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Decoding Justice: A Qualitative Research on the

Evolution and Impact of Technology in Modern

Criminal Investigation in Taytay, Rizal

Yunishiro D.R. Abon

Ma. Diosa Arvie B. Almoros

Giana Rojhie D. Baydid

Nepthalie Jr R. Felizardo

Cassandra Keith S. Gempes

Ralph Jonh C. Papa

Erwin Nyl J. Regalado

Juan Sumulong Memorial Junior College



In this chapter the researchers will explain what the study is all about, the problem that

the researchers trying to answer, the significance of the study, the purpose on why the

researchers conducting the study and its scope and limitation.

1.1 Nature and Background of the Study

As technology advances, individuals expect more advanced machines that

enable efficient services, help in providing various reliable information, and can be used as

practical tools in a variety of fields. The roots of investigative techniques can be traced back to

ancient civilizations such Babylonians used a system of written codes to document and prosecute

crimes. While during the Middle Ages, investigation techniques were primarily based on

superstition and trial by ordeal (“Mcafee Institute”,2023). As we continue to advance, the field of

investigation will evolve along with technologies. Technologies used in modern criminal

investigation are one of valuable innovations that can shape the future of investigators in

investigating crimes, it’s not just made their work easier, but it helps them to present credible

information or evidence in court. It tells that technology can improve accuracy in investigations,

as many forensic solutions and biometric systems are reliable, this can provide to organize and

analyze evidence more effectively (“Husson University”, 2023). It is difficult for investigators to

find reliable evidence and resolve cases more quickly if they do not use technology in their

criminal investigations. The use of technology in criminal investigations enhances the work of

investigators and provides reliable information that can be used as credible evidence in court.

Law enforcement officers rely heavily on technology to make progress in their criminal

investigations. Also law enforcement officers use variety of equipment to use in investigations
that it uses to obtain evidence and identify crime trends or locate criminals (Jacobson, 2022). It

was helpful for investigators to be aware in advance that technology can be used in criminal

investigations in a way that it is credible, and it helps to prevent gathering of false evidence.

According to Tsai (2023), As technology continues to advance, the criminal justice

system must navigate the ethical and legal considerations associated with these advancements,

ensuring that the pursuit of justice remains just, transparent, and respectful of individual rights in

the digital age. The impact of technology on modern criminal investigations is transformative,

reshaping the way law enforcement agencies approach their work. Law enforcement officers

should always follow the legal proceedings in criminal investigations that resolving case without

harming innocent people and ensuring every individual safety and privacy. Law enforcement

officers and those in the legal system are increasingly using technology devices to combat crime,

to keep the public safe and protect human life (“Purdue Global”, 2018). The impact of

technology is a highly useful and effective tool that law enforcement employs it to protect human

life and maintain public safety. As criminals is also rapidly evolving, used of technology in

criminal investigation should also evolve and upgrade. It is easier for them to find credible

evidence to support its claims using technology in modern criminal investigation. Law

enforcement officers should enable to adopt or improve more digital tools used in criminal

investigations to keep pace in technological advancements. Philippine National Police (PNP)

serves as the national law enforcement agency of the Philippines. It's tasked is to ensure

maintaining peace and order, preventing and detecting crimes, and enforcing laws throughout the

country, also Philippine National Police (PNP) handles a wide range of law enforcement duties

(“Attorneys of the Philippines”, 2019). Additionally, law enforcement officers should provide
more technology to enhance safety and helps in modern criminal investigation. As it seen that

technology is a very useful tools in modern criminal investigation.

However, “Indeed” (2022) states that even though technology can be helpful for police

officers, there are some challenges that come with implementing and using it. It may distract law

enforcement professionals, if a police officer has a variety of technological devices in the car

while patrolling, they may pay more attention to them than to situations around them. Also, it

may lead to potential invasion of privacy for citizens, if these technologies make mistakes, it can

also cause interruptions in the lives of individuals. It’s essential to strike a balance between

public safety and personal privacy rights. The digitalization of legal processes also introduces

significant data security risks. Sensitive information related to ongoing investigations, witness

testimonies, and personal data can be vulnerable to hacking and data breaches (Krithika, 2023).

