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The Unified Digital Platform

User Manual
Ver 2.0

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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................3
1.1 RBK-UDP Agritek – Collaborative Integrated Digital Platform.....................................3
1.2 RBK-UDP Agritek – Key Features: ..............................................................................4
1.3 RBK-UDP Features included in Phase - I .....................................................................7
Rythu Bharosa VAA Mobile App .....................................................................................8
2.1 Procedure to download and install the Rythu Bharosa VAA Mobile Appliction:..........8
2.2 How to Login to the Rythu Bharosa App ....................................................................9
2.2.1 First Time User Login with OTP: ..................................................................................9
2.2.2 Registered/Regular User LOGIN: ..............................................................................10
2.3 Procedure for using Biometric Device for Aadhar Authentication: ........................... 11
2.3.1 Procedure to install the “ACPL FM220 RD” App is as follows: .................................11
Registration of Farmer Details ...................................................................................... 12
3.1 Steps to register farmer details in Rythu Bharosa UDP App : .................................... 12
3.1.1 To Add Farmer ..........................................................................................................12
3.1.2 To Add Land ..............................................................................................................18
Crop Booking (Crop Registration).................................................................................. 21
4.1 Steps to Book the Crop from Rythu Bharosa App ..................................................... 21
4.1.1 Crop booking procedure for Single crop: ..................................................................21
4.1.2 Mixed Crop Booking Process: ...................................................................................27
4.1.3 Inter Crop Booking Process: ......................................................................................32
How to draw the Geo Fencing for the Land ................................................................... 35
5.1 Steps to draw the Geo Fencing for existing land in Rythu Bharosa App .................... 35
RBK – Farmer Feedback ................................................................................................ 39
6.1 Steps to fill Farmer Feedback in Rythu Bharosa App ................................................ 39
Message Board ............................................................................................................ 43
Diary Activity ............................................................................................................... 44
8.1 Steps to fill Diary Activity in Rythu Bharosa UDP App .............................................. 44
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) ............................................................................. 46

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The Rythu Bharosa Unified Digital Platform AgriTek is built on latest open-source technol-
ogies to include Knowledge management framework, uniform and context specific information
dissemination mechanism built on the principles of Systems of Engagement and Innovation.

Agritek platform is a comprehensive integrated digital solution encompassing all aspects

of agriculture from soil preparation to produce marketing. It combines the features of end-to-
end automation for helping farmers (input, production, harvest, storage, sales and reconciliation
activities and crop management) and all latest collaboration tools to enable seamless interaction
among all stakeholders, bringing services, products, context specific advisory, Knowledge Man-
agement Framework and Real-time monitoring and integrated analytics on to single unified dig-
ital platform. It facilitates seamless collaboration of various stake holders in the farming commu-
nity to capture relevant data, track and monitor activities across geographies.

RBK_UDP through its integrated analytics and AI/ML engine facilitates real-time data-
driven planning and decision making, contextual dissemination of knowledge, information and
advisory thereby helping the DoAg to effectively support the farmers in crop planning, crop pro-
tection, harvesting & Post Harvesting and Marketing of the farm produce, encompassing all as-
pects of the Agriculture ecosystem to help development of sustainable and smart agriculture in
the State of Andhra Pradesh.

It facilitates seamless integration with all touch points of the agriculture ecosystem with
full line-of-sight from SEED TO SALE (Land Preparation to Produce Marketing) and enables the
farmers to access and utilize all services of the DoAg of Government of AP (GoAP).
RBK_UDP offers both Web and Mobile interfaces for the field functionaries. VAAs are equipped
with the Mobile APP to ably record and maintain accurate filed data as well as to support and
guide farmers.
This platform also comes with built-in SLA matrix as well as AI based monitoring and Task
generation engine to automate the entire gamut of services and events, assigning and monitoring
the tasks for effective completion thus helping the field staff and authorities manage by excep-
Rythu Bharosa UDP will be the one-stop-shop platform for accessing all DoAg services through
one single portal of entry. This alleviates the need for having to log-in to enter and maintain the
data in multiple applications. DoAg staff can access, enter and maintain the data and services of
all services offered by the department in one single platform. This is intended to improve the
productivity, ease-of-use and integration of all data points related to Agriculture. This helps the
DoAg to have accurate and consistent data as well as to provide access to right information to
the right people at the right time.

1.1 RBK-UDP Agritek – Collaborative Integrated Digital Platform

All stakeholders along with internal and external forces of the Agricultural ecosystem
need to be integrated effectively and efficiently in a single platform to elicit synergies and to
establish accountabilities and responsibilities to create an insurmountable buoyant force that
can facilitate sustainable agricultural economic development and empowerment.

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Figure: 1.1

1.2 RBK-UDP Agritek – Key Features:

RBK-UDP is designed to be the One-stop-shop platform for all DoAg needs, connecting all
stakeholders of the ecosystem providing full line of sight and real-time governance capabilities.
Following are the key features of the platform, which will be implemented in multiple phases:

Uniform dissemination of information and real-time collaboration among all stakehold-

ers including farmers, Govt authorities, Input suppliers, Agri R&D bodies, Universities, Fi-
nancial institutions, output buyers.

Context specific crop advisory and Extension: to each and every individual farmer deliv-
ering receive best practices advisory (Good Agriculture Practices) specific to their context
and the crop they are growing. The advisory is a continuous process based on the age and
stage of the crop. This will ensure that the rural farmers are not overloaded with a deluge
of information, rather they will receive the right information to the right people at the
right time ensuring appropriate action response and feedback loop.

