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Ranipet District

Subject Code: U18CVE201
Multiple Choice Question & Answer
For All First Year UG Courses

Revised Copy - W.e.f. Jan, 2018


1) Value Education aims in bringing out the ___________ of an individual.
(a) Empathy (b) Sacrifices
(c) Good qualities (d) Gratitude

2) Right to education aims at providing free and compulsory education for the age of _______ .
(a) 4 to 10 Yrs (b) 6 to 14 Yrs (c) 15 to 20 Yrs (d) 40 Yrs & above

3) In India, education means __________

(a) The assimilation of tradition in language (b) Respectful behaviour to elders & teachers
(c) Customs (d) All are important

4) The idea of starting girls University in our country started in the year 1970.
(a) As an initiative of the British rulers
(b) Through the efforts of municipalities and local communities fund
(c) With the opening of the SNDT university at Bombay
(d) With the political awakening in the country by the efforts given by Mahatma Gandhi

5) Educational equality is a ___________

(a) Fundamental right (b) Only a customary right
(c) Only a legal right (d) Only a directive principle

6) Primary education helps to __________.

(a) Democratisation of child (b) Socialisation of child
(c) In course understanding (d) All of the above

7) Intellectual aim in education was emphasised in

(a) India (b) Greek (c) Sparta (d) Athenian

8) Value education will benefit both the _____________

(a) Personality and quality (b) Morality and similarity
(c) Complexity and creativity (d) Individual and society

9) Value education identifies and helps the individual in expressions about _________ .
(a) oneself (b) others (c) all (d) peoples

10) Value education attempts to make all individuals comes out with __________
(a) basic (b) clarity
(c) good qualities (d) personal values

11) Research is __________

(a) Data gathering (b) Moving from a broad area to a narrow and focussed area

(c) A systematic process of finding the truth (d) Data gathering, processing and analysis

12) A good communicator needs to be good at

(a) Speaking (b) Listening (c) The use of language (d) The use of humour in speech

13) Adult education's main objective is to __________

(a) Teach adults to be able to understand' what they read
(b) Enable the adults to read and write
(c) Help adults achieve literacy along with personal development
(d) Socialise the adults to move about free

14) Man is superior to other animals mainly due to __________

(a) Large brain (b) Free forelimbs (c) Erect posture (d) Front eyes

15) __________is a good deed of an individual.

(a) Safeguarding public properties
(b) Spitting in public places
(c) Maintaining cleanliness in public conveyances
(d) Both a & c

16) __________defined as an individual’s honored opinion about himself.

(a) Self-center (b) Self-respect (c) Self-caring (d) Self-esteem

17) Man is a part and parcel of the __________ of the society.

(a) fellow being (b) complexities
(c) community (d) attempt

18) __________is a good qualites in an individual.

(a) Generosity (b) Integrity (c) Gratitude (d) All the above

19) __________helps a man to be a good citizen and an adoptable fellow in a society.

(a) Self-esteem (b) Contradictions
(c) Comparison (d) Introspection

20) __________makes a man more respectable person.

(a) Society (b) Indulging in public programmes (c) Integrity (d) Good deeds

21) Every individual is expected to ______________ all his actions scientifically.

(a) temper (b) isolate (c) contribute (d) construct

22) _________has made a very special place in the hearts of millions of India.
(a) Self-introspection (b) Self-esteem
(c) Scientific Values (d) Greatest personalities

23) ___________ makes a man’s good character and conduct.

(a) Social values (b) Moral values
(c) Institutional values (d) Personal values

24) Man begins to get a fear when there is a____________ between him and his surroundings.
(a) conflict (b) narrow desire
(c) introspection (d) esteem

25) _________are related to organization.

(a) institutional values (b) personal values
(c) moral values (d) all of the above

26) Personal values are related to ____________

(a) goodness (b) self (c) culture (d) family

27) Among them which is the best values to be followed by an individuals.

(a) nationalistic values (b) moral values
(c) cultural values (d) all the above

28) An individual quality is very_____________

(a) personalized one (b) unique
(c) generalized one (d) clearness

29) Any individual in our country is a proud and honored ____________ of the country
(a) citizen (b) member (c) associative (d) man

30) The individual in our country is acquired by ____________

(a) love (b) peace (c) affection (d) birth

31) The citizen of our country carries the national ____________ with him every time.
(a) rules (b) laws
(c) pride (d) all the above

32) Any action by a citizen of India which causes negative impact on the country will draw immediate
________on him.
(a) hatred (b) attention (c) affection (d) war

33) Every individual is expected to approach all his ______________ scientifically.

