Demon Mate The Mate Chronicles Sheri Lyn Full Chapter

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Demon Mate: The Mate Chronicles

Sheri Lyn
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Demon Mate

Sheri Lyn
Dear reader,
In this story, you will meet many characters that we hope you will fall in love with. If you’d like to know more about their
stories, check out the below books by Gracen Miller and Cassidy K. O’Connor.

Gracen Miller:

Kissing Sassy (Siren Song 1)

Sassy Vigilante (Siren Song 2)

Cassidy K. O’Connor

In My Mate’s Sight
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
About the Author
Part One
Chapter One

Brogan Taggart jerked awake with a gasp, sighed and rubbed his hands down his face. This was the third time he’d fallen
asleep while at his desk this week. He was exhausted, worn out and frustrated. Add in the voice that seemed to be haunting
him, and you had a great recipe for insomnia.
He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. It’d been six months since Jericho had been taken back to hell. Six
months of them searching for a way to bring him back. He’d learned more about demons, hell and their network than he ever
wanted to know, yet he was still no closer to finding a way back for him.
“You know you’re not much good to me like this, don’t you?”
Brogan sighed and nodded in agreement with his friend and boss. “I know Sheriff. I honestly think I’m going insane.”
West cocked one eyebrow and moved to sit down. “Now I know something is wrong. You called me Sheriff instead of by
my first name. What’s going on and don’t lie to me? I may be new to this whole shifting thing, but I’m still a cop and I’ll
“That might be an understatement of the year. Your first shift was epic. I’m so glad you let me be there for it.”
West groaned good naturedly, “easy for you to laugh. It’s terrifying for someone like me. Before I came here I’d never really
even talked to a shifter before, at least that I knew of, Deader could have told me.”
Brogan bit his lip to keep from laughing, West’s first experience shifting was something he wasn’t likely to forget any time
soon. The man had been so freaked out, with all these misconceptions of what it was going to be like to coexist with a wolf
inside. Damn Hollywood movies for that. “You did good, though. Once you calmed down enough and let the change happen.”
West shrugged, “Still a bit terrifying if I’m honest, but I’m getting used to it. And running with the pack is like nothing I’d
ever imagined.” West laughed, “still getting used to the whole naked thing though. And don’t think I haven’t forgotten why I
came in here in the first place. Talk to me and stop trying to distract me.”
Brogan groaned and nodded, “Can’t blame me for trying.”
“Is this about Cadence and getting Jericho back?”
“Partly, yeah. We’re not having any luck so far.” Brogan trailed off and contemplated his next words before speaking again.
“Can I ask you a question, that I beg you to keep to yourself? Last thing I need is Rook tormenting me on this.”
“You know I don’t keep things from him if I can help it. But if it’s something sensitive I won’t tell him unless it affects him.
How’s that?”
Brogan nodded quickly, “Yeah, of course.”
A couple minutes passed in silence as Brogan stared at the walls, floor and anywhere he could except for his friend a few
feet away. You’re being an idiot. Just say it, West will understand and won’t make fun of you much for it. Of all people, he’s the
most easygoing and accepting person you know. The internal pep talk helped a bit and he finally took a deep breath and turned
his attention back to West who was staring at him with quiet amusement on his face.
“Finally, ready to tell me what’s on your mind? I’ve only been here a little over six months and I’ve never seen you act like
this. It’s kind of entertaining and if I’m honest, petrifying.”
“I always thought as a shifter I’d know when I met my mate. It would be like instant holy hell there she is, kinda thing, you
know.” Brogan glanced away in embarrassment, “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, I’ll try to answer.”
“What did it feel like when you met your Rook? I know it will be different because you weren’t a shifter, but…” He trailed
off as he felt his face burn with a blush. He couldn’t believe he was asking this.
“Brogan Taggert, are you questioning if you’ve met your mate?”
A sing song voice called from the hallway making both men's eyes widened in horror. “Is that?” Brogan mouthed to West.
He cringed as West nodded yes and both men turned to watch the door.
“Hello boys, oh stop that.” Barbara Wolfe scolded with a fake frown. “You’ll give a woman a complex looking like that
when she walks in the door.”
West jumped to his feet and tried to smile, but even Brogan could see the fear that tinged the edges. “Hi, what a surprise to
see you.”
Barbara laughed, “when are you going to forgive me for the drug store? But don’t worry my boy. I’m not here for you
Brogan stood up and sputtered but couldn’t figure out what he needed to say, though the scenarios that were running through
his mind as to why she’d be in the station scared him.
“Oh stop,” Barbara laughed, “Not for you either, but I couldn’t help but overhear your words and I had to stop.”
“No offense, but what are you doing here?” West asked, “You weren’t here five minutes ago when I came in here. Constance
was the only one in the station.”
“I had business with Constance about her niece. But never mind that right now.” She stepped into the room and took a seat.
“Sit down boys, no reason to stand for me.”
He seriously debated running from the room and hiding but he knew that would only make things worse in the end. He was a
shifter he could handle this he thought as his wolf whimpered as he sat down in front of his alpha with a pained sigh.
“Now tell me. Why are you asking what he felt? Do you think you’ve met yours? Is that what this is about? I can tell you that
in all my years I’ve never seen a shifter that didn’t instantly know they’d met their soul.”
“It’s it’s just…” Brogan groaned and leaned back in his chair. “I think i’m losing my mind. I’ve been spending a
lot of time with Cadence trying to figure a way to bring Jericho back. It really bothers me that he was sent back to be tortured
for helping us.”
West nodded, “We’ve been searching too, we agree, but what does this have to do with anything?”
“That’s just it I don’t know if it does or not. For the last couple months, I swear I’ve heard his voice calling to me.”
Barbara sat up straighter and frowned, “That’s odd. Have you told Cadence about this?”
“No, I mean I don’t know for sure it’s his voice. We only met him for a handful of hours one day before he was gone.”
“He did talk to you while you were in wolf form right? I remember Rook mentioning that later. He said he’d never met
anyone that could do that that wasn’t pack before.”
“Yeah, that’s true West. I’d forgotten about that.” Brogan brightened a little bit. “Maybe he is communicating to me then. I
mean I guess he could have that power somehow right?”
Barbara and West shared a glance but neither said a word, Brogan frowned and stared at the two of them waiting for
something he knew he might not like.
“But why you?” West asked hesitantly. “Why not Cadence who is better able to help him.”
“Unless you think he’s your mate?” Barbara interjected with enthusiasm.
Chapter Two

“But I’m not gay.”

“Fine, bisexual maybe or just attracted to the person and not their sex or …” West trailed off slowly.
“I’ve only ever been with women, I’ve never even been interested in a man before.” Brogan protested.
“Boys, the thing that matters here is that he’s contacting you. You might be able to use that to your favor. As to his being your
mate, well let’s just say I think it's a strong possibility and I for one look forward to seeing if it’s true.” Barbara stood and
winked, “If it makes you feel better I won’t take your mate to the drug store. That’s so last year.”
Brogan wanted to whimper in fear at her words, what could the woman possibly do to scandalize a half demon? He didn’t
want to know, he really didn’t.
West cleared his throat bringing Brogan back to the present and out of his thoughts, “Do you think he’s your mate?”
He didn’t know how to reply, he hadn’t felt that insane you’re the one moment, but at the same time he hadn’t not felt a
connection too. It was so confusing even to him. There had been something about Jericho that had made him want to run as far
away as he could get, but also something that made him want to rub all over Jericho until he smelled of only him.
“I’ll take your lack of an answer as answer itself.” West chuckled, “Come on let’s go see Cadence. Rook is on his way out
there too.”
Brogan grabbed West as he turned away and stopped him. “I didn’t say that either. I just don’t know what to think anymore.
All I do know is that we can’t let him pay for helping us.” That’s all it was, he kept reassuring himself, hoping that if he said it
enough he’d eventually believe it totally.
“Listen, if you need to talk, Deader and I are here. We know what you’re going through, for that matter so does Rook. It’s
different with us though, and maybe we can help you settle things in your mind.”
Brogan stared in confusion for a minute before he finally figured out how to ask what he wanted to know without it coming
across to insulting. “You’re gay and he’s with Skarlet. How can you help?”’
“Because neither of us are what society would call ‘straight’. We’ve both been with men and women. We don’t see male or
female, we just see someone we’re attracted too, and what their gender is doesn’t matter to us.”
“I…. Really?” Brogan stammered in shock. “I had no idea.”
West smiled, “If it helps, I’ve seen the way you used to flirt with Rook.”
“Yeah, that was harmless. I knew it would never go anywhere.”
“Exactly, but let me ask you this. How many men would be comfortable enough in their own skin to flirt with another man
like that? Yes, there are some, but not as many as you’d think. Especially not in bars and in open places like you did and not
surrounded by their friends.”
Brogan opened his mouth to respond but quickly closed it as he didn’t know what to say. He’d never thought about that
before. Why had he felt comfortable enough with Rook to do that? Was it because the town was so accepting or had it been
more than that? Sure he’d noticed good looking guys, but not in the I want to sex you up way. More in appreciation of a fine ass,
ripped stomach muscles, or some other random body part. Same as he saw in woman actually. Though he did approach some
of the woman for some one on one time, he’d never considered that with a man.
“From what I understand and correct me if i’m wrong but the fates assigned you your mate because they are your perfect
match correct?”
“That’s what they say, yeah.” Brogan confirmed as he tried to figure out where West was going with this newest train of
“Then maybe you’re what they call ‘gay for you’. Jericho could be the only man in the world that you’ll ever be attracted
to. That is If he is your mate of course….” West winked and walked out of the room while Brogan stood there contemplating
his words.
West made it sound so simple, but could it really be that easy? If Jericho was his mate, how would he know for sure? And
more importantly and equally terrifying was that yes, Brogan and his wolf liked that idea way more than he’d have thought
Chapter Two

By the time they parked the car in the small clearing Brogan had dissected the mornings conversations over and over but
still hadn’t discovered anything new to help him figure things out. His only hope was that West would keep this to himself and
that Cadence would have some idea’s why Jericho was contacting him.
“You been leaving clothes at the Priestesses place? Make things quicker if we shift and run there if you don’t mind.”
Brogan snorted a laugh, “the question really is are you up to it? I know it’s been a few weeks since I’ve seen you shift, but
have you gotten less nervous about it yet?”
“Screw you, jackoff. I wasn’t nervous after the first time. Just hesitant. Blame the movies, they show those images of
people changing into werewolves and that shit is scary.”
“Fine, you gotten over your irrational fear then?” Brogan teased as he climbed out of the car and started undressing. “Pop
the trunk. I’m not leaving my clothes out here.”
“It wasn’t irrational and yes, I’m over it...for the most part. The pain isn’t that bad and yes it's worth it.” West replied with
a shake of his head in exasperation. “Never gonna let me live that shit down are you.” He mumbled.
Brogan laughed as he waited for West to join him by the trunk. The poor man still had hang ups about getting naked in
“You can stop right now. I know what you’re thinking and I don’t care what you people say. It’s not right for the town sheriff
to be naked where anyone could see. I’m supposed to arrest people for this, not do it myself.”
“Then hurry up and strip. I’ll put our clothes in the trunk and you won’t be naked. You really are a worrywart aren’t you.
This is Blue Creek you know, people know we’re shifters and we get naked.” Brogan couldn’t believe how much of a prude
Rook’s mate was, in a way he got it. Not everyone grew up being naked outdoors and in front of people. But West was a shifter
now, he needed to adapt.
A low growl from behind him pulled him from his thoughts as he quickly grabbed their clothes and put them away. “Yeah, I
hear you.”
Minutes later the two of them were racing through the woods, jumping over fallen branches, chasing small prey and
generally enjoying being a wolf. Brogan loved these moments, all too soon reality would intrude and it would be back to
figuring things out before it was too late.
“Boys,” Cadence hollered from her porch a couple hundred yards away stopping Brogan and West in their tracks. “Stop
playing and get over here.” Brogan huffed and the two headed towards her at a soft lope.
“Last time I run with you when we have someplace to be.” West called to Brogan through the pack link. “You should know
better than to piss off a Priestess. I’m blaming this on you.”
Cadence shook her head as the two of them came to a stop a few feet from her. “I’m sure you needed that to work off some
steam. I left your clothes here, shift and get dressed, we have much to talk about.”
That didn’t sound very promising at all. If Brogan had any sense he’d turn tail and run before it was too late. He was
ashamed to admit he contemplated it, but then he remembered Jericho suffering in hell with who knew what happening to him
and he couldn’t do it. Nothing she would tell them could be worse than what he was most likely going through.
He shifted and raced into the house panting slightly at the rushed pace. He could hear West fumbling with his clothes behind
him and knew he’d be along soon. “Do you have news?” He asked breathlessly.
“Oh, child. No, I’m sorry. I should have phrased that better.” Cadence sighed and sat down gesturing for Brogan to do the
“Where’s Rook?” West called as he entered the room and sat down on the couch, glancing between Brogan and Cadence.
“I missed you too, babe,” Rook announced as he walked into the room carrying a tray with drinks and cookies on it.
“Brogan, I’m not going to keep telling you to call me Cadence. You don’t have to be so formal.”
“Okay, Cadence, I was thinking that you never told us how you came to know Jericho in the first place. I know it probably
won’t help, but I’m curious.”
She nodded in understanding and leaned back in her chair with a speculative look on her face. “It’s a little hard to explain,
but I’ll try. For some of this you may have to just take my word for it. You see I first met Jericho in a dream when I was a child
learning the craft from my mother and her mother. Somehow, I created a connection to him that spanned time and space. I knew
on some deeper level that we’d exist in the same time, but I didn’t know how old I’d be when that finally happened.”
Brogan held his hand up to ask a question that he was sure they all wanted to know. When Cadence paused and glanced to
him with a raised eyebrow he wasted no time. “So let me get this straight. You were a child and somehow you managed to talk
to Jericho in the future?”
“Not at first. I could only see him, watch him grow from a baby to the man he is now. Once I grew in my powers enough, I
was able to communicate.”
West cleared his throat to get Cadence’s attention, “Are you talking like a parallel universe or something?”
She shrugged, “Don’t really know, don’t really care. Just know that eventually we existed in the same year. I was already
what most would consider old by the time he was born. I felt it you know. The minute he was born the connection I’d created
all those years ago became stronger and more tangible. He somehow retained the knowledge of me and greeted me like an old
friend. As the years passed I watched as a distant observer unable to interfere with what fate had already chosen for him. When
I warned of things to be, he picked a different path and a much worse fate awaited.”
“When he became a demon hunter our paths were able to align without consequences. We aided each other as we could.
There were times, years, decades and even centuries where he was locked in hell. I did what I could, but ultimately it was
always he who found his escape.”
“Centuries?” Brogan whispered in horror.
“Yes, child. Like I said when you first met him. It took him over three hundred years to get free the last time he was taken.”
“Can I ask a question here?” Rook bit his lip and waited as Cadence gave him the go ahead. “No offense meant by this, but
just how old were you when you first met him and how old is he?”
“When I created our bond, I was no more than five years old. When he was born I was two hundred and eighty-three years
old. Today he is …” Cadence trailed off in thought. “I just turned eight hundred and fifty-one, no fifty-two. So that makes him
about five hundred sixty-nine I believe.”
All three men gaped at Cadence in astonishment. Brogan didn’t know what to say, sure Cadence looked older but he would
have said maybe in her seventies or eighties at the most. He wanted to check the drink Rook had passed out earlier for any sign
of hallucinogens. There was no way he was hearing her correctly.
Cadence cackled in amusement, “If you could see the looks on your faces. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.”
“How?” Brogan whispered between dry lips.
“As I said, I learned my craft from my mother and my mother’s mother. My maternal line is full of priestesses as far back as
you can go. My paternal line is harder to discover. My father was a demon who seduced my mother. He truly loved her as much
as a full demon could love.”
“You’re half demon like Jericho?”
“He’s my half-brother actually.”
Chapter Three