Also, it may be unfair for those who are digitally disadvantaged and may find it more

challenging to participate fully in legal proceedings, potentially compromising their rights.

The research enables to define the Evolution and Impact of Technology in Criminal

Investigation, which investigators will help them in resolving criminal cases easier and credibly.

The research aims to gather information to the criminal investigators of Taytay, Rizal. The

researchers conducted this research to understand how technology progressed and affected the

investigators that used in the field of investigating crimes. The researchers aim to determine the

comparison of how criminal investigation works before and now that it uses technology. This

research may serve as a guide for Law Enforcement Officers, Law Enforcement Officers may

hear that technology is extremely valuable and reliable in criminal investigation and provide

more technology to use in criminal investigation.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the Evolution and Impact of Technology in Modern Criminal

Investigation from the Investigators of Taytay, Rizal in Taytay Municipal Police Station. The

questions that the researchers aim to answer are the following:

1. What do the impacts of technology have on criminal investigations?

2. What is the difference in the experience of investigators between old criminal

investigation and modern criminal investigation?

3. Is technology in criminal investigation actually made easier for investigators to provide

accurate evidence?

4. How reliable is technology in modern criminal investigations?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to determine how technology has evolved and affects current

criminal investigations. Also, this study aims to assess whether technology aids in modern

criminal investigations, how criminal investigators benefited it now rather than in the past, and

what is the impact of using technology in investigating crimes. Lastly, about the Evolution and

Impact of Technology in Modern Criminal Investigation, all positive and negative information

results must be acquired and given a depth definition in this study. Therefore, the purpose of the

study is to define how reliable technology is in modern criminal investigations that Law

Enforcement Officers may provide more technology to use.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The study would be beneficial among the following:

Victims – Victims may discover that technology can assist them defend themselves when they

are involved in a crime. Because of its precision in investigating crimes, technology may be able

to assist individual victims in proving their innocence. Researchers can also gather the

experiences of some victims and increase their understanding of how technology has grown in

criminal investigations.

Investigator – This study may help the investigator better grasp how technology affects criminal

investigations. Investigators can benefit the most from this study since it focuses on the evolution

and impact of technology in criminal investigations, allowing investigators to understand how

technology affects investigations on a regular basis. This study will also assist them in

determining how to efficiently use technology in criminal investigations, as they will be able to

learn from the information gathered from other investigators.

Defendants – This may help the defendants to be aware that technology in criminal investigation

is already being used. Technology in criminal investigation can help them provide more reliable

and credible evidence in court. It will be easier for defendants to accomplish their task if they

hold a credible source or evidence can be presented in court.

Law Enforcement Agencies – This may help law enforcement agencies hear that using

technology in criminal investigation is much valuable to solve crimes. It will empower them to

provide more technology that can use. If law enforcement officer sees that technology actually a

useful tool that helps the accomplishing investigations properly and credibly.
Future Researchers – This study could use as a valuable source of reference material and

provide future researchers with additional information and data. They can apply this study as

reliable information that serves their guide for future research study of similar conduct.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research will be focusing on the evolution and impact of technology in

modern criminal investigation in Taytay, Rizal. This study aims to have knowledge on the

impacts of technologies nowadays on criminal investigations on how it aids them in providing

accurate evidence. The researchers will focus on the effectiveness of the modern technology in

advancing justice for crimes, and they can determine the objective in this study through

purposive techniques, data collection, analysis and interpretation based on the interviews and by

gathering information from various Investigators within Taytay, Rizal. Additionally, the

researchers aim to comprehensively complete the research and achieve our objectives within the

second semester.

The study is limited to any Criminal Investigators that is currently assign in Taytay,

Rizal, have been studied and has a prior and proper knowledge about Criminal Investigations

process. The researchers will gather data through a face-to-face interview with Investigators that

is suited in the research qualification to be include in the study as respondents, obtaining their

thought and experience towards the modern criminal investigation uses technology.


