Unit 3 Fluid Kinematics

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Fluid Mechanics

Kinematics of fluid flow
Delivered by,
Prof. A.S. Gujrathi,
Assistant Professor,
SNJB’s K. B. Jain College of Engineering,

• Unit III: Fluid Kinematics

• Flow description methods, types of flows, velocity and acceleration fields,
continuity equation in 1D & 3D flow, flow visualization (path line, stream line
and streak line), stream tube, angularity, vorticity, stream function and velocity
potential function, flow net
Fluid Kinematics
Fluid Kinematics is defined as the branch of fluid mechanics which deals with the
study of fluid in motion without considering the forces acting on it.
In fluid Kinematics, the properties such as velocity, acceleration are studied for the
flow of the