The room became dead silent at her words as they all tried to process what she’d told them. They were siblings,
Cadence’s brother was possibly his mate. The two of them were older than dirt and he was possibly mated to a man who was
half demon and sister to a high priestess. What in the hell had he gotten himself into.
“How is it he’s been trapped in hell repeatedly and yet you’re free?”
Brogan blinked at West’s question. That wasn’t something he had thought about but it was a good question. If she was able
to stay here safely maybe it would help keep Jericho here too.
Cadence shook her head in the negative instantly, “I know where you’re going with that and it won’t work I’m sorry to say. I
was born free and raised among my mother’s people. Jericho was born of a pact to a human mother who gave him to our father
in exchange for power.”
“Your father’s people being demon’s then?” Brogan asked just to clarify. He knew the answer, but he couldn’t stop himself
from asking in the hopes he was wrong.
“Yes. Jericho was taught from birth to be a demon, to do harm, to make deals, to barter with humans and to generally destroy
“Wait,” Rook objected, “The man we met helped us. He said he was a demon hunter. That doesn’t fit with what you’re
Brogan agreed. No way would the fates assign him a mate that was evil. Besides his wolf would have sensed that and
pushed for him to do something. Yes, part of him had wanted to run and that was probably because Jericho was half demon.
The other half of him had definitely not wanted to run, unless it was into his arms that was.
“You’re right, the man you met isn’t the man I'm describing. The Jericho that you met is who he became when he learned he
could fight back and win. He’s paid a heavy price over the years for his defiance of their nature. It’s why whenever a demon is
able to trap him and take him back to hell with them, they do it. There’s a high price on his head and it gives a reward to those
who succeed.”
“Why does he do it then? Why does he hunt his kind, knowing there's a chance he’ll go back?” Rook questioned. “I mean he
does a lot of good and we probably wouldn't have been able to banish the demon without him, but it seems like a high price to
“He told me it’s his penance for all the harm he caused before he rebelled. He tries to stop his brethren from harming others
Brogan tensed as something came to him that he wasn’t sure he liked. “Cadence, being part demon does that give you
special gifts and abilities?”
She nodded with a quizzical look, obviously confused where he was going with this line of questioning.
“For instance, would a half demon be able to communicate to someone in their head?” He wanted to hold his breath in
anticipation of the answer. He wasn’t sure what he wanted the answer to be.
“Some could I guess, it’s not an ability I possess though. But Jericho might, yes. You did say he spoke to you and Rook when
you were chasing the demon before after all.”
“Does he have the power to speak to people from there though. I mean if he’s in Hell can he speak to us here?” West
interjected with a quick look to Brogan.
Cadence glanced between the two men and frowned. “What am I missing?”
“He’s been talking to me in my head. It’s usually when I’m falling asleep or some other time I’m extremely relaxed. He’s
there and then gone without warning. At first, I thought I was imagining it. We’d spent months searching for a way to bring him
back. I thought it was my subconscious playing tricks on me. But it’s happening more and more and I know it’s him.” Brogan
rambled on nervousness.
“What does he say?” Cadence asked in a choked whisper.
“Always the same thing.” Brogan took a breath and closed his eyes as heard the pained words in his head again and again.
“He says, I’m sorry.”
“I don’t understand.” She replied with tears pouring down her face. “He shouldn’t be able to do that and why is he sorry?”
No one had a good answer and they fell silent for a few minutes until West broke the silence with his next question.
“Do you think, I mean, I was thinking and Brogan wondered too. Is it possible they’re mates and that’s how he’s able to talk
to him?”
Rook frowned and nodded slowly, “You know that would make sense. Mates do have that bond and ability to speak to each
other. Since he’s part demon maybe it enhances the ability somehow.”
Brogan laughed sarcastically, “How does any of this make sense? We’re sitting here with a half demon-half Voodoo
Priestess who is older than I can even process, talking about a man who may be my mate who is also a half demon and older
than my grandparents-grandparents. This is all just insane.”
“No offense but before I moved here and met you all, I thought shifters were insane. I’d heard of them, but had no practical
knowledge.” West shrugged, “As Shakespeare said ‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in
your philosophy.’ Why isn’t this just as possible?”
“He’s right,” Rook replied with a nod to West. “I mean before all this went down and those bodies turned up, I didn’t even
know demons really existed. I’d heard stories but just assumed they were made up. Now we know different. Who’s to say what
is real and we just haven’t experienced it yet.”
Brogan shrugged but didn’t reply. His brain was too full to even contemplate what else could be out there. This was enough
to deal with right now. Jericho needed to escape prison and he needed to do it soon. They were running out of ideas fast and
for some reason he couldn’t explain he felt like time itself was against them on this one.
West stood, “I have to go back to town. I have a meeting with Deader about a case we’ve got. If I come up with anything I’ll
pass it on to you. Cadence, thank you for the drink and company.”
Rook stood to walk him out. Brogan watched with an envious sigh at their relationship. He’d never thought about what it
would mean to find his mate, because he honestly never expected to. But now that he knew or quit being in denial about it at
least, he wanted it with a passion that bordered on obsessive.
“Don’t look so forlorn, things will work out. They always do.”
Chapter Four

He couldn’t believe he was participating in this asinine plan, but what could he say it was Caeden. The newest deputy, pack
mate and resident of Blue Creek and he couldn’t turn down a friend in need. Even if it involved taking the mutt to play as a
seeing eye dog to his blind mate. Constance was insane for asking this of a shifter, but it was just Caeden’s luck her niece
Koira was also his mate. Brogan didn’t know if he’d have done it, but then again, he didn’t have a murderer chasing his blind
mate to town either. Who knows what he’d have done if the shoe had been reversed.
“I can’t believe you agreed to this, I would never be someone’s pet.” Brogan was trying desperately to hold in his laughter
but it was a struggle he really didn’t care if he won. “Are the rumors true, is she your mate?”
“Yeah, I never expected to meet her so soon, I have to believe there is a higher power controlling our lives, otherwise what
are the odds we would meet when we live across the country?”
“I have to agree with you. I think I’ve found my mate and he wasn’t even on this plane of existence, and now he’s trapped in
Hell. So yeah, I would say fate or something is helping us out.” Brogan grumbled as he stared out the window of his squad car
as they drove to Koira’s.
A full minute passed before Brogan realized Caeden hadn’t responded. He turned and found his passenger staring at him like
he had two heads. “Forget I said anything, it’s my problem.”
“I’m sorry, you just took me by surprise. I thought maybe you were kidding but I can tell you aren’t. When did you meet
Brogan could see the surprise on Caeden’s face. “Yeah, I know he’s the first man I’ve ever been into. A couple of months
ago we had a rash of bodies showing up in the woods on pack land. Cadence, the priestess who lives outside of town, brought
him in to help with the case. I barely had time to meet him before he was taken.”
“And when you say he’s trapped in Hell?”
“I can’t tell you more than that, I’m working with Cadence to get him back but I don’t know what that means yet.” Brogan
pulled into a parking spot outside Koira’s building and put the car in park as he released a tired sigh.
“I can honestly say I have no idea what you have been going through or what you are going to endure in the future, but know
I am here to help if you need me.” Caeden squeezed Brogan’s shoulder before stripping his clothes and shifting to his animal.
Brogan couldn’t contain his laughter this time. “I’m sorry man, it is just so hard to think of you as a fierce shifter when you
are so damn cute.” Brogan scratched him between his ears, Caeden growled to let him know he didn’t appreciate his humor.
“Okay Thumper, let’s go check out your mate.”
Brogan knocked loudly on Koira’s door and waited patiently with Thumper shifting from standing to sitting repeatedly, it
was obvious he was antsy to see his mate. “Calm down, pup, if you start humping her leg she might make me take you back.”
As they heard clicks of locks being turned, Brogan leaned down and strapped something around Caeden’s neck, “I almost
forgot, I bought you a gift.”
The door swung open, Koira’s smile was electric. “Caeden, you’re back?”
“I’m sorry ma’am, I’m Deputy Brogan Taggert, I was asked to bring Thumper over.”
“Oh Deputy Taggert, please come in. It’s so strange, I have a great sense of smell and I swore Caeden was back.” Brogan
glanced down to Caeden and shrugged in surprise. “I’ve been so anxious to meet him, thank you for loaning him to me when
Caeden and my Aunt can’t be around. Maybe I should sit on the couch and you can introduce me?”
Brogan started to nod, but quickly realized that would be stupid since she couldn’t see him. He nudged Thumper to move
and walked in through the open door. He sat in the recliner with Thumper at his side intently watching Koira walk in and sit.
She held her hand out and waited. Caeden knew what to do, he walked over and nudged her hand with his snout. Brogan
smiled evilly, how he wished he had a camera to show West and Rook how whipped the pup was already.
“He’s so soft, what does he look like?”
Brogan couldn’t help himself. This was an opportunity to good to pass up. “Thumper’s a good dog, albeit a bit past his
prime. He’s a chocolate lab with brown eyes. He’s pretty affectionate guy but I warn you he does have some bad gas once in a
while. When he does that, you just let him out on the patio, he’ll do his business and scratch when he’s ready to come back in.”
The blissfully happy dog whose head had tilted back to give Koira easier access to scratch his chest suddenly flipped his head
forward and narrowed his eyes at Brogan.
“Milk or Dark?”
“Um, excuse me?” Brogan had no idea what she was talking about.
“It would seem the men in this town have trouble with details. I was asking what shade of chocolate he was.”
“I guess I would say he’s dark, almost burnt chocolate.” Brogan winked at Caeden.
“I can feel something on his collar, what is it?”
“Oh, you would love it, the collar is black and spelling out in pink rhinestones it says, “Mama’s Boy” with little hearts on
each side of the name. See we weren’t really sure he was going to pass training, he was really attached to the woman he was
fostered with. I admit there were times I seriously thought he wasn’t going to be able to leave her.”
Koira leaned close to Thumper’s face and scratched under his chin, “I think you sound wonderful, you are such a good dog.”
Thumper looked over at Brogan with a superior look on his face.
“Well it does appear he is in good hands. I’ll let your aunt know everything is well here.”
“Thank you, I will follow you so I can lock up.” Brogan walked down the hall and silently placed a bag on top of a tall
cabinet Koira would never be able to reach. Caeden yipped at him to let him know he saw. They had agreed earlier he would
leave a change of clothes and his cell phone on silent in case Caeden needed it.
Brogan could feel Caeden’s eagerness to have him gone so he slowed his pace until he felt Caeden push against Brogan’s
legs rushing him out of the apartment. He bit back a laugh and winked at the furry bastard.
“Have fun you two, and Thumper be on your best behavior, I don’t want any bad reports when I come back to get you later.”
Chapter Five

