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A Project Report on

Advanced Manufacturing Techniques used by SpaceX and

their integration with respect to SDG’s

Submitted to
Sir. Syed Hassan Shah

Ahmed Hassan Tariq

A Project Report submitted to the


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Course of Advanced

Manufacturing Technologies (ME4633)

Of the degree of


Faculty of Engineering

Capital University of Science and Technology


Copyright @ 2023 by CUST Student

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form requires the prior written
permission of

Ahmed Hassan Tariq



It is declared that this is an original piece of my own work, except where otherwise
acknowledged in text and references. This work has not been submitted in any form for
another degree or diploma at any university or other institution for tertiary education and
shall not be submitted by me in future for obtaining any degree from this or any other
University or Institution.


This research examines the state-of-the-art manufacturing methods used by SpaceX, a major
aerospace operator, and assesses how well these methods match with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. An outline of SpaceX's past development,
present position in the aerospace industry, and dedication to sustainability and innovation is
provided at the outset of the study.

Examining applications, benefits, and related issues, the research investigates advanced
manufacturing processes and looks at additive manufacturing (3D printing) as a means of
making rocket components. The integration of automated manufacturing processes is also
examined, with a focus on the effects of robots and automation on improvements in efficiency
and precision.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.1: Background .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.2: Purpose of the project.............................................................................................................. 7
1.3: Scope and Significance ............................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 2: SpaceX Overview ............................................................................................................... 8
2.1: History and Evolution ............................................................................................................. 8
2.2: Current Status in Aerospace Industry.................................................................................... 8
2.3: Innovation and Sustainability ................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 3: Advanced Manufacturing Techniques ............................................................................ 10
3.1: Overview................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2: Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) ................................................................................. 10
3.2.1: Applications in Rocket Components: ................................................................................ 11
3.3: Automated Manufacturing Processes ................................................................................... 13
3.3.1: Robotics and Automation in Production:........................................................................... 13
Chapter 4: Material Science and Selection ....................................................................................... 14
4.1: Carbon-fiber Composites ...................................................................................................... 14
4.2: Aluminum-Lithium Alloys .................................................................................................... 14
4.3: Overall Benefits...................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 5: Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ............................................... 16

5.1: SpaceX's Contribution to SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) ..................................... 16

5.2: SpaceX's Contribution to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) .................. 17
5.3: SpaceX's Contribution to SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) ..............
Chapter 6: Challenges and Future Prospects ................................................................................... 18
6.1: Existing Challenges in Advanced Manufacturing ............................................................... 18
6.2: Anticipated Future Trends and Innovations in Aerospace Manufacturing: ......................
Chapter 7: Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 8: References ........................................................................................................................ 20

Table of Figures:

Figure 1: SpaceX Industries ....................................................................................................

Figure 2: Different Advanced Manufacturing Techniques ................................................
Figure 3: Schematic Diagram of DMLS Process .................................................................
Figure 4: Main Oxidizer Valve ..............................................................................................
Figure 5: An Automated Assembly Line using Robotics ....................................................
Figure 6: Rocket Fairings ......................................................................................................
14 Figure 7: 17 SDG's set by the UN
......................................................................................... 16

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1: Background
In an effort to achieve innovation, efficiency, and sustainability, the aerospace industry has
undergone a radical transition towards advanced production techniques. Using cutting-edge
technology to revolutionize space travel, Elon Musk's SpaceX is at the vanguard of this
transformation, having been formed in 2002. The company is now at the forefront of
developing and using the latest advanced manufacturing techniques to manufacture the
components used in their rocket ships.

1.2: Purpose of the project

This project aims to explore and analyze the advanced manufacturing techniques employed by
SpaceX, evaluating their alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through a
comprehensive investigation, we seek to understand how SpaceX's manufacturing practices
contribute to a more sustainable aerospace industry.

1.3: Scope and Significance

This project's scope includes SpaceX's history, present situation, dedication to sustainability
and innovation, advanced production methods, materials science, energy efficiency, alignment
with the SDGs, difficulties, and potential futures. The importance is in figuring out how
SpaceX's actions affect environmental sustainability worldwide through the use of SDG’s and
offering guidance to the larger aerospace industry.

