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Chapter 5 Lesson 1

1. Trade: It is the exchange of things like goods for other goods, goods for money, goods for services, a service for
goods, or money for service.
2. People, who trade things of which they have too much, have played a role in the development of civilizations.
3. Prehistoric transport and trade:
3.1. Hunters-gatherers societies: In these societies, people used to hunt or gather food for themselves and their
immediate families.
3.2. Early agricultural societies: In these societies, man domesticated pack animals as means of transportation.
Also, the ancient people of Sahara imported domesticated animals from Asia between 6000 and 4000 BC. This
was followed by the development of the shipping technology. Hence, grassland was perfect for caravans and
animals on one hand and water was perfect ships to carry goods for one place to another.
3.3. Ancient Near East Trade: Trade and commerce led to economic prosperity and promoted multiculturalism
based on the exchange of ideas, philosophy and technology.
3.4. Mesopotamian Trade in the Ancient World: Mesopotamia was arid and barren area. Its people traded grains,
wool and textiles for gold, stone for building, spices and wood. During the time of Sargon, it traded grain,
wool and textiles for honey, spices and bitumen for ship-building. This was proved by documented evidence
from archaeological finds of thousands of stone tablets that recorded exports and imports by Mesopotamian
3.5. Ancient trade in Egypt:
3.5.1. Assyrian trade between Egypt and Syria was active.
3.5.2. Ancient Egypt traded with Minoans, the Trojans, the early, Greeks, the Arabs, Nubians and Canaanites.
3.5.3. Ancient Egyptians imported oil, furniture and weapons from Nubians, incense from Canaan, as well
as opium, figs and grapes from Cyprus.
3.6. Phoenicians Trade in the Ancient World: They were skillful traders. They imported Cedar wood as a top quality
architecture and ship building. They also traded dye, metal and fine linen.
3.7. The Romans trade gold, silver, food and clothes with Arab and Indus for silk, pearls, spices, slaves, incense and
3.8. Sargon the great: (the Middle East): He ruled Sumer from 2334 -2279 B.C. He established the capital of Agada
near the city of Kish. He developed a commercial empire dependent on Trade. The roads and the postal system
he established united his empire.

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