Product Hub - Product Information Managemnet (PIM)

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Product HUB
Product Information Management (PIM)
Implementation Workshop Content
by PTT

Safe Harbor Statement
The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information
purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any
material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The
development, release, timing, and pricing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s
products may change and remains at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation.
Statements in this presentation relating to Oracle’s future plans, expectations, beliefs, intentions and
prospects are “forward-looking statements” and are subject to material risks and uncertainties. A
detailed discussion of these factors and other risks that affect our business is contained in Oracle’s
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, including our most recent reports on Form 10-K
and Form 10-Q under the heading “Risk Factors.” These filings are available on the SEC’s website or on
Oracle’s website at All information in this presentation is current as
of September 2019 and Oracle undertakes no duty to update any statement in light of new
information or future events.

2 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material

 Innovation to Commercialization - Introduction

 Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Cloud : Overall Picture

 Product Hub
 Item Class Configurations
 Items – Features and Functionalities
 New Item Request – Item Approvals
 Item Rules – Assignment | Validation | Composite | Blending
 Supplier Product Uploads – Supplier Portal | Import Maps
 FBDI – File Based Data Import | Import Formats
 Publication – Export Master Data Out of Cloud
 Deletion Groups

 Useful Resources

3 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material

Innovation To Commercialization
Innovation | Product Development | Product Hub

Innovation Product
Management Development Product Hub

2 3
Ideas Items, Documents & New Item Request
Proposals Structures Change Order
Concepts Manufacturers Item Rules
Requirements Extensible Flex Fields
Manufacturer Parts Supplier Products
OTBI Dashboards
Change Management Publication

4 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Cloud
Overall Picture : Functional Areas | Features | Process Flows
Ideas Requirements
OTBI Dashboard
Management Ideation

Innovation To Commercialization
Proposal Analysis
Proposals Concepts
Offering | Functional Area

Items Documents Manufacturers Product Quality

Product New Product
Development Development
Change Management
Structures Manufacturer Parts Supplier Collaboration
Common Change UI

Item Class Catalogs Item Batches
Packs | Structure

Product Hub Change Orders New Item Requests Data Quality Commercialization

Manage Supplier
Publication Item Rules

Approvals Reporting Extensibility


Security Integration
BPM | Webservice OTBI & BIP Flex fields | EFF
Platform Features FBDI | Events Rest
Application Composer API | Webservices
Auditing OSN * Page Composer
Innovation | Quality | CO

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PLM Cloud
Innovation To Commercialization: Sub Processes

Innovation Management
Lifecycle: Idea » Proposal » Concept Design

Product Development
Lifecycle: Design » Pre-Production/Prototype

Master Data Development

Management Product Hub
Lifecycle: Production » Obsolete

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Product Hub
Item Class Item Class Details

Basic Class Hierarchy | Attachment Categories

Number & Description Generation

Item Management New Item Request
Change Management

Root Item Class Security Access & Actions

Features Transactional Attributes Attributes & Details

Grocery Lifecycle Phases Select Acceptable Lifecycle Phases

Electronics Attribute Groups | Pages | Matching

Pages & Attribute Groups Item Overview |Functional Item Pages
Product Hub Portal
Public / Private Item Creation Allowed
Templates & formats Item Templates & Import Formats

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Product Hub
Item Structures
Item Creation (Bill of Material)
Manual | FBDI | Rest Service | Import Map
Structure Types
Item Specifications & Attributes Standard | Model | Option Class | Planning |
Operations | User Defined | Transactional Phantom

Create Product Structure

Item Relationships & Associations
New | Copy | Common

Item Status
Active | Inactive Item Catalogs & Categories
Status controlled Attributes
Item Packs

Data Quality Item Security

Classification | Standardization | Matching Item Attachments

Item Quality Item Mass Changes

Quality Issues and Actions

Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material

Product Hub New Item Request Flow New Item Request Setups
New Item Request (NIR)
Task » Manage New Item Request Type Details
Open Configure
Defaults | Item Effectivity | Numbering | Workflow
Product Hub Create Item

Task : Manage Item Classes

Add Item to Definition Item Management » ENABLE New Item Request
New Item Request Build » Definition Workflow Details

User Defined NIR Type Details

Approval BPM – Business

Rule Based
Process Management
Task: Manage Task Configurations for Supply Chain Management

Checks Item Effectivity on NIR Type Details (Or)

Checks Item Effectivity on NIR Document

Item Approved Completed

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Product Hub Commercial
Change Order Flow Task » Manage Change Order Type
Change Orders
Defaults | Item Effectivity | Numbering
Open Workflow | Propagation Rules
Create / Query Entry & Exit Criteria's | Promotion & Demotion
Product Hub Item Additional Workflow Controls

