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ISSUE DATE: JULY 14, 2022 DUE DATE: JULY 29, 2022

1. The volume of liquid flowing per second is called the volume flow rate Q and has the dimensions of
L3 /T. The flow rate of a liquid through a hypodermic needle during an injection can be estimated
with the following equation:
πRn (P2 − P1 )
The length and radius of the needle are L and R, respectively, both of which have the dimension L.
The pressures at opposite ends of the needle are P2 and P1 , both of which have the dimensions of
M/(LT2 ). The symbol η represents the viscosity of the liquid and has the dimensions of M/(LT).
The symbol π stands for pi and, like the number 8 and the exponent n, has no dimensions. Using
dimensional analysis, determine the value of n in the expression for Q.

2. The three displacement vectors shown in Figure 1 have magnitudes of A = 5.00 m, B = 5.00 m, and
C = 4.00 m. Find the resultant (magnitude and directional angle) of the three vectors.

Figure 1

Page 1 of 3 Questions continue . . . July 14, 2022

PHYS 1101 General Physics I Assignment

3. Two cars cover the same distance in a straight line. Car A covers the distance at a constant velocity.
Car B starts from rest and maintains a constant acceleration. Both cars cover a distance of 460 m in
210 s. Assume that they are moving in the +x direction. Determine:
(a) the constant velocity of car A.
(b) the final velocity of car B.
(c) the acceleration of car B.

4. A projectile is launched from ground level at an angle of 12.0◦ above the horizontal. It returns to
ground level. To what value should the launch angle be adjusted, without changing the launch speed,
so that the range doubles?

5. A car is traveling in a direction 38.0◦ from +x-axis with a speed of 5.50 m/s relative to the water. A
passenger is walking with a velocity of 2.50 m/s in the +x direction relative to the car. What is the
velocity (magnitude and direction) of the passenger with respect to the water?

6. 1380-kg car is moving due east with an initial speed of 27.0 m/s. After 8.00 s the car has slowed down
to 17.0 m/s. Find the magnitude and direction of the net force that produces the deceleration.
⃗ 1 and F
7. Figure 2 shows a 25.0-kg crate that is initially at rest. Two forces, F ⃗ 2 , are applied to the crate,
and it begins to move. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor is µk = 0.350.
Determine the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the crate.

Figure 2

8. A car travels at a constant speed around a circular track whose radius is 2.6 km. The car goes once
around the track in 360 s. What is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the car?

9. A jet flying at 123 m/s banks to make a horizontal circular turn. The radius of the turn is 3810 m, and
the mass of the jet is 2.00 × 105 kg. Calculate the magnitude of the necessary lifting force.

10. It takes 185 kJ of work to accelerate a car from 23.0 m/s to 28.0 m/s. What is the car’s mass?

11. A car of mass m1 = 1100 kg is traveling at v1 = 32 m/s when it collides head-on with a sport utility
vehicle of mass m2 = 2500 kg traveling in the opposite direction. In the collision, the two vehicles
come to a halt. At what speed was the sport utility vehicle traveling?

July 14, 2022 Questions continue. . . Page 2 of 3

PHYS 1101 General Physics I Assignment

12. A fireworks rocket is moving at a speed of 45.0 m/s. The rocket suddenly breaks into two pieces of
equal mass, which fly off with velocities ⃗v1 and ⃗v2 , as shown in Figure 3. What are the magnitudes of
(a) ⃗v1 and ⃗v2 ?

Figure 3


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