Brogan’s phone rang just as he was climbing back in his car still chuckling over Caeden’s behavior with his mate.
“Hey West, what’s up?”
“Two things, first how did it go dropping Thumper off?”
“I wish I had a camera so you could see it. He is going to have one hell of a night if I don’t miss my guess. Koira is already
in love with Thumper. I bet he has one hell of a case of blue balls before morning.”
West burst into laughter and relayed Brogans words to someone in the background. Wherever the sheriff was it was noisy
and he couldn’t hear the other person. “Deader says that maybe we should pin one of those micro cameras on your shirt next
time. But my second reason for calling is, since you’re now off duty we’d like you to come join us for a drink and some dinner.
Our significant others are occupied for a few hours so we’re at loose ends.”
Brogan didn’t answer right away, he was debating the sanity of having a drink with the two of them. More than likely Rook
would show up when he came around to do his nightly patrols. So, if things got to uncomfortable he’d be there to
help...hopefully. “Sure, where are you?”
“The Wolfe’s Den. Booth in the back corner.” West shouted as the noise got louder for a few minutes. “Sorry, fight broke
out. Can you hear me now? Never mind, just see you in a few.”
Brogan frowned at the phone and hung up. What was going on, had the sheriff just ignored a fight? Five minutes later he
pulled his patrol car to a stop outside the bar and waited for a second debating the sanity of parking and going in or not. He
was just glad he wasn’t in uniform, not that it would help a whole lot. Blue Creek was small enough everyone knew everyone.
So, if something did happen, uniform or not, he was going to have to intervene. He finally gave in and parked grumbling the
whole way to the doors.
“Hey guys. How are things tonight?” Brogan called to the bouncers loitering by the door.
“Pretty quiet for the most part. Have some out of towners in that tried to start shit with your boss and the bone doctor. We
moved them to a more secluded area away from the other customers and it’s helped …. Tremendously.”
Brogan opened his mouth to respond, shut it and then tried again. He wasn’t sure what to think. “The sheriff and Deader got
into a fight?”
The bouncers shrugged with a laugh, “Not really. We separated everyone quick enough. Last thing we want to do is arrest
the guy in charge of the police you know. Should warn you, they are well on their way to becoming drunk as skunks and that’s
saying a lot considering their shifters.”
“We can get drunk?” Brogan asked skeptically.
“I’ve never seen it happen, but sure seems that way to me. Go check it out for yourself if you don’t believe me.”
Brogan had to see this or he’d never believe it. No wonder West had sounded so odd on the phone. He nodded to the
bouncers and headed inside. For a bar, it wasn’t as loud as it was on some nights. That might have had a lot to do with the two
Policemen sitting in the back corner with a huge number of empty tables around them. Seems like people were giving the two
lunatics a ton of space.
“Bout time you showed up.” West hollered from the back with a wave of greeting. “Come on, we already ordered drinks.”
A quick glance around and he was even more suspicious. Most of the faces in the bar were familiar and most of them had
smirks on their faces. He took slow measured steps waiting for something to happen, he was missing something, he knew it he
just couldn’t figure out what it was.
“Sit, have a drink and let’s talk.” Deader announced as he stood and slid in next to West so the two of them were on the
same side of the booth facing Brogan.
“I’m not sure this is a good idea.” Brogan started to say but was cut off by the two men waving him off.
“We’re doing a favor and trying this new liquor out. It’s made for shifters, have a glass and you can give your opinion too.”
West pushed the glass closer with a lopsided smile. “I’m your boss, I wouldn’t steer you wrong, I swear.”
“Is that what ya’ll have been drinking? I hear you almost started a fight?”
Deader laughed and nudged West, “We didn’t start it but we would have finished it. And now you have me sounding like a
high school jock.” The two men burst into laughter for a few seconds before calming down. “But to answer your question,
we’ve only had two glasses of it. We’ve been drinking other stuff prior to this.”
Brogan still wasn’t sure, but he decided one glass wouldn’t hurt. From the sounds of it these guys had been drinking a bunch
of different things. He picked the glass up and took a tentative sip. He couldn’t contain his surprise at the taste. The flavors
danced on his tongue and his brain felt like it was having mini orgasms.
“Holy shit.” Was all he was able to say as the two men grinned huge Cheshire cat grins at him.
“Right, amazing, isn’t it?” West waved the waitress over and asked for another round.
“So, I’m taking it this is a keeper then?” She called as she walked away shaking her head in amusement.
They made small talk while Brogan downed his first glass of the delicious drink and they waited for the refills. He couldn’t
remember ever actually spending much down time getting to know Deader. West sure, he was his best bud’s mate.
The hours flew by and the drinks were flowing freely when they finally got around to talking about anything more serious
than arguing over their favorite sports teams, chances of winning, whatever game was coming up.
“West tells me you’ve found your mate.” Deader slurred with a lopsided grin.
Brogan couldn’t help the smile that bloomed across his face at the thought of Jericho, “would seem I have. Now to just get
him back.”
“We’ll figure something out, I have faith in us.” West half yelled, half demanded before hiccupping, causing them all to burst
into fits of laughter.
Once they’d calmed down, Deader leaned forward and nodded for Brogan to do the same. “I’ve got a question for you and I
don’t want to scream it.”
“Okay,” Brogan whispered as he moved closed and waited.
“Have you ever had sex, you know with a man before?”
Only Brogan’s alcohol soaked brain kept him from dying of embarrassment at the question. Instead he just kinda shrugged
sheepishly and shook his head no. “Never been attracted to a man before him.”
West leaned forward, “It’s different, but so good. You’ll love it, I promise.”
Brogan moved closer so they were all almost touching foreheads. “I’m scared I’ll do something wrong or screw it up.”
Both men vehemently denied that statement. “I remember my first time.” West recalled, “I was petrified too, but I had a
mentor like friend. He was older and he told me what to expect and how to make sure it was good for me and my partner.”
“A mentor?” Brogan repeated.
Deader laughed, “You should see your face.”
“Well, yeah. I mean that just sounds so weird.”
“My first time was similar in some ways to West’s. I was with someone a few years older and more experienced. He made
it great for me and taught me everything I needed to know before we parted ways.”
Brogan scratched his cheek, “So, basically you’re telling me it should help that Jericho has experience then?”
“Nope,” both men chorused before bursting into laughter.
West winked, “We’re saying, that we’re here to explain things so you don’t have to worry.”
“Exactly, so some guys are tops, some are bottoms and some are both. Just because a guy is ultra-macho outside of the
bedroom doesn’t mean he’s going to be a top. You just never know. Being one or the other doesn’t make you any less of a man
either, in case you were wondering.”
Brogan opened his mouth to respond but before he could Deader picked up the conversation and kept going.
“Now, one major thing you gotta make sure you have plenty of lube on hand.”
West snickered at Deader’s words which made both men turn to look at him in confusion until Deader gasped and started to
belly laugh too.
“You said... lube on …. hand. They’ll need it…. on hand and …. on their hand.” West could barely get the words out he was
laughing so hard.
“It would appear I showed up just in time.”
All three of the men turned and smiled up at Rook as they heard his words.
“Babe, what are you doing here?”
Rook took a step back and widened his eyes in surprise. “What in the hell are you drinking? You know what, never mind. I
think it’s time to go home and sleep some of this off.”
Brogan protested first, “No, we can’t leave yet. I need their advice.”
Rook blew out a breath and leaned forward so he had all three men’s undivided attention. “This bar is full of shifters and as
open as Blue Creek is, I really don’t think they want to hear the finer point of sex between men.”
“But we’re whispering,” West exclaimed indignantly.
“I love you hun, but you’re drunk and talking loud enough for the whole bar to hear you. Now I’ve already paid your tabs.
Let’s go home.”
“But I don’t want to go home. It’s so quiet and …” Brogan trailed off with a shrug.
“He misses his mate, babe. Can’t he stay in our spare room tonight so he’s not alone?”
Rook rolled his eyes and Brogan knew they’d won. He wouldn’t have to be alone tonight. How he could miss someone he
barely knew he wasn’t sure, but he did. It was like a physical ache that tore at his soul.
“Fine, as drunk as you all are he probably shouldn’t be alone anyway. Deader, I already called Skarlet and told her what to
expect. Though I don’t think she believed me that you guys really are drunk.”
Brogan wanted to protest but he couldn’t feel his lips anymore. He tried to stand but the room swayed and he giggled in
wide-eyed amusement. “I don’t think I can walk straight.”
“This is going to be a long ass ride home isn’t it.” Rook mumbled. “Sit back down and don’t move any of you. I’ll be right
He didn’t have to be told twice. Brogan dropped back into his seat and watched as Rook made his way up to the front of the
bar and spoke to the bouncers there before heading outside. Within a minute he was back inside and heading to where they all
sat waiting. The bouncers following close behind with amused looks on their faces.
“What’s going on?” West asked as he tried to stand and almost fell, which caused them all to burst into laughter.
“Time to go.” Rook announced as he pulled West to his feet and helped him start walking. Brogan looked at the two
bouncers and finally understood what was happening. They were going to be their crutches to the car.
“I’ll tell you one thing, you three sure are going to be hurting mofo’s tomorrow. But on the bright side, this is going to make
one hell of a story once word spreads around town.”
Brogan laughed good naturedly, he was too drunk to really care about what the next day would bring. Right now, he had
more important things to think about. Mainly what else Deader and West could tell him.
“No offense, dude, but I’ve heard enough for one night. Wait till you get in the car okay?”
The bouncer groaned and the murmured laughter from the other patrons of the bar quickly clued Brogan in on the fact he’d
said that out loud. Damn that alcohol was some kick ass shit.
Chapter Six

Brogan awoke with a start, rolled over and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. One thirty in the morning. He groaned and
sat up startled for a second at the unfamiliar room. His head swam letting him know he was still mostly drunk as he climbed to
his feet and headed out of the room.
He stumbled his way down the hall and opened Rook and West’s bedroom with a loud yawn and a scratch of his belly.
His friend sat up and squinted at him, “What time is it, man?”
“Early.” Brogan replied with another yawn which was quickly followed by a hiccup.
“What’s wrong?” Rook asked as he propped himself up on one elbow.
Brogan shrugged, he didn’t know what to say. He turned to leave when Rook’s soft voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Puppy pile?”
Brogan smiled, “Yeah, puppy pile.”
“What in the hell is a puppy pile and why are you two awake?” West grumbled from the other side of the bed.
“It’s what we called it when we were kids. All of us would run and play until we were exhausted and then we’d collapse
into a pile and sleep and then we’d wake up and do it all over again.” Rook explained as he pulled up the sheet and gestured
for Brogan to get in the middle. “Come on Brogan, for tonight you can be the middle spoon, just no forking, okay?”
Brogan laughed and jumped onto the bed with a contented smile as he snuggled in. “Thanks, I …” he trailed off and
“I get it, bro. Just go to sleep, we can talk in the morning.” West growled. “The room’s still spinning and I’m tired as hell.”
He didn’t have to be told twice, he yawned snuggled in deeper and fell right back to sleep.


He could feel their eyes on him, hear their laughter and taunts as he struggled fruitlessly against the bond that held him
fastened tight. He was so tired of fighting already, no matter what he did nothing changed.
“That was a nice break, ready for some more fun?” He knew that voice all too well, the sadistic bastard was back.
“Nice to see you too Aeron, what’s it been a couple hundred years? What a shame it couldn’t be a few thousand more.”
Aeron smirked, “I’ve been waiting a long time for you to come back, I owe you a debt I simply must repay. This time
there will be no mercy for you.”
“Mercy? Since the day I was brought down to this realm I’ve never had a moment of mercy from any of you. Why should
today be any different.” Jericho replied with anger and hatred dripping from every word. “Mark my words, brother, one of
these days I will repay all your years of kindness.”
Aeron rolled his eyes, “Let the fun begin in that case.” A whip manifested in Aeron’s hand. The demon smiled as he
studied the tool, before glancing up to Jericho. “What think you brother mine? Would you like to feel the bite of the whip or
should I jump right to the fun toys?”
Jericho refused to show any emotion as he maintained eye contact with the fetid creature a few feet away. He’d learned
centuries ago that no matter what he said or did his fate had already been decreed.
“You’re right, too soft. I wouldn’t want you to think I’d gone soft after all.” Aeron winked as he manifested a new whip.
“This one, I made especially for you.” He held the toy up so Jericho could see it up close. “Yes, that’s right brother, eight
tendrils of whips each covered in spikes, chain and wire. For added measure I had some it dipped in holy water so it’ll
make your skin boil and blister.”
Aeron stepped back and smiled, “Ready or not brother, your time to regret escaping has come. This is your forever, but
don’t worry I’ve got even better toys lined up for us to play with later.”
Jericho watched as Aeron pulled his arm back to unleash his first hit. “I’m sorry.” He whispered just as the whip

Brogan bolted up with a scream as he searched the room. No one was there, no Aeron and no Jericho.
“What’s wrong?” West asked as he jumped out of bed eyes scanning for the cause of the screams.
“Nightmare, I think” Rook called from Brogans other side. “Get a towel, he’s covered in sweat and shaking.”
Brogan couldn’t catch his breath; his adrenaline was coursing through his veins as he heard the crack of the whip and
Jericho’s whispered words. This time he understood. Jericho was saying good bye. Brogan blindly groped at his chest looking
for blood or torn flesh, but to his surprise there was nothing there. He’d felt the searing pain, the blistering skin as each whip
made contact and left it’s burned and torn flesh behind.
“Brogan. Talk to me.” He could hear Rook talking to him, but the words weren’t making any sense. His mind was trapped in
Hell with his mate, who was giving up.
“I was with him, he’s being tortured. He said he was sorry. He can’t fight or escape this time. He’s going to die there he
thinks. He’s saying sorry for leaving just when I found him.” He wasn’t sure how much time passed before he slowly became
aware of his two friends again.
“Are you with us now?” West asked softly as he brushed a damp cloth across Brogan’s sweat soaked face. “Roll over so we
can dry you off better.”
Brogan did as asked without comment. He was exhausted mentally and physically and hung over on top of it. “I’m sorry,
“Don’t say that to us ever. We’re glad you weren’t alone for this. We’re pack, that makes us family. Family takes care of one
another no matter what.” Rook winked and laid down behind Brogan, “Besides I won’t admit this later but I’ve always
wondered what it would feel like to wake up with you in my bed.”
Brogan chuckled softly knowing his friend was teasing him for all the times he’d flirted with him over the years. “Funny, I
never wondered.” Brogan replied with a small smile. “Thanks.”
West grunted at their antics and laid down facing Brogan, “Want to talk about it?”
“Can we wait till morning? I just want to go back to sleep. Is it okay if I stay in here though? I don’t think I can handle being
alone right now. Especially after….” He trailed off as a shudder ran through his body as he again felt the phantom pain of the
barbed whip make contact.
It was a long time before Brogan could relax enough to fall back asleep, fear of what was awaiting him in slumber kept him


