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In scientific terms an object is said to be in motion, if it changes its position

with the passage of time. If it does not change it position with the passage of
time then it is said to be at rest.

Both motion and rest are relative terms - for example –

(i) The roadside trees appear to be moving backwards to the passengers.
(ii) A person standing on the road finds the bus and the passengers
moving forward.
(iii) A person inside the moving bus finds his fellow passengers at rest.

Simplest case of motion is rectilinear motion which is the motion of the object
in a straight line.
Object under consideration can be treated as point object, if the size of the
object is much smaller than the distance travelled by it in reasonable time
duration for example length of a motor car travelling a distance of 500 km can
be neglected with respect to the distance traveled by it.

Motion of any object is defined by its position with respect to the observer.
Position may be defined as the location of the object under consideration, with
respect to the ‘reference object/ point/ frame’. If the object changes position
with time, with respect to the observer it is said to be in motion.

Reference Point/ Frame: It is the point/ three dimensional axes (x, y & z axis)
making a frame, with respect to which, the position of an object is measured.
An abject can be located with the help of the reference point / frame and its
direction with respect to it.
For example, if we take a pole as a reference point and want to know the
position of a man with respect to it, we must know the distance and direction
of the man with respect to the pole.

Motion in Straight Line: Here, the reference point is the origin , with
positional value ‘0’ and positions to its right are considered to be positive and to
its left are taken to be as negative, just as in the number line.

-ve 0 +ve
 If a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time then it is said to
be having uniform motion.
 If a body covers unequal distances in equal intervals or equal distances in
unequal intervals then the body is said to be having non-uniform

Difference between Scalar and Vector quantities:

1. Physical quantities which can be completely 1. Quantities which cannot
described by magnitude only and do nottotalrequire
distance travelled
be described completely
any mention of Average
direction Speed= total time taken
are called scalar without mentioning their
quantities. directions are called vector
2.Example:Length,time,temperature,speed, quantities.
work, power, energy 2. Force, position,
displacement, velocity.

Difference between Distance travelled and Displacement:

1. Distance is the length of the actual 1. Displacement is the change in
path travelled by a moving object from position of a moving object with
its initial position to its final position. respect to its initial position. It can
2. Direction is irrelevant here, so, it is a be defined as the shortest distance
scalar. between the initial position and the
3. The distance travelled by a moving final position of the object.
body cannot be zero. 2. It is a vector quantity.
3. The displacement of a body can
be zero.

Speed is defined as the distance travelled by the object in unit time during
which the motion takes place. SI unit of speed is meter per second. Speed of a
body gives us the idea how slow or fast that body is moving.
The ratio of total distance to total time taken by the body gives its average
speed. The speed of a body at a given instant is its instantaneous speed.

The rate of change of position of a body with the passage of time is known
as velocity of the body. Velocity of an object is measured in meter per second in
SI units. So, Velocity is nothing but the speed of an object moving in a definite
The velocity of an object can be uniform or variable. It can be changed by
changing the object’s speed, direction of motion or both.
So velocity of a body is a vector quantity involving both distance and
displacement whereas speed of a body is a scalar quantity and it only has
magnitude and does not have a specific direction.
Uniform velocity:
A body is said to be moving with uniform velocity if it covers equal
distances in equal intervals of time in a specified direction.
Non-uniform velocity:
A body is said to be moving with non-uniform velocity if it covers unequal
distances in equal intervals of time and vice-versa in a specified direction or
if it changes the direction of motion.
Average velocity:
The velocity of a body can be changed in two ways. First, by changing the
speed of the body and second by changing the direction of motion of the body
by keeping the speed constant. Also both speed and direction of the body can be
varied in order to change the velocity of the body.
When velocity of the object changes at a uniform rate, then average velocity is
given by the arithmetic mean of initial velocity and final velocity for given
period of time. That is,
Average velocity= 2 (u+v)

Where ‘u’ is the initial velocity of the object and ‘v’ is the final velocity of the
Acceleration is a measure of the change in the velocity of an object per unit
time. It is defined as rate of change of velocity.
If the velocity of an object changes from an initial value ‘u’ to the final value
‘v’ in time ‘t’, the acceleration a is given by,
a= t
It is a vector quantity and S.I unit is m/s2.This kind of motion is called
accelerated motion.
A body has uniform acceleration if it travels in a straight line and its velocity
increases by equal amount in equal intervals of time. For example, freely falling
bodies, motion of ball rolling down the inclined plane etc.
A body has non uniform acceleration if its velocity increases or decreases by
unequal amount in equal intervals of time.
If acceleration is in the direction of the velocity then it is positive acceleration
and if it is in the direction opposite to the direction of velocity then it is negative
and the negative acceleration is termed retardation.

