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Sustainability Policy and

Date Effective: 14/08/2023

Version number: 1
Approved by: Savio Jose

Purpose of The Policy

Bounce Fitness is committed to making a difference in environmental sustainability by reducing their

negative environmental footprint. The strategies we will adopt to implement this include
consultation with stakeholders, allocating the necessary resources and a commitment to continuous
improvement in sustainability approaches. Bounce Fitness recognizes sustainability as an
opportunity to improve all aspects of the business. We believe that once strategies are in place to
address environmental issues; any concerns regarding economic and societal sustainability, will also
be improved. Bounce Fitness strives to abide by all environmental and sustainability legislation,
regulation, standards, and code of practice related to the health and fitness industry.

Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to anyone working in bounce fitness including but not limited to, employees,
consultants, contractors, temporary employees, franchises, and vendor personnel. It applies to all
Bounce fitness locations nationally.


1. Reduce their negative environmental footprint.

2. Abide by all environmental and sustainability legislation, regulation, standards and code of
practice related to the health and fitness industry.
3. Minimize their resource use, specifically in energy and water.
4. Create better resource efficiency.
5. Reduce hazardous chemical use.
6. Develop and implement life cycle management approaches.
7. Continuously improve Bounce Fitness sustainability practices and processes related to
environmental economic and societal issues


Sustainability Policy and Procedure Bounce

• Conserve natural resources
• Reduce organizational cost by reducing utility bills.


Environmental Bounce Fitness aims to reduce its negative environmental footprint by

management implementing the following:

• Bounce fitness staff are expected to take steps to reduce waste

landfill. Waste includes but is not limited to: electric devices,
paper, glass, plastic metal and food products
• Bounce fitness staff must follow proper recycling procedures.
• When sourcing new products, single use products must be
avoided if possible. Preferences should always be recycled
products and/ or multi use products.

Water management Bounce Fitness aims to reduce water consumption by implementing the

• Water taps in locker rooms and toilets must be checked

regularly by on-duty reception staff to ensure taps are turned
• Automatic water taps (or motion sensor taps) will be installed at
all bounce fitness gyms.
• Showers in locker rooms must be checked regularly by on- duty
staff to ensure unused shower taps are off.
• All leaks must be reported to maintenance immediately

Resource management Bounce Fitness aims to create better resource efficiency by

implementing the following:

• Bounce fitness staff must aim to work paperless when possible.

• If printing is necessary, it must be double sided and black and
white as well
• Permission from management must be sought before printing in
color .
• Communication to gym members/ clients must be in email form
rather than letters.

Sustainability Policy and Procedure Bounce

Relevant legislation to be
Environmental Protection Act 1994
Water supply Safety and Reliability) Act 2008
Environmental Offsets Act 2014

Consequences for First breach: Written warning/ note in personnel file.

breaching the policy

Subsequent breaches:

• A formal talk with management

• Termination of employment may occur if a second breach


Bounce Fitness management is responsible for:
Managers and supervisors are responsible for communicating this policy to their staff 248101 and
must provide the team with adequate training, coaching and mentoring to support compliance.

Bounce Fitness staff is responsible for:
All employees are responsible for complying with this policy and for following directions from

Sustainability Policy and Procedure Bounce


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