(a) actions (b) reactions (c) wants (d) needs

34) Man is a ____________ animal.

(a) acceptable (b) adjustable (c) innocent (d) inquisitive

35) As humans, we constantly seek answers for the _____________

(a) questions (b) citizenship (c) society (d) both a and b

36) Humans also ask questions about his_____________

(a) society (b) surroundings
(c) every man around him (d) all of the above

37) He ___________ his surroundings, his fellow beings and nature in relations to himself.
(a) questions (b) investigates
(c) fascinate (d) all the above

38) The man changes the world to suit his _____________of living
(a) necessity (b) wantedness (c) surrounding (d) sort

39) ________helps man to be a good citizen

(a) Introduction (b) Information
(c) Both a and b (d) Introspection

40) _________is defined as an individual’s honored opinion about oneself

(a) Self-introduction (b) Self-esteem
(c) Introspection (d) Inspection

41) ___________media makes the members in a family to interact very little with each other.
(a) radio (b) mobile (c) television (d) Both a & b

42) _________culture is very unique among all the following.

(a) Chinese (b) Pakistani (c) Indian (d) American

43) Inquisitiveness leads to new learning situations; they want to learn very things from _____ .
(a) himself (b) herself (c) themselves (d) none


1) The family is a place of ____________ .

(a) affection (b) adjustment
(c) similarity (d) unity and love

2) Small families join together to form a _____________ .

(a) nuclear family (b) community
(c) colonialism (d) members

3) Community join together and forms a _____ .

(a) family (b) region (c) society (d) religion

4) _________ ensure smooth relationship.
(a) Community (b) Religion
(c) Acceptable values (d) Association

5) A family is the smallest integrated unit of a _____________ .

(a) society (b) community (c) integrity (d) humility

6) Family members are accepted without _____________.

(a) gratitude (b) sacrifice
(c) conflict (d) complications

7) Families are also known as ____________ .

(a) Friends (b) relations (c) community (d) strangers

8) In a family, depending on each other is a key for _____________ .

(a) Extinction (b) survival (c) variations (d) similarities

9) Family learns ____________ with one another.

(a) difference (b) comparatives
(c) clearance (d) adjusting

10) __________makes him adopt easily in a society.

(a) Family education (b) Sex education
(c) Value education (d) Communal education

11) Family values are passed on from one generation to ___________ .

(a) another generation (b) similar generation
(c) bonding generation (d) all the above

12) Who plays the role of binding the family with love and affection?
(a) Father (b) Mother (c) Ancestors (d) a & b

13) __________in a family is a silent art.

(a) Adjustability (b) priority
(c) necessity (d) curiosity

14) Caring for the elders is an example of _____________ .

(a) common values (b) social values
(c) professional values (d) general values

15) Every man becomes highly __________

(a) self-respected (b) self-centered
(c) self-confident (d) self-dependent

16) Man's first priority is for his ____________
(a) relations (b) friends (c) surroundings (d) family members

17) Man's second priority is for his ___________

(a) known people (b) society
(c) both a and b (d) other persons

18) The priority of man comes under ____________

(a) self-esteem (b) self-introspection
(c) self-dependent (d) both a and b

19) Man _____________ by various conflicts from the society and his surroundings
(a) compelled (b) crafted (c) confronted (d) both (a) & (c)

20) Man does self introspection to find what wrong he did in such__________.
(a) situations (b) time (c) moment (d) scenes

21) The revolt by way of the conflicts ______________ by his man surroundings.
(a) imposed (b) impact
(c) interrupt (d) none of these

22) Man's actions and reactions of the conflicts are to __________ from the situations.
(a) exaggerate (b) escape (c) emigrate (d) evolve

23) Man _____________ himself in accordance with his surroundings.

(a) change (b) adopts (c) involve (d) migrate

24) Man makes many____________ about his surroundings.

(a) judgements (b) decisions (c) opinions (d) views

25) Man gives sufficient comparison and_____________ .

(a) complexities (b) contradictions
(c) collaborations (d) coordination

26) Man demands for ____________ and respect from the society
(a) love (b) honor (c) confidence (d) rights

27) How an individual get respect?

(a) using the power of authority (b) using money
(c) good conduct (d) all the above

28) The basic needs of a family are ___________ .