This chapter will be discussing 4 subparts: First is the Definition of Terms which consists

of the technical terms used that depends on your study. Second is the Theoretical Framework that

demonstrates an understanding of theories and concept that are relevant to the topic. Third is the

Literature Review from 10 years ago until today that shows related studies of the chosen topic

and lastly, the Conceptual Framework which represents that synthesis of literature for better

understanding and comprehension.

2.1 Definition of Terms

The important terms used in the concept of the study are clarified in this section. The

following are the keywords:

Evolution – a process of gradual change that takes place over many generations. As the study

inform about the evolution on how criminal investigation evolved in modern way. Determining

the difference on how past investigation works rather modern investigation.

Impact – the study define how technology affected the modern criminal investigation. It states

how criminal investigation improve in the use of technology. That the impact of technology to

investigators is accurately reliable.

Technology – it is a machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific

knowledge. It helps investigators solve criminal cases quickly and credibly.

Decoding Justice – it is the embodiment of fairness and integrity, promoting equal opportunities

and ensuring that every person has access to their basic human rights. Justice should be given to

people that deserves it, people who just been accused.

Modern Criminal investigation – it is an applied science that involves the study of facts that

are then used to inform criminal trials. This involves searching for information or collecting

valid evidence using technology that is coping up in modernity.

Investigators – criminal investigators who are assigned or working in Taytay, Rizal area as part

of the research study. They gather and verifies evidence through interviews and observation of

suspects and witnesses or by reviewing and analyzing records and logs.

Law Enforcement Officers – it is the Philippine National Police (PNP) serves as national law

enforcement agency of the Philippines. They maintain order, solve crimes, and establish trust and

respect between communities, institutions, and the individuals they serve. Also, they managed on

what they need to improve in any operations.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

The theory of "Crime, Policing and Security" by Sam McQuade (1993) Emphasizes the

role of technology in shaping criminal behavior, policing strategies, and security measures.

According to McQuade (1993), technology is not only a tool for criminals to commit complex

and sophisticated crimes but also a means for law enforcement agencies to counteract and

prevent such activities. The relationship between crime and technology is viewed as a co-

evolutionary process, where both criminals and security officials perpetually innovate and adapt

to technological advancements. Criminals often experiment with existing tools or techniques to

develop a satisfactory modus operandi, giving them an advantage over security technologies. As

a result, crime can be seen as a form of social technology with its own innovation. The

complexity of crime and the sophistication of criminals' use of technology require police and

security officials to stay current in their knowledge and understanding of emerging crime trends

and to be well-resourced and expert in their technological capabilities.

The theory focuses on how technology connects, facilitates, and ends different kinds of

crimes like money laundering, drug trafficking, and cybercrime. Sam McQuade’s (1993) theory

emphasizes the value of technology in modern criminal investigations as well as the difficulties

law enforcement organizations have adjusting to these developments. The theory places a

significant value on the requirements for the implementation and utilization of crime prevention

and detection technologies. This theory is especially related to the study since it offers a

framework for comprehending how technology has changed and how it affects modern criminal


2.3 Literature Review


2.3.1 Technological innovation in policing and crime prevention: Practitioner perspectives

from London

As what stated in the study of Borrion and Laufs (2021) Technology has become prevalent in

most areas of society and, in a struggle to keep up with recent advances, public agencies are

forced to innovate at an ever-increasing rate. The use of technology has, however, been an
important part of police work, and technological innovation has gone together with the evolution

of police practice.

This study demonstrates the general impact of technology on society and the ongoing need

for innovation on the part of public institutions, particularly law enforcement, to stay ahead of

technological developments. The study also demonstrates the tight association that exists

between technical growth and the evolution of policing strategy, emphasizing the critical role

that technology plays in influencing police operations.