Crop health advisory and prescription management at the filed level ensure the timely
incident management and ensuring dispensation of quality inputs.

Custom Hiring Centers: System also have the facility to provide the location and details
of all the implements available to the farmers. It also has the facility to publish context
specific Farm implements and Tools based on the crop of the farmers thus creating an
awareness and demand for farm mechanization. Farmers will also have a booking facility
for such machinery, Tools and Implements.

Professional Weather Station network: System have the capabilities to read, integrate,

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analyze the meteorological data gets from the Weather Station Network and have built-
in advisory framework and dissemination platform for context specific advisory. The me-
teorological data will include Temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind speed, atmos-
pheric pressure, rainfall, Solar radiation, Illuminance, Soil Temperature, Soil moisture and
Carbon Dioxide. It is intended to continuously record the data for context specific advisory
and to improve the crop yield by effectively guiding the farmers based on their crop and
agro-climatic conditions.

Precision Agriculture: RBK-UDP AgriTek platform has integrated IoT platform to enable
contactless data capture through sensors to acquire all farm-level data of biotic and abi-
otic stress factors, which will trigger the AI/ML based contextual crop advistory.

Remote Sensing: Remote sensing technology which helps farmers give the necessary at-
tention to farms located far away from their residences. This is one of the methods with
powerful potential for agriculture, which can stave off the problems affecting productivity
in crop cultivation. This approach is most cost effective and wide range of area can be
covered and assessed based on the quality of remote sensing data made available.

Integrated harvest and post-harvest management leverage economies of scale and size
to get the best RoI. System also has the facility to maintain all the storage facilities along
with their capacity, type and location. System also provides the space availability, price
and reservation function to book the storage facility.

Integrated Market Place: System provide an integrated marketplace to facilitate direct

marketing facilities where the state marketing board can act as a moderator and encour-
age online procurement directly from the farmers. This eliminates middlemen interven-
tion and ensures the farmers receive the best price for their produce. Further integrated
Procurement and Logistics planning capabilities provides for efficient aggregation of pro-
duce and logistics planning and operations.

Built in analytical engine: The system provides real-time predictive, prescriptive and de-
scriptive analytics to support the decision makers.

Real-time monitoring and Task Automation: With cumulative datapoints, Crop advisory
framework, Crop-health management framework, Crop health data collection points, In-
tegrated Weather inputs, Remote Sensing data analytics, location analytics, soil analytics
will serve as inputs for the Artificial Intelligence based Automated Task generation and
assignment engine. Field staff are assigned respective tasks that are monitored against
SLA matrix; facilitating the administrators to manage by exception, which leads to Con-
tinuous monitoring, management and optimization of the entire Agriculture ecosystem
in the state.

In addition, the system will meet the following requirements:

All stakeholders (Government, Extension staff, Agri universities & research bodies, Banks, In-
surance, Input suppliers, Agribusinesses, Marketing agencies, NGOs, Farmer Communities,

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Farmers, other related agencies/ departments) connected in real-time.

Figure: 1. 2

Able to maintain and analyze geo-fenced land records, cropping area, crop coverage, ag-
rochemical inputs, production estimates, schemes, farmer benefits, post-harvest opera-
tions, weather forecast and market information in real-time

Scientifically guide & handhold the farmer from crop selection to post harvest with ad-
vanced technology driven best farming practices

Organized and definitive outreach to farmers across the country about various
schemes/subsidies/Mechanization/Govt. sponsored programs in real-time

Maintain authenticity of stocks supplied to farmers with proper alignment of demand &

Customizable dynamic platform to integrate upcoming scientific advances in agriculture

– soil, weather, hybrids, biotic and abiotic crop stress, etc.

Direct access to the farmers to the markets and all other agencies.

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1.3 RBK-UDP Features included in Phase - I

Implementing all the features of the RBK-UDP is a massive effort owing to the scale of the
entire state of Andhra Pradesh and the number of stakeholders involved in the Agriculture eco-
system. Therefore, DoAg has decided to implement them in multiple phases as the maturity and
adaption builds-up progressively enriching the ecosystem for gradual digital transformation
through effective change management.

Following are the modules implemented during the Phase-1 of the RBK-UDP:

1. Crop booking with Geo-fencing (Lands, Farmers, Crops, Varieties, and farms registration)

2. Crop Health Management (Disease identification in the field and Prescription in the field)

3. RBK Diary – To plan, assign, execute, record and report all VAA activities through the VAA
Mobile App

4. RBK Farmer Feedback – To report issues related to Irrigation, Power, Subsidies, Seeds,
Fertilizers, etc to the higher authorities along with the Farmer and Farm details

5. Cultivator Registration – Registration of Tenant farmers

6. MIS Dashboards – Provides respective role-based dashboards

7. AgriWiki – Knowledge Management Tool

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Rythu Bharosa VAA Mobile App

The UDP provides both Web Application and Mobile App access to VAAs/Field extension staff
of the Department. The mobile App helps the VAAs to access the information pertaining to the
farmers of their service area, their land details, crop cultivation details in addition to the fol-
lowing field level functions:

a. Registration module: This helps the VAAs to register Farmers, Lands and Crops.
b. Farm Land location and geo-fencing of farm land
c. Crop booking
d. RBK- Diary module – to define the weekly and monthly schedule of RBK VAA activities
as well as to record the voice, photos and videos through the Mobile App.
e. RBK- Farmer Feedback module – to register the issues related to Power, Seeds, Irriga-
tion, Subsidies and any other farmers’ grievances reporting and redressal.