(a) food (b) shelter (c) clothing (d) all of the above

29) According to Alder, the primary cause for stresses and strains in an individual is
(a) The feeling of inferiority
(b) The desire for knowledge of the self
(c) The desire for gratification of the sex impulse
(d) The curiosity to know the mind of others

Marriage is a/an

a) Important and universal social institution of society

b) Important basis for group formation

c) Helpful in strengthening the caste system
d) Helpful in calming down the anger of two conflicting groups

30) Marriage is a _________.

(a) Folkway (b) rule (c) Social institution (d) Social norm

31) Relatives born out through marriage ties are called __________
(a) Affinal kin (b) Consanguineal kin (c) Seconday kin (d) Cognatics

32) If the offspring's inherit the father's name, they will be described as __________
(a) Name taking (b) Patrilineal (c) Patrimony (d) Patriarchal

33) The relationship based on the blood ties is called ____________

(a) Blood kinship (b) Parallel kinship
(c) Paternal kinship (d) Consanguineous kinship

34) The system in which a women is shared by the whole group is called ____________
(a) Group marriage (b) Levirate (c) Polyandry (d) Endogamy

35) It is difficult to determine the biological father of the child in ______________

(a) Polyandry (b) Cross-cousin marriage (c) Exogamy (d) Polygyny

36) To marry women of a higher caste is called __________

(a) Hypogamy (b) Hipergamy (c) Castegamy (d) Sororate

37) Which of the following are most likely to be involved in domestic violence?
(a) Older men (b) Adolescents of both sexes
(c) Older women (d) Young adults of both sexes

38) Our society increasingly views poverty as the result of

(a) individual character flaws (b) lack of opportunity
(c) low wages and poor education (d) discrimination

39) When an individual's ____________ turns into badness, the society reciprocates similar badness.
(a) opinion (b) relations (c) position (d) attitude

40) Every individual is a member by birth to a community or

(a) caste (b) creed (c) religion (d) relation

41) Each community and relation has its own cultural ____________
(a) laws (b) messages (c) situations (d) definitions

42) Acceptable values ensure ____________

(a) relation strongly (b) acceptable relations
(c) clear relations (d) smooth relationship

43) Exhibiting unacceptable values are the result of_________

(a) problems (b) disaster (c) conflict (d) all the above

44) The unacceptable values make situations to break an individual’s membership and
(a) association (b) relations
(c) both a and b (d) b only

45) What are external threats beyond the control of an individual?

(a) social (b) economical (c) internal (d) both a & b

46) Todays ____________ are very active work forces.

(a) Men (b) Women (c) Children (d) All

47) Women are ____________ workers.

(a) praised (b) expelled (c) welcomed (d) devoted

48) The elders have a moral right to _____________ in a family.

(a) adjust (b) solve out (c) co-exist (d) rule
49) Neglecting the _____________ at home causes disturbance in home.
(a) rulers (b) elders
(c) commanders (d) children’s

50) The elders give many ideas and _____________ to the family.
(a) rules (b) orders
(c) responsibilities (d) suggestions

51) Every ____________ runs to full-fill each commitments.

(a) persons (b) elders (c) individual (d) couples

52) The____________ have many options to spend their times.

(a) couples (b) newly married
(c) young generation (d) old-age generation

53) Family members to understand each other better, they should avoid
(a) fight (b) emotions
(c) rules (d) miss understanding

54) _______ are like waves in ocean.
(a) Childrens (b) Students
(c) Generations (d) Elders

55) __________tend to adjust various situations arising in a family.

(a) Relatives (b) Friends (c) Society (d) Generation

56) Women have established themselves in all kinds of position like

(a) Manager (b) Doctor
(c) Police (d) All the above

57) Family members are supposed to understand each ____________ .

(a) Another (b) member (c) other (d) number

58) Anger has forms of ___________ violent and non-violent behavior.

(a) one (b) both
(c) each (d) none of these

59) Anger is not a gender specific, it can happen to a ____________ in a family.

(a) male (b) female
(c) child (d) all the above

60) The child of yesterday is the ____________ of today.

(a) youth (b) young (c) elder (d) older

61) The ___________ have a moral right to coexist.

(a) youth (b) elder (c) young (d) older

62) External threats are ____________ .

(a) social (b) economical (c) financial (d) all of the above

63) The____________ threats can be normalized when the individuals get together and sort out the
problems among them.
(a) normal (b) abnormal (c) internal (d) none of these

64) Many families build a good ______________ .

(a) community (b) society (c) integrity (d) stability

65) Unethical practice in a society should be protested at the

(a) business level (b) society level
(c) family level (d) all the above

66) Every family has a set of _____________ values.