Chapter 2: SpaceX Overview

2.1: History and Evolution

Elon Musk established SpaceX in 2002 with the goal of lowering the cost of space travel and
facilitating Mars colonization. SpaceX created the Falcon 9 and Dragon, gaining NASA
contracts for the ISS, and achieved notable milestones such as the orbit of the Falcon 1 in 2008.
Reusable rocket technology made a major breakthrough in 2012, lowering launch costs and
increasing commercial services [2].

In 2017, focus switched to developing Starships for interplanetary travel. Test failures were
one of the hurdles, while Crew Dragon missions for NASA's Commercial Crew Program were
among the successes. SpaceX conducted testing of the Starship prototype, boosted its launch
frequency, and was a key player in NASA's Artemis program.

Figure 1: SpaceX Industries [8]

2.2: Current Status in Aerospace Industry

SpaceX has established itself as a groundbreaking aerospace company with a focus on space
transportation and exploration. One of its key contributions has been the development of the
Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets, which are known for their reusability, significantly
reducing the cost of launching payloads into space. The company's commitment to reusability
has been a game-changer in the industry, prompting other space agencies and private
companies to explore similar technologies. SpaceX has also established itself as a leading
global provider for commercial satellite launches. With the goal of delivering high-speed
internet connectivity to every country in the world, SpaceX's Starlink project is a satellite
internet constellation that highlights the company's diversified portfolio beyond traditional
space missions.

Additionally, SpaceX has contributed hardware and knowledge for lunar exploration missions
to NASA's Artemis program, which has been extremely important. Due to the company's
inventions, SpaceX is now a leader in the quickly changing aerospace sector, particularly with
regard to the ongoing development of rocket technology and propulsion systems.

2.3: Innovation and Sustainability
Under Elon Musk's direction, SpaceX innovates by pushing the limits of technology and
redefining aerospace standards. Fundamental to its philosophy is a dedication to sustainability,
which is best shown by the revolutionary reusable rocket technology. In line with its mission
of accessibility and economic feasibility, SpaceX has revolutionized space travel economics
by landing and reusing rocket stages. Reusing components, recycling them, and looking into
eco-friendly materials are just a few of the ways that operations include sustainability.

In addition to cutting costs, SpaceX prioritizes the integration and use of renewable energy
sources into its operations, demonstrating a commitment to lowering its carbon footprint. New
and bold endeavors like as the Starship spaceship serve as prime examples of SpaceX's long-
term strategy for sustained interplanetary travel.

Chapter 3: Advanced Manufacturing Techniques

3.1: Overview
The application of cutting-edge, innovative, or advanced technology to enhance goods or
procedures is known as advanced manufacturing. Modern technology and procedures used in
advanced manufacturing transform conventional production methods. One of the most
important elements is additive manufacturing (3D printing), which uses layer-by-layer building
to create complex patterns. Automation improves accuracy and consistency in industrial
processes, from assembly to quality control, and is powered by robotics and artificial
intelligence [1].

Figure 2: Different Advanced Manufacturing Techniques [9]

Materials science, which emphasizes lightweight materials like carbon fiber composites and
sophisticated alloys, is essential. Reusability and recycling are two practices that are included
into the focus of sustainability. Green manufacturing techniques and the incorporation of
renewable energy sources are combined with a focus on energy efficiency.

3.2: Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)

Additive Manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing, is a revolutionary manufacturing
process that builds objects layer by layer using digital design data. This technology allows for
the creation of complex geometric shapes and structures that traditional manufacturing methods
may find challenging. The advantages of 3D printing in aerospace lie in its ability to enhance
design flexibility, reduce production costs, and significantly decrease material waste. [17]

Figure 3: Schematic Diagram of DMLS Process [10]

3.2.1: Applications in Rocket Components:

SpaceX employs a range of advanced manufacturing technologies to develop cutting-edge
aerospace components, enhancing efficiency and enabling innovative solutions. One prominent
technique utilized by SpaceX is additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing.
SpaceX makes use of direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). This type of AM works by laying
down thin layers of metal powder in a heated chamber. A laser then traces out the 2D cross
section of the part. The laser brings the temperature of the powder above its melting point and
the metal melts. The next layer is then added on top and the process is repeated, thus sintering
each layer to the previous one [5]. SpaceX prints also run through cooling cycles. This process
is extensively applied in the production of rocket components, including complex engine parts
and intricate structural elements.