In addition, VAA mobile app also provides access to the Agriculture Knowledgebase to
help the VAAs in supporting the farmers effectively and efficiently.

2.1 Procedure to download and install the Rythu Bharosa VAA Mobile Appliction:

The Rythu Bharosa VAA Mobile Application can be downloaded and installed from the
Google Playstore as follows:

1. Open the Google Playstore and Search for “Rythu Bharosa UDP (VAA)” on the device
provided by the Department of Agriculture, GoAP.
2. Click on “Rythu Bharosa UDP (VAA)” App.
3. The link for downloading the above Mobile App is as follows:
4. Click on Install (If already installed, click on Update)
5. Please wait until the App is downloaded and installed.

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Click here to Install

Figure: 2.1
6. Once the App is installed, you can see the application on your device with the below

Figure: 2.2

2.2 How to Login to the Rythu Bharosa App

Once the Rythu Bharosa Application is installed, User can login following the steps given

2.2.1 First Time User Login with OTP:

This option can be used when the user has only Username and OTP will be received on
his/her registered mobile number.
1. Enter username in Username field.
2. Enter temporary password in the Password field and then click on Sign-in.
3. Enter a new password in Change Password field

Page 9 of 52
Please enter the username and temporary
password and click on “Sign in” button then
enter new password in change password field

Figure: 2.3

2.2.2 Registered/Regular User LOGIN:

This option can be used Registered User (who already have login credentials) with his/her
own password after completion of the initial login procedure given in the “First Time login
with OTP” section above.

1. Enter the username in Username field.

2. Enter user password in Password field.
3. Click on Sign-in button.

Username / Mobile Number:

Enter the registered Username /
Mobile Number

Enter the user’s password and then
click on “Sign in” button

Figure: 2.4

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2.3 Procedure for using Biometric Device for Aadhar Authentication:

The Rythu Bharosa UDP App uses the VAA’s/ Farmer’s fingerprint for authentication. The
“ACPL FM220 RD" must be installed from the Google Play Store for farmer Aadhaar biometric

2.3.1 Procedure to install the “ACPL FM220 RD” App is as follows:

1. Open the Google Playstore and Search for “ACPL FM220 RD” on the device provided
by the Department of Agriculture, GoAP.
2. Click on “ACPL FM220 RD” App.
3. The link for downloading the above Mobile App is as follows:
4. Click on Install (If already installed, click on Update)
5. Please wait until the App is downloaded and installed.

Click here to Install the App

Figure: 2.5
6. Once the App is installed, you can see the application on your device with the below

Figure: 2.6

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Registration of Farmer Details

3.1 Steps to register farmer details in Rythu Bharosa UDP App :

3.1.1 To Add Farmer

1. Select and Click on Registration icon.

Click on the Registration icon to register
a Farmer.

Figure: 3.1

2. Click on Add Farmer to register the farmer details.

Add Farmer :
Click on the “Add Framer” tab to open
the Form

Figure: 3.2

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3. Enter farmer details as explained below.

Enter Farmer Unique ID: Enter the Aadhar

number of the farmer.

Validate: Click on validate to verify the

Farmer’s Aadhar number.

Farmer Name: Enter the name of the farmer.

Farmer Father / Husband Name: Enter

the farmer’s father name or husband name if the
farmer is a female.

Mobile Number: Check whether entered

farmer’s Mobile Number is displayed here.

Capture Farmer Photo: Click on the image to

capture the Photo of the Farmer through your
phone/Tablet camera.

Figure: 3.3

4. When validate is clicked, it will ask to verify through OTP or Fingerprint as shown below.
5. If Send OTP option is selected, do as given below,

Send OTP: Select this option and click on

the small square box given below.

Click on Send OTP

Figure: 3.4

Page 13 of 52
Enter the OTP code sent to Farmer’s reg-
istered mobile number.

Click on Validate

Figure: 3.5

6. To validate through Fingerprint option, connect the biometric device to scan the
farmer’s fingerprint and follow the below steps,

Click on Fingerprint tab to verify farmer

details through biometric device

Click on OK if the farmer details shown

are correct

Figure: 3.6

7. Now the validation process is completed to enter the farmer details.

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Click here to Capture Farmer Location

Figure: 3.7

8. Blue dot represents User’s current location, now slide with your fingers in the map to
navigate to farmer’s village and then click on farmer location. (The Red mark represents
farmer location is selected)

Click on the location area until it turns

RED as shown in the picture.

Click on the Location icon (Google) to

directly access User’s Geo location.
(make sure that the User’s GPS/
device location is on)

Click on the Done button to complete.

Figure: 3.8

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9. Fill the remaining fields as explained below

Farmer Date of Birth: Enter Farmer Date of Birth

in YYYY-MM-DD format

Gender: Select Gender of the farmer from the list


If others are selected, please specify the de-

tails: Specify other details (ex: Transgender)

Social Category: Select the Caste / Social Category

of the farmer.

Figure: 3.9

Qualification: Select the Education Qualification

of the farmer

Land Holding: Select the land holding of the

farmer (land area owned).
Select “Landless” if the farmer doesn’t have any land
and leasing land from other farmers/owners

Name as per bank account: Enter the name of

the farmer as mentioned in his Bank Book.