(a) moral (b) virtual
(c) traditional (d) none of these

67) Harmful results can cause permanent scar in students
(a) life (b) ethics (c) memory (d) growing

68) Youth can look upon the elders as a source of ____________ .

(a) knowledge (b) experience (c) information (d) demands

69) __________ influences individual’s personality in his life?

(a) society (b) education (c) media (d) people

70) Human beings must show ____________ towards all.

(a) kindness (b) angry (c) happiness (d) revenge

71) All religions are based on the principle of __________ .

(a) violence (b) love and affection
(c) revenge (d) all the above

72) No one can survive without ____________.

(a) food (b) minerals (c) CO2 (d) Shelter


1) The word Ethos means _____________

(a) custom (b) activity (c) virtue (d) issues

2. Ethics is a word derived from ____________

(a) Latin (b) Greek (c) French (d) German

3. Ethics helps in understanding the _____________ .

(a) spiritual value (b) normal value

(c) social value (d) personal value

4. Ethics distinguishes _____________ from non-moral controversies.

(a) social (b) verbal (c) moral (d) physical

5. Ethics have a set of ____________

(a) beliefs (b) conflicts (c) interest (d) rights

6. Ethics helps us to identify the ________________ a situation affecting us.

(a) good (b) neutral (c) loyal (d) high

7. Family ethics is related to_____________ .
(a) farmer (b) community (c) father (d) family

8. Social ethics is related to _____________.

(a) science (b) sincerity (c) society (d) secularity

9. Professional ethics is related to _____________ .

(a) job (b) education (c) skill (d) person

10. __________can solve some of the ethical issues.

(a) family (b) Things (c) Education (d) father

11. Honesty makes 'people' _____________ .

(a) good (b) bad (c) mutual (d) separation

12. Sharing things among the people makes an _____________ .

(a) deviation (b) nationality
(c) integrity (d) none of these

13. People who have co-operation between community makes an __________

(a) conflict (b) quarrel (c) peace (d) contradict

14. Deviation from ethical values leads to ______________ .

(a) develop (b) sustain (c) diverse (d) disaster

15. Lack of ethical values has been the reason for the society.
(a) growth (b) level (c) downfall (d) under state

16. Greed, fear and pressure that _____________ ethical values.

(a) growth (b) affect (c) loose (d) sustain

17. Which ethical principle is bound ______________ .

(a) Integrity (b) conflict (c) anxiety (d) jealous

18. Empathy is mainly focused on _____________ .

(a) jealous (b) feeling (c) thought (d) view

19. Job oriented problems and conflicts are to be ________________ immediately.

(a) adjust (b) solved (c) compromise (d) denied

20. Each profession has laid down a set of rules and _____________ .

(a) regularism (b) rehabilitations (c) regulations (d) registration

21. When a job is performed within the set of _____________ is the profession.
(a) rules (b) segments (c) parts (d) concepts

22. When a job is done without adhering the rules of the profession is __________.
(a) rong (b) sustain (c) wrong (d) good

23. Micro level ethics are those which concern an _______________ customs.
(a) group (b) single

(c) individuals (d) none of these

24. Micro level ethics are an individual’s customs to his immediate surroundings on a
(a) weekly (b) monthly (c) yearly (d) daily

25. The macro ethics is the impact on individual’s custom, has a __________ level.
(a) state (b) regional (c) zonal (d) panchayat

26. Moral values are the_____________ factors in the profession.

(a) helping (b) guiding (c) using (d) arranging

27. Moral values refers to the moral problems and issues of __________
(a) work (b) profession (c) ethics (d) job

28. Ethics are the accepted codes and _____________ .

(a) rules (b) rights (c) standards (d) formulas

29. When the duty performed is right, good and permissible, then it becomes _________ .
(a) ethical (b) unethical (c) moral (d) personal

30. Professional ethics is way of enquiry into _____________issues.

(a) moral (b) social

(c) personal (d) global

31. What is to be done or not to be done in a given situation is a ___________ ethics.

(a) work (b) job (c) profession (d) personal

32. How many types of professional ethics are?
(a) two (b) four (c) six (d) ten

33. The problems and challenges faced on a regional or national level is __________ethics.
(a) micro (b) macro (c) neuro (d) molecular