2.3.2 Technology and the Criminal Justice System

According to Holt (2021), the evolution of technology directly affects the way the

criminal justice system operates at fundamental levels. A wide range of technologies are

employed in support of the justice system, including telephony, database management software,

computers, automobiles, and weapons. The adoption and implementation of technology also

directly shapes the policies and practices of the justice system.

This study examines of how technology has changed the criminal justice system,

focusing on the ways that technological advancements have significantly impacted the way the

system operates on various levels. Numerous technologies, including computers, database

management software, phones, automobiles, and guns, support the legal system. The way that

law enforcement makes tactical, strategic, and investigative decisions has influenced the policies

and procedures that are used in the legal system. The development of new information systems

made possible by technology, such as criminal history and records management, has

fundamentally altered how law enforcement handles crime prevention, community policing, and

problem-solving techniques.
2.3.3 The Rise of Technology in Crime Prevention: Opportunities, Challenges and

Practitioners Perspectives

The study by Anderez et al. (2021), states that criminal activity is a prevalent issue in

contemporary culture and society, with most nations facing unacceptable levels of crime.

Technological innovation has been one of the main driving forces leading to the continuous

improvement of crime control and crime prevention strategies. Machine Learning might help

reduce crime worldwide. This paper provides a discussion of how a sample of contemporary

hardware and software-based technologies might help further reduce criminal actions. Also, after

a thorough analysis of a wide array of technologies the adoption of technologies by vulnerable

individuals, victim support organizations and law enforcement can help reduce the occurrence of

criminal activity.

The statement addresses the widespread problem of criminal activity in contemporary

culture and society, emphasizing how many countries struggle with high rates of crime. It

implies that improving efforts at preventive and crime control will require a significant reliance

on technical breakthroughs, especially in the field of machine learning. The purpose of the article

is to investigate how different hardware and software technologies can help to lower the number

of criminal acts. In order to effectively combat crime, it also highlights how crucial it is for

vulnerable people, victim support groups, and law enforcement authorities to utilize this


2.3.4 Technology and Criminal Justice: The Impact on Criminal Investigation

According to the article published in “Northern Michigan University” (2023) Criminal

investigations have undergone a profound transformation in recent years, partly due to

technological innovations. Advanced digital tools and techniques have revolutionized how
criminal investigators and forensic experts approach evidence collection, analysis, and

interpretation when building a criminal case. In the modern world, technology and criminal

justice work together. Advancements in technology have dramatically reduced the time required

for analyzing biological evidence, allowing forensic scientists to identify suspects more quickly

and accurately, enabling investigators to better solve cold cases and identify serial criminals.

This paper clarifies the significant impact that technological advancements have had on

criminal investigations by defining how complex digital tools have transformed the gathering,

analysis, and interpretation of evidence in the development of criminal cases. The identification

of serial criminals and the resolution of cold cases have both improved as result of the rapid and

precise examination of biological evidence in criminal justice. The interplay between technology

and criminal justice demonstrates exactly how transformative digital advancements have been

for modern investigation methods.

2.3.5 The evolution of science and digital technology in relation to crime scene investigations

According to study conducted by Simon (2023), indicates that crime scene is crucial in

any investigation, and oftentimes, investigators require the services of forensic institutes to help

in the collection and analysis of evidence. For forensic institutes to effectively perform various

tasks in relation to a crime scene investigation, there has always been the need for certain

technology to be utilized to analyze and document the crime scene. Also there has been a rapid

advancement in technology which enables crime scene investigations to be analyzed in greater

depth which leads the outcome to be more efficient and effective. The implementation of high-

end technology has also impacted the procedures and methodologies used by crime scene

investigators to adapt and streamline the investigation.

The use of technology in crime scene investigations and the role of forensic institutes in

gathering and analyzing evidence are the main topics of this study. The study addresses how

advancements in technology have made it possible for crime scene investigations to produce

more extensive analyses and productive outcomes. The techniques and protocols employed in

investigations have also been impacted by advanced technology, requiring crime scene

investigators to adapt. This is supported by research on the most recent technology advancements

in the forensics industry, which demonstrate how sophisticated tools like artificial intelligence

and nanotechnology impact crime scene investigation.