The smell of frying bacon roused Brogan a few hours later, he rolled over and grunted as his head pounded from the
combination hangover and nightmare.
“If we have to wake up at least it’s to that amazing smell.” West grumbled from the other side of the bed. “If you hurt half as
bad as I do I promise you that his breakfast will make it worth getting out of bed.”
Brogan grunted and climbed to his feet. They both groaned in pain as their heads pounded and their stomachs rolled. “Holy
shit,” he mumbled as he sat there trying to regain his nerve to stand.
West huffed out a laugh, “I’m strongly thinking that shit should be outlawed.”
“I’m out here cooking breakfast for you too lazy asses, least you could do is get up and come to the table. I’m not even
asking you to put on clothes. Just quit your moaning and get your asses out here before I eat it all. Besides it’ll help, I promise.”
“How would you know babe? You’ve never been hung over a day in your life. Shifters don’t get them remember.” West
stood and wobbled slightly. “I forgot how much I hate this feeling.”
Brogan didn’t reply because he had nothing to say. It was true, up until last night he’d never been like this before and had
nothing to compare it too. Breakfast did sound pretty awful though, the bacon may smell wonderful, but he wasn’t sure his
stomach was going to be able to handle it.
The two men followed Rook back to the kitchen with slow measured steps. They gingerly pulled out their seats and sat
down in bleary eyed shock at the amount of food on the table.
“Rook, when did you have time to cook all this?” West froze as a new smell reached his nose and he blanched in fear.
“She’s here now?”
“When your mate called me this morning asking for help I couldn’t resist rushing right over.” Barbara Wolfe announced as
she carried a pitcher of orange juice out from the kitchen. “Not that I knew what to do for hangovers exactly but I had an idea of
course.” She sat down and winked. “Besides it’s been years since I’ve had the chance to have breakfast with three gorgeous
men in their boxers.”
Brogan bit his lip to try to contain his laughter at the horrified look on West’s face that only grew worse the longer the
woman spoke. The man really needed to get over his fear of her. She was Alpha along with her husband Tristan after all.
“I must admit I expected you two to look far worse than you do, though I imagine you’re not feeling so great. Deader from
what I hear is in much the same predicament, but he has to contend with a mate who is taking delight in tormenting him.”
Barbara winked at Rook. “You’ve taken a bit of a different path, haven’t you?”
Rook smiled evilly and it instantly set Brogan’s hackles up. “I was just waiting for the perfect time to remind them of all that
transpired last night.”
He remembered meeting Deader and West for drinks last night, but he didn’t remember anything too bad happening. What
was he missing?
“From the blank looks on their faces I assume they don’t recall much.” Barbara smirked, cocked one eyebrow and waited
for the two men to say something.
“We got drunk, but I don’t remember anything significant happening.” West offered hesitantly, “But by the smug look on my
mate’s face and you being here delighting in this, I’m going to assume it’s something very embarrassing.”
“You really do have the worst opinion of me, don’t you? Take the man shopping one time and he’s marked you for life. But
you bet your furry ass I’m delighting in this.”
Rook finally took pity on the two men and attempted to explain between bouts of laughter. “It would seem that you, West and
Deader decided to educate Brogan here on how to have sex with a man. You were all so cute, with your heads pressed close
together so you could whisper.”
Brogan groaned, this wasn’t going to be good at all. No wonder the two of them were smirking. This was prime
embarrassment, never let you forget or live it down material.
“Thing is, you were too drunk to realize you weren’t whispering, add in the place was shit full of shifters and yeah they
heard every word you all said. I got there in time to stop the more intimate details, but they still heard more than most of them
ever wanted to know about anal sex.”
“I blame them for all of it.” Brogan muttered as he closed his eyes and hoped the floor would swallow him whole. Besides,
why would they wait till he was drunk to explain that shit, he needed to remember it after all, the assholes.
Barbara laughed, “I hope to be there when you two emerge into the daylight today and see some of your friends from the bar
last night. This is so much better than I could have planned. I’ll have to remember how potent that new drink is. It has some fun
possibilities. Now I’ve got to go meet Ellie. You three be good.”
He’d only been awake about an hour and already the day was wrapping up to be shitastic. Add in the nightmare or vision, or
whatever it was he’d had last night and he was already done. But that at least did remind him of something.
“Last night before I came in to your room like a kicked puppy, I woke up with a realization. Something that may help get
Jericho back. When Tallulah Mae summoned the demon, she had to have used a spell or incantation or something, right.” He
waited for the other two men to nod in agreement before he continued. “What if we searched that house and found whatever it
was she used and use it ourselves to summon Jericho.”
“I think that’s something we should definitely ask Cadence about. The idea has some merit and I’m willing to do whatever it
takes to get him back for you.”
“I agree with West. And while we’re on the subject, what happened last night? Can you tell us?”
Brogan closed his eyes, took a deep breath and relayed the nightmare, the things he heard, the sights he saw, and the feelings
he felt as if he was Jericho, but at the same time separate. Why Jericho was saying he was sorry and what it meant too. He told
them everything he could remember.
When he was done the room fell silent as the two men stared at him in shock and sympathy. Brogan pushed his chair back
and shrugged. “I’m gonna head out to see Cadence, maybe she’ll be able to make some sense of all this.”
Five minutes later he was dressed and sitting on the side of the guest bed staring into space lost. He blamed it on the
hangover but knew that was only part of the reason. The nightmare from the night before had left a gaping, oozing hole of self-
doubt that was slowly crippling him. What did it say about him that his mate, the one person made for him was giving up.
They’d had a few chance hours together and now Jericho was saying he couldn’t do it, he wasn’t going to be back. Brogan felt
so defeated, he’d lost before he’d even begun.
“Why are you dressed?”
Brogan glanced over to see Rook in the doorway and he shrugged because he didn’t know what else to say.
“Come on, West is out back shifted and waiting on us. Let’s go, we could use the run to help burn off that alcohol and get
back to normal. I bet you didn’t even notice your wolf is silent this morning, did you?”
He was shocked to realize it was true. “What the fuck?”
“West is the same way, he struggled to shift a bit, but already he feels a hundred times better. I think you will too.” Rook
walked in and pulled Brogan to his feet. “Let’s go, you and your wolf need some exercise. Then West is going to work and you
and I are going to see Cadence.”
Chapter Seven

That had been what he needed after all. He felt a thousand times better and he and his wolf were back on the same page
communicating and operating as the team they were. Things didn’t look so hopeless anymore either. He knew now that his mate
wasn’t rejecting him. Jericho was simply saying he was sorry that he had left so soon and that he wasn’t sure if he’d make it out
alive this time. Brogan knew with every fiber of his being that Jericho was fighting to hold on, just as he was fighting to bring
him back.
“Cadence?” Rook called from her front porch where he stood pulling on his shirt he’d grabbed from the pile of clothes they
all left there for such occasions.
“I was hoping you would come see me today.” Cadence called from somewhere inside. “I”ve got to talk to you both.”
Brogan took one more deep breath of the fresh forest scent before shifting back and getting dressed. He quickly pulled on the
clothes and walked on rough wooden floors in his bare feet, hoping he didn’t get a splinter.
“You look like you need this.” Cadence handed Brogan a glass of pale blue liquid. “Drink quickly it will be better that
way.” She turned and handed a small bottle to Rook. “This is for your mate. It’ll banish the last of the hangover and cure what
ails him and his wolf. Next time go easy with it. I’ve already given some to Deader so don’t worry about him.”
He listened with half his attention as he studied the odd liquid he was supposed to be drinking with the rest. How had she
known the three of them would need this and how did she get some to Deader already? She scared the hell out of him
“Rook what are you waiting for? Go your mate needs this now. Brogan stop analyzing it and drink it down. It’s better if you
do it quickly, there can be quite a nasty after taste as well.”
She’s poisoning me he thought as he did as he was told and raised the glass to his lips. The smell almost made him gag. He
squeezed his eyes closed, held his breath and drank it as quick as he could. It was lumpy, cold and thick. It took every ounce of
his willpower not to throw it right back up, but after a moment his stomach settled and he relaxed.
“You did much better than Deader. He dry heaved when I gave it to him this morning.”
“Can I ask a stupid question that for some reason never occurred to me till right now?”
Cadence rolled her eyes, “Yes, I have similar powers to Jericho. I can move from place to place. I don’t do it often because
it’s not one of my stronger powers, but I can and do use it upon occasion.” She moved to sit in an old rocker and nodded
towards a chair opposite her. “Have a seat and tell me about your dream.”
Brogan didn’t even question it anymore, he resigned himself to the fact that the Priestess knew everything. It was much
simpler that way. He sat down and spent the next few minutes once again explaining all that he remembered.
“It would seem that things are much worse than I had expected, but also much better as well.” Cadence rocked in her chair
and stared off into space as she mumbled incoherently to herself for a few moments.
“I had an idea also. Tallulah Mae summoned a demon, why can’t we do the same thing and summon Jericho?”
“That would require a blood sacrifice of large amounts and depending on the broker other things as well. Tallulah had to
give things you wouldn’t even imagine to have summoned the demon she did, especially with the amount of power he held. To
get Jericho would be even higher since who holds him won’t give him up easily.”
“There has to be a way. Jericho doesn’t think he’s going to make it out of there. I can’t leave him, I won’t leave him there.
It’s not fair the fates gave me my mate just to take him away hours later. I won’t accept that there is nothing we can do.”
“Calm down, I didn’t say that. But I am pleased to know you are willing to fight for him and have accepted he is your mate.”
Brogan opened his mouth to reply, but she’d caught him off guard. Why wouldn’t he fight for Jericho and had she thought
he’d reject him?
“I can see your thoughts. All I meant is that the signs were there for me to see he was your mate, but I did not know if you’d
accept it without a fight. You have a connection that is unheard of, yet it’s there. I’ve no doubt you belong together and will be
soon. I too won’t give up.”
“Was it a dream I had? It felt so real.”
Cadence shook her head no slowly and sighed, “I’m afraid not. Your defenses were down, you were able to connect through
your bond and see.”
“We haven’t mated, how can we have that strong of a bond. For that matter, I’ve never heard of being able to see each other
like that before.”
“He’s not a shifter, Brogan. You have to stop thinking of this in those terms. All you know is thrown out the window now.
You are on a whole different playing field now. He’s half demon after all. You do have a bond already and it will only continue
to grow over time, as soon as you admitted he was your other half the bond clicked into place.”
Brogan fell silent as he contemplated all that he’d learned from Cadence over the last half hour. He really wasn’t sure
where to go from here. Every time he thought they were getting somewhere it failed. Now time was running out and here he sat
with his thumb up his ass being useless.
“What do we do now?”
“We keep thinking. We’ll find a way. Don’t give up, keep your faith and believe we will. Until then we brainstorm and
research same as we’ve been doing.”
Chapter Eight