34. A professional is viewed as a ____________ .

(a) savior (b) destroyer (c) employer (d) solidier

35. A professional is viewed as ___________ and game player.

(a) social servant (b) public servant
(c) keeper (d) home servant

36. Radio, T.V., dramas, movies and news papers are __________media.
(a) Technic (b) Machine (c) Mass (d) Electronic

37. Mass media helps to convey the messages to the __________ .

(a) children (b) youths (c) people (d) older

38. Mass media should convey only the ___________ to the peoples.
(a) traffic (b) kindness (c) truth (d) thirst

39. Information should not be ___________ biased.

(a) religion (b) male (c) female (d) gender

40. Information should not be causing division among people on _________ grounds.
(a) social (b) economic (c) family (d) political

41. Mass media should not damage any specific ________________ speaking community.
(a) language (b) controversy (c) opposite (d) mutual

42. The media should work hard to promote ___________ among the people.
(a) wealth (b) strength (c) unity (d) health

43. The purpose of an advertisement is to influence the people to be _________

(a) un wanted (b) un favorable

(c) favorable (d) all the above

44. Advertisement conveying social _____________ should be encouraged.
(a) functions (b) events (c) programs (d) activities

45. Water harvesting makes to give water source to the ___________ generation.
(a) new (b) future (c) old (d) younger

46. Hospitals, hotels and transport companies are influentially grown by

(a) news (b) advertisement
(c) program (d) none of these
47. Advertisements promote tourism and its related __________.
(a) companies (b) factories
(c) industries (d) society
48. Advertisement should not convey _____________ aspects.
(a) positive (b) neutral (c) negative (d) none of these

49. Add should not be ambiguous. It should be clear with what it __________
(a) says (b) conveys (c) reads (d) follows

50. What is the main influence that changes people's behavior?

(a) ethics (b) morals
(c) rules (d) economic conditions
51. Controversial add leads to a divided opinion in a _____________ .
(a) community (b) village (c) family (d) society

52. Advertisement always tells us the _____________ .

(a) false (b) contrast (c) truth (d) negative

53. _________ concepts should not be advertised.

(a) Right (b) Equal (c) Wrong (d) Various

54. Genders should not be shown in ___________ manner.

(a) polite (b) genuine (c) disgraceful (d) nice

55. The harmony and peace in a society should not be ______________ .

(a) interrupted (b) confused

(c) disturbed (d) moderate

56. Add should not cause ______________ in the society.
(a) non-violence (b) violence
(c) silence (d) peace
57. A ___________ethics should not cause damage to the heritage of the society.
(a) political (b) moral (c) ethical (d) cultural

58. Every day and every hour we get information through

(a) tools (b) towers (c) media (d) device

59. __________should not influence the cultural values of the families.

(a) assessment (b) advertisement
(c) news (d) media
60. Wrong doing in a society is _____________ .
(a) good (b) bad (c) common (d) mutual

61. Good information should be always brought to the attention of the family
(a) T.V (b) Radio (c) Newspaper (d) a, b and c

62. The right kind of influence will help in _______________ a good society.
(a) growing (b) developing (c) sustaining (d) laying

63. __________ family mainly depend on the media for each and every things in life.
(a) Big (b) Joint (c) Small (d) a, b and c

64. The child is constantly monitored by his ______________.

(a) monitoring (b) existing (c) actions (d) following

65. At what stage students commit all kinds of performances in a society?

(a) young (b) youth (c) child (d) old

66. The stage of childhood is a learning stage and all learning are based on the .__________
(a) society (b) family (c) community (d) none

67. Leaders are born and not ____________ to the society.

(a) made (b) create (c) destroy (d) drawn

68. Leader takes a right decision at the right time is _____________ .

(a) decision making (b) problem solving

(c) directing (d) implementing
69. A leader should not worry about _______________ .
(a) appreciation (b) greeting (c) criticism (d) back-biting

70. An individual becomes a member in institutions by the way of his

(a) education (b) laws

(c) relations (d) personal values

71. An individual becomes an associate in the institutions by the way of

(a) services (b) profession

(c) individual will (d) all of the above

72. The individual's values are looked by all ____________

(a) definitions (b) laws (c) rules (d) institutions

73. Among them who are the greatest personalities whom we remember ever?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) swami Vivekananda

(c) Subash Chandra bose (d) all of the above

74. Great contributes acquired special place in the hearts of Indians because of the practiced.
(a) scientific values (b) institutional values
(c) moral values (d) all of the above
75. Misleading advertisements have the following effects on consumers:
a) Confuse consumers
b) Deny the right to know for consumers
c) Deception by the use of false or misleading statement
d) in some cases even loss of money


1. A society is a place of living in __________ .

(a) wonderful (b) peace and comfort

(c) well-being (d) good deeds

2. When the society starts to respect an individual, the individual starts to respect the ________ .

(a) fellow being (b) men & women

(c) moral values (d) society

3. _________ are related to the society.