2.3.6 Is Forensic Science in the Philippines Ready for an AI-Powered Revolution?

According to study conducted by Taduran (2023), it states that could AI really help solve

cases? If so, how and how better? We examine the pros and cons to find out how AI can

revolutionize forensics in the Philippines. AI has now helped solve some high-profile cases,

leading us to what would be an even newer age for forensic science. AI's vast potential in

forensic science, especially in criminal cases that have gone dead and cold.

In fact, AI has a lot to offer in case solving—even in forensic science. To guarantee that

its usage is restricted by moral standards and safety measures, it is crucial to thoroughly consider

its advantages and disadvantages. AI is useful in case solving because it can analyze huge

quantities of data, discover patterns, and identify areas that are likely to see crime. Additionally,

it is capable of automating processes like evidence analysis and information extraction from texts

and photos. When applying AI to forensic science, there are several issues to consider, including

bias, privacy, dependability, and ethical ramifications.

2.3.7 Adoption of e-Tools on Investigation: Crime Fighting Innovations to Face New

According to the article published in “The Detective” (2012) Innovation through the use

of electronic or digital tools in investigation is now the world among detectives and investigators

in the Philippine National Police. It was no less than the Chief of the Philippine National Police

(PNP), Police Director General Nicanor A. Bartolome, who advanced the adoption of modern

technology in the entire police force, as a means, among others, to scientifically collect evidence

to ensure the successful prosecution of crime suspects. The National Crime Incident Reporting

System (NCIRS) or e-Blotter does not only facilitate crime documentation and modernize data

storage, but also presents a quick, fast, and reliable transmission of crime information from a

police station to the provincial and regional offices and to the National Headquarters.

This article state that Police Director General Nicanor A. Bartolome a Chief Officer in

Philippine National Police (PNP) had been seen the use of technology in their field, as he

advances the adoption of technology in entire police force. To help investigators act fast and

collect credible information or evidence. This involves information sharing and crime reporting

between police stations and headquarters that is streamlined by programs like e-Blotter and the

National Crime Incident Reporting System (NCIRS). It is the goal of this upgrade to better

gather evidence and prosecute criminal offenders.

2.3.8 An act Modernizing the Crime Investigation technique of Law Enforcement Agencies

and for other purposes

The study of Villafuerte (2021) Aims to improve the access of our law enforcement

agents to modern crime investigation techniques for the better administration of justice. The

science of criminal investigations should also change to keep up with the rapid pace of modern

life, heavy reliance on computers and technology for a wide array of transaction. Keeping up

with strategies is significant in the maintenance of peace order in our society and administration

of justice.
Technological developments have had a significant impact on how crime and criminal

investigations are conducted. Cybercriminals, identity thieves, and online fraudsters now have

more ways to carry out their crimes because to the widespread use of digital devices and internet

platforms. In order to successfully tackle these contemporary kinds of crime, law enforcement

organizations must adjust and develop their investigation methods in response. Enhancing the

availability of contemporary crime investigation methods necessitates learning several strategies.

2.3.9 Investigating Modern Communication Technologies: The effect of Internet-based

Communication Technologies on the Investigation Process

According to Simon (2011), states that technologies has been little technological

evolution and as such, law enforcement developed sound methods for investigating targets using

them. Law enforcement will be required to update their methods to remain effective against the

current technology trends.

Law enforcement organizations must constantly upgrade their techniques to successfully

investigate targets that employ new technologies because of the rapid advancement of

technology. This can entail creating new forensic methods, making use of digital evidence, and

keeping ahead of developments in cybercrime and digital monitoring. Law enforcement can

better handle contemporary issues and make sure they continue to be efficient in their

investigation efforts by adjusting to technology changes.