Equations of uniformly accelerated motion

There are three equations of bodies moving with uniform acceleration which we
can use to solve problems related to motion.

Graphical representation of motion

To describe the motion of an object, we can use line graphs. In this case, line
graphs show dependence of one physical quantity, such as distance or velocity,
on another quantity, such as time.
Distance -time Graphs:
The change in the position of an object with time can be represented on the
distance -time graph.
In this graph, time is taken along x-axis and distance is taken along the y-axis.
Distance - time graphs of a moving body can be used to calculate the speed of
the body.
The distance - time graph for a body moving at uniform speed is always a
straight line passing through the origin, as distance travelled by the body is
directly proportional to time as shown below in the figure 1.
The distance time graph for a body moving with non-uniform speed is a curve
and is shown below in the figures.

Any point on such a graph has coordinates (t,s), in which ‘s’ is the displacement
after a time t. The slope of a displacement-time graph is velocity.

Velocity-time graphs.
Any point on such a graph will have coordinates (t,v), in which v is the velocity
after a time t.
 The slope of a velocity-time graph is acceleration.
 The area under a v-t graph represents the displacement .
Equations of motion by graphical method
We already know about equations of motion when an object moves along
straight line with uniform acceleration. We already know how to derive them
but these equations can also be derived by graphical method.
a. Equation for velocity -time relation:
Consider the velocity-time graph of an object that moves under uniform
acceleration as shown below



From this O Time t C graph, you can see that

initial velocity of the object
is ‘u’ (at point A) and then it increases to ‘v’ (at point B) in time ‘t’ s. The
velocity changes at a uniform rate ‘a’.
therefore, we get the relation, v = u + at
This is the 1 equation of motion also known as velocity – time relation.

b. Equation for position- time relation

Let us consider that the object has travelled a distance‘s’ in time‘t’ under
uniform acceleration a. In the velocity-time graph given above, the distance
travelled by the object is obtained by the area enclosed within OABC.

We get, 1
s = ut+ 2 at2
This is the equation of position time relation.
c. Equation for position- velocity relation
Again consider velocity – time graph given above. We know that distance
travelled ‘s’ by a body in time ‘t’ is given by the area under line AB which is
area of trapezium OABC.
or, we have
v² = u² + 2as

which is the equation for position - velocity relation.

Uniform circular motion:
When a body travels equal distance in equal intervals of
time, over a circular path, its speed is uniform. The
motion of the body is said to be uniform circular motion. The direction of
motion at any instant of time is along the tangent to the circular path at that
In uniform circular motion, only the speed of the body is constant. But the
direction of motion of the body is changing continuously. Therefore, velocity of
the body in uniform circular motion is changing continuously.
Hence, uniform circular motion is an accelerated motion.
Multiple choice questions:
1. If the v-t graph is a straight line inclined to the time axis, then
(a) a = 0 (b) a ≠ 0 (c) a = constant ≠ 0 (d) a ≠constant ≠0
2. The acceleration of a body found from the v-t graph which is parallel to the
time axis is
(a) >0 (b) <0 (c) = 0 (d) cannot be found
3. A particle is moving in a circular path of radius r. The displacement after half
a circle would be
(a) Zero (b) Πr (c) 2r (d) 2Πr
4. The numerical ratio of displacement to distance for a moving object is
(a) Always less than 1 (b) Always equal to 1
(c) Always more than 1 (d) Equal to or less than 1
5. The numerical ratio of average velocity to average speed is
(a) Always less than 1 (b) Always equal to 1
(c) Always more than 1 (d) Equal to or less than 1
6. The distance travelled by a body is directly proportional to the time taken. Its
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) becomes zero (d) Remains constant
7. Which of the following can be zero, when a particle is in motion for some
(a) Distance (b) Displacement (c) Speed (d) None of them
8. A passenger in a moving train tosses a coin. If the coin falls behind him, the
train must be moving with
(a) An acceleration (b) A deceleration
(c) A uniform speed (d) Any of the above
9. The slope of velocity-time graph for motion with uniform velocity is equal to
(a) Final velocity (b) Initial velocity (c) Zero (d) None of the above
10. A person travels along a straight road for half the distance with velocity v1
and the remaining half distance with velocity v2. The average velocity is given
v 1+ v 2
(a) v1 v2 (b) v2/ v1 (c) 2
(d) 2 v1+ v2/ v1+ v2

Fill in the blanks:

1. Distance can never be __________ while displacement can be.
2. If a body changes its position with respect to its surroundings, the body is
said to be in _______________.
3. The acceleration of a freely falling object is equal to _______________.
4. An object is moving uniformly on a circular track. Its velocity __________
with time.
5. Area under the speed-time graph gives _______________.
6. The speed-time graph of a moving object is a straight line parallel to the time
axis. It means the speed is _______________.
7. If a body moves such that it covers equal distances in equal intervals of time,
whatsoever be small, then the object is said to have __________ motion.
8. A stone is let to fall from a building of height 30m. The ratio of heights fallen
by it after 2s and 3s is _______________.

