Asmolo Rlaw Activity No.5

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Name: Asmolo, Kyle Angela Prof.

Rosalina Lopez Date: 17-10-23

Section: BSOA 2-2 Rizal’s Life and Works

Activity #5
Rizal’s Life: Higher Education, and Life Abroad

Guide Questions:

1. What was the agreement between Jose Rizal and his brother Paciano?

- The secret mission to Spain was the agreement between Jose and his brother Paciano.

2. What were the first and second reasons why needed to leave?

- After his four years of Medicine course in UST, Jose decided to follow the advice of his
brother Paciano to leave the country and travel to Spain. The first reason why he needed
to leave was to pursue his medical course and second was to observe the political
situation in Madrid.

3. What was the cruise that he took in his travel?

- Before he left, his brother handed him 556 that he would use for his travel, his passport
using the name Jose Mercado and a first-class ticket for the cruise Salvadora.

4. Why did Rizal become emotional during his trip?

- Jose became emotional because he was not able to say goodbye to his parents and to
Leonor Rivera.

5. What did he admire in Singapore?

- He admired the Chinese architecture and the freedom of religion in Singapore which was
evident in different churches in the country.

6. What cruise did he take going to Ceylon?

- On May 11, 1882, he rode the cruise of Djemnah going to Ceylon (old name of Sri

7. How did Rizal describe Ceylon?

- They reached Ceylon on May 17, 1882. Jose was enchanted because of the beautiful
scenery in the island and according to Rizal this was one of the most beautiful islands that
he had seen.
8. How did he describe Africa?

- From Ceylon they travelled to North Africa and Rizal described Africa as a country with
hot climate.

9. How did he describe Port Said in Egypt?

- Their next stop over was in Port Said in Egypt, in this place Rizal observed the
multicultural city since he saw different people speaking languages like Arabic, Greek,
Italian, Spanish and Egyptian.

10. What did Rizal use when he run out of cash?

- He used the letter of recommendation that his teachers from Ateneo handed to him and
the Jesuit in Barcelona helped him and lent him money.

11. What was Rizal’s impression of Barcelona?

- His first impression of Barcelona was negative because he viewed it as an ugly and dirty

12. What was reflected in his written essay?

- He wrote an essay which reflected how he loved and missed his country.

13. What was his first Nationalistic essay in Barcelona?

- He wrote his first nationalistic essay in Barcelona entitled El Amor Patrio.

14. Where did he publish his essay?

- This essay was published in Diariong Tagalog on August 20, 1882.

15. Who translated his essay in Tagalog?

- It was translated in Tagalog by Marcelo H. Del Pilar.

16. Where did Rizal enroll under the course of Medicine and Philosophy and Letters?

- On November 3, 1882, Rizal was enrolled in Universidad Central de Madrid under the
course of Medicine and Philosophy and Letters.

17. Where did he enroll in Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando?

- However, while waiting for the start of classes in Madrid, he also enrolled in Academy of
Fine Arts of San Fernando for painting.
18. What was Rizal’s experience when he had a hard time budgeting his money?

- According to his diary, he would only eat biscuit for each meal or sometimes he would
just go to different restaurants in Madrid and let his eyes enjoy the food because his
money was not enough to but food for his meal.

19. What poem did he write to show his admiration to Consuelo?

- He did not pursue his feelings for Consuelo and instead he wrote a poem which showered
his admiration to this lady. (Miss C.O.Y R.)

20. What was the message of the poem “They ask me for Verses”?

- Mi Piden Versos (They ask me for Verses), a poem which showed the sadness of the son
of art who lived on a place aways from his origin.

21. What happened when Rizal was mistaken as Japanese?

- But because he was mistaken as a Japanese, the prices for his food, accommodation and
entrance fees were more expensive than other people of other nationalities.

22. Why did Rizal decide to go back to Madrid?

- Rizal could not afford the high cost of living in Paris so he decided to go back to Madrid.

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