The next week dragged by as he split his time between working with Cadence, researching and pretending to be ‘Thumpers’
delivery person to Koira. He had to give Caeden credit though, the man was pretty damn resourceful, even if Constance was
always grumbling around the station about gelding him for watching Koira take a shower while he was in his dog form.
Brogan still laughed at that one.
“Hey bro. You busy tonight?” Rook asked as he sat down next to him at the diner. “Koira’s going to sing tonight at the club
and we’re all gonna be there for moral support and to help keep things under control. I’m sure you heard about the last time,
He had indeed. Koira had nearly caused a brawl to break out after she sang. It had taken Rook, Mason and Caden to get her
out of the bar. The shifters had surrounded her while she sang on the stage unaware of the true danger she’d been in. “Of
course, I’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Great. I’ve gotta run some errands, but I’ll see you tonight.” Rook waved and left leaving Brogan to his thoughts.
Lou the long-time waitress of the diner set a cup of coffee down and cocked her head in question.
“What’s on your mind?”
She hesitated only briefly, “Is it true you’ve found your mate but he’s stuck in Hell?”
Brogan cocked one eyebrow in surprise, but nodded slowly. “Yes, it’s true. Rumors spreading already?”
“You know how it is. Besides people are still talking about your boy’s night last week. Anyone who didn’t know about your
mate sure does now.”
“What’s the verdict?” He asked hesitantly. He wasn’t sure what the people of Blue Creek would think of his mate being
male and a demon.
Lou waggled her eyebrows in an exaggerated mockery of a leer, “Most people think you’re ready to show your mate a night
he won’t forget after the pointers Deader and West gave you. But everyone is an agreement that we are happy for you and we
can’t wait to meet him. Words spread about what he did last fall with stopping Tallulah. He’ll be welcomed here with open
arms, don’t worry a thing about that.”
Brogan tired not to blush but he could feel his face burning in embarrassment. “Let’s just hope we can get him back here
“You know if there’s anything we can do just give a holler. We’re family round here and we help our own. Jericho is part of
that family now too.” Lou winked, “Now do you want something to eat or are you just going to sit here and mope.”
“Coffee’s good, I’m just taking a short break before getting back to work.” Brogan emphasized his words by picking up the
cup and taking a big swig. “Just needed a little pick me up.”
“This cups on the house. Congrats on finding your mate again.” Lou said before she disappeared in the back to presumably
report whatever gossip she’d gleamed to Burke the diner owner and cook.
The next few hours dragged by as Brogan spent his time doing paperwork at the station while his mind wandered to Jericho
and what was happening to him. He was getting worried and if he was honest scared shitless. His mate hadn’t contacted him
once since the night he had the dream. It was almost as if Jericho had somehow cut him off to save him from seeing what he
was enduring.
“I’m getting ready to head to snag a table for tonight. You at a stopping point and want to come with?”
Brogan jumped at West’s question. He’d been lost in his thoughts and hadn’t heard the other man approach.
“Shit, sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you like that. You okay?”
“Yeah, no problem. I was daydreaming I guess. I’m ready to get out of here, I’ve heard nothing but fantastic things about
Koira’s singing. I can’t wait to hear her for myself, and truth be told I could use the mental break too.”
He quickly shut his computer down, straightened his desk and gathered his things to walk out with West. Neither man had
much to say on the short walk and that was fine with Brogan. He needed a few minutes to clear his head and get in the right
mindset to have fun with some of his closest friends.
As they walked up to the Horney Wolfe the bouncers out front nudged each other and pointed to the two of them. Brogan
knew this was going to be painful as soon as he saw their smirks.
“Shut it.” West called before the two men could open their mouths which just seemed to encourage both men.
“Come on, Sheriff. You can’t be like that. It’s not often that we get to harass you guys for doing crazy stuff. And from what
we heard it was an epic night.”
Brogan groaned and rolled his eyes. Maybe this hadn’t been a good idea. Not enough time between their now legendary
night and this one. A couple years might do it, but a week was clearly not.
“Go on in.” The other bouncer said. “It’s bound to get pretty busy soon, might as well grab a table while you can. Words
spread about the performance and we’re expecting quite a crowd.”
The two men headed inside and found a booth near the back that was large enough to fit their whole group. Before too much
time had passed Brogan could see the bouncers hadn’t been lying. The place was filling up fast.
West surprised Brogan by ordering a few of the now infamous drinks. “Don’t worry we’re taking tonight much more
slowly.” West assured Brogan before he could say anything. “Besides I want our friends to try this stuff.”
By the time the drinks were delivered most of the group had arrived. Rook squeezed in next to West with a quick kiss and a
murmured missed you. Deader and Skarlet came in and grabbed seats, but not before she gave them all a scathing look of
disgust when she saw the drinks. They were only waiting on the woman of the hour and her mate. Within a few moments
Brogan glanced up and gave a whistle of appreciation at Koira’s outfit.
“No wonder Caeden looks pissed off. She’s smokin hot.” West said as all eyes turned to the newcomers.
“Did you guys purposely choose the spot furthest from the door?” Caeden grumbled.
“Quit your bellyaching and sit down.” Brogan huffed. “Koira you look amazing, if we weren’t both spoken for I would be
begging for your time. Ouch!”
Brogan scowled at his friend and rubbed his arm where Caeden had punched him. He was only paying her a compliment,
women liked to know people thought they looked good.
“Caeden you have to try this new drink they just got in. Koira would you like something?” West leaned closer so she could
hear him over the noise.
Brogan slid a large glass of clear liquid across to Caeden. He couldn’t wait to see how the pup took to the drink.
“I’ll have water for now but after I sing I plan to match you drink for drink.” Koira replied with a cheeky grin.
West returned with a bottle of water, “Lael said good luck and she’s buying you a shot after this.”
“Come on Caeden why aren’t you drinking?” Brogan teased him.
“I want to stay clear headed, maybe next time.” Caeden replied absently. Brogan couldn’t fault him for that, but damn he
really wanted to see how he handled the drink.
Mason spotted them and came over. “Hey everyone, you guys ready for this? Koira how are you feeling?”
“Now that the moment is here I am feeling a lot more nervous than before.” She slid her hand across the table till she found
the glass in front of Caeden. Everyone at the table except Caeden yelled no as she grabbed it and tossed the liquid back.
Brogan gaped at her in stunned horror. That drink had knocked them on their asses what would it do to a mere slip of a
Between coughs she managed to speak, “Oh my god, what was that?”
Mason patted her back to help with the coughing, “You probably shouldn’t have had that. It’s something new we just got in
that let’s shifters get buzzed.”
“That’s putting it mildly, that shit will turn your world upside down.” Rook protested.
“And you thought it was a good idea to serve it tonight?” Caeden gave Mason an exasperated look.
“In hindsight, we probably should have kept it put away for the night. I’ll tell Lael to not serve any more.”
“Except to us, right?” Brogan’s question surprised everyone. “Come on, you know we had a good time the other night, we
just need to be a little more conservative with the quantity we ingest.”
“Fine, you guys can still have it. Koira when you are ready Caeden can take you up.” Mason nodded at the group and went
to find Lael.
“I can’t feel my limbs anymore but what the hell let’s get this orgy started.” She stood and swayed slightly.
Everyone exchanged wary glances, they may have just ruined her night. Brogan watched as Caeden led her to the stage. This
could be bad he thought as he watched her wobble forward on unsteady legs.
“Deader, you think we should call a doctor? Who knows what that crap will do to a human. I mean look what it did to you
three.” Skarlet asked worriedly.
Brogan silently agreed with her. But there wasn’t much they could do as Koira took her spot-on stage and the show began.
To say it was a train wreck would be an understatement. After a rousing version of Hey There Little Red Riding Hood by
Sam the Sham which got half the bar howling along with her she went on to sing Who Let the Dogs Out. There were a lot of
snickers and pointed looks at Caeden. After a short fit of hiccupping she settled onto a stool and sang Puppy Love. Brogan and
Rook nearly fell out of their seats laughing uncontrollably.
“She’s going to be mortified when she remembers this tomorrow.” Caeden knew some men might be embarrassed but not
him. He was loving how free she looked and how much fun she was having.
“She’s a human and a tiny one at that. There is almost no chance she will remember any of this. This crap is what knocked
us on our asses the other night so I’m sure she is going to have one hell of a hangover after this.” West gave Caeden a grim
When she was done, Caeden said their good nights and whisked Koira out of the club much to the patron’s dismay. Brogan
for his part was happy with how the night had gone. Maybe now some of the attention would shift to Caeden and off them and
their boy’s night.
Chapter Nine

Brogan stumbled into his bedroom and collapsed into bed exhausted. It had been one hell of a day from start to finish. When
he’d woken up that morning he never expected to chase a serial killer or assist in rescuing his friends mate, but that’s just what
he’d done. The fear and worry he’d felt radiating off Caeden had been enormous. Brogan could sympathize with the man’s
plight. To know his mate was in the hands of a killer was enough to drive you insane. He should know, he felt it every day
Jericho was in hell. Now Caeden and Koira were home safe in each other’s arm. Brogan longed for the day he’d be able to do
the same. It was enough for now to know he’d had a hand in helping them find their happily ever after.
He’d just started to doze off when a knock at his front door startled him awake again. He jumped up and stalked to the door
ready to rip someone's head off for disturbing him when he jerked the door open and froze in shock.
“Let me in. We have to talk and there isn’t much time. Your friends are on their way. You’ll need their support and strength
for this.”
Brogan opened the door wider and let the priestess into his home. Before this afternoon he’d never seen her away from her
home. Now this was the second time in less than twenty-four hours. This did not bode well at all. He’d just begun to shut the
door when he saw West and Rook approaching in wolf form. They yipped a greeting and shifted.
“Let me grab you some sweat pants.” Brogan called as he disappeared leaving the door open for the two men to enter if they
wanted too.
He’d never really been afraid before but for some reason her presence in his house scared him to a level he never knew
existed. He searched for an explanation but he could think of nothing that would satisfy her being here at this time of night. He
grabbed two pairs of sweats and headed back down the hall, each step making him wish to turn and run from whatever news
awaited him.
“Thanks for the clothes.” Rook said as he took them out of the Brogan’s numb hands. “No matter what, remember you’re not
alone. We’ve got your back.”
Brogan nodded and moved to sit a few feet from the woman who held his future happiness in the grips of her hands even if
she didn’t know it. There was no doubt in his mind that she was the only one that could find a way to get Jericho back.
Once everyone had found a seat, Cadence let out a weary sigh and met Brogan’s eyes for what he realized was the first time
since she’d arrived. His gut clenched at that.
“I’ve found a way to get Jericho out, but it’s not going to be easy.”
“Whatever it takes, I’ll do it.” Brogan exclaimed excitedly. “What do we need to do?”
Cadence smiled sadly, “This task I ask of you is not something you can do alone.” She held up one hand as Rook and West
started to speak. “Let me finish. Before you all volunteer you need to know everything first.”
All three men shared a look and nodded slowly. Brogan knew he was going to do whatever it took no matter what. He
couldn’t leave his mate there a moment longer then he had too.
“I’ve got an old friend who has agreed to open a portal between our realm and Hell. He won’t be able to keep it open, I’ll
do that from this side as long as I can.”
“You can do that?” West asked incredulously.
“Yes, I can’t open one but I can maintain it for a bit once it’s been created.”
“So, Jericho can walk out then right?” Brogan asked cautiously. He knew that would be too easy but he couldn’t keep
himself from asking anyway.
“No child, once Hell has one of its own locked away, it doesn’t give them up easily. In order for Jericho to come to this side
of the veil we’ll have to take him from them. They will fight unfairly to keep him and anyone who comes for him. They will
play mind tricks, they will test you beyond your ability to even comprehend, but you mustn't fall for it. Too much is at stake.
Are you still willing to go in after him?”
Brogan didn’t even hesitate. “Hell, yes I am.”
“Think of it this way. You know all those couples that say they would go to Hell and back for their partner. You can say
“been there got the t-shirt”, when this is over.” Rook said with a nervous laugh before turning and looking to his partner.
Brogan didn’t want to laugh at his friend’s gallows humor but couldn’t help it. It helped release some of the overwhelming
tension. The two shared some silent communication before Rook turned back to Brogan, “Count us in, like I said we’ve got
your back and if that means going with you to Hell to get your mate back, then that’s what we’ll do.”
“I can’t ask that of you.” Brogan protested.
“You didn’t ask.” West pointed out. “This isn’t a negotiation either. We’re getting your mate back, end of story. Don’t
Brogan nodded but couldn't say a word. He was overwhelmed with emotions. Not many people would volunteer to go to
Hell for a friend, like these two were. But that was pack for you. Forever a family that stuck together through thick and thin.
Rook turned to Cadence and took a deep breath, “What do we need to do to prepare?”
“I’ve never been there to know for sure, I’m not sure I can be much help outside of potions and elixirs. Get a good night's
sleep and be ready. The door opens at noon tomorrow. I’ll come get you and lead you to its location.”
Before any of them could protest, Cadence disappeared with a slight popping sound leaving them stunned in surprise.
“In all the years I’ve known her I’ve never seen her do that.” Rook whispered quietly almost if he was afraid to speak too
loud for some reason.
Brogan grunted before leaning back in his chair, “Anyone have any suggestions on what we should bring on this little
adventure of ours? I for one am clueless, I mean if I take my gun, would shooting things we encounter work? Salt or iron or hell
I don’t know. Help me out here.”
“Iron is for fae creatures or at least that’s the myths I’ve heard. If it works on others I have no idea.” Rook shook his head,
“Did any of you think this is how we’d end this day? I mean storming Hell, really?”
West laughed, “Since I’ve come to this town I’ve discovered one thing, and that’s to always expect the unexpected. But
maybe you’re onto something there. Before we met Jericho, we didn’t know demons existed really. Maybe all those tales and
myths are based on some bit of reality. I plan on bringing my gun, a knife, a first aid kit, some holy water which I’ll have to run
to town and get. And yes, I’ll pick some up for you both as well.” West trailed off for a minute. “I know this is crazy but I think
we need to research and see what the myths say and bring whatever they mention that we can get our hands on quick.”
Brogan pulled his phone and typed in a search. “This could take a while to find anything useful.”
“We’re gonna head home and get some things in order. You okay alone tonight?” Rook asked as he stood.
“Yeah, it’s fine, go. I’ll understand if you guys change your mind. I just want you to know that. No hard feelings either way.”
Brogan had barely finished speaking before he was pulled into a hug and squeezed. “We’re not going to back out. We’ll be
here first thing in the morning. And with luck by this time tomorrow you’ll be here alone with your mate using those skills my
mate and Deader taught you.”
Chapter Ten