Match the following:


Column I Column II
(a) Physical quantity whose unit (i) Linear motion
is m/s2
(b) Negative acceleration (ii) Zero
(c) Motion exhibited by a body (iii) Distance
moving in a straight line
(d) Area under a speed time (iv) Acceleration
(e) Velocity of an upward (v) Retardation
throwing body at the pick point

Column I Column II
(a) Zero acceleration
(b) Velocity time graph (ii) Speed
(c) Speed in a direction (iii) Constant motion
(d) Acts in opposite direction of (iv) Acceleration
(e) Slope of a distance time (v) Velocity

Case Based study:

I. In our daily life, we see lots of things moving around. For example, car
passing through from one place to other, person riding on a bicycle and
many more like this.
In scientific terms an object is said to be in motion, if it changes its position
with the passage of time and if it does not change it position with the passage
of time then it is said to be at rest.
A body is said to be moving with uniform velocity if it covers equal
distances in equal intervals of time in a specified direction.
A body is said to be moving with non-uniform velocity if it covers unequal
distances in equal intervals of time and vice-versa in a specified direction or
if it changes the direction of motion.
The velocity of a body can be changed in two ways first by changing the
speed of the body and second by changing the direction of motion of the
body by keeping the speed constant. Also, both speed and direction of the
body can be varied in-order to change the velocity of the body.

i) If the displacement of an object is proportional to square of time, then the

object moves with:

(a) Uniform velocity

(b) Uniform acceleration

(c) Increasing acceleration

(d) Decreasing acceleration

ii) From the given v-t graph, it can be inferred that the object is:

(a) At rest

(b) In uniform motion

(c) Moving with uniform acceleration

(d) In non-uniform motion

iii) Suppose a boy is enjoying a ride on a marry-go-round

which is moving with a constant speed of 10 m/s. It
implies that the boy is:

(a) At rest
(b) Moving with no acceleration

(c) In accelerated motion

(d) Moving with uniform velocity

iv) A particle is moving in a circular path of radius r.

The displacement after half a circle would be:

(a) Zero

(b) πr

(c) 2r

(d) 2πr

Which of the following can sometimes be ‘zero’ for a

moving body?
i. Average velocity

ii. Distance travelled.

iii. Average speed

iv. Displacement

(a) Only (i) (b) (i) and (ii) (c) (i) and (iv) (d) Only (iv)

II. To describe the motion of an object, we can use line graphs. Line graphs
show dependence of one physical quantity, such as distance or velocity, on
another quantity, such as time.
The change in the position of an object with time can be represented on the
distance-time graph. Time is taken along the x-axis and distance is taken along
the y-axis.
Distance time graphs of a moving body can be used to calculate the speed of the
body as they specifically represent velocity.
The variation in velocity with time for an object moving in a straight line can be
represented by a velocity-time graph. In this graph, time is represented along the
x-axis and the velocity is represented along the y-axis.
The product of velocity and time give displacement of an object moving with
uniform velocity. The area enclosed by velocity-time graph and the time axis
will be equal to the magnitude of the displacement.

i) The speed - time graph of a car is given here. Using the data in the
graph calculate the total distance covered by the car.

(a) 1250 m (b) 875 m (c)

1500 m (d) 870 m

Questions (ii) to (v) refer the velocity-time graph

ii) From the velocity-time graph, the body is moving with

(a) Variable Acceleration

(b) Zero Acceleration
(c) Constant Acceleration
(d) Zero velocity

iii) Distance covered by the body during the

interval from 10sec to 20 sec is

(a) 180 (b) 200 (c) 240 (d) 270

iv) At the point A the body is at a distance of

(a) 90m (b) 180m (c) 270m (d) 350m

v) The velocity of the body at the point ‘B’ is

(a) 20m/s (b) 24m/s (c) 32m/s (d) 36m/s

Answer the following: (Short answers):