Add Item to Change Order User Defined Manage Change

Task: Manage Change Orders Order Type

Rule Based
BPM – Business
Approval Process Management
Task: Manage Task Configurations for Supply Chain Management

Web Service Based Approvals

Checks Item Effectivity on

Manage Change Order Type

Completed Item Changes Propagate Changes

Approved to Other Orgs

Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material

Product Hub
Item Rules
Master Rule Set *
Analyze Item Rule Update Impacted Items
Assignment Rule Set Validation Rule Set
Set Impact (Manual / Automatic)
Rule 1 Rule 4
Rules for Item Number
Rule 2 Rule 5 Item Class
& Description Generation

Rule 3 Rule 6 Rules for NIR Number,

New Item Request
Entry & Exit Criteria

Rules for CO Number,

Change Orders Entry & Exit Criteria
Composite Rule Set Blending Rule Set

Assignment Rule Set Rules for Assignment &

Attribute Group *
Rule 6 Validation of Attributes
Validation Rule Set
Rule 7 Rules to filter items during
Publication Publish
Mixed :
Assignment & Validation
Validation Rules for Structures and Components
Categorization rules for assigning Catalogs and Categories to Items

Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material

Product Hub
Item Rules
Definition Configurations
Rules define integrity constraints on the attributes of items and Item Rule Sets
structures. You can define integrity constraints on operational as well as
on user-defined attributes. Offering: Product Management » Product Rules
Rule sets gather multiple rules together and are associated with a
source of attributes, such as attribute groups, item classes, change FSM Task: Manage Item Rule Sets
types, or structure types
Note: To enable a rule set, you must assign it to the predefined Master
Types of Rule sets
rule set (MASTER_RULE_SET).
Assignment rule set

Determines value of an item attribute based on conditions Run rule impact analysis

Validation rule set Run rule impact analysis to simulate and study the impact of the rule sets
Validates attribute values defined for items on a selected set of existing items, enabling you to make necessary change
Composite rule sets
Work area: Product Information Management
Can contain both Assignment and Validation rule sets
Blending Rule Sets Task: Analyze Item Rule Set Impact

When multiple spoke systems providing item data, during import the
blending rules control which item attribute values are imported into
production from the respective spoke systems
Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material
Product Hub
Supplier Product Uploads
Product Data Define a Spoke System Manage Catalogs & Item Class » Security & Supplier User
Steward (For Supplier) Catalog Mappings Product Hub Portal (Supplier Portal)

Product Management » PIM » Data Consolidation »

Manage Import Maps Manage Import Maps
Download Import
To map Supplier data (Native Format) to Product Hub format Map
Import Map
Spreadsheet Generated Fills data in Native

Product Management » PIM » Data Consolidation »

Review Supplier Uploads
Review Supplier Uploads Uploads Data
Accept | Request for Information | Reject

All Accepted Supplier Items are added to an Item Batch Add to Batch

Items created in
Item Master

Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material

Product Hub
Supplier Products
Definition Configurations
 Suppliers can manage their own products from Product Hub Portal. Supplier and Supplier Portal Access
Procurement » Suppliers -- Create Suppliers | Contacts | Supplier Portal
They can create, edit, and bulk upload the products, as well as
Accounts | Assign Role - Supplier Product Administrator
monitor the status of the products. Catalogs & Catalog Mappings
The Catalog Mappings are used to create a mapping between one catalog and
 When supplier uploads the products, they are stored in a staging another catalog or between a catalog and the Root item class
area. Suppliers can use Import Maps to upload their products in bulk. Task: Manage Catalogs | Task: Manage Catalog Mappings
Create a Configure Spoke System
 After Supplier submits the product, the Product Data Steward can
Task: Manage Trading Community Source Systems
review the submitted product before importing it into Product Hub. Task: Manage Spoke Systems
 Once the Product Data Steward import the products into Product Create & Configure Item Class
Task: Manage Item classes
Hub, an item is automatically created in Product Hub and a Spoke
Security | Pages and Attribute Groups » Product Hub Portal
Item Relationship is created for the item. Manage Import Maps
 Supplier product administrators can delete attribute values of a Product Management » PIM » Data Consolidation » Manage Import Maps
Review Supplier Uploads
product in Product Hub Portal and submit the changes for import into
Product Management » PIM » Data Consolidation » Review Supplier uploads
Oracle Fusion Product Hub. On successful import, the attribute values Supplier Portal
on the production item are deleted. Supplier portal » Products » Manage Products
Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material
Product Hub
File Based Data Import (FBDI) – Item Bulk Import Process
Create Item Batch Download the Prepare Data FBDI Objects : Import Items
& Get Batch ID XLSM template & Generate CSV Provide Item Batch ID in XLSM template

Item Class »
Create Import Formats Correct errors using Navigator » Tools » File Import and Export
ADFDI Import Formats Upload to UCM

Query the Item Batch Load Data into Navigator » Tools » Scheduled Process :
and check the errors Interface Tables Load Interface File For Import

Import Data into Run Import Programs

Navigator » Tools » Scheduled Process
Application Tables
Item Import : Provide Batch ID
Query Items in
Item Master
YES Errors ?

