Proyeksi Kisi ASPD Bahasa Inggris SMP 2022

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Sabtu, 5 Maret 2022

ASPD Bahasa
Inggris Kabupaten Bantul
TA 2021/2022
L1:Disajikan sebuah teks greeting card
tentang special days, peserta didik dapat
menentukan hubungan pengirim dan
penerima dengan benar.

What is likely the relationship between the sender

and receiver of the greeting card?
A. Mother and daughter.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Father and daughter.
D. Brother and sister. ST

L1:Disajikan sebuah teks descriptive tentang What does the writer tell us about?
benda kesayangan (150 – 250 kata), peserta A. His nice school.
didik dapat menentukan topik teks dengan B. His favourite sport. FS
benar. C. His best award.
D. His sport bicycle.

L1:Disajikan sebuah teks descriptive yang

sama, peserta didik dapat menentukan
rincian deskripsi dengan benar.

A. (2) and (3)

B. (3) and (4)
ST C. (1) and (4)
D. (1) and (2)

L1:Disajikan sebuah teks recount yang sama, What did the instructor do before he trained the writer to
peserta didik dapat menentukan rincian drive?
peristiwa dari teks tersebut dengan benar. A. Asked the writer to relax and focus.
B. Explained the driving theory to the writer.
C. Registered the writer to a driving school.
D. Told the writer to control his stress and nerve.
L1:Disajikan sebuah teks procedure tentang
local recipe makanan/minuman sehat (150-
250 kata), peserta didik dapat menentukan
topik teks dengan benar.

What is likely the benefit of reading the text?

A. Readers recognize the function of Jamu Kudu Laos.
B. Readers know the material to make Jamu Kudu Laos.
C. Readers are able to make Jamu Kudu Laos by themselves.
D. Readers get information about the specialty of Jamu Kudu Laos.


The text is written to … .

L1: Disajikan sebuah teks procedure berupa A. ask readers to design Zoom background on the desktop app
Manual (IT Literacy) 150-200 kata, peserta B. persuade readers to change Zoom background on the
didik dapat menentukan tujuan penulisan desktop app
dengan benar. C. tell readers about how create Zoom background on the
desktop app
D. guide readers on how to change Zoom background on the
desktop app


L1:Disajikan sebuah teks procedure yang What should we do before clicking on the photo we want to
sama, peserta didik dapat menentukan upload as background?
rincian langkah dalam teks dengan benar. A. Select the default background provided by Zoom.
B. Click the + icon on Virtual Background Page.
C. Tap the X in the top left corner of the photos.
D. Choose the profile in the top right corner.

L1:Disajikan sebuah teks report tentang
fenomena sosial (150-250 kata), peserta
didik dapat menentukan topik teks dengan

What is the text about?

A. Snubbing.
B. Phubbing.
C. Mental health.
D. Social media.

L2:Disajikan sebuah teks descriptive yang
L2 sama, peserta didik dapat menentukan
rincian argumentasi dengan benar.

Why does the writer always check the tires, pedals and
A. To protect the writer from water splash.
B. To make sure the bike is safe to ride.
C. To prevent the bike from broken.
D. To keep the bike’s cleanliness.
L2:Disajikan sebuah teks recount tentang
L2 pengalaman pribadi (150 – 250 kata),
peserta didik dapat menentukan topik teks
dengan benar.

The text tells us about the writer’s experience of ….

A. buying a small Japanese car
B. studying the theory of driving
C. looking for a driving instructor
D. learning to drive in a driving school

L2:Disajikan sebuah kalimat paraphrase dari
L2 teks recount yang sama dengan satu
rumpang, peserta didik dapat menentukan
kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi
kalimat tersebut.

… the writer was 18 years old, his body was not as big as
other people at this age.The appropriate word to complete
the sentence is ….
A. While
B. Besides
C. Because
UK D. Although
L2:Disajikan sebuah teks procedure yang
L2 sama dilengkapi 4 pernyataan yang 2-3
pernyataan benar mengenai dampak tidak
melakukan suatu langkah tertentu, peserta
didik dapat menentukan pilihan jawaban
yang mengacu pada pernyataan-pernyataan
yang benar sesuai teks.

What should you do after pounding the Noni fruit, garlic clove and
kedawung seeds?
A. Boilng the sugar, lemon juice, fermented cassava, pepper and
B. Bring the liquid to boil or until desired concentration.
C. Mixing the blended ingredients in some water.
D. Pounding the galangal and tamarind.