2.3.10 DILG, PNP to utilize technology in stepping up anti-crime drive.

According to Caliwan (2023) The Department of the Interior and Local Government

(DILG) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) will expedite the use of modern technology in

fighting all crimes in the country. DILG Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. said modern technology

will also be utilized to recruit more police officers and review laws pertaining to the sale of

According to this statement, the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Department of

Interior and Local Government (DILG) intend to use contemporary technology to strengthen

their efforts to combat crime throughout the nation. According to DILG Secretary Benjamin

Abalos Jr., the use of modern technology will help both combat crime and attract more police

officers. They also intend to revise rules pertaining to the selling of automobiles, potentially to

address matters like illegal operations involving automobiles. The Philippine National Police

(PNP) already acknowledge the use of technology in criminal investigations as it helps police

officers to acquire relevant information in an easy way and technology helps to protect police

officers in fighting the country to protect individuals.

2.4 Conceptual Framework

A list of
A letter of questionnaires that
approval will be will be provided by
presented. the researchers for
the participants.

Examined and Conducting an

categorized the data interview via face-
that will be to-face platform.

The figure 1 shows the process that the researchers will used to gather data. The

researchers will first create a letter of approval that will enable them to conduct a face-to-face

interview with the respondents. The researchers will next provide questions that will be ask to

the respondents to gather the needed data.

After that, the researchers will conduct interview via face-to-face platform, all

participants were asked to respond to a specific and detailed set of questions provided by the

researchers. After the interview, the researchers will be examined and categorized the data

collected from this study according to the viewpoints and opinions that the participants have.



This chapter will focus on the discussion of research methodology that will answer

problems to come up with an outcome based on the information and investigations conducted.

The researchers will explain the seven (7) subparts of Research Methodology which are

Research Design, Research Locale, The Respondents, Research Ethics, Research Instruments,

Data Collection Procedure and Data Analysis Procedure.

3.1 Research Design

This study will be using Narrative Research that researchers aim to ask about the

experiences of the Investigators in Taytay, Rizal.

According to the study of Ntinda (2019) A narrative research approaches as forms of

inquiry based on storytelling and premised on the truth value of the stories to best represent the

teller’s life world. This approach main purpose is to gain information from the respondents with

truthfulness and reality as the respondents will narrate their experience and feelings and will

provide depth discussion about the topic.

Therefore, Narrative Research main objective in the study is to acquire own opinions and

definitions of the respondents, people that will feel casual as they narrate own experiences will

be more honest and credible about the data. The researchers choose Narrative Research because
the researchers aim to gather the experiences and depth definition of the respondents towards the

Evolution and Impact of Technology in Modern Criminal Investigation.

3.2 Research Locale

This research will be conducting in the Police Station of Taytay, Rizal. The researchers

will ask for Investigators that are qualified in research qualification. The researchers will look at

Brgy. Dolores, Taytay Municipal Police Station, Taytay, Rizal. As it is more accurate to collect

data and gather information in face-to-face interview with the respondents. The locale that

researchers selected is effective in gathering valid information from the respondents to

accomplish conducting the study.

3.3 The Respondents

The researchers shall cater at least five participants. The researchers will find respondents

that has qualifications that is needed in the study to gather relevant data. The participants that

been qualified will include as respondents of the study through an interview.

This study will be needing any credible Investigators within Taytay, Rizal that should

have prior and proper knowledge and have enough experience towards the study. They are also

should be around 25-60 years old because the researchers aim to gather data from the middle and

old ages Investigators that will accurately provide information about the researchers’ study.

These are the qualifications that researchers will be asking for them and if they can include as

respondents in the study.

This study will be using Purposive Sampling Technique that the researchers’ goal is to

carefully choose respondents that is fitted in the researcher’s qualification. The process of

Purposive Technique is that it is selective, and the researchers must follow qualification for

participants wherein they will look if they can include as respondents in the study. The

researchers then will ask permissions to the qualified respondents to be include and will have

face to face interview in obtaining enough data.

3.4 Research Ethics

There are ethical principles that the researchers must consider in conducting the study.