Bank Name: Enter the Bank name of the farmer

Account Type: Click on the arrow here and

select Farmer’s Account as Savings or
Current Account.

Figure: 3.10

Page 16 of 52
Account Number: Enter the Farmer’s Bank ac-
count number

IFSC Code: Enter the Bank IFSC code of farmer

Bank Account Proof: Click on the image to capture

the Photo of the Farmer’s Bank Book through your
phone/Tablet camera.

Village: Select the farmer’s village name from the


After entering all the farmer details click on this

to save farmer’s data and Click on the mark to

Figure: 3.11

10. The Farmer’s data is now successfully submitted.

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3.1.2 To Add Land

To add Farmer’s Land details, please follow the steps as given below,

1. Go to registration Tab

Click on the Registration Tab

Figure: 3.12

Click on the Add Land Tab

Figure: 3.13

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2. After Selecting the Add Land, please fill the farmer Land details as given below,

Enter Land Survey Number: Farmer’s Land

Survey Number must be entered here

Owner Name: Enter Land owner name here

Owner’s father/Husband name: Enter the

land owner’s father’s name here. If the land
owner is female enter her husband’s name

Locate the land boundaries and confirm the

land area: Click here to locate and confirm
the owner’s land boundaries

Government approved identification num-

ber of the owner: Enter Owner’s Aadhaar
Number here

Owner’s Contact Number: Enter Owner’s

mobile number here

Figure: 3.14

3. In the Add Land option do the geofencing in the following steps.

Owner’s Land boundaries to be geo fenced by

marking the boundaries.

After geofencing the total land area selected

will be shown like this

To lock the boundaries made through

geofencing use the Lock Icon given below

Click on this icon to submit the farm bound-


Figure: 3.15

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Source of Irrigation: Select the farmer’s source
of irrigation from the dropdown.

Social Category: Select the Caste / Social Cate-

gory of the farmer.

Khatha Number: Enter the Farmer’s Katha

Number here

Village: Select the farmer’s village from the


Click on this icon to submit the Land details

of the framer

Figure: 3.16

4. The Farmer’s Land details get registered and are submitted successfully.

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Crop Booking (Crop Registration)
All VAA/VHA/VSA are having an option to capture the crop details in the existing agricul-
tural fields using device provided by Department of Agriculture and submit the crop details to
the server for every crop season. The features include an online transfer of crop details to Rythu
Bharosa (Unified Digital Platform) with Geo fencing of each land parcel across the state.

4.1 Steps to Book the Crop from Rythu Bharosa App

4.1.1 Crop booking procedure for Single crop:

1. Select and Click on the Cultivator Tab.

Click on the cultivator icon on the Home Page

Figure: 4.1

2. Enter the crop name in the search box and select the crop.

Enter the Crop Name in the Search Tab

Select Crop Icon/Picture as shown in the picture.

Figure: 4.2

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3. Enter the crop booking details as explained below.

Enter the Farmer Mobile Number and Press the Check

Button to fetch the details of the farmer. (Where is the
check button?)
Details of the Farmer will be displayed as shown in the
Type of farmer: Select the type of farmer.
Select Cultivator if the farmer is a lessee (leasing some
other farmer’s land)
Select owner if the farmer cultivates his field on his own.

Farm Name: Enter the farmer's farm name. This helps

the farmer / cultivator to easily identify when cultivating
more than one farm.

Type of Sowing: Select the sowing type based on crop

Plantation - Large farm; estate or area of land desig-
nated for agricultural growth. Eg: Orchards, Coffee, Tea,
Transplanted - is the technique of moving a plant from
one location to another, often the saplings grown in the
nursery are used in transplantation. Eg, Paddy
Seed sown - To scatter (seed) over the ground for grow-
ing, Eg. Groundnut.

Farm Boundaries: Click on the image to capture the land

boundaries through Geo fencing and confirm the land

Figure: 4.3

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Variety Name: Select crop variety from the

Stock Seed code: Enter the Seed code if applicable

Seed lot number: Enter the Seed lot Number if


Purpose of Produce: Select the purpose of Crop

Stock Seed Sown: Enter the total amount of seeds

used for the crop.

Figure: 4.4

4. After click on farm boundaries, enter the owner’s mobile number and click on Search

The land shown in the picture should be geo fenced

by marking the boundaries.

To lock the boundaries made through geofencing

use the Lock Icon given below

After locking the boundaries through Geo fenc-

ing, Click on this icon.

Click on this icon to submit the farm boundaries

To Zoom in the map click this icon

To Zoom out the map click this icon

Click this icon to delete the selected geofenced

Figure: 4.5

Page 23 of 52
Capture Farm Photo: Click on the image to capture
the picture of the Farm through your phone camera

Sowing date: Select the Sowing Date of the crop.

Land Area measured by: This has to be defaulted to

“Acres” as agreed with ZVR.

Produce (yield) measured by: By default selected

Quintal and Potential yield should be entered in

Figure: 4.6

Target yield: This field is read only and the value

populated from Potential yield

Potential yield: Enter the Potential yield from the

crop booking

Crop is being cultivated under: Select the use of

Crop yield from the given list

if “Contract farming” is selected

Farmer and Company agreement: Please update
the agreement number here.

if “Contract farming” is selected

Scan the physical contract copy: Please take photo
of the agreement by pressing (Maximum- 5 Pages)

Figure: 4.7

Page 24 of 52
Crop is being cultivated under: Select the use of
Crop yield from the given list - if “Market” is

How much quantity you would like to sell:

Select Entire Produce if the entire crop is for sale.
Select Partial produce if some quantity is for per-
sonal / other use.
Select Decide later if the farmer can’t decide now.