(a) personal values (b) cultural values

(c) social values (d) humbleness

4. An individual’s attitude towards the society is reflected to his _________

(a) personal values (b) social values

(c) moral values (d) ethical values

5. Social values contribute _____________back to the individuals.

(a) mostly (b) equally (c) elatedly (d) wonderfully

6. A person identifies____________ in the society from his point of view.

a) comparison and contradiction (b) shortcomings and defects

(c) honor and respect (d) all the above

7. An ____________ associate himself with others during his schoolings, college education and
work place.
(a) man (b) persons (c) individual (d) both a & b

8. Work places prepare the individual to express himself in all forms of ______to the society.
(a) communication (b) relations

(c) matters (d) none of the above

9. The society makes the ____________ about the individual.

(a) character (b) relations (c) relevance (d) judgement

10. The individual starts to feel dedicated and devoted to ________of the society.
(a) peoples (b) values (c) well being (d) attempts

11. The society is a place where everyone has the _____________ to live.
(a) rights (b) laws (c) rules (d) wrights

12. The individual makes himself ready to do all ____________ to the society.
(a) possibilities (b) good deeds

(c) maintenance (d) none of the above

13. The individual _____________ that he gets the same respect for ever.
(a) ensures (b) interest (c) longs (d) denied

14. The society is eager to execute each of the individuals ___________ .

(a) request (b) decision

(c) laws (d) wants and needs

15. Any action done by a citizen to save the country will get immediate _________from the society.
(a) affection (b) appreciation

(c) attention (d) response

16. Any damages caused will attract hatred and ____________ form the society.
(a) creations (b) definitions (c) implications (d) isolations

17. RTI stands for _____________ .

(a) Right Time Information (b) Right to Information
(c) Right to Income (d) Right to Instruct

18. Social sense also known as______________.

(a) sense of humor (b) sense of feeling

(c) sense of comedy (d) sense of community

19. The word social implies _____________ .

(a) society (b) community (c) fraternity (d) security

20. Every individual has to ___________ public property.

(a) proceed (b) prevent (c) crush (d) protect

21. Student age is not the right age for _____________ .

(a) marriage (b) labor (c) freedom (d) politics

22. The laying of roads is the duty of _____________ .

(a) Public welfare department (b) Police department
(c) CBI department (d) FBI department

23. The government builds dams for_____________ purpose.
(a) entertainment (b) architectural

(c) agricultural (d) swimming

24. Social commitment describes about the ________ responsibility of every one.
(a) social (b) professional (c) personal (d) family

25. Secularism is also called as _____________ .

(a) sincerity (b) sympathy (c) creativity (d) secularity

26. A good education will make a student more _____________ .

(a) responsible (b) arrogant (c) reachable (d) reactable

27. To promote secularism we must follow______________ .

(a) violence (b) brutal (c) tolerance (d) revenge

28. ________ is the motto of consumer protection act.

(a) Right to speech (b) Right to talk

(c) Right to safety (d) Right to freedom

29. Secularism describes co-existence and______________ .

(a) acceptance (b) violence

(c) illegal activities (d) avenge

30. Expand WHO ____________ .

(a) Word Heavy Organization (b) Women Health Organization

(c) World Health Organization (d) World Human Organization

31. The government has established the law and order to _____________ the people.
(a) serve (b) destroy (c) punish (d) spoil

32. ________ too plays an essential role in every one’s life.

(a) Home (b) Entertainment

(c) Health (d) Money

33. Caring for the society is an example for _____________.

(a) social values (b) professional values

(c) personal values (d) ethical values

34. Leading oneself and others in the right direction is called as

(a) socio-professional values (b) personal values

(c) socio-personal values (d) economic values

35. Every citizen should have a firm to ___________ on their religion.

(a) decision (b) faith (c) fitness (d) devotion

36. Every consumer should ask for ______________ the purchased item
(a) cash-memo (b) crush (c) cash (d) credit

37. __________ plays a vital role on maintaining the law and order.
(a) Welfare Department (b) Educational institution

(c) Public Department (d) Police Department

38. Secularism in Indian states that men, women & children shall be treated with_______ .
(a) respect (b) punish (c) slave (d) revenge