Data Uploaded to NO
Product Tables

FBDI - File Based Data Import | XLSM - Macro Enabled Excel Spreadsheet | CSV - Comma Separated Values | UCM - Universal Content manager

Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material

Product Hub
Product Administrator
Offering: Product Management » Product Spoke Systems » Create Spoke Systems
Task: Manage Trading Community Source Systems

Offering: Product Management » Product Spoke Systems or Search and Edit

Item Batches » Task: Manage Spoke Systems Spoke System

Navigate to Publication Options Tab Publication Options tab

Publication Objects available

Select Objects to Publish
Items | Item classes | Item catalogs |Trading partner items
UCM – Universal
Content Manager

Publish the item objects using the Product Hub Publication Publish (Or) Schedule XML Payload – Oracle
Job scheduled process Publication WebCenter Content

Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material

Product Hub
Definition Configurations
Publication helps you schedule and publish item objects automatically to each Navigator » Setup and Maintenance » Product Management »
spoke system. Newly Created Items and Items that have been updated since the
last publication or criteria date and that meet the publication criteria for the spoke Task: Manage Spoke Systems
system will be published.
 Search desired spoke system and Edit Spoke Systems page.
Publication Objects :
 Click the Publication Options tab.
Items | Item classes | Item catalogs | Trading partner Items (TPI)  You can schedule publication or perform an ad hoc run
 The supported Item Entities are: Publication profile Options
Attributes | Attachments | Supplier Site Associations | Item Category
Assignments | Packs | Item Relationships | Structures Task: Manage Advanced Item Profile Options

 Supported Item Class entities  EGI_PUBLICATION_ITEMS_PER_PAYLOAD

Item Class | Pages | lifecycle phases | Attachment Categories | Attribute Groups Use this to define the number of items per payload in the publication
(AG) | Product Hub Portal & Supplier AG | Data quality attributes | DFF scheduled process. The predefined value is 100

 Supported Item Catalog entities  EGI_PUBLICATION_NUMBER_OF_PAYLOADS

Catalogs | categories | Category item assignments | Attachments | DFF Use this to define the number of parallel payloads to be used in the
publication scheduled process. The predefined value is 10.
 Supported Trading Partner Item Entities
Customers | Suppliers | manufacturers | Competitors - Item Relationships |  EGI_PUBLICATION_SIZE_OF_ZIP_FILE
Attachments | DFF Use this to control the overall size of the payload Zip file, in megabytes.
The predefined value is 500
Payload Location: Access the XML payload of the publication scheduled process
from Oracle WebCenter Content
Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material
Product Hub
Object Deletion
Definition & Configurations Deletion Flow
Item Deletion: The process of identifying and Purging products and services that
are at the end of their life cycle. Product managers can obsolete products and Manage
services by defining and maintaining delete groups Delete Groups

 The following objects can be added to a Delete Group:

Add desired
 Items | Item organizations | Item supplier site organizations
 Item Structures and Components
Objects For Deletion
 Change Orders
 New Item Requests

 Task Menu : Mange Delete Groups Check Constraints

Once an item is deleted, it's removed from the application, all the cross-references
and item relationships such as item organizations, item supplier site organizations,
structures, and components are lost. Click Submit - Objects
Submitted for Purging
 Choose Check Constraints (predefined) on the Edit Delete Group page to
maintain data integrity so that pending transactions aren't affected during purges

Note: You can't delete an item that has open transactions

Objects Deleted

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Innovation To Commercialization- Product Hub
New Features (22 C-22 D)

1. Extend Purge Publication History Records Using Scheduled Process

2. Assign Items To Categories Using Improved Catalog Rules
3. Create Multiple Item Relationships To Same GTIN

Complete list of features at Oracle Cloud Release Readiness

Product Lifecycle Management
Useful Resources

 Oracle Documentation
 Cloud Customer Connect
 Oracle Cloud Applications
 Oracle Cloud SCM – Popular Documents - Doc ID 2510838.2
 Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Release Readiness
 Product lifecycle Management - PLM Certification Details | 1Z0-1078-20

 PTT Workshop Schedules – List of all Workshops (Partner Trainings)

Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted: PTT Created Material

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