives late during the bad weather.

A. Yesterday
B. Every week
C. Later

D. always
3. Do you where the nearest grocery store is?
A. Know
B. Now
C. Not
D. No
4. The critics had to admit that the ballet was superb.
A. Pathology
B. Procrastinate
C. Psychosomatic

D. performance

5. We were friends in that strange but magical country.

A. Among
B. Upon
C. In addition to
D. Toward

6. Many cultures have special ceremonies to celebrate a person’s of passage into adulthood.
A. Rite
B. Write
C. Right
D. Ride

SET – 2
Select the best answer.
Remember the Questions and Options will not be in the same order given below.

1. Let’s go out! It anymore.

A. Don’t rain
B. Doesn’t rain
C. Isn’t raining
D. Not raining

2. Ed, me some coffee, please. I need to focus.

A. Will bring
B. Brings

C. Bring
D. Must bring

3. The exam was the exercises in my book.

A. More difficult as
B. As difficult than
C. Difficultier than
D. More difficult than
4. Fatima’s hobbies include playing tennis, reading and .
A. To travel
B. To travelling
C. Travel
D. Travelling

Select the word or phrase that is incorrect.

Remember the Questions and Options will not be in the same order given below.

1. Here’s a key, so you can let yourself into.

A. Here’s
B. Into
C. Let
D. Yourself

2. He ringed the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door.
A. To open
B. Ringed
C. Doorbell
D. For

3. They’re on there way to somewhere far from here.

A. There
B. Somewhere
C. They’re
D. To

4. You might get disappointed if your expecting are too high.

A. Disappointed
B. Might
C. Expectings
D. Too

Select the best answer.

Remember the Questions and Options will not be in the same order given below.

1. It goes without that Carmen is the best student in her class.

A. Say
B. Tell
C. Telling
D. Saying

2. You can’t turn right here. You turn left.

A. May
B. Will
C. Need
D. Must

3. Any number of players can part in this game.

A. Make
B. Play
C. Take
D. Do

4. I think my current job is when I get home, I have no energy left.

A. Accurate
B. Draining
C. Wholesome
D. Rewarding

5. Will you pass me the sugar, . A.

Do you?
B. Will you?
C. Don’t you?
D. Won’t you?


SET – 1 SET – 2

1. How many people can go on this tour?

A. 10 1. Alexander and the boy

B. A limited number
A. Got on like a house on fire.
C. 42774

D. An unlimited number B. Had second thoughts about each other.

C. Fell out with each other.

D. Were going nowhere fast.

You will have to pick the odd one out from the options given below.

Remember the Questions and Options will not be in the same order given below.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21.

22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27.

28. 29. 30.

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