13 April 2024 - Lewi

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Offering Letter

13 April 2024

Lewi Fitriani Butar Butar.

Jl. lingkar gang olivia Pangkalan Kerinci Riau.

Re: Employment offer

We are pleased to offer you employment with PT. Mandala Persada Sakti
Your basic compensation and benefit package is highlighted as follows:

Join Date : 18 April 2024.

Position : Operator Particle Board Area 2.
Grade : B3.
Employment Status : Permanent. (with probation 3 months)

Report To : Pengawas Particle Board Area 2.

Location : Pangkalan Kerinci.

Salary Gross : IDR 3,400,000. per month follows company regulation.
Flexi Gross : IDR 100,000. per month follows company regulation.
BPJS Deduction : Ketenagakerjaan & Kesehatan deduction follows regulation.

Hospitalization Insurance : As per company policy.

Medical Hospitalization : As per company policy.

Annual Leave : 12 days after 12 months full working days.

Home Leave Ticket : Bus ticket economy route :Tidak ada .

Annual Wage Supplement : As per company policy.

All other terms and conditions pertaining to the employment are as per our company regulations.

Please indicate your acceptance to the offer by signing this initial letter and return it to us. This offering will
be cancelled if Medical Check Up is Unfit . A full employment contract will be forwarded to you once we
receive your acceptance.

Accepted by,

( Lewi Fitriani Butar Butar)


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