L2:Disajikan teks narrative tentang Local
L2 Fairy tales yang sama, peserta didik dapat
menentukan main conflict dalam teks
dengan benar.

What is the main conflict of the story?

A. Bandung Bandawasa asked Rara Jonggrang to marry him.

B. Jonggrang’s father was killed by Bandung so she refused the proposal.

C. Bandung was mad since Rara Jonggrang refused his marriage offer.

ST D. The genie troop of Bandung failed in making a thousand of statues.

L2:Disajikan sebuah teks Narrative tentang
L2 fable (150-250 kata), peserta didik dapat
menentukan makna ungkapan/frase dengan

“… climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog.”

(paragraph 3, line 3)
The phrase “well out of reach of any dog” means that …
A. the cat can catch the dog.
UK B. the dog can catch the cat.
C. the dog can’t catch the cat.
D. the dog can’t catch the fox.
Diberikan teks narrative terkait Foreignl Fairy
L2 tales (150-250 kata) dilengkapi 4 pernyataan
tentang masalah yang dihadapi beserta
solusi/tindakan yang dilakukan yang 2 – 3
pernyataannya benar, peserta didik dapat
menentukan pilihan jawaban yang mengacu
pada pernyataan-pernyataan yang benar.

A. I and II.
B. I and III.
C. III and IV.
D. II and III.

L2:Disajikan teks interaksi interpersonal
L2 tentang Expressing Hopes and Wishes (2
pembicara, 3-4 kali pertukaran peran),
peserta didik dapat menentukan hubungan
antar pembicara dari teks dengan benar.

What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. They are teacher and student.
FS B. They are father and daughter.
C. They are classmates.
D. They are siblings.
L2:Disajikan teks interaksi interpersonal
L2 tentang Expressing Hopes and Wishes yang
sama, peserta didik dapat menentukan
konteks situasi (tempat/waktu) dari teks
dengan benar.

Based on the dialogue, which statements are correct?

A. (1) and (2)
B. (1) and (4)
(2) and (3)
(2) and (4)

L2:Disajikan teks report tentang Fenomena “The diffuse aurora is a featureless glow in the sky which
Alam (150-250 kata) dengan satu kata yang may not be visible to the ….” (paragraph 2) The word
digarisbawahi, peserta didik dapat “visible” has similar meaning to ….
menentukan persamaan kata dari kata yang A. traceable
digaris bawahi dengan benar. B. capturable
C. observable
D. distinguishable

L2:Disajikan teks report tentang Fenomena What is the difference between the two types of aurora?
Alam yang sama, peserta didik dapat A. The diffuse aurorae are more visible than the discrete ones.
B. The discrete aurorae are less noticeable than the diffuse
menentukan rincian deskripsi dari teks
dengan benar. C. The discrete aurorae are easier to observe than the diffuse
D. The diffuse aurorae have more variants of brightness than the
discrete ones.

L2:Disajikan teks report tentang Fenomena What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
Alam yang sama, peserta didik dapat A. The diffuse aurorae are brighter.
menentukan ide utama paragraf dengan B. The discrete aurorae are more varied.
benar. C. The types of aurora are based on their visibility.
D. There are two types of aurora, diffuse and discrete.

L2: Disajikan lirik lagu tentang Kehidupan
Remaja dan Keluarga, peserta didik dapat
menentukan peran penulis lirik lagu tersebut
dengan benar.

In the song lyric, the writer seems to take a role as a

A. grandmother
B. daughter
C. teacher
D. wife

L2:Disajikan sebuah teks Announcement di
L2 rumah sakit, peserta didik dapat
menentukan tujuan penulisan dengan benar.

The University of Alabama Museums wrote the text in order to….

A. give information about Coronavirus prevention in the
B. announce about the health service provided by the
C. tell about the opening hours of the museums
FS D. inform about the closure of the museums

L2:Disajikan sebuah teks procedure yang Why do we have to tap the X button on the top left corner?
sama, peserta didik dapat menentukan A. To change the background we do not want.
rincian argumentasi (alasan melakukan B. To choose the best photo as background.
langkah tertentu) dalam teks dengan benar. C. To discard the photo we do not select.
D. To adjust the background as its best.