1. A person moves through 100 m in going from A to B and travels the same
distance in returning from B to A. What is his displacement?
Ans: The displacement is zero, since the final position coincides with the
initial position.
2. Four Cyclist A,B,C ,D starts at the same point and at the same time and
move in a straight line to reach destination .They all move with uniform
velocities. They reach the destination in the following order:
Answer the following questions:
a. If the displacement-time graph is plotted for each cyclist, which will be
having highest slope?
b. Arrange the cyclist in decreasing order of velocity.
Ans: Since C is fastest cyclist, his velocity is highest and slope of
displacement-time graph will be highest for him.
Thus, the velocity of cyclists in decreasing order will be C>A>B>D
3. A body thrown vertically upwards with a certain velocity returns to the
ground. What is its displacement and distance travelled? How are the two
affected when velocity of projection is doubled?
Ans: As the body returns to ground, displacement = 0
The height which the body goes before falling down = u2 / 2g
Therefore, distance travelled in round trip = 2 x u2 / 2g
= u2 / g
4. What is the difference between Uniformly Accelerated and Non
Uniformly accelerated motion?
Uniformly accelerated Non Uniformly accelerated
A body is said to be in uniform
A body is said to be in non - uniform
acceleration if it travels in a
acceleration if the rate of change of its
straight line and its velocity
velocity is not constant in equal
increases or decreases by equal
intervals of time
amounts in equal intervals of time.
A car moving in a certain direction,
Motion under acceleration under
some time putting more pressure on the
gravity is perfect example for
accelerator pedal is a perfect example of
uniform accelerated motion
non - uniform accelerated motion.
Following equations could be use No equation available
Uniformly accelerated Non Uniformly accelerated
s=ut+1/2 at²

5. An athlete completes one round of a circular track of diameter

14m in 40s. What will be the distance covered and the displacement
at the end of 2minutes 40s?
Diameter, 2r = 14 m, so, r = 7 m
Time taken to complete one round = 40 s
Total time taken = 2min 40s= 140 s
No of rounds which can be completed=140/40=3.5
So, total distance covered by the athlete=3.5 x 2πr =3.5 x 2 x (22/7) x 7 =154
If he starts from A then after 3 and half rounds he will be at B so
Displacement=AB (from A to B)=(7x2) m = 14 m

6. A body is accelerating at a constant rate of 10m/s 2. If the body starts from

rest, how much distance will it cover in 2 seconds?
Ans: Acceleration a = 10m/s2
Initial velocity u = 0
Time taken t = 2 s
Therefore distance covered s=ut+1/2 at²
= 0 x 2 + ½ x 10 x (2)2 = 20m
7. What is the motion of the body, if
(a) The distance time graph of a body coincides with its time axis.
(b) The velocity time graph of a body is parallel to the time axis.
Ans: (a) The distance moved by the body is zero. Therefore, the body is at
(b) When velocity time graph is parallel to time axis, velocity =
constant. Therefore, acceleration of the body is zero.

8. The displacement of a moving object in a given interval of time is zero.

Would the distance travelled by the object also be zero? Justify your answer.
Ans: In a given interval of time, when an object moves so that its final
position coincides with the initial position, its displacement is zero. But the
distance travelled by the object is not zero.
9. How will the equations of motion for an object moving with a uniform
velocity change?
Ans: The equations of motion for an object in uniformly accelerated motion
v=u+at ;
s=ut+1/2 at² ; v2-u²=2as
When the velocity is
uniform, a = 0
Therefore, the equations of
motion becomes,
v = u; s = ut;
v =u², so v = u
10. State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for
each of these:
(a) An object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity
(b) An object moving in a certain direction with acceleration in the
perpendicular direction.
(a) When a body is thrown vertically up, at the maximum height, its velocity is
zero but acceleration is downward and of an approximate value of 9.8m/s2
(b) When a body moves along a circular path, then its velocity is along the
tangent drawn to the circular path, at any point, but acceleration is towards
the centre (radially inwards) of the circle. So, here, velocity and
acceleration are perpendicular to each other.

Answer the following:

1. If the displacement of an object is proportional to square of time, the how
would the object move?
2. What does the slope of a speed-time graph indicate?

3. The velocity-time graph of a particle moving along a straight line is shown in

the figure:
(a) Is the motion uniform?
(b) Is the acceleration uniform?
(c) Does the particle change its direction of motion?
(d) Find the distance covered from 0 to 4s .
4. What conclusion do you draw when displacement- time graph of a body is
shown as follows?

5. Give an example where the speed of an object first increases, then remains
constant for some time, and then decreases.
6. Find the distance of a car in 12 minutes whose speed is 35 km/h.
7. What can you calculate from speed-time graph of a body?
8. Draw a velocity versus time graph of a stone thrown vertically upwards and
then coming downwards after attaining the maximum height.
9. Write the difference between speed and velocity.
10. An insect moves along a circular path of radius 10 cm with a constant speed.
If it takes 1 minute to move from a point on the path to the diametrically
opposite point, find
(a) The distance covered
(b) the speed
(c) the displacement and
(d) the average velocity.

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