39. The aim of consumer protection act is to prevent ____________ business.

(a) unethical (b) ethical (c) legal (d) correct

40. The social heritage of people could be described by the following term ___________
(a) culture (b) Social norm (c) Transmission (d) Human involvement

41. The abbreviation SUPW means

(a) Social Upsurge for Progress and Work
(b) Scientific Utilisation for People and World
(c) Socially Useful and Productive Work
(d) Solution of Utilitarian Problems of Work

42. A form of social interaction wherein two or more persons work together to gain a common end
is called as _________
(a) Association (b) Cooperation (c) consideration (d) corporation

43. A person cannot become a functioning member of his group if he / she did not______ himself /
his to its environment.
(a) Associate (b) Adjust (c) Accommodate (d) Assimilate

44. "Interaction without social contact" is _______

(a) Integration (b) Assimilation (c) Competition (d) Association

45. Social organisation means ___________

(a) Planned activities (b) Organised activities
(c) Calculated activities (d) Defined activities

46. The organised forms of social behaviour and their repetition are called
(a) Culture (b) Value (c) Customs (d) Norms

47. Which of the following characteristics are found in the little community?
(1) Homogeneity (2) Hegemony (3) Association (4) Self-sufficiency
(a) 2 only (b) 1, 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4

48. Which of the following is a law of learning?

(a) Law of readiness (b) Law of exercise (c) Law of effect (d) All the above

49. Mental development includes

(a) External and internal organs (b) reasoning and thinking
(c) Ethical and moral (d) emotional maturity
50. The first metamorphosis falls between the ages of
(a) 7-10 years (b) 3-5 years (c) 11-14 years (d) 2-4 years

51. Which is the most effective method for encouraging self learning?
(a) Demonstration method (b) Lecture method
(c) Observation method (d) Task method

52. Achievement motivation relates to

(a) need of the person (b) knowledge of the person
(c) experience of the person (d) aptitude of the person.

53. What type of motivation is not applicable to young children?
(a) Intrinsic motivation (b) Extrinsic motivation
(c) Achievement motivation (d) all motivation

54. In the childhood, individual's behaviour is most influenced by

(a) Community (b) School (c) Peer group (d) family

55. Which is the description of the methods of personality measurement?

(a) Rating scale (b) Interviews & observations
(c) Paper & pencil test (d) All the above

56. How is psychology defined today?

(a) The science of behaviour and mental processes
(b) The science of human behaviour and mental processes
(c) The science of mind
(d) The study of motivation, emotion, personality, adjustment and abnormality
57. Who is regarded as the 'father' of psychology?
(a) Sigmund Freud (b) Ivan Pavlov (c) John B. Watson (d) Wundt

Stress is __________
(a) Advantageous to the player (b) Detrimental to his abilities
(c) Both advantageous and detrimental as per the situation (d) all the above.

58. Modern society is governed by

(a) Convention and tradition (b) Rule of law
(c) Divine law (d) Physical force applied by police
59. What is COPRA?
(a) Consumer Operating Protection Regulation Authority
(b) Consumer Protection Act
(c) Consumer Protection Authority
(d) All of the Above
60. Which of the following does not fall under Consumer Rights?
(a) Right to be informed (b) Right to choose
(c) Right to seek govt. Help (d) Right to represent the consumer’s court

61. The goods which satisfy human wants directly are called:
(a) Consumer’s goods (b) Producers’ goods
(c) Public goods (d) Intermediate goods

62. Consumer should get the _____________ for all purchases.

(a) VAT bill (b) register bill (c) cash bill (d) all the above

63. The consumer protection act that ensures every consumer to buy __________ products.
(a) duplicate (b) fake (c) important (d) spoof

64. A consumer can seek justice under the _____________ .

(a) consumer protection act (b) consumer destroyer act

(c) communal act (d) construction act

65. The satisfaction of human want is called _________

(a) Consumption (b) Production (c) Distribution (d) quality
66. Health is not wealth because it has no:
(a) Scarcity (b) Utility (c) Marketability (d) Adjustability

67. “Change in demand” occurs due to the change in ________

(a) Income (b) Prices of related goods (c) Taste and preference (d) All of these

68. The Consumer protection act was enacted in the year

(a). 15-Jun-2005 (b) 24-Oct-1986 (c) 24-Dec-1986 (d) 1 Jan 1986

69. The following is not a consumer

(a) The insurance company (b) A licensee to run a phone
(c) A lottery ticket holder (d) All the above

70. Members of state consumer protection council should not exceed

(a) Two (b) Five (c) Ten (d) Three

71. The chairman of the district consumer protection council is

(a) District magistrate (b) Collector of the district
(c) MP of the district (d) MLA