First, the researchers must have Honesty and Integrity in their reporting of data, results, methods,

and procedures, and publication status. This means avoiding fabrication, falsification, or

misrepresentation of data. Second, the researchers must learn Objectivity it strives to avoid bias

in data analysis, data interpretation, personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, and
other aspects of research where objectivity is expected or required. This involves avoiding or

minimizing bias or self-deception and disclosing personal or financial interests that may affect

research. Third, the researchers must acquire Confidentiality to protect confidential

communications, such as papers or grants submitted for publication, personnel records, trade or

military secrets, and patient records. Fourth, the researchers must Respect Intellectual Property,

honor copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property. They should not use unpublished data,

methods, or results without permission and should give credit where credit is due. And lastly, the

researchers must learn Human Subject Protection when conducting research on human subjects,

the researchers must minimize harms and risks and maximize benefits, respect human dignity,

privacy, and autonomy. This involves obtaining informed consent, protecting the confidentiality

of participants, and ensuring that the benefits of the research outweigh the risks.

3.5 Research Instruments

The following instrument that the researchers consider gathering data from the

respondents and accomplish the study efficiently. The researchers look for Investigators within

Taytay, Rizal Police Station. The researchers will be using Structured Interview that strictly

needs to be formal and follows interview protocols because researchers will be gathering data

from investigators. The researchers will be preparing a questionnaire that used as instrument to

gather the respondent’s information through a face-to-face interview. The researcher’s questions

are relevant that aims to gather data from the Investigators of Taytay, Rizal that will help to

support the study and serve as secondary data. This are the tool that researchers will be using in

gathering the data and information needed in the study.

Here are the following structured questions that the researchers provided:
1. What is the difference in the experience of investigators between past criminal

investigation and modern criminal investigation?

2. What do the impacts of technology have on criminal investigations?

3. How can you say that the evolution of technology in modern criminal

investigation is reliable?

4. How dependable is technology in modern criminal investigation?

5. Is technology in criminal investigation made easier for investigators to provide

accurate evidence?

3.6 Data Collection Procedure

The study requires an Investigators that experience past criminal investigation process

and the modern criminal investigation process. The researchers will make sure that everything

will be presented accurately and will find five Criminal Investigators in Taytay Municipal Police

Station, Taytay, Rizal who are qualified for the study’s qualification. After that, if the

respondents are qualified to the researcher’s qualification, then the researchers will create a letter

of approval that will enable them to conduct a face-to-face interview with the respondents. The

researchers will provide questions that will be ask to the respondents to gather the needed data.

After that, the researchers will conduct interview via face-to-face platform, Structured

Interview will be used and ask questions in the same order so that responses can easily be placed

in similar categories. Structural Interview in the Data Collection Procedure and all participants

were asked to respond to a specific and detailed set of questions provided by the researchers to

obtain a deeper understanding of their experiences. Pen and paper will be used by the researchers

to record the participants' responses.

And lastly, the researchers will be examined and categorized the data collected from this

study according to the viewpoints and opinions that the participants have. The researchers will be

writing down notes the relevant information provided by the respondents in supporting the

foundation of the study. The researchers will transcribe the notes taken from interview to a safe

platform or file to ensure accuracy as they analyze, evaluate, and qualify the data and

information gathered for them to have the data to interpret.

3.7 Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers will file all the information gather from the respondents and then

researchers will analyze the data gathered from the interview. The researchers will use

Descriptive Analysis as the researchers aims to define the study in dept definition and


Step 1: Evaluating the Data

The researchers will first read it multiple times to familiarize the data collected before

beginning to search for patterns or key events. The research objective will then be reviewed by

the researchers, who will also determine which questions the data can be used to answer.

Step 2: Identifying the Data

After that, the researchers will examine ideas like a question's positive or negative

response. At this point, the researchers can begin to identify key events, seek out the most typical

answers to questions, locate information or patterns that can address research questions, and

generate ideas. The data clearly will define the differences of the topic and how does it work and

Step 3: Finalizing the Data

This is the stage of validating the analyzed data and interpreting the information as laid

out in the data. This analysis should be able to provide a clear understanding of the data, guiding

the researchers in their interpretation of the data set.

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