Brogan watched the sun rise from the steps of his back porch as he sipped a cup of coffee and admired the view. He wasn’t
sure what today was going to bring and he wanted to take in all the beauty and life he could before he crossed into Hell.
He’d spent most of the night researching, but wasn’t sure he was any closer to finding out anything useful. Instead he went
with what made sense to him, and then added in anything he found even the slightest mention of online. If they worked then they
had an extra weapon, if they didn’t well they could always throw them at whatever came at them.
A soft knocking at his front door finally caught his attention. He wasn’t sure who it could be at this hour, but figured he’d
better find out. Hiding wouldn’t fix anything after all. He opened the door and once again was stunned, “Barbara, what are you
doing here? Is everything okay?”
“I’m fine son, I came as soon as I heard what was happening. I brought you some things. I don’t know what you guys will
face down there, but I know one thing. There is no stronger force in this world then love and faith. You have the love of our
pack, of those two men walking by your side and above all the love of your mate. Have faith that it will work out, that you will
rescue him and all come home safe and you will.”
Brogan felt a tear fall as he listened to her words. This woman was more than pack alpha, she was a mother to them all, she
was the heart and soul of the pack.
“Here. These belonged to my family and Tristan's family for many generations. They will keep you safe on your journey.”
Barbara handed him three necklaces. “They are symbols of our love and devotion to our pack and each other.”
“I can’t accept these.”
“You will. That is a command from your Alpha. When you come back if you choose you can return it, but for now this is not
up for debate. I need the four of you to return home, where we’ll have a party waiting to celebrate your mate’s homecoming. I
look forward to meeting the man that tamed your wolf.”
Brogan smiled in spite of himself and pulled the smaller woman into his arms. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much this
means to me.”
“My boy, your parents would be so proud of the man you’ve become. I’ve watched you grow up from that gangly boy to one
hell of a fine man. Your grandmother always said you’d do amazing things with your life. She was right.”
He pulled back and this time didn’t even try to hide the tears that flowed freely down his cheeks. “Thank you.”
“Be safe and I’ll see you when you get back.” She turned and disappeared as quickly as she’d arrived leaving Brogan
feeling slightly bereft and overwhelmed. What other surprises could this day possibly bring.
He probably shouldn’t have challenged the fates like that he thought a few hours later as he accepted another gift of faith
from the people of Blue Creek. Word had spread like wildfire it would seem and half the town had showed up offering words
of support and encouragement and items to help keep them safe. They had talismans from most every religion he could think of
now and some he’d never heard of, but they all had one thing in common. Their owner believed these objects would keep them
safe and Brogan figured that was good enough for him. As Barbara had said, Faith was a powerful tool.
When Rook and West showed up loaded down with similar adornments Brogan couldn’t help but smile. Blue Creek was one
of a kind. “Looks like you’ve had visitors too.” He called out.
“I think,” West replied, “that we are as prepared for this as we can get.”
Rook nodded in agreement. “It’s true. Let’s sit down and compare what we’ve got. See if we think of anything we’re
missing or need more of.”
The three men pulled out their backpacks full of supplies and one by one called out what they’d brought. In total they had
water, granola bars, iron, bronze, silver, salt, holy water, salt water, a compass, a couple knives and guns, rope, matches, a
zippo lighter, three flashlights with extra batteries, extra socks, a first aid kit and a small potion bottle.
“What’s that?” Brogan asked in confusion.
“Cadence gave it to me last fall. She said it was a grounding potion and that it would hold someone to this side of the veil
for as long as the user willed it.” Rook shrugged, “Not sure, but something told me to grab it and bring it with me, so I did.”
“Anything anyone can think of we’re missing?” Brogan asked hopefully. “I’d rather be over prepared then need something
and not have it.”
“He,” West pointed to Rook, “wanted to bring zip ties and duct tape, but we didn’t have any on hand.”
“I still think we need to bring them. You can fix almost anything with that combination.” Rook defended.
“I do and he’s right. My dad taught me that when I was little.” Brogan jumped up and ran into the kitchen. Within a minute he
was back and holding them up in triumph, “That was great thinking, man.” He said as he stuffed them into his backpack.
They lapsed into silence as they repacked their bags, content in their own thoughts for the time being. Brogan wasn’t sure
how much time had passed before he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He glanced around but couldn’t find
anything out of the ordinary. He opened his mouth to ask if they felt it, when he heard Jericho’s voice.
“I’m not worth it. Don’t do this, don’t let them do this.”
West froze and stared wide-eyed at Brogan. “Did you hear that?”
“Jericho?” Rook whispered in shock.
“Why would you say that?” Brogan demanded. “We are coming for you, there is nothing you can say to change my mind.
Be prepared, you’re my mate and I won’t leave you behind, damn it.”
“Word’s gotten out you’re coming.” Cadence said from behind them, making all three men yelp in surprise and spin around.
“How do they know? How did Jericho just talk to all of us like that. It’s only been me in the past and only those two words.
What’s happening?”
“He had to use a lot of energy to project like that. I know not why he did it that way, but he must have his reasons. It’s not
too late to back out if you wish it.”
“It’s because of us he’s stuck there. We’re going with Brogan to get him back. Nothing is going to stop us.”
“And do you really have to pop in and scare the shit out of us like that?” West added with a frown. “You’re going to give me
a heart attack doing that shit.”
“What did you mean they know we’re coming. How do they know?” Brogan demanded.
Cadence glanced from face to face searching intently for something before she nodded slowly. “I can see the determination.
That’s good we’re gonna need it. And to answer your question, the why’s don’t matter anymore, Brogan. Time is running out,
the longer we wait the longer they will have to prepare. Here, I’ve brought you all I could gather in the short time we had.” She
handed them each a small bag. “There are potions for healing, camouflage, energy and fire resistance. Use them wisely.”
The clinking of the bottles almost sounded like wind chimes. Brogan mentally berated himself for such fanciful thoughts as
he stuffed the bag into his backpack, closed it up and pulled it on. He turned to see his friends had done the same. It was time to
go get his mate.
“Lead the way, High Priestess. Show us to Hell.”
Part Two
Chapter Eleven

The fates were fickle bitches who cared for no one but themselves. After all the centuries he’d given to help keep the world
safe from his brethren and this was how he was repaid. To find his mate and be forced to leave him was the worst kind of hell.
He hadn’t even had a chance to do more than tease the wolf, trying to gauge his reaction to being mated to a demon.
When Cadence had sent him word of the powerful being that was killing he’d dropped everything to come to her aide. She
was the only family he had left he was willing to acknowledge. The only family who didn’t want to rip his entrails out through
his nose too for that matter.
Even now Jericho could hear their laughter as he hung from the ceiling by his wrists, swinging haphazardly from side to side
with each hit they had delivered to him.
“Don’t worry little brother, soon your mate and his friends will join you here. Something tells me they won’t take it as well
as you do. Mortals rarely ever do, you know.”
Jericho opened his blood encrusted eye and glared his hatred at the evil spawn standing a few feet in front of him. “Amo m
hrepimjd zblmi njzlih oepg wpfns rmng.” “May a thousand fleas infest your pubic hair” He spat out in their language.
Aeron cocked one eyebrow in amusement, “Do you kiss your mate with that mouth?” He waved a hand and the three small
demons who’d been beating Jericho stopped and backed away. “As amusing as it is to spar with you, I have some uninvited
guests to see too.” He leaned forward so he could whisper into Jericho’s ear. “Dej'h eggo fgehrlg n'bb fl hrl zngih he dgnjc
oepg amhli fbeed. rl ej'h dnl hrepvr, n mjh oep he rlmg rni isglmai mi n dlwepg rni iepb.” “Don’t worry brother I’ll be the
first to drink your mates blood. He won’t die though, I want you to hear his screams as I devour his soul”
Jericho screamed obscenities at his brother as the man walked away laughing. “By all that I am, if you lay one hand on my
mate or his friends, I will make you wish father had drowned you at birth. Mark my words, that is my solemn oath, brother.”
He didn’t know how long he had before the low-level demons would be back to torture him, but he welcomed the respite.
With luck, he’d be able to send a message to Brogan before it was too late. They needed to turn around and leave him to his
fate. He wasn’t worth what they were about to face. He gathered what little energy he had left after sending his last message,
“Turnaround, save yourselves. It’s not worth it, that you’ve come this far means more than I can say, but please, if you care
about me at all, don’t do this. I need you to stay safe, I can survive what they dish out, but not if they hurt you because of
me. You are my soul, the only one I’ve ever had. I need to know that someday I can reunite with my soul, but not here, not
like this.”
Jericho panted from the exertion of those few words. There was so much more he wanted to say, but his time had run out.
The evil little bastards were back with a vengeance as they cackled and brandished their weapons at him.
Chapter Twelve

Brogan stumbled as a wave of overwhelming pain sliced through him, he gasped and dropped to his knees as tears fell
freely down his cheeks.
“What’s happening?” Rook cried out as he ran to his side and knelt down offering what comfort he could.
“The closer we get to the portal the stronger their connection will be.” Cadence reached down and pulled Brogan’s face up
so they could look into each other's eyes. “Focus on me, I know it hurts, but I need you to focus on me.” Seconds passed before
Cadence nodded, “Good, now listen to me. It’s only going to get worse until you learn to push it aside. You have to block it
until you are ready to handle it. Now is not the time. Push it away, build a wall so thick it holds it locked in tight.”
“Hurts so much.” Brogan whispered brokenly.
“What are they doing to him?” West asked hesitantly. “Why is he reacting like this?”
Cadence glanced up to West, “Their bond is different than most, he’s feeling Jericho’s pain, if he doesn’t learn to control it
and use it for himself, it will kill him.”
“Why didn’t you warn him of that beforehand?” Rook growled. “Look at him, can’t you do something. Give him a potion,
say a spell or do something?”
“There is no preparing for this. I had hoped it wouldn’t be, but there’s nothing I can do. Only he can save himself now, he
has to learn to control it.” She turned her attention back to Brogan. “Do you hear me boy? Focus on my words. Control the pain,
lock it away until you need it. Don’t let it consume you. You can do this, I wouldn’t have let you come if I didn’t think you were
strong enough to survive.”
“I don’t know …. If I can…. It hurts… so much.”
Rook sat down behind his friend and pulled him into a tight hug, “You’ve got this brother. Fight, your mate needs you to
fight. We need you too. I’ve got you, I’m not letting go. We’ve come too far. I refuse to look for a new best friend, damn you.
Fight, use my strength, my will whatever you need just win this, damn it.”
Brogan could hear his friend’s pleas but he didn’t have the strength or the words to respond. All his attention was on the
pain that wracked his body. He was trying to do what she said, but for every brick he placed in the wall, three more collapsed
from the overwhelming force. “Don’t give up on me, love. Fight.” As Jericho’s words filled his ears, he reached down and
grasped Rooks hand for support and began to build the wall faster and faster until he was putting the bricks up quicker than they
could fall until slowly they stopped all together.
“That’s it. Add another layer to help it hold.” Cadence instructed softly. “I knew you could do it.”
Slowly Brogan came back to himself as he felt the pain drain away. He was covered in sweat and exhausted. This was not a
good beginning he thought as he pulled himself from Rook’s arms and attempted to stand, but stumbled. Luckily West was there
to catch him.
“Whoa, buddy. Take it slow and easy. We can wait a minute for you to be steady before we move on.”
“Jericho can’t though.” Brogan squeezed his eyes shut in a grimace of pain before releasing a deep breath. “Let’s go. I could
feel his strength ebbing away. I can find him now, I know that, but we have to hurry.”
“We’re almost there. The portal is close, if you concentrate you can feel the negative energy from it already.”
West nodded slowly, “Yeah, now that you mention it. It’s like a bad vibe that makes me want to avoid the area. No, not
avoid, run from the area with due haste.”
Brogan didn’t say anything, he gritted his teeth and pushed forward. He was too close to stop now. With every step the
overwhelming feeling of despair and sadness built until it was a physical force that he had to push against. The small group
strained and grunted as they fought closer and closer, until all of a sudden it was gone.
“We’re here.” Cadence whispered sending a chill down all of their spines.
“Why did I suddenly get a flashback from that old horror movies of the little girl sitting in front of the T.V.” West whispered
to Rook with a shudder.
“We wait. It’ll open, but I fear what will be waiting on the other side for you now.” Cadence spun in a slow circle before
stopping with her back to them and bowing her head in concentration. “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep it open. If for
some reason it’s closed when you return. Find a safe place close to here and wait. I will get it opened again and I will give you
a way out. This is my promise to you and my brother.”
Without warning a pin prick of darkness formed in front of them and slowly opened as if the fabric of time and space was
unzipping. Brogan craned his neck trying to get a better look inside, but it was useless. There was nothing but blackness and an
overwhelming smell of sulfur, decay and death.
“It’s time.” Cadence intoned in a dead voice. “Go quickly and may whatever gods you believe in be with you.”
Brogan took a hesitant step forward and froze as a thought came to him, “Cadence, will you be okay out here? You’re part
demon, will they come after you for this?”
“No child, they have no power over me.”
With a nod, he stepped up to the opening and paused. “Will you think less of me if I ask if we can hold hands. It’s dark in
there and I don’t want to lose track of each other.”
“Would you think less of me if I demanded it.” Rook replied quickly. “Even my wolf is urging me to ride your asses through
this doorway.”
They quickly clasped hands and stepped forward as one into the blackness. Brogan shuddered as a sudden wave of heat and
sulfur made him falter a step. “Can anyone see anything?”
“My eyes are starting to adjust.” Rook said as he cursed softly, “And I wish I couldn’t. Is it too late to come in a different
The other two echoed his sentiments as their eyes adjusted too. “What in the...well I was gonna say Hell, but yeah that’s
exactly what it is.” Brogan murmured.
All around them were what once might have been trees, but now were rotting carcasses resembling them only in the
broadest sense of the word. “Are they moving?” Brogan stepped forward cautiously only to freeze as he heard snapping sounds
under his feet. “Grab one of the flashlights.”
“Why the hell didn’t we remember we had those before now?” West grumbled as he pulled his backpack off and passed
them out.
Brogan turned his on and quickly wished he hadn’t as he scanned the ground beneath their feet. It was littered with bones of
all sizes and shapes. His stomach heaved and he pulled the flashlight up away from the disturbing sight. “I don’t even want to
know who or what left these bones littered on the ground. And that’s even worse.” He said as he pointed the light at the trees.
“Are those maggots?”
“Do we have to go through there?” Rook grabbed West’s hand. “Don’t think less of me for this, but that’s beyond disgusting
and I don’t want to go in there.”
West rolled his eyes, “Man up, love.”
“I’m not saying I won’t, I was just asking if we had an alternative.” Rook grumbled. “Let’s do this. I don’t want to be in here
any longer than I have too, but I’m telling you now, if there’s a room full of balloons, I’m outta here.”
Brogan opened his mouth, closed it and opened it again before giving up and walking away. There was nothing he could say
to such an irrational fear. He knew he had a few of his own that people would make fun of him for. But that was the nature of
irrational fears, they weren’t rational.
They crept their way forward trying to go as quickly and carefully as they possibly could. No way were they going to get to
close to any of the trees if they could help it. “Anyone else getting wet?” Brogan questioned as he wiped at his forehead.
“Something keeps dripping on me.”
“What the fuckity fuck?” Rook exclaimed as he turned his flashlight to Brogan’s face. “Dude, that’s blood.”
“Guys, it’s raining blood.” West explained softly. “What is with this freaking place?”
“It’s Hell. Did you expect rainbows and unicorns?”
“No, but damn Brogan.”
“Come on, guys let’s get through here. Something tells me this is the good part and it’s only going to get worse.” There was
no doubt in his mind truth be told. So far, they hadn’t faced anything compared to what he’d expected. There was no doubt that
Jericho was worth it. He needed his mate like he needed his next breath.
They walked for what seemed like forever, but in truth was probably only twenty minutes or so. The forest was starting to
thin and the smell of wrongness that he’d associated with the demon from last fall was getting stronger.
“Is that a kitten?” West asked incredulously.
Before anyone could respond the little tabby kitten meowed and waddled closer to them. Rook stepped back causing the
other two to stare at him in bewilderment.
“What?” He cried. “We’re in Hell or did you forget. No way would a sweet innocent kitten be down here if it wasn’t
somehow evil too.”
“Babe? Seriously?” West bit his lip to keep from laughing at the expression on his mate’s face and stepped closer to the
kitten. “Look,” West said as he reached down and stroked its little head. “Nothing to be afraid of.”
Brogan wasn’t as nice, he burst into laughter at the horrified look Rook gave West. He’d just made it past West when he
heard a strangled cry of alarm behind him. He spun around to see Rook being attacked by the small creature. It had transformed
just as he’d walked close and leapt at the other man. Where once there was a cute kitten, now it had red eyes, razor sharp
claws and two-inch teeth.
“Garfield’s attacking me. I told you it was evil.” Rook cried as he used his flashlight to beat the small thing away from him.
“Someone do something, I’m only pissing it off here.”
Brogan pulled his backpack off and froze as he glanced inside. “What do we use on psychotic kitties?”
“I don’t know, water maybe?” West called as he tried to get closer to the feline beast and offer Rook some aide.
“Yeah, haven’t you ever been around cats before? They hate water.”
“West, we’re wolves. Cat’s don’t like us much.” Brogan huffed and pulled out one of the water bottles. “This had better
work. I don’t want to waste what little water we have for nothing.”
“Stop talking and do something.” Rook yelled.
“Fine.” Brogan opened the bottle, poured some into his hand and threw it at the demonic cat. Instantly the feline menace
turned and hissed at him as it slowly advanced. “Holy shit.” he quickly started throwing water at the cat from the bottle and
laughed like a maniac as the cat backed up and took off in the other direction. “It actually worked.”
“If either of you,” Rook panted “breathe a word of me getting my ass handed to me by a little pussy I will destroy you, mate
or not.”
“Dude, my only fear is that where there’s a baby, there’s a mama. Let’s haul ass outta here before she comes looking for
revenge.” Brogan zipped his bag up and pulled it on. “Come on, I can feel Jericho, we have to go this way.”
Chapter thirteen

