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A few days before the class, assign the pre-class online activities.
Link: Paternity leave: Pre-class activities

Look at the photos and discuss the joys and challenges of

1. Lead-in
being a new parent.

Use these expressions to talk about 4 of the photos:

to bond with your newborn: to establish a strong emotional connection with

your baby
sleepless nights: periods of time during which a person experiences a lack of
to juggle work and childcare: to balance responsibilities related to work and
caring for children
to cuddle your baby: to hold them close in an affectionate and gentle
Discuss the following aspects of having a baby:
Financial pressures
Changing relationship dynamics
Navigating parenting advice from friends and relatives
Health and well-being (both physical and mental)
Time management

Match the words and expressions from the box to the correct
2. Vocabulary

childproof (adj and verb) / changing a diaper / breastfeeding

a playdate / potty training / daycare (nursery)
a toddler / a newborn / formula (bottle) feeding

breastfeeding a newborn formula (bottle)


changing a diaper a playdate potty training

childproof a toddler daycare (nursery)

3. Speaking Discuss the questions below.

1. What factors might influence a parent's decision to choose formula

feeding over breastfeeding?
2. What are some common household items that need to be childproofed,
and why?
3. In what ways can public spaces and facilities be more accommodating
for parents who need to change diapers on the go?
4. What are some effective strategies for managing tantrums and
challenging behaviors in toddlers?

Parenting and gender role stereotypes, assumptions, and

4. Speaking misconceptions.
Discuss the stereotypes below. Which ones are still
widespread in society? Do you think there is any truth in any of
these stereotypes? Give arguments for your answers.

Mothers are the primary caregivers: Mothers are solely responsible for
childcare, and fathers have a secondary role.

Fathers are not competent in childcare: Fathers are seen as less

capable and/or less interested in childcare tasks.

Stay-at-home moms are less ambitious: Women who choose to stay at

home are not ambitious or career-oriented.

Parents must have it all together: Parents should have all the answers
and be perfect in managing their family life.

All parents have the same parenting style: There is a one-size-fits-all

approach to parenting, and all parents should follow the same rules.

Parents of different genders have incompatible parenting styles:

Mothers and fathers naturally have conflicting approaches to parenting.

Parents lose their identity: Once individuals become parents, their own
interests, hobbies, and identities become secondary to their role as a

Supermoms: Mothers should be able to juggle multiple responsibilities

effortlessly, including managing the household, working outside the
home, and caring for their children, without any support.
Pre-listening discussion.
5. Speaking
Discuss the questions below.

1. In your country, what types of support or benefits does the government

provide for new parents?
2. In your country, what is the typical duration of parental (maternity and
paternity) leave, and do you think it's sufficient?
3. What challenges do you think parents face when returning to work after
taking parental leave?
4. What changes, if any, would you suggest to improve parental leave
policies in your country?
5. Do you believe there should be differences in the length of parental leave
for different situations, e.g., single parents, or having twins?
6. Aside from financial and leave policies, what other supportive measures
do you think would benefit new parents?
7. How do traditional gender roles regarding caregiving impact the careers of
men and women?

You are going to watch a video called “Why paternity leave

6. Listening A benefits everyone”. Watch the first part of the video (0:00-
1:40) and answer the questions below.
1. How many months of paid parental leave does Japan offer to both mothers
and fathers?
12 months
2. In terms of length and compensation for paternity leave, what rank has
Japan achieved worldwide?
3. In the year 2020, what percentage of fathers in Japan took paternity leave?
4. Out of the fathers who took paternity leave in 2020, what fraction took a
leave of two weeks or less?
Watch the second part of the video (1:40-3:05) and
Listening B
complete the gaps in the extracts with 1 or 2 words.

When he was 1. a newborn, we’d just 2. cuddle on the couch, but when he got
a little bigger, he became my best workout buddy as a cheerleader during my
morning runs in his stroller or as a human dumbbell for squats and biceps

Men who take paternity leave experience a stronger 3. bond with their babies.

In a McKinsey and Company survey, 90 percent of fathers who took paternity

leave said it improved their 4. relationship, too.

First, because you gain a whole new respect for what’s involved in 5. childcare
and housework, and it makes you step up and take on more. And by being
home, you’re providing 6. emotional support. Statistics show that when a
mother’s partner is involved, especially in the first few weeks after birth, it
reduces the risk of 7. postpartum depression significantly.

