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Family Planning

Conduct interview from your parents and four neighbors about their ideas
regarding the use of family planning methods.
Survey Question Survey Answers from Different People
What is your ideas Parents:
regarding the use of Family planing method is to control the amount of
family planing method. kids due to our situation, like taking of pill and its
one of the method that I am using.
Neighbor 1:
For me family planning method is very useful,
especially to me I am using IUD(Intrauterine
device) to prevent being pregnant.
Neighbor 2:
To manage the amount of kids and I am now taking
Neighbor 3:
Is a program about family, especially in controlling
the number of kids that is born, and now I am into
pills to prevent being pregnant.
Neighbor 4:
It is a method to prevent pregnancy, especially me I
am using pills and sometimes condoms.

From your interview classify the methods they used and why or if they have
not used what are their reasons.
Methods that are being used in Reasons why they used that kind of
the family planning method
All the interviewed people used Parents: to control the amount of kids
the “artificial family planning specially in our situation we are
method” experiencing poverty and this method is
well known to our place.
Neighbor 1: to prevent from being
pregnant and it is one of the methods
that her parents advices to her.
Neighbor 2: because more children more
responsibilities, that’s why I’m taking pills.
Neighbor 3: so that I can give enough
time, love, and care, because if you have
lots of children you will not be able to
give enough time, love and care to your
Neighbor 4: To control and prevent from
being pregnant especially now my son is
in 1st year college.

Make a learning resource materials of the different methods of family planning
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“periodic abstinence (fertility awareness) method” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“lactation amenorrhea method” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“coitu interupts” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“hormonal contraception/artificial family planning” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“oral contraceptives” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“transdermal contraceptive patch” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“vaginal ring” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“subdermal implants” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“Hormonal injections” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“intrauterine device” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“chemical barriers” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“Diaphragm” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“crevical cup” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“male condoms” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“female condoms” written on it.
 One envelope with a copy of the Contraceptive Chart inside and the word
“surgical methods” written on it.
 Chalkboard and chalk withe the following four questions written on it:
1. ) Does the method prevent pregnancy?
2. ) Does the method prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs) and
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome (AIDS)
3. ) How effective is the method?
4. ) What are the possible side effects of each method to the humans’

Research the answers of the learning objectives above
 Define family planning
-refers t the plan of a couple when to have children and the use of birth
control and other techniques to implement such plans.
 Discuss the benefits and purposes of family planning
-The benefits of family planning was that the mother produce healthy
children and will get all the attention, security, love, and care they deserve.
And for the benefits for the father was that it lightens the burden and
responsibility in supporting his family; enables him to give his children their
basic needs (food, shelter, education, and better future).: gives him time for
his family and own personal advancement.
-The purpose of family planning is to make sure that any couple who has
the desire to have a child has the resources that are needed in order to
complete this goal. The benefits include for the Mother: A.) Enables her to
regain her health after delivery (in case the mother is not 18 years old until
she reaches the right age of at least 18 years old).
 Describe the family planning program the Philippines.
- For me the family planning of the Philippine country was amazing and
anyone can apply to any of its method from natural to artificial method
because the government implemented and design some of the methods that
poor people can use (wether free or not) and if they have the budget to buy.
 Enumerate the guiding principles of family planning program
-The guiding principle of family planning program includes: A.)
Responsible Parenthood which means that each family has the right and duty
to determine the desired number of children they might have and when they
might have them. It is responsible parenting which is the proper upbringing
and education of children so they grow up to be upright,
 Identify the different natural and artificial methods of contraception
The Natural Methods of Contraception
- Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM),Standard Days Method or
SDM, Basal Body temperature (BBT) Method, Two Day Method, Sympto-
thermal Method, Calendar Method or Rhythm Method, Withdrawal (coitus
The Artificial Method of Contraception
- Combined Oral Contraceptives (COCs) or “the pill”, Implants,
Progestogen only injectable (Depo-Provera), Intrauterine Device (IUD):
Copper containing, Male condoms, Male sterilization (vasectomy), Female
sterilization (tubal ligation).

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