L2:Disajikan teks interaksi transaksional

Where does probably the dialog take place?
melibatkn umgkapan suggestion and
A. On the way tour.
obligation, peserta didik dapat menentukan
B. At the clinic.
konteks situasi (kapan, di mana) teks tersebut
C. In kitchen.
dengan benar.
D. At home.

L2:Disajikan sebuah teks report tentang
L2 fenomena sosial yang sama, peserta didik
dapat menentukan rincian deskripsi dengan

Why does phubbing impact on person’s mental health?

A. It makes people feel rejected, excluded and unimportant.
B. It manages people to have healthy relationship with others.
C. It is a way to direct people to be excluded from social media.

ST D. It is a growing phenomenon of people ignoring their friends

and family.
L2 L2:Disajikan sebuah teks report yang sama,
peserta didik dapat menentukan ide utama
salah satu paragraf dengan benar.

What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Phubbing has negative impacts on people’s health.
B. People don’t enjoy having conversation with others.
C. Keeping away from phone distraction is suggested.
FS D. Several ways can be done to stop phubbing.
L2:Disajikan sebuah teks report yang sama
L2 dengan salah satu kata yang digaris bawahi,
peserta didik dapat menentukan persamaan
kata dari salah kata yang digarisbawahi dalam
teks tersebut dengan benar.

“… people who are phubbed are more likely to grasp their

phones …” (Paragraph 2) The word “grasp” is similar in
meaning to … .
A. hold
FS B. touch
C. keep
D. bring
L3:Disajikan teks berbentuk label obat,
L3 peserta didik dapat menentukan manfaat
membaca teks tersebut dengan benar

What is likely the benefit of reading the text?

A. Physicians are able to treat cough sufferers
B. Pharmacists are able to explain the side effect of the
C. Parents can help their teenagers cure their cough
FS D. Medicine users can trust the efficacy of the product.
L3:Disajikan teks berbentuk label obat yang
L3 sama dilengkapi dengan 4 pernyataan yang
menggambarkan rincian deskripsi (dosis
penggunaan) dari teks tersebut yang 2 – 3 di
antaranya benar, peserta didik dapat
menentukan pilihan jawaban yang mengacu
pada pernyataan-pernyataan yang benar
sesuai teks.

A. (2) and (4)

B. (1) and (2)
C. (1) and (3)
D. (2) and (3)

L3:Disajikan teks notice: infografis tentang

L3 fenomena global , peserta didik dapat menentukan

simpulan berdasarkan deskripsi (fokus
numerasi) dengan benar.

Which statement best infers the message of the

infographic? .
A. Ocean pollution requires high budget and drastic
B. Sea creatures get the immediate impacts of the
C. Cigarettes contributes the biggest sea surface trash.
D. The contaminated water directly affects people’s health

L3:Disajikan teks berbentuk label obat yang sama
dilengkapi dengan 4 pernyataan yang menyatakan
rincian deskripsi dari kedua label tersebut, yang 2 – 3 di
antaranya benar, peserta didik dapat menentukan
pilihan jawaban yang mengacu pada pernyataan-
pernyataan yang benar sesuai teks.
(fokus numerasi)

Study the statements below.

I. You should not finish any of the products all up on your own.
II. You should not eat Product A if you are trying to lose weight.
III. You should choose Product B if you have cholesterol problems.
IV. You should use the grill to prepare and serve the product.

Which recommendations should you follow after reading the label

A. II and IV.
B. II and III.
C. I and IV.
D. I and III.

L3 L3:Disajikan 2 potongan teks report tentang binatang (masing –
masing 100-150 kata), peserta didik dapat menentukan prediksi
terkait topik paragraf selanjutnya dengan benar.

The suitable topic of the missing paragraph of each text is ….

A. life cycle
B. physical look
C. special features
D. reproduction system
L3:Disajikan sebuah teks khusus berbentuk advertisement

L3 in real examples tentang produk teknologi, alat rumah tangga, atau alat
kesehatan, peserta didik dapat menentukan alasan penulis
memilih image tertentu yang terdapat di dalam teks tersebut
dengan benar.

L3:Disajikan sebuah teks khusus berbentuk advertisement yang

L3 in real examples sama, peserta didik dapat menentukan peran pembaca (yang
tertarik membaca teks tersebut) dengan benar.

The advertisement is mostly intended to convince ... to buy the

A. elderly people
B. childfree people
C. parents of teenagers
D. parents of small children FS

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