“Listen to me.” A voice whispered close to Jericho’s ear. “Your mate and his friends are here. I let them in by the forest.
They will have a fighting chance for a bit until Aeron and the rest discover the ruse. I’ll do what I can to help them, but I’m
afraid soon even I won’t be of use to them.”
Jericho tried to turn his head to see whose voice it was but the man shifted out of sight. He vaguely recognized it, but in his
pain induced fog he couldn’t place it.
“No, don’t turn around. What you don’t know, they can’t make you tell. I’ve got to go now. Be strong.”
Jericho was torn between happiness that his fool ass mate had disregarded all he’d said and come for him and fear because
his mate had disregarded him. He felt his presence as soon as he’d crossed the threshold and with each step closer he got, the
stronger the connection became.
That voice though, if it was telling the truth, was an ally worth discovering. His life here would be a thousand times worse
than Jericho’s if he was discovered. It nagged at him that he couldn’t figure out where he knew it from though. Was the demon
using his powers to somehow mask his voice in his attempt to hide?
“Wake up brother. I thought it would be fun to watch a show together.” Aeron sing songed as he strolled into the chamber. “I
prepared a surprise for your friends.”
Jericho clenched his jaws tight to keep from saying anything that might result in making Aeron lash out at them. If he was the
only one at risk he’d taunt and prod like only a sibling could. But his mate and his friends didn’t deserve the treatment that
would befall them.
“So stoic aren’t we.” Aeron laughed as he flicked his wrist to the wall and a static square appeared. “Wait for it brother. I
promise it will be worth it.” Moments later the screen cleared to show a large room full of boxes. They ranged in size from a
shoebox to a refrigerator box to one as big as a house.
“What are you doing?” Jericho growled. “You can’t do that. Brother, if you ever cared for me even a little don’t do this.”
Aeron laughed, “You always did have a soft spot for mortals. Never fear, they have a chance to make it through. I’m not
totally heartless, besides what fun would it be if I knew the outcome before it even began.”
Jericho could do little else as the scene before him unfolded. He watched helplessly as Brogan stumbled through the narrow
entryway and paused in confusion. “Okay, what is this?”
The Sheriff came through next and he too froze, a look of confusion crossing his face before he turned and yanked Rook in
by the arm. “Get in here. The cat isn’t coming back for you any time soon.”
Jericho frowned in confusion, what cat could they be talking about that would put that weary cautioned look on the poor
man’s face. “What have you done?” Jericho demanded of Aeron. “What are they talking about?”
“That wasn’t my doing at all. Was quite lucky actually. They escaped rather well considering, but then again. The little fur
ball had just eaten a few days ago, so it was probably still full.”
“What fur ball would that be?” Jericho gritted out between clenched jaws.
“Oh, you haven’t met him yet. I forget you’ve been gone. Hell has a new pet. I’ll round him up later once your friends are in
custody.” Aeron grinned evilly, “I’m sure he’ll want a little payback too.”
The bastard wasn’t going to tell him anything willingly. Jericho huffed and turned his attention back to the viewing screen.
“I say we pick one and see what’s inside. Better the devil you know, the old saying goes, right?”
“Sure, Rook. Let’s pick one. Any ideas on which one could be the least deadly?” Brogan asked with sarcasm dripping
from every word.
“I say we go for a middle sized one. Law of average or something like that.” Rook raised his eyebrows and gestured to
West. “What’s your thoughts, big guy?”
“My choice is a little one. If it’s deadly, smaller may be easier to defeat.”
Rook barked out a small laugh causing the other two men to turn and stare at him in disbelief.
“Care to share with the rest of us?” Brogan questioned.
“It’s just that you know how guys always say it’s not the size but how you use it.”
“Are you serious?” West demanded, “You’re still making jokes?”
“In his defense, it was kinda of funny.” Brogan interjected with a shrug, “and he’s got a point. The biggest creature can
fall if it’s feet are knocked out from under it and the smallest can be hard to trap.”
Jericho smiled and glanced at Aeron. “Not as stupid as you thought they’d be are they.”
“Shut it.” Aeron snapped.
It didn’t matter what his brother said now, he knew deep down his friends were going to make it through there and come out
the other side, one step closer to where he was being kept.
He focused back on the TV as he heard his brother curse and storm out of the room in a fit of anger. On the screen, the three
men were walking carefully through the room, examining each of the boxes. One by one they ticked each box of until finally
they stood surrounding the one they’d agreed on.
“You’re sure this is the one?” Rook asked softly. “I mean can’t we just walk through without opening one at all?”
“No,” Brogan stated firmly. “I don’t know why, but I know we have to open at least one. It’s a feeling inside telling me to
pick this one. Maybe it’s Jericho, maybe it’s indigestion. But unless one of you two has a better idea….”
Jericho grinned for the first time in ages as he saw his mate standing in front of the box that would grant them passage
through the room. “That’s it, Brogan. That’s the one. Don’t doubt yourself, my mate.”
“Did you guys here that?” Brogan asked as he spun in a circle searching for something only he could see. “It sounded
like Jericho, but it was very faint.”
“What did he say?” West asked as he moved to stand beside Brogan.
“That this was the right box and not to doubt my choice.”
The three men glanced around once more before being satisfied they were alone for the time being and focused on the
box once more. “What do you think it does?”
Jericho wasn’t sure which of the guys had said it as his attention was pulled back to the entrance to his room where his
brother stood smiling in grim satisfaction. “I remember that look, it never ended well for whoever was on the receiving end.”
Aeron cackled in amusement, “Just be glad you’re tied up here with me. They may have found the passkey to skip the next
section of hell. But that doesn't mean, my fun is over yet.”
“Where does it take them?” Jericho whispered in fear as he watched his friends open the box. He refused to look away
even as he heard Aeron’s words.
“To see their mates of course.”
Chapter Fourteen

Brogan hesitated as they peered into the box and saw something floating in the middle of the large box. He kept waiting for
Jericho to tell him what to do, but his mate had gone silent again. “What do you think it does?”
West shrugged, “Not sure, but if you’re positive that Jericho said this was the correct box then I figure it’s safe.”
Rook reached out to grab the floating candle stick, when Brogan grabbed his arm and stalled him. “We need to be touching
when we grab that thing. If Jericho said this was the box then it must help us some way. To me that means getting out of this
room safely.”
“You think it’s like a portal or transport or something?” West moved to the opposite side of the object. “I don’t see any
purpose for it, so I guess you could be right.”
“If it’s nothing then we don’t lose anything by holding on to each other, right?” Brogan moved his hand to Rook’s shoulder
and glanced to West to make sure he was touching Rook too. “Okay, Rook. Go ahead and take it now.”
Brogan held his breath and waited, five seconds, then ten. “What the hell?” He murmured just as the air was sucked out of
the room only to rush back in a moment later.
“Where are we?” West asked as he gasped for air. “That was intense.”
It wasn’t until then that he realized they weren’t in the room of boxes anymore. This was much, much worse. They stood in
the middle of a sporting ring, the type he’d seen in old movies of gladiator fights. The stands around them were filled with
hundreds and thousands of creatures of every size and shape.
“Anyone else ready to shit their pants at that sight?” Rook asked causally.
Brogan snorted at his friends warped humor, but he was right. There wasn’t many things in this world that scared him, but
this was definitely at the top of the list.
West gulped audibly, “By all that’s holy please let the cage keep them out of the arena.”
It wasn’t until that moment that Brogan was able to focus on more than the eyes boring holes into them. West was right, there
was what amounted to a large cage encircling the whole of the arena. It kept them in, but kept the demon’s out and that was
enough for now.
“Don’t look now, but that entry way is opening. I think we have to fight our way out of here.” West said with a nod to the
south end of the oval shaped space.
Brogan spun around and cursed as he saw at least a hundred humanoid bodies standing at the entrance, just hidden by the
darkness that he couldn’t make anything out yet. All at once the mass of bodies ran out of the cave and formed a line in front of
the three men.
“This is….”
“What the…”
“This is beyond evil….”
All three men talked over each other in their surprise. “Jericho if you can hear me, we could use some advice. Anything
would be useful here.” Brogan pleaded as he stared at the clones.
“Am I seeing things or is that us over there?”
“Babe, if you’re seeing things so am I. Because I see all of us too.” West said in a whisper. “Any suggestions or ideas on
what to do here?”
“Yeah, don’t die.” Rook replied sarcastically. “Think any of our supplies would work?”
“Wolves, listen to me carefully. Those creatures are just there to mess with your minds. In the midst of battle who is who
will become hard to tell. Your only advantage is small. The doppelgangers will have slight imperfections. Brown eyes
instead of blue. Right handed instead of left. Small things that most would overlook. Use your pack link to help as long as
you can before they figure out some way to block it.” Jericho’s words cut off abruptly.
“Brogan, are you okay man?” West asked as he stepped close to the other man.
“Yeah, just hurts.” Brogan gasped. “Really close, he was just hit for giving us clues.” He turned his head and spit out a
mouthful of blood. “Through that door, he’s on the other side of the gate those things came through.”
West and Rook nodded grimly. “We’ll help clear a path. You get to him and cut him loose. We’ll follow as quickly as we
Brogan closed his eyes and grimaced, “Promise me you’ll meet me there as soon as you can and in one piece. I won’t be the
cause of your deaths, or live with the knowledge I led either or both of you to your demise.”
“Here, take this potion. Cadence said it was camouflage. With luck, it’ll help you get through here quickly. Once you’re
through the gates, we’ll wait a few minutes and take ours and follow you. I don’t know how much of a head start it will give
you, but hopefully it’s enough.”
Brogan pulled each man into a fierce hug before he stepped back and downed the contents with a shudder. “Holy hell, that’s
“But it worked. I have to concentrate really hard to see you.” West replied with shock.
He hated to leave them, but he knew this was his best chance to get Jericho. He’d only taken a few running steps when he
heard the screams and running feet begin. He wanted to turn and look but he didn’t dare take his focus off the path to Jericho.
Hundreds of Rook and West look alikes flooded around him as he dodged and weaved around them. It was the most surreal
experience of his life.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered to his two friends as he finally made it out of the arena and raced down the hall. He knew
nothing he ever did could repay them for what they were experiencing right now. He could feel their pain, confusion and worry
every time they punched, stabbed or kicked their “mate”. The emotional toil was weighing on them heavily and the fighting had
only begun. Would any of them walk out of here still sane?
“If you can hear me like I think you can, I’m almost to you. Be ready. Our friends will be coming hot on my heels, but we
won’t have long. If you’re not alone in there, I need to know what to expect. Talk to me, baby. Please.”
Chapter Fifteen