Minimum selling price: Enter the selling price

For the following fields the default value is false and

leave as it is until next release
Farm Management required:
Remote sensing required:
Crop Loan Required:

Figure: 4. 8

The following fields the default value is false and

leave as it is until next release
Crop Insurance required:

Season: Select the crop season from the given list

Farming type: Select the Farming type from the

given list.

Figure: 4.9

Page 25 of 52
Crop number: Select the crop number in that season
from the drop-down box

Mixed Crop: Select this field by sliding the button to

rightside, if submitting mixed crop for selected land

Inter crop: Select this field by sliding the button to

the right side and enter the number of rows if inter
crop is being submitted for selected land

Submit: Click on “Submit” button after filling all the


Figure: 4.10

This pop-up shows when the farmer’s first crop in-

formation is submitted successfully. Click on OK.

Figure: 4.11

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4.1.2 Mixed Crop Booking Process:

The farmer who does Mixed crop plantation should do his crop booking as given below,

1. Slide the button given under the Mixed Crop to right side.
2. After submitting the first crop data as mentioned above, the farmer has to re-book
for the mixed crop.

Enter the name of the mixed crop in the Search tab

or select the crop from the pictures available.

Figure: 4.12

The details of the name of the farmer, farmer fa-

ther’s name, farmer ID, Farmer mobile number,
Type of farmer and Farm Name get automatically
displayed from the first crop entry.

Type of Sowing: Select the type of Sowing done for

the mixed crop.

Farm Boundaries: Select the farm boundaries for

the mixed crop.

Figure 4.13

Page 27 of 52
After clicking on the Farm boundaries the about the
land are displayed here.

Click on “OK” to register farm boundaries

Figure 4.14

The following pop-up is shown after clicking OK.

Click on CONFIRM to register the field area.
Click on RECAPTURE if the farm boundaries are

Figure 4.15

3. On Clicking RECAPTURE the following page displays, to mark the new farm bounda-

Page 28 of 52
Mark the Farm boundaries like this

Click on the tick mark to confirm the farm bounda-


Figure: 4.16

A pop-up shows up asking to confirm the farm

Click on CONTINUE to submit the farm boundaries.

Figure: 4.17

Page 29 of 52
Farm size: After submitting Farm Boundaries the
size of the farm will be shown here.

Click on the Camera icon to capture the farm photo.

Sowing Date: Enter the mixed crop Sowing date


Land Area measured by: This has to be defaulted

to “Acres” as agreed with ZVR

Figure: 4.18

Produce (yield) measured by: By default selected

Quintal and Potential yield should be entered in

Target yield: This field is read only and the value

populated from Potential yield

Potential yield: Enter the Potential yield from the

crop booking

Crop is being cultivated under: Select the use of

Crop yield from the given list.
if “Market” is selected, enter the quantity you
would like to sell in 12.1 below.

Figure: 4.19

Page 30 of 52
How much quantity you would like to sell:
Select Entire Produce if the entire crop is for sale.
Select Partial produce if some quantity is for per-
sonal / other use.
Select Decide later if the farmer can’t decide now.

Minimum selling price: Enter the selling price

Season: Select the crop season from the given

Farming type: Select the Farming type from the
given list.

Crop number: Select the crop number in that

season from the drop-down box.

Click on the Submit button to register mixed crop


Figure: 4.20

This pop-up shows when the crop details are sub-

Click on Ok to complete the mixed crop booking

Figure: 4.21

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4.1.3 Inter Crop Booking Process:

The farmer who does Inter crop cultivation should do his crop booking as given below,

1. Slide the button given under Inter crop to right side.

2. Enter the Number of rows in the tab.
3. After submitting the first crop data as mentioned above in 4.1, the farmer has to re-
book for the Inter crop.

Enter the name of the Inter crop in the Search tab

or select the crop from the pictures available.

Figure 4.22

The details of the name of the farmer, farmer fa-

ther’s name, farmer ID, Farmer mobile number,
Type of farmer and Farm Name get automatically
displayed from the first crop entry.

Type of Sowing: Select the type of Sowing done for

the mixed crop.

Farm Boundaries: Select the farm boundaries for

the mixed crop.

Figure: 4.23

Page 32 of 52
Farm size: After submitting Farm Boundaries the
size of the farm will be shown here.

Click on the Camera icon to capture the farm photo.

Sowing Date: Enter the mixed crop Sowing date


Land Area measured by: This has to be defaulted

to “Acres” as agreed with ZVR

Figure: 4.24

Produce (yield) measured by: By default selected

Quintal and Potential yield should be entered in

Target yield: This field is read only and the value

populated from Potential yield

Potential yield: Enter the Potential yield from the

crop booking

Crop is being cultivated under: Select the use of

Crop yield from the given list.
if “Market” is selected, enter the quantity you
would like to sell in 12.1 below.

if “Contract farming” is selected

Farmer and Company agreement: Please update
the agreement number here.

