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Planes y predicciones

J: Hi friends, how are you?

D: I am very well, thank you.
G: Everything is ok, and what about you?
J: I'm fine, thanks, but I am a little pensive.
D: What are you thinking about?
J: What I want to have in 20 years.
G: Wow, what are your plans?
J: I will be the father of 2 children, and I will take them to soccer training
from a young age.
J: And what about you guys, what are your plans in the future?
G: I will have my own company to which I will invest a lot of my time to
make it very well-known.
D: I will be happily married and have a beautiful, large family.
J: Very good plans, and how do you think you're doing?
G: I'm doing well, and I will probably start practicing my career in 3 years.
D: I will improve my grades and I’ll take more responsibility for related
D: And what about you?
J: I will travel abroad to look for a better quality of life and work,
although I don't plan to stay permanently.
G: Wow, very interesting plans we all have. I would also like to travel
abroad, especially to Europe.
D: Well, maybe I’ll travel in 20 years, since I need to adjust well to my job.
G: What do you guys want materially in 20 years?
J: I want a sport car and several houses.
D: I would like to have my own yacht and I’ll be able to travel the seas.
D: And you, Geraldine?
G: I will probably spend a lot of money buying clothes every time I travel,
and I would have my own spa.
D: I wish you all the best of luck.
J: Well, friends, I must go now because my class starts soon.
D: Okay, Jonathan, take care, see you.
G: Bye Jonathan, bye David.
J: Goodbye.

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