He almost gasped as he heard his mate in his head for the first time. Finally, he knew what being whole felt like. “Brogan,
be careful. My brother Aeron is in here still. He’s the oldest and meanest of my siblings. He’s directly in front of me, about
five feet from the entrance. At the moment, he’s staring intently at the battle on the viewing screen. But as soon as you enter
he’ll feel you and the fight will be on. You must not engage him directly. He’s too powerful a demon, even for me.”
“What do I do?”
Brogan’s response came back almost instantly now. Their connection was getting stronger and stronger. “I’m not sure. I’m
tied up and will be of little help to you.”
“Your sister gave me some potions and we brought some things too. I don’t know if any of it will help though.”
Jericho smiled softly a that bit of news. They just might have a chance after all he thought to himself, “Quick tell me what
you have. Maybe we can make this work in our favor after all.”
“Salt, salt water, holy water, silver, iron, a knife, a gun, rope, socks, duct tape, zip ties and a lighter.” Brogan recited.
“That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. We might have a few other things too.”
Jericho wanted to shout for joy. They had the bastard now. “Find a spot you can hide for a second. You’re going to make a
holy cocktail.”
“A what?”
“It’s what we call them.” Jericho said in delight. “I’m going to assume that the holy water is in some type of container,
“Uh, yeah.”
Jericho knew it had been a stupid question, but in all honesty a necessary one. They could have put it in a canteen and that
wouldn’t have worked for this. A bottle was best. “Okay, take the top off the water, scrape a bit of the iron and silver into
the holy water.”
“Iron and silver, will hurt demons?”
“Some of them yes. All will react to the holy water. By adding them together we’re tripling our chances of it working.”
“Okay, it’s in. What’s next?”
“Cut a piece of the rope. Just make it long enough to reach down to soak up the water and stick out of the top. Tape it
down if you need to for it stay in place.” Jericho paused to let Brogan catch up and focused back on the viewing screen. “Your
friends are still alive, battered and bleeding, but holding their own so far.”
“Thank you for letting me know. I hate that I left them behind. Okay, done. What’s next?”
“You said you had a lighter. Right?”
“Yes, a lighter and matches actually.”
“Have I told you how much I love you recently? Break the lighter and soak the rope with as much lighter fluid as you
can. When that’s done, come as close to the entrance as you can get without coming inside. If you can see my brother from
your vantage point that will be even better.”
“Okay, give me a minute.”
Jericho slowly counted the seconds as he anxiously waited for his mate to let him know he was in place and safe. The
tension was making him stiffen up, and since he was hanging from his wrists, it was getting a little uncomfortable, even for him.
“I’m in place. I can see him, but he’s blocking my sight of you.”
“That’s fine. This is where it’s going to get complicated. You need to make slits in the bottle but try not to let much of the
water escape. You’re going to need as much of it as we can get. Once that’s done, light the rope and throw it at Aeron.”
“Okay, hold on. I knew these socks would come in handy for something.”
“What are you doing with them, you’ve got me clueless and that doesn’t happen very often.”
Brogan’s soft laughter filled his head, “I’m wrapping them around the bottle tightly to hold in as much of the water as i
can while I light the bottle. It’s not perfect, but it should slow the leakage a bit.”
“Brogan Taggart, you are brilliant my love.”
Jericho smiled as he saw the bottle sail through the air and splash against his brother’s back. Instantly the water exploded
out of the bottle as the lit rope ignited and burst the bottle apart. Aeron screamed in agony and fell to his knees clawing at his
back as his skin boiled and peeled.
“Now.” Jericho hollered, just before he saw Brogan come barreling through the doorway. “Cut the rope over there and the
chains will loosen enough to free me.”
Aeron’s screams continued to fill the air as Jericho jerked at the binds until they were loose enough for him to pull his arms
free. He fell to the ground in a heap and grunted. “My legs are a bit weak. I may need some help for a few minutes.”
“Hold on, we’re here.” Rook called as he came running into the room still only partially visible. “Potion is taking a bit
longer to wear off then we expected.”
“Nice to see you both again. Just wish it was under better circumstances.” Jericho winked as he was hoisted to his feet. “We
must hurry. That will only keep him down for a short time and I’m sure his screams have alerted his minions.
The four men hurried as quickly as they could out of the room and down a side corridor. “Hurry, they will be looking for us
in force now. This will lead to a shortcut out, but we’ll have to go through one last room first.”
“What type of room?” West asked breathlessly, “Because honestly I don't know if I can handle another one like that arena.”
“No, no more of those. I promise. But I’m not sure which room I’d prefer if I’m honest.”
“Brogan, stop for a minute. Cadence gave us a potion for energy and healing. I think Jericho could use some of both before
he collapses.”
Jericho nodded his agreement, “That might be a good idea. Is there enough for you two to take as well. You look like you
could use it.”
Rook squeezed his eyes closed for a second, “What hurts can’t be healed by that potion. Time will be the only cure for that
Jericho nodded sadly, “I understand. I saw most of what you went through and for my part I’m sorry.”
Brogan didn’t say anything he just squatted down and started rummaging through his bag before handing Jericho a couple of
the small bottles.
“Do they still taste as nasty as I remember?” Jericho asked with a grimace as he turned the bottle from side to side
examining it.
“Like something died fifty years ago, rotted and then was boiled and left to rot all over again in the sun for another thirty
years?” Brogan said with the first bit of humor he’d felt in hours.
“That sounds about right.” Jericho tipped the glass in a salute, “Cheers, mates.”
Chapter Sixteen

He was almost afraid to walk through the door Jericho led them too. If his mate who was a demon was nervous, what
chance did they as mortals have?
“You guys ready for this?” Jericho asked as he took a deep breath and opened the normal looking door.
Brogan, Rook, and West all gaped in astonishment at the room before bursting into laugher at the terrified look on Jericho’s
face. “Babe, this is what you’re afraid of?”
“You mock me now, but we’ll see in a few minutes how you feel.” Jericho grumbled with a glare. “He who laughs last and
all that.”
Brogan stepped farther in the room and took it all in. “So, what we have to find our way through the maze of mirrors?”
“Yes, the shortcut out is on the other side. It will lead us back to the forest where you arrived. Just be careful, looks are
deceiving in here.”
Jericho grunted and moved to the entrance of the mirrors. “This is such a bad idea.” he mumbled as he stepped inside and
there quickly became five of him. “Try to stay together.”
The three men followed him in and within seconds became disoriented and lost. Brogan saw Jericho and then he was gone.
“Jericho?” he called only to turn and run directly into a mirror with a thump.
“Shit. what was that?” Rook hollered. “Did anyone see that shit?”
“What?” Brogan called back in alarm. “Where are you?”
“A creepy ass clown, with a bunch of helium balloons tied to his right hip and he was making balloon animals. His smile
was full of jagged bloody teeth too.”
“Clowns?” Brogan whimpered. “Seriously?”
“I saw one too.” West called. “Except mine was holding a bloody butcher knife and he was crooking his finger for me to
come to him, oh, and he was a little person clown.”
“Jericho, what is this place?” Brogan demanded.
“It’s the hall of mirrors, your fears are projected and stalk you.” Jericho cursed as a loud thump filled the room. “Guys we
need to stick together. Is anyone next to anyone else?”
“I see five of Brogan and two Wests. And oh fuck, way too many of those clown assholes.” Rook called as he turned and ran
right into a mirror, “Shit that hurts.”
“Babe, can they hurt us?” Brogan asked as he put his hands out and took slow cautious steps feeling for the mirrors to try
and save himself a smashed nose.
“This is Hell, hun. They can more than hurt you. They can make you suffer in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.”
“Brogan if we get out of this alive, do you think we can get a group discount on therapy?” Rook called in a shaky voice.
“Rook stay still. I’ve got you.” Jericho called. “Okay guys, we’re together. Now to find you two and avoid the fucking
clowns that are multiplying. Are all three of you afraid of them?”
A chorus of hell yeahs filled the air making Brogan laugh. “Babe, they’re the creepiest, evilest things we mortals normally
face on our side of the veil.”
“Sheriff, duck now.” Jericho called. Brogan couldn’t see any of them, but he heard the thunk as something hit a mirror.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m fine. Thanks man. That was a little too close for comfort.” West called to Jericho.
“Brogan, babe, sit tight and keep an eye around you at all times. A clown almost took West down. We’re coming for you.”
“Um, you guys might want to hurry. I’m kind of surrounded here and….” Brogan trailed off as his voice went higher and
higher in fear as the clowns creeped closer and closer. “I’m going to die by bozo the clown. This is so not right.”
“Do you still have your flashlight?” Jericho yelled. “If you do turn it on and point it at the mirrors. It’ll cast them away for a
few minutes and allow us time to squeeze past them to get to you.”
“Okay,” Brogan said with a trembling voice. He felt like a scared child, but it wasn’t often you had to face one of your
biggest fears head on while knowing they were trying to kill you.
“That’s it babe. I see you now, we’re almost there. Keep waving it around. Want to hear some fantastic news?”
“Yes, desperately.” Brogan grunted and yelped, “That one got a little too close. I’m okay though, just tore my shirt a bit.”
Suddenly a strong set of arms wrapped around Brogan and he screamed as he turned to fight and instantly relaxed when he
realized it was Jericho holding him. “The exit is right around the corner. We’re almost home free.”
“Thank you.” Rook whispered in a shaky voice. “I don’t know how many more clowns I can handle right now. They are
getting more and more demented as the minutes tick by.”
“Hold hands,” Jericho demanded. Brogan didn’t hesitate he grabbed Jericho’s hand and then latched on Rook’s who in turn
had a death grip on West.
“Lead the way home, please.” West cried. “They’re moving in. Hurry.”
Brogan was afraid to turn and look. Jericho had been right; this room was by far the worst thing he’d ever faced. They were
just reaching the door when a small voice called his name and made him freeze in place.
“Brogan, don’t leave me here. Take me with you.”
He turned slowly wide eyed and petrified of what he’d see behind him. It was her voice and inflections, he’d know those
tones anywhere.
“Yes, my boy. I’ve been waiting for so long for you to come rescue me. Please come back and help me. I don’t belong here.”
“Brogan, listen to me. They are playing tricks with your mind. That is a demon, not your grandmother.” Jericho pushed in
front of him until they were face to face. “Babe, focus on me. You know that pain you have blocked up, it’s time to let it out.
Use it to feel the truth. Let your love and pain for me blend into one of hope, life and eternal love. Blast them away with the
power you’ve got locked away. I swear to you, it’s not your grandmother. That’s a demon. Blast the facade away and you’ll see
the truth.”
Brogan glanced away from his mate’s eyes and stared at his grandmother’s pleading ones. Her hand outstretched and crying
out for his help. “Grandma?” He asked as tears fell unchecked down his cheeks.
“Let it out,” Jericho begged as tears began to fall from his eyes too. “I can’t lose you now that I’ve got you. Trust me on this
babe, let it out and set us free.”
All at once Brogan crashed to his knees and screamed until his throat was raw and the tendons on his neck stood out in stark
contrast. Slowly the sound faded and he was once again able to see what was before him. Nothing but shattered glass, and
black-eyed creatures stood there in awe before turning and fleeing.
“She’s gone?” He asked softly.
“No love, she was never here to begin with. Let’s go home.” Jericho whispered as he helped him to his feet and they walked
to the door their friends had slipped through a few minutes before.
“You guys okay?” West asked softly as Brogan emerged into the forest of maggot infested trees.
“More than ready to go home, but yeah we're going to be okay.” Jericho replied with a sad smile.
“Boys, if you can hear me you must hurry. They are fighting me and I don’t know how much longer I can keep this open.”
Cadence’s voice filled the air around them.
“Run,” Brogan screamed as the four of them bolted for the rapidly shrinking rip. They dove through and landed on the soft
turf of the grass they’d left a few short hours ago. A loud popping sound filled the air as the zippered space closed once again.
“Welcome home, boys. We were getting worried you wouldn’t make it back.” Cadence whispered before she collapsed into
a heap beside them.
“Is she okay?
“She’s fine. Just exhausted.”
All four guys jumped in surprise as Barbara Wolfe walked up. “I’ve been coming out here checking on her every two hours
since you left. She’s refused to let the portal shut for more than a couple minutes at a time. She’s worn herself out. Tristan and
Rogue are on their way. They’ll get her back home to rest and recover.”
“How long?” Jericho asked cautiously?
Barbara sighed, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Jericho. I just wish it was under better circumstances. That being said I’m
glad you’re home with us now where you belong.” She held up a hand forestalling his next words. “Four days. It’s been just
over four days since they went through.”
Brogan gaped at her in shock. “That’s a joke, right? We were only gone for a few hours.”
West and Rook nodded in agreement before turning to look at Jericho.
“Time is different, it doesn’t run in a straight line like it does here. How long was it since I was sent down with that
“Seven months and ten days.” Brogan answered without hesitation.
“For me the time frame was different. I was gone two years, five months, thirty-six days and eleven hours.”
“Gentleman if you’re up for it there are quite a few guests waiting to welcome you home.” Barbara smiled and gestured
behind her to a waiting truck. “Your chariot awaits.”
Brogan climbed to his feet and paused beside Cadence, “We can’t leave her out here.”
“I’ve got her and welcome back.” Rogue said through their pack link. Brogan spun and spotted the man a few yards away in
the trees.
“Okay let’s go, she’s in good hands.”
Chapter Seventeen

For all his years living he’d never been to anything like what he walked into after Barbara drove them back to Brogan’s
house. There were people everywhere and they all cheered as soon as they saw them arrive.
“How did they all know to be here?” Jericho asked in confusion.
“Word spread through the pack that you’d arrived and they told their friends and everyone converged here to celebrate.”
Barbara replied with a gentle smile.
“What are they celebrating?” For the life of him he couldn’t figure out mortals. They did the weirdest things.
“That you all made it out safely and that you’re home now. It’s combination congratulations for surviving and welcome to
the pack party.”
“Pack.” Jericho repeated slowly.
“Yes, babe. You want me, you get all of them too,” Brogan said with a wink. “It’s kind of a package deal.”
Jericho nodded but didn’t respond. None of this was making much sense to him. He’d known his mate was a shifter, but
before this he’d never really had any reason to interact with his kind. They were as foreign to him as demons were to most of
the world.
“Brogan.” Jericho called stopping his mate and gesturing for him to come back away from the others. “As much as I love
you, I don’t know about this. People don’t tend to react well to my kind. Plus, I kind of hoped I’d get some time to make you
mine sooner rather than later.”
“Enough of that boys. There will be plenty of time for that shortly. For now, inside.” Barbara called from the doorway to
Brogan’s house.
Jericho cocked one eyebrow, “She can hear us?”
“We’re shifters. Our hearing is exceptional as our pack Alpha just demonstrated and trust me it’s not a good idea to leave
her waiting. She’s been known to adopt interesting ways of revenge for it.”
“I can hear you Brogan Michael Taggert.” Barbara mock scolded. “Everyone’s waiting. Quit stalling and get inside to your


“Party time’s over everyone.” Barbara called a few hours later. “These guys are exhausted and have definitely earned some
sexy time together don’t you think?”
“Brogan do you need any more pointers, I’m sure Deader and West would love to offer it while sober this time.” A voice
called out from the back of the room.
Jericho glanced at his mate in confusion as he saw Brogan’s face turning red in embarrassment. “Something I should know?”
“Later.” Brogan growled as he glared at his friends standing around and laughing good naturedly at him.
They said their goodbyes and watched the last of the guests drive off. Only Brogan, Jericho, West and Rook remained
“Hey guys. We’re gonna take off. We need some time alone together after today to heal what was cracked down there, even
if it is only in our own hearts.” Rook said as he pulled first Brogan and then Jericho into a tight hug. “I’m glad you guys got
together, you both deserve to be happy.”
West winked at Brogan and pulled him close to whisper in his ear. Jericho tried to hear but the bastard purposefully
whispered it so only the two of them could hear. But if the blush on his mate’s face was any indication it was something West
knew Brogan wouldn’t want said aloud.
Jericho watched the two of them with a calm acceptance that surprised him. he’d never thought he’d be okay with another
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