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Biochemisty Unit-5 BP203T

Therapauhe and Oiognoshic Applicaham Enzymas

Dr. Parjanya Shukla

Therobuic Apblicokons_oEn2ymu &

Dr. M.P.8ingh Classes

) En2yms orn ULd for

improving digashorn
..Amylas, Protaasss, Lipas..
Enzyms or wnd as daworming agents > Pabain

3) Somu onzymes ac as
onk-cdotinq agant bk1 4ibrinolyHc
and rombo ly Hc » Urokinox..

4) They oT id to traaf aharosclroais »

(5) Thay aTu wsd to traas woUnds and Ao li'nq
trypain, Chymotrypain, Mrako-pebhidaxa.
(6) Kuy aY Uzd to aMish matabo.biam »
)Thy 0OTA Ad as
Amau di'sinfackonta ypsin.
Enzyma2 ThuTapauwic UsA.

Asporginasa Acul Lymbhahic Lukemia. (Blood canur)

Straphokinae, Uro kinasa. yat Tnkoallular tlof
an crsaHt' Libaaae and Pancraakc însuioknuy.
ain (No anougb poncriahc enáyms)
Popain Ani-inlommatony.
Alpho AnH ypain Emphyaemia. (lung candiKon caunes
Ahorfnus oq braah)
DiognoAic Apblbcakn_oen2ymus
Dr. Parjanya Shukla

En2ymus o alko usd 0T diognosis purpoAR- Dr. . .Singh Clase
lucoke oxidass wih perOxidase » to dukse glucoM uvad.

dianake - SaPT (gama qlutomy franspabidasa).
Haor atocks Asporala aminotrans OAL
Myo cardial Infzackon Crsain phospho kinasa

Uic aud UricoR.

Enaym EaHmabn
Urros UTO
Uricost Uric aud
Clucons Ox ida^e GlucosA
Parioxidas Aose/ tholutrol
HexoRina Gheom
Cholustrol oxidam Cholustrol
Lipap Triglyund

DiagnoAHc Applicaions A02ymas

* oen2ym or 1402ymAs oTA th muliplh oms of k
onaym di}r in Begunu oamino, auds h a singk speus)

Cotaly2ing thi Aomu mtabalie xuachon.

Ca) actat Dahydroganaae (LDH) Thu onayme is a tetromr

madu ub d Jour polypaplhdu chaind)
wih tuo kinds d aubunith ogcuring in dimunt combinahons in
ditmunt HiMs 2
H om h0n2ymu a exprasad in ksort.
Dr. Parjanya Shukla
MOm is exprasad in skil1bal mus ds. &
Dr. M.P. Singh Clasaea

LDH (HHHH 4H) Hoort, bone mario uo

LDHL (HHHM 3H 1M) Rak woendokilial Sysham
LDM (HH Mm > 2H 2M)
LDHy (H MMm » iH 3)
LDHS (mmmm » 4m) Livir and strainud musids.
Incriasd Comunam d
LDH Lo2ym in SaTum

LDH »Myocordial inrackon, Duchenna musuler, duahobhy.

LDH, LDH3 |Leukaumias
LOH2, LDH3, LDHy Malignont toumour of tustu and ovary.
LDH, LDHS CongesHiva Cardiac alura.
LDHS Bvaast caru'noma, malig nanua o CNS,
rOAtahic Cari'noma, ocuta hipotHkia,
ver cirhosis, obsruthva jawndiu.

b) Craoin kinoxu CK iA a dimr.

ha q Ck Polypabhd Locakam DissasL oik

Lo 2ym chain incrasud aval.

.CK BB Brain Nurological injuy

Ch BM Haort yocordial inforachion
CK3 Mm Skultal Muw cular dyatrophits and

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