Vocab Flashcard 1

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Accountant (n) : một người chịu trách nhiệm về tiền trong 1 doanh nghiệp,kế toán = a person
responsible for the money in a business
Ex : My accountant takes care of my taxes

2. Applicant (n) : ứng viên = a person who submits papers in order to something,e g job applicant
Ex : Many applicants simply don’t meet hiring requirements
The course is popular – it has five applicants for every place

3. Attendant (n) : người phục vụ =someone who waits on or tend to the needs of another
Ex: There are around 20 parking (attendants) employed in Bolton who hand out 28000 tickets a

4. Brochure (n) : tờ gấp quảng cáo = a small paper book that gives information about a product or
Ex: Enclosed is a brochure that highlights the benefits that you can receive as a corporate donor
[ kèm theo là] [nhà tài trợ của cty]
- They produced a brochure on healthy eating that was to be distributed in supermarkets

5. Cafeteria (n) : quán ăn tự phục vụ = a restaurant where you serve yourself and pay a cashier
Ex : Employees have four different salads to choose from for lunch in the company [ cafeteria]
6. Caller (n) : người đang gọi điện cho bạn = the person that is phoning you
Ex: On Wednesday nearly all the phone lines were continuously busy,with [ callers] waiting
approximately 30 minutes

7. Candidate (n) : ứng cử viên = a person being considered for a job or position in office
Ex: Fabiano Caruana will be take part in the candidates chess 2024 in Toronto .

8. Chef (n) : đầu bếp – a person who cooks for a living

Ex: The head chef [ bep truong] runs the hotel kitchen with strict discipline and efficiency.

9. Clerk (n) : nhân viên bán hàng = someone who works at a counter
Ex : Take your purchases to the clerk and he will wrap them for you

10. Cloth (n) cái khăn = a piece of thin material

Ex : keep a clean cloth handy to wipe off any drips or overspray that may get onto the clothes
[chuẩn bị 1 cái khăn nhỏ để lau sạch những vết bẩn hay những giọt phun quá mức lên quần áo]

11. Conference : hội nghị,hội thảo = an event where people exchange ideas
Ex: An international medical [conference] was established for the interchange of new ideas and
approaches[ hướng tiếp cận]

12. Elevator (n) thang máy = a machine that takes people to different floors in a building
Ex: I took the [elevator] to her office on the fourteenth floor

13. Enclose (v) : vây quanh,rào quanh = to surround fully

Ex: the box could once have [enclosed] important letter or keepsakes[vật kỷ niệm,quan trọng]

14. Fare (n) : tiền xe,tiền vé = the cost for the ride,bux or taxi
Ex: bus fare in the capital will rise from next month

15. To infer (v) suy ra,phỏng đoán =to guess st with given information
Ex: readers are left to infer the killer’s motives with sherlock Holmes
16. Lease (v) : thuê = to rent
Ex: we lease all you computer equipment

17. Lobby : tiền sảnh [ của khách sạn] = the main area of a hotel just inside the entrance
Ex: in the hotel lobby,you’ll find an inviting sitting area next to reception

18. Logical (adj) : theo logic,hợp lý = to do with reason

Ex : it was a logical conclusion[ kết luận hợp lý] from the child’s point of view

19. Luggage (n) hành lý = bags and cases that you carry your clothes in when you go on a journey
Ex: they like you to check you luggage in an hour before the night

20. Memo (n) : giấy ghi chú = a written reminder to do st

EX : a=she circulated a memo to the staff
21. Mister (n) : một cách xưng hô lịch sự với 1 người đàn ông = a form of address for a man
Ex : Look,[mister] we know our job,so don’t try to tell us what to do
Please,[mister],can we have our ball back?

22. Noon (n) giữa trưa = the middle of the day

Ex : The conference opens at 12[noon] on Saturday
I’m leaving on the [noon] train

23. Notify (v) : thông báo ,cho biết = officially tell someone some information
Ex : Changes must be [notified] to the chairman [ chủ tịch]
The family had been [ notified] of the department’s decision

24. Publish (v) : xuất bản,công bố,đăng tải = to print and distribute
Ex : the government [ publishes] figures every six months showing how many people are
The names of the winners of the competition will be [ published] in June
25. Receipt (n) : hóa đơn = proof of payment
Ex: Make sure you are given a [ receipt] for everything you buy

26. Receiption (n) : sự đón tiếp ,tiệc chiêu đãi = the act of greeting people; a formal party at which
important people are welcomed
Ex: She was buoyed up [ phấn chấn lên ] by the warm receiption her audience gave her

27 reservation (n) : sự đặt trước = the act of putting st on hold /reserving for use later ,cat,..hotel
Ex : I’d like to make a table [ reservation] for two people for nine o’clock

27. Seminar (n) : buổi hội thảo,nghiên cứu khoa học,nghiên cứu chuyên đề hay có thể đơn giản là
một buổi báo cáo công việc = a discusion session or class led by a teacher,or expert
Ex: I attended practically every lecture and seminar when I was a student
28. Sincerely (adv) : một cách chân thành = with honesty
Ex: I [sincerely] believe that this is the right decision

29. Subscription (n) : sự đăng ký = the amount of money that you pay to receive a service or product
Ex: I decided to take out [=pay for] a subscription to sportify

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