72. Which one of the following knows as Consumer disputes redressal agency?
(a) District forum (b) State commission
(c) National commission (d) All the above

73. President of district forum is

(a) Collector of the district
(b) A person who are qualified as advocate
(c) A person who are qualified to be a district judge
(d) None of these

74. Who will work as president in case absence of the president of state commission?
(a) Governor (b) Chief Minister
(c) A sitting judge of High court (d) Chief justice of high court

75. The complaint shall ordinarily be decided within __________days from the date on which the
complaint was received
(a) Twenty one (b) Thirty (c) Forty five (d) Twenty five
1. Globalisation has led to higher standards of living of
(a) well-off consumers (b) poor consumers
(c) big producers (d) small producers

2. Globalisation by connecting countries leads to

(a) lesser competition among producers (b) greater competition among producers
(c) no competition between producers (d) no competition

3. One major factor that has stimulated the globalisation process is

(a) effective utilisation of resources (b) increase in income and wealth
(c) willingness to cooperate (d) rapid improvement in technology

4. Globalisation has created new opportunities of

(a) employment (b) emerging multinationals
(c) providing services (d) all of the above

5. Globalisation has posed major challenges for

(a) big producers (b) small producers (c) rural poor (d) buyers

6. Democracy evolves through

(a) popular struggles (b) significant decisions
(c) popular demand (d) shared feelings

7. Normative culture is that sub-division of non- material culture that consists of

(a) Norms (b) Values (c) Mores (d) Standard way
8. Cognitive culture consists of the_______ aspects of a cultural system.
(a) Mental (b) Social (c) Economical (d) Religious

9. The Primary civilisation of India is divided into

(a) Little tradition and great tradition (b) Big tradition and small tradition
(c) Educated tradition and uneducated tradition (d) Rural tradition and caste tradition

10. Which nations were the Axis powers during World War II?
(a) UK, France, USA, USSR (b) UK, France, Japan
(c) Germany, Italy, Japan (d) Germany, France, UK

11. A characteristic feature of a rural community is

(a) Formal relationship (b) Rational will
(c) Community sentiment (d) A vast number of associations

12. Cities and towns came into existence due to

(a) Movement of population (b) Growth of agriculture
(c) Industrialisation (d) Development of commerce

13. The essential characteristic of the rural society is

(a) Individualism (b) Parochialism
(c) Heterogeneity (d) Face-to-face relation

14. An individual is expected to follow the _________ .

(a) cultural values (b) isolation

(c) recognition (d) similarities

15. An individual is expected to ____________ cultural values

(a) follow (b) maintain (c) respect (d) omit

16. When the individual neglect cultural values, his community and religion starts to ____ him.
(a) ignore (b) punish (c) abolish (d) demolish

17. Every country has _____________ to help its own growth and development.
(a) Laws (b) rules

(c) valuable resources (d) wealth

18. _____ makes us stand apart among the world countries.

(a) Literature (b) Economics (c) Civics (d) History

19. _____ is very unique among all world culture.

(a) Indian tradition (b) Indian culture

(c) Indian clothing (d) Indian language

20. Community medical schemes are emphasis on ____________ .

(a) prevention (b) cure (c) diagnose (d) clear

21. Government has to take __________at that time of flood and cyclone.
(a) cautions (b) dangers (c) precautions (d) intimations

22. Economic advertisement like small _____________ schemes.

(a) saving (b) debt (c) loan (d) profit

23. Government sponsored fund bonds in various infrastructural _________ projects.

(a) growing (b) development

(c) decreasing (d) emerging

24. In India, we have diversified cultural and _____________ values.

(a) morals (b) religious (c) virtual (d) a & b

25. Every religion should follow the path of _____________ .

(a) violence (b) terrorism (c) non-violence (d) tic-tac

26. What BIS stands for ______________ .

Bureau of International Standard
Bureau of Indian Security
Bureau of International Security
Bureau of Indian standards
27. The electricity was provided by ______________ .
(a) Public utility services (b) Security services

(c) National security guards (d) Line of control

28. __________ helps to increase the economic status of a country.

(a) Agriculture (b) Stealing (c) family (d) Violence

29. Every one of us has the freedom to earn income by doing __________business.
(a) kidnapping (b) murdering (c) ethical (d) child-lifting

30. In the work of globalization which event is most important?

(a) Privatisation (b) Socialisation (c) urbanisation (d) all the above


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