Figure: 4.25

Page 33 of 52
if “Contract farming” is selected
Scan the physical contract copy: Please take photo
of the agreement by pressing (Maximum- 5 Pages)

Season: Select the crop season from the given list

Farming type: Select the Farming type from the

given list.

Crop number: Select the crop number in that sea-

son from the drop-down box.

Inter crop: Select this field and enter number of

rows, if inter crop submitting for selected land

After filling all the above please press Submit


Figure: 4.26

4. Upon submittion the Inter crop booking has been successfully completed.

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How to draw the Geo Fencing for the Land

5.1 Steps to draw the Geo Fencing for existing land in Rythu Bharosa App

1. Click on Land Profile icon

Land Profile: Click on the

Land Profile icon on the Home Page.

Figure: 5.1

2. Search for Land

a) Search by Mobile Number

b) Search by Aadhar Number
c) Search by Khata Number
d) Search by Survey Number

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You can select any of these options.
Mobile Number / Aadhar Number / Khata / Survey

Select the name of the Village from the Dropdown

Enter the Farmer Mobile Number / Aadhar Number

/ Khata Number and Click the “Check” Button

Figure: 5.2

3. Select Village Name from the village drop down box.

4. Enter the Khata number and Click on the Check button.
5. Click on Edit Land profile as shown in the image below.

Click on the “Edit Land Profile” button on the Land

Profile Page.

Figure: 5.4

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Check the data which is displayed.
If the displayed information is wrong, then edit the

Edit land Boundaries: Click on the Edit Land Bound-

aries to mark the geo-fence of the farm.

Figure: 5.5

6. Once the Geo fence page is opened,

7. A blue dot represents User’s /Farmer’s current location, now slide with the fingers in the
map to navigate to farmer land location then follow the steps given below.

a) Tap on one corner of the land and keep continuing to tapping on all corners along
the perimeter of the farm boundary.

b) Click on button to complete the Geo-fencing.

c) After Geo-fencing is finished, Click the mark to complete.

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Once the geo fencing is completed, the total land
extent will be shown as seen in the picture.

Click on button to complete the Geo fencing

as shown in the picture.

After Finishing the Geo fencing, click the here

to complete

Figure: 5.6

8. Click on the Submit button and the Form will get closed successfully.

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RBK – Farmer Feedback
VAA/VHA/VSA have an option to submit their feedback on the problems faced by farmers:

• Non-availability and supply of agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides etc. )

• Crop health status
• Non availability and supply of machinery (Hiring)
• Non availability and supply of water (irrigation)
• Power interruption and 9 hours power supply
• Impact of climate change and many related issues
• Benefits available for farmer

6.1 Steps to fill Farmer Feedback in Rythu Bharosa App

1. Select and Click on Land Profile icon.

Land Profile: Click on the Land profile icon on the

Home Page.

Figure: 6.1

2. Search for Land

a) Search by Mobile Number

b) Search by Aadhar Number
c) Search by Khata Number

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d) Search by Survey Number

Select any of the three options.

Mobile Number / Aadhar Number / Khata / Survey

Enter the Farmer Mobile Number / Aadhar Number

/ Khata Number and Click the “Check” Button

Figure: 6.2

3. Select Village Name from the Village drop down box.

4. Enter the Khata number and Click on the Check button.
5. Click on Feedback on the land where to select the geo fencing.

Click on the “Feedback” button on the Land

Profile Page.

Figure: 6.3

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6. The Feedback should be given as follows,

Farmer Photo: Click on the image to capture the

picture of the Farmer through your phone camera.

Crop Health: Select Crop Health Drop-down Box

(Good/ Satisfied/Unsatisfied /Server Problem).
The farmer must select one option.
Inputs: Select Input Drop-down Box
(Seed /Fertilizer /Pesticides)

Power: Select Power (9 Hours Supply) from the

Drop-down Box

Figure: 6.4

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Irrigation: Select Irrigation (Water Supply) from
the Drop-down Box (Satisfied/Not Satisfied)

Machinery (Hiring): Select Machinery for Hiring

from the Drop-down Box (Available / Not Availa-

Natural Calamity: Select Natural Calamity from

the Drop-down Box (Yes / No)

Submit: Click on the “Submit” button to submit

the feedback form

Figure: 6.5

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Message Board
In the Rythu Bharosa UDP App the Message Board facilitates the farmer to get the updates
on his crop, subsidies, weather conditions etc., that are posted by the Department. The activities
in Message Board can be checked as given below,

1. Click on the “Message Board” icon on the Home Page.

Click on the “Message Board” icon given on the

Home page

Figure: 7.1

2. The Message Board Opens, as given below

The User can see the weather report as shown in

this message.

The User can know about the Updates from the

Departments as given here in this message.

Figure: 7.2

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Diary Activity
VAA can update his activities regarding the trainings and demonstrations given to the
farmers in his RBK through the Diary option available in UDP App.

8.1 Steps to fill Diary Activity in Rythu Bharosa UDP App

1. Click on Dairy icon

Click on the “Diary” icon given on the Home page

Figure: 8.1

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2. Enter Dairy details as explained below.

Week: Click on the week number to select the date


Date: Click on the Dates to note activity of the day

in your dairy

Session: Select the session which you are conduct-

ing and want to enter the details.

Press the mic button to note your activity through


Press the camera button to click the session


Press the video button to record the session


Submit: Click on the submit button to upload your


Figure: 8.2

3. Click Submit button to close the form successfully.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

1. In case if the Cultivator doesn’t know his/her land coordinates, what should be done while
mapping Geo coordinates.
A. The RB UDP App can be used to directly navigate to that location, for easy identification
of the Boundaries.