Falcon 9 Rocket: Merlin Engines:

Materials: The Merlin engines, which power the Falcon 9's first stage, incorporate 3D-printed
components. The primary material used in these engines is a high-strength alloy known as
Inconel, which can withstand the extreme temperatures and pressures during rocket propulsion.

Temperatures: Rocket engines experience extreme temperatures during launch and re-entry.
Inconel, with its exceptional heat resistance, is well-suited for the combustion chambers and
nozzles where temperatures can exceed 3,300 degrees Fahrenheit (1,815 degrees Celsius).

Advantages: 3D printing allows for the creation of intricate and complex geometries that would
be challenging or impossible with traditional manufacturing methods. This precision in design
contributes to optimal engine performance.

Falcon 9 Rocket: Main Oxidizer Valve

In a rocket engine, the main oxidizer valve is a crucial component responsible for regulating
the flow of oxidizer into the combustion chamber. The main oxidizer valve controls the rate at
which oxidizer is injected into the combustion chamber, allowing for precise control of the
combustion process and, consequently, the thrust generated by the rocket.

Figure 4: Main Oxidizer Valve [11]

In August of 2014, it was revealed by Elon Musk himself that they had used 3D manufacturing
to construct the main oxidizer valve that was used in the Falcon 9’s rocket engine. The
component was also constructed in a record-breaking time of 2 days, compared to a time of at
least 2 months had they used conventional manufacturing techniques like casting [7].

The valve was constructed using DMLS 3D Printing.

SuperDraco Engines:

Combustion Chambers: The combustion chambers of the SuperDraco engines are

manufactured using 3D-printed Inconel.

Thruster Components: Other components, such as the thruster heads and valves, also
incorporate 3D-printed parts made from materials capable of withstanding the harsh conditions
of space travel.

Advantages: 3D printing allows for the creation of intricate cooling channels within the
combustion chambers, enhancing the engine's ability to regulate temperatures and ensuring
optimal performance during critical phases of space missions.

Overall Impact:

Weight Reduction: The use of 3D printing enables the creation of lightweight yet durable
components, contributing to overall weight reduction in the rocket. This is crucial for achieving
cost-effective launches and maximizing payload capacity.

Precision and Performance: The ability to manufacture complex geometries with precision
enhances the performance of rocket engines. Optimized designs contribute to efficiency in
combustion, resulting in improved thrust and overall rocket performance.

3.3: Automated Manufacturing Processes
Automated manufacturing processes involve the use of robotics and advanced automation
systems to carry out various stages of production without direct human intervention. Through
the integration of robotics, tasks such as assembly, welding, and quality control are performed
with a high degree of accuracy and speed. Automation not only streamlines production
workflows but also contributes to improved safety conditions by handling repetitive or
hazardous tasks. SpaceX's adoption of automated manufacturing processes aligns with the
company's commitment to innovation, allowing for increased production efficiency and the
realization of ambitious goals in space exploration.

3.3.1: Robotics and Automation in Production:

Precision is crucial for assembling intricate spaceship and rocket components. SpaceX's
robotics are precisely programmed, making it possible to assemble complex structures and
install components with little error. Because of this level of precision, every component fits
together perfectly and satisfies the high requirements needed for space exploration.

Automation is essential to improving productivity across the industrial process. Robotic

systems are used for tasks that are repetitive, time-consuming, or sometimes dangerous for
human workers. This shortens the total amount of time needed to create complicated aerospace
components by enabling a more efficient and continuous production process.

Robotics is also used in quality control procedures. Automated inspection systems have the
ability to quickly and accurately evaluate component quality and detect any deviations from

Figure 5: An Automated Assembly Line using Robotics [12]

Chapter 4: Material Science and Selection

The use of lightweight materials, such as carbon fiber composites and aluminum-lithium alloys,
by SpaceX is intricately linked to advanced manufacturing techniques, particularly additive
manufacturing (3D printing) and precision machining.

4.1: Carbon-fiber Composites

SpaceX utilizes 3D printing to create complex structures using carbon fiber-reinforced
polymers. This technique allows for the layer-by-layer deposition of materials, enabling the
construction of intricate components with high strength and low weight. Carbon fiber
composites, when combined with 3D printing, enable the production of optimized structures,
improving the overall performance of the spacecraft.

SpaceX uses composite materials in their rockets, primarily in the construction of the fairings
that protect payloads during launch. A fairing is the outer covering of a rocket, and its primary
function is to protect the payload from aerodynamic loads, thermal loads, and other
environmental factors during the launch and ascent phases. SpaceX's fairings are made from
carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP), which is a composite material consisting of carbon
fiber and a polymer matrix. CFRP is known for its high strength-to-weight ratio, which makes
it an ideal material for aerospace applications where weight is critical.

Figure 6: Rocket Fairings [13]

4.2: Aluminum-Lithium Alloys

While traditional manufacturing methods involve machining large pieces of aluminum, 3D
printing allows SpaceX to create intricate aluminum-lithium alloy components layer by layer.
This not only reduces material waste but also enables the production of highly customized and
lightweight parts with specific geometries that enhance the structural efficiency of the rocket.

SpaceX decided to use an aluminum-lithium alloy for the Falcon 9 fuel tanks because it is
lightweight, strong, and has a high resistance to cracking. This makes it an ideal material for
use in fuel tanks, which need to be able to withstand the high pressures and temperatures that
occur during a rocket launch. Additionally, aluminum-lithium alloy is also less expensive than
other materials that could have been used for the fuel tanks, such as titanium [6].

4.3: Overall Benefits
The integration and use of these lightweight materials coupled with the use of advanced
manufacturing techniques has several benefits which include:

• Weight Reduction: The combination of advanced manufacturing and lightweight

materials reduces the overall weight of the spacecraft. This, in turn, contributes to
increased payload capacity, fuel efficiency, and the overall performance of the rocket.
• Structural Optimization: Advanced manufacturing techniques enable the creation of
structures that are precisely tailored to the load-bearing requirements of each
component. This optimization ensures that the material is strategically placed,
minimizing excess weight while maintaining structural integrity.
• Customization and Complexity: 3D printing and precision machining provide the
flexibility to create highly customized and complex designs that may be challenging or
impossible with traditional manufacturing methods. This adaptability allows SpaceX to
push the boundaries of design innovation.

Chapter 5: Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals established by the
United Nations in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals
were created to address a range of interconnected global challenges and promote a more
sustainable and equitable world. The SDGs cover a wide spectrum of issues, including poverty,
hunger, health, education, gender equality, clean water, affordable and clean energy, industry
and innovation, climate action, peace, justice, and partnerships.

Figure 7: 17 SDG's set by the UN [14]

5.1: SpaceX's Contribution to SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)

SpaceX contributes to Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7) - "Ensure access to affordable,
reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all" through various initiatives.

1. Renewable Energy Integration: SpaceX incorporates renewable energy sources into its
operations. Solar panels, for instance, are used to harness the power of the sun,
providing a clean and sustainable source of energy for various aspects of its
manufacturing facilities and operations.
2. Advancements in Reusability: A significant aspect of SpaceX's contribution to SDG 7
lies in its pursuit of reusable rocket technology. The company has successfully
developed and implemented reusable first-stage rocket boosters, as seen in the Falcon
9's capability to land and be refurbished for multiple launches.
3. Efficient Rocket Propulsion: SpaceX's development of the Falcon rockets, especially
the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy, emphasizes efficiency in rocket propulsion. These
rockets utilize advanced engines, such as the Merlin engines, designed for optimal fuel
efficiency and performance.

5.2: SpaceX's Contribution to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and
SpaceX significantly contributes to Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9) - "Build resilient
infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation."

1. Revolutionizing Space Industry: SpaceX has revolutionized the space industry by

introducing innovative and sustainable practices. The company's approach to reusable
rocket technology has significantly reduced the costs associated with space launches,
fostering a more sustainable and cost-effective space industry.
2. Global Impact on Aerospace Infrastructure: SpaceX's achievements have a global
impact on aerospace infrastructure, influencing how countries and organizations
approach space missions. By setting new standards in cost-effectiveness, reliability, and
sustainability, SpaceX's practices encourage the development of resilient space
infrastructure worldwide.

5.3: SpaceX's Contribution to SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and

SpaceX contributes to Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12) - "Ensure sustainable
consumption and production patterns" through its commitment to responsible practices in the
aerospace industry.

1. Recycling and Material Efficiency: SpaceX employs advanced manufacturing

techniques and materials that emphasize efficiency and resource conservation. The use
of lightweight materials, such as carbon fiber composites, coupled with precision
manufacturing processes, contributes to material efficiency
2. Life Cycle Assessment: SpaceX considers the life cycle of its products, assessing the
environmental impact from manufacturing to end-of-life. This comprehensive approach
ensures that sustainability is integrated into all stages of production, aligning with
responsible consumption and production patterns.

Chapter 6: Challenges and Future Prospects

6.1: Existing Challenges in Advanced Manufacturing

Although the aerospace industry has greatly benefited from modern production techniques,
SpaceX and the larger aerospace sector confront a number of obstacles in properly
implementing and integrating these technologies. Some of these issues include

1. High Initial Costs

2. Material Qualification
3. Skill Shortages
4. Data Security Concerns
5. Resistance to change
6. Post-Processing and Finishing

6.2: Anticipated Future Trends and Innovations in Aerospace

1. Advanced Materials: The aerospace industry is likely to witness the increased use of
advanced materials with improved strength-to-weight ratios, such as advanced ceramics
and metal alloys. These materials will contribute to the development of lighter and more
fuel-efficient aircraft and spacecraft.
2. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI): The integration of machine
learning and AI is anticipated to enhance manufacturing processes. Predictive
maintenance, quality control, and adaptive manufacturing systems driven by AI will
contribute to increased efficiency and reduced downtime.
3. Digital Twins: The concept of digital twins, where a virtual replica of a physical object
is created and monitored, is expected to become more prevalent. In aerospace
manufacturing, digital twins can be used for real-time monitoring, simulation, and
optimization of production processes.
4. Additive Manufacturing Advancements: Further advancements in additive
manufacturing, especially in terms of larger-scale and faster 3D printing, will
revolutionize how aerospace components are produced. This trend may lead to more
complex and optimized designs that were previously challenging to manufacture.
5. Sustainable Manufacturing Practices: Future trends will likely emphasize
sustainability, with a focus on reducing waste, minimizing environmental impact, and
adopting circular economy principles. Aerospace manufacturers may explore
ecofriendly materials and processes to align with global sustainability goals.
6. Quantum Computing for Optimization: Quantum computing has the potential to
revolutionize optimization problems in manufacturing. This technology could be
applied to solve complex logistical challenges, improve supply chain management, and
optimize production schedules in the aerospace industry.
7. Space-Based Manufacturing: With the increasing interest in space exploration, the
concept of space-based manufacturing is gaining traction. In-orbit manufacturing could
lead to the production of specialized components in microgravity environments,
reducing the need to launch large, pre-manufactured structures from Earth.

Chapter 7: Conclusion

In summary, SpaceX's investigation of cutting-edge manufacturing methods highlights the

company's innovative role in influencing the direction of aerospace technology. SpaceX's
deliberate implementation of state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques demonstrates its
dedication to sustainability, precision, and innovation. SpaceX has improved its manufacturing
workflows and matched its operations with the larger global goals delineated in the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) by exploring additive manufacturing, automation, materials
science, and energy-efficient procedures.

SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), and
SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) are among the Sustainable Development
Goals that SpaceX is leading the way in achieving through the integration of innovative
manufacturing techniques. SpaceX has demonstrated how technological breakthroughs and
ecological practices may coexist peacefully through the use of renewable energy, efficient
propulsion systems, reusable components, and ethical material selections.

The aerospace sector and global sustainability will be significantly impacted as SpaceX
develops and grows its production capacity. The company's accomplishments not only help
space exploration missions succeed, but they also establish a standard for ethical and
progressive manufacturing practices in the larger industrial sector. The aerospace industry and
beyond can draw inspiration from the lessons learnt from SpaceX's path into advanced
manufacturing, which highlights the transformative power of technological innovation when it
is in line with the values of sustainability and responsible development. Essentially, SpaceX's
narrative serves as a tribute to the potential that emerges from the marriage of stateof-the-art
technology with an unwavering dedication to environmental conservation and the quest for a
more sustainable future.

Chapter 8: References
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