Watch the last part of the video (3:05-5:45) and write down
Listening C
the percentages you hear.
1. the increase in the mother's earnings for every month of parental leave
taken by the father - 7%
2. % of female students in Japan wanting their future partner to take parental
leave - 90%
3. % of men entering the workforce in Japan who express a desire to take
paternity leave - 80%
4. % of companies that offer paid family leave reporting a positive impact on
morale - 80%
5. % of companies that offer paid family leave that notice a boost in
productivity - 70%
6. % of fathers who take paternity leave in Iceland, Norway, and Finland - 70%

Listening D Watch the last part of the video again and summarize in
your own words the benefits of paternity leave mentioned

Possible answers: impact on gender equality and bridging the gender gap;
providing women with more choices, preventing them from leaving the
workforce or taking reduced roles; boosting women's ability to rise into
leadership roles within the workforce; companies with an open, inclusive
culture are more likely to attract and retain the best talent; giving partners the
opportunity to share responsibilities both at home and at work; higher life
satisfaction as reported when the gender gap is smaller; creating a culture
where individuals can be themselves without being bound by gender
7. Speaking Post-listening discussion.

1. What do you think about the information presented in the video?

2. Is there something you disagree with?
3. Do you think paternity leave should become mandatory? Why/Why not?
4. What other measures might help bridge the gender gap?

8. Vocabulary Word formation: verbs formed by adding en- and -en.

Look at the quote from the video:

My relationship with my wife also deepened on my leave.

to deepen = to make deeper or more profound

Use a word from the box + the suffix -en to create verbs
A with the following definitions:

sad / loose / strength

bright / wide / height

1. brighten = to make brighter or more radiant.

2. heighten = to increase in degree or intensity.
3. strengthen = to make stronger or more robust.
4. loosen = to make something less tight or restrictive.
5. widen = to make broader or increase in width.
6. sadden = to make or become sad.

Use a word from the box + the prefix en- to create verbs
with the following definitions:

courage / force / sure

able / rich / danger

1. enrich = to make richer or more meaningful.

2. enable = to make it possible for something to happen.
3. endanger = to pose a threat to safety or well-being.
4. encourage = to inspire or give support to someone.
5. enforce = to compel or ensure compliance with a rule or law.
6. ensure = to make certain that something will happen or be the case.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word
9. Practice

1. He loosened his tie after a long day at work, finally able to relax. LOOSE
2. The tension in the room heightened as the negotiations became more
intense. HIGH
3. Following proper safety procedures will ensure the well-being of
everyone in the workplace. SURE
4. Building wheelchair ramps in public spaces will enable people with
disabilities to access them more easily. ABLE
5. Parents play a crucial role in encouraging their children to explore their
interests and passions. COURAGE
6. Volunteering at a local charity can enrich your life by providing a sense
of purpose and fulfillment. RICH
7. As they spent more time together, their conversations began to deepen,
touching on topics they had never explored before. DEEP
8. The news of the pet's passing saddened the entire family. SAD
9. Building trust is essential to strengthen relationships with colleagues and
clients. STRONG
10. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the elaborate birthday
cake. WIDE
11. Leaving toxic chemicals within reach of children can endanger their
safety and well-being. DANGER

Discuss the talking points below. Use the verbs from

10. Speaking
activity 8 given in each talking point.

Policies and practices that enable working parents to balance their

careers and family responsibilities effectively.

The importance of encouraging open communication between parents

to deepen their relationship.

Strategies for ensuring equitable division of household and caregiving

responsibilities between parents.

The importance of family traditions and rituals in strengthening the bond

between parents and children.
11. Reflection What would you like to take from this lesson?
and feedback Complete the table below. After that, your teacher will give
you some feedback.

A) New vocabulary: B) Pronunciation: C) Error correction:

write 5 (or more!) write the words from write the mistakes your
words or expressions this lesson that you teacher corrected
from this lesson you find difficult to (e.g. expressions you
would like to pronounce. translate from your
remember and use in language that are actually
the future. different in English;
prepositions, etc.)

1. ....................................
2. ....................................
3. ....................................
4. ....................................
5. ....................................

Research one of the topics below.

12. Homework
Report your findings to your teacher in the next class.

1. Parental leave laws in different countries

2. The motherhood penalty vs the fatherhood bonus
3. Measures to bridge the gender gap

13. Keep Keep learning outside of the classroom!

learning! To reinforce and enrich the vocabulary from this class, check the
"Additional resources" section (videos and articles) here:


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