2. It would be helping if the Videos and PPT’s related to RB-UDP are uploaded inorder to
refer them whenever a doubt arises while using the App.
A. Yes, the User can get all the PDFs, PPTs and Videos related to the Rb-UDP App.

3. If a farmer does not have his mobile number, then what is the alternative?
A. There are alternate options like Aadhar number, Khata number and Survey number.

4. If the farmer’s Aadhar number is found to be incorrect while doing crop booking, What
should be done in such situation?
A. The farmer’s Aadhar number can be modified or updated in the Edit farmer field by en-
tering his registered Mobile number.

5. Is there any option to change farmers mobile number?

A. Yes, it can be done in the Edit Farmer field.

6. Some Farmers are not giving CCRC details or Pattadar Passbook details to Cultivators.
They are just giving for cultivation of crops. So, in order to procure Dhanyam from RBK
markets what should the Cultivators/Tenants do?
A. As it is mandatory for every Farmer to Register, they have to coordinate with the tenant
farmer to avail the benefits of the schemes given to farmer by Government. If in case the
owner farmer doesn’t allow tenant farmer to register, the VAA keeps Red flag and book
the crop. Then the benefits from Government will not be availed by anyone of them.

7. Is there a navigation option to select the Survey numbers through Geo-fencing.

A. Yes, it is already enabled in the App. It will directly navigate to the location.

8. Can the User avail biometric facility from any RBK ?

A. No, the User can register in their concerned RBK’s only.

9. How can the User do Geo-fencing for survey numbers like 12-a, 12-b, 12-c. How can
he/she identify them?
A. The User can do Geo fencing for such survey numbers. The geo location will navigate to
the particular field location, so that the geofencing can be done easily.

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10. Suppose, a farmer with survey number 24-1 has an extent of 6 acres. Out of this, 4 acres
is being cultivated by the farmer himself and remaining 2 acres is being cultivated by ten-
ant. Can the crop booking be done in such cases?
A. YES, the VAA can do it. In RB-UDP App there is a separate provision for farmer registration
and cultivator crop booking. The User can do Geo fencing to both the owner and tenant

11. If one farmer has 7 survey numbers in 2 acres of land, then how can geo fencing be done
for such cases or will it be done for the whole area?
A. Geo fencing can be done according to the crop the farmer is growing. If the farmer is
growing two different kinds of crops, then the Geo fencing is done separately for each
crop, which shows that a particular extent the farmer is growing one crop, and to another
extent he is growing another crop.

12. Will there be server problem when everyone starts working on the same App?
A. No, it will not happen. Because RB-UDP operates on High end Technology.

13. How can we perform geo fencing when a survey number has Subdivisions?
A. The User /VAA can do it through Geo Mapping.

14. How can we find the Survey numbers if they are not available in online?
A. In UDP all the Survey numbers are readily available. Whenever the User logs in, the data
will be shown to User.

15. Does the VAA need to do crop booking whenever the Cultivator/ Tenant changes every
A. For that particular crop grown he will be the Tenant until the crop harvest. After harvest-
ing is completed, the VAA can register to another Tenant.

16. During early Rainy Season a framer cultivates Kandi Crop and when the NSP Canal is
drained he crushes the Kandi crop and cultivate Rice. Then in such a case, can the VAA do
crop booking and will the Survey number be open?
A. The VAA can do it. In such cases VAA should report it to concerned authorities so that
they can release it free to that particular extent of Geo fencing. Then again VAA can reg-
ister the new crop.

17. If the entire process of crop booking is done at RBK level, when will be the field verification
A. The field verification will be done after 15 days of sowing. At this stage, the crop can be
clearly seen to mention the particulars in the booking data.

18. If there are four farmers in a family and all four of them use single mobile number, in such
a case how can the VAA do crop booking for them, since the crop booking is done only
through mobile number. Will the same number work for all four farmers?

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A. As four members can’t cultivate in same land they may cultivate in different lands.
Through Geo mapping we can easily modify the farmer details and also with the help of
farm Name and farm boundaries.

19. If one revenue village has 3 RBK’s, then in such a case does the VAA have the option to
add the survey number of that particular RBK?
A. The data is already provided in that particular assigned RBK.

20. If a farmer doesn't do crop booking then in such cases should the VAA leave that area or
do crop booking for that area?
A. Yes, the VAA should do crop booking, where the farmer is able to avail all other benefits.

21. How does the VAA do Geo-fencing in an area which has no network/communication chan-
A. The VAA/User can record it through offline. Whenever the device goes online, the data
gets saved to the server directly.

22. Is it necessary to take the picture of every crop at field level?

A. Yes, it is compulsory to take the picture of the crop to verify with the registered crop.

23. Can a technical person be maintained in district level field staff?

A. A technical person will be available for providing the support at district level.

24. Can Geofencing be done for sugarcane crop due to presence of bunds?
A. The VAA can draw accurate geo fencing to that particular crop, so that it can be seen how
much area is cultivated under that area.

25. If the farmer doesn't come to show his field what should be done?
A. As it is mandatory for every farmer to register, they should be asked to come and register.

26. Is it possible to do field visit in Kharif season as per the schedule, when there are lot of
A. As the Registration and Geo fencing are done at RBK itself, the only thing to be done dur-
ing field visit is to take a picture of the crop.

27. Will a proforma/application be provided for crop booking registration. Then only every
farmer will give his field details, this can allow VAA to do crop booking?
A. Yes, it will be provided.

28. Farmers of different villages are having land in one RBK area. Now if the farmer of an RBK
doesn't come and register his farm, then what can be done with the remaining land?
A. As it is compulsory to every farmer to do crop booking, they should be asked to come and
register the details.

29. Is geofencing possible for farmers having 0.20 or 0.30 acres of land?

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A. Area below 25cents there is no need to draw Geo fence. Above 25Cents land area we can
draw Geo fencing.

30. Is there a provision in the App to select the survey number instead of typing it?
A. The Registration is done in RBK with the farmers. So, when farmer comes for crop booking
the VAA can easily enter his survey number and do the Registration.

31. Is there any provision to integrate data on real time basis from different (servers/systems/
CM APP/CCE APP or Procurement website)?
A. Yes.

32. Please provide feedback option for the VAA/MAO logins in order to resolve the issues on
real time basis while using UDP app in the starting days!
A. Yes, there is provision for giving feedback in Land Profile option.

33. Some RBK in-charges have 3200 acres while some others have only 100 acres. This will
cause a lot of work pressure on that field staff.
A. As of 50-60%work pressure is reduced compare to past work. On the other hand Ration-
alization will be done by the Department.

34. As on date each revenue village has one login to do crop booking. However, 3-4 RBKs are
there in one revenue village. So please provide a separate login for every RBK?
A. YES, there will be given separate logins for each RBK’s.

35. Can we do insurance authentication immediately after the farmer has done his crop book-
A. After the completion of the field verification, it can be done.

36. What to do if a VAA still don’t have an RBK?

A. The VAA will get it prior when the Registration process starts.

37. While geofencing if we mark the boundaries incorrectly, is there any option to edit it?
A. Yes, there is Delete option provided to edit the Geo fence drawing.

38. If the geo boundaries marked change for the crop in the next year when sowing is done
to a little extent within those boundaries, in such cases can the Geo boundaries be edited
A. The Farm boundaries can be edited for the farm depending on the crop sown in a season.
The Geo fencing will be done only once.

39. Can saved videos be uploaded in the Diary?

A. Yes, the videos can be uploaded in the diary activities, by selecting the concerned week
in the year when the activity is done and by entering the date of the activity done.

40. In the Cultivators option provided can GPS be used to capture farm photo?

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A. It is compulsory to capture the farm photo through field verification of the registered

41. In the Cultivator option if the crop booking is done on Cultivator’s name, at the time of
Crop Insurance will it show the owners name to avail the crop Insurance?
A. The farmer who is cultivating the crop will avail the benefits.

42. As Horticulture crops i.e., Coconut, Banana etc., are cultivated for one year, is it necessary
to register the crop in every season.
A. The previous data is already available in the RB-UDP. As the harvesting dates are already
blocked for the perennial crops like mango, coconut, there is no need to go and register
for every season.

43. Will the farmer get any text message after crop booking is done?
A. YES, after successful submission of registration the farmer will get.

44. In the earlier E-crop application there was data duplication for single Khata and survey
number. This has occurred more at the village level than reported. Can the RB-UDP App
overcome this data duplication?
A. Yes.

45. Should we capture the crop picture at the survey number of that farmers land?
A. Yes

46. Can the Tenant Farmer be registered without having CCRC card.
A. Yes

47. In our Mandal there are major 4-6 crops only. If the survey number of any farmer is not
available, then can he book through his Khata number again?
A. You can book through Khata number or Survey number. If the farmer is cultivating same
crop in total area u can book directly, if the farmer is growing different u should book it
separately to that particular extent of the crop is grown.

48. Some farmers have same Khata or Survey number then in such cases how can crop book-
ing be done?
A. The crop booking can be done either with Khata Number or Survey number.

49. Can the crop booking be done using Khata numbers because some farmers have multiple
survey numbers, minimum 70 survey numbers and they are all in cents?
A. Crop booking can be done through the farmers Aadhar Number. If the land area is in cents
also, the crop booking must be done compulsorily.

50. If the farmer doesn't know about location of his land survey number, then how can we
geofence it?

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A. The RB-UDP App will directly navigate to the farmer’s land when his survey number is
entered in Land Profile to do geo fencing.

51. Will we lose data when the App is updated?

A. No, as it is connected to high end data servers there will be no loss of data.

52. Can we see the survey number in Rabi season, after doing crop booking in Kharif season?
A. Yes

53. Can we take printouts of any forms or applications whenever required?

A. Yes, the printout option is available for the registered farmer to get his application.

54. Does MAOs have access to the daily data at his level?
A. Yes.

55. Will the data pertaining to the applications like D- Krish, Crop Cutting, Crop Insurance and
DBT Fertilizers get included in the RB – UDP.
A. Yes.

56. The urban areas were not mapped during the last year kharif season. Will this cause any
such problem for this kharif?
A. Yes, there will be no problem in this Kharif.

57. In earlier Departmental Apps we used to have many technical problems. Due to absence
of technical staff we faced many issues at critical time. How the Rythu Bharosa UDP will
address such issues?
A. The new RB-UDP App is accurate and it is connected to high end data servers. The neces-
sary support will be provided by the Call Center team in case of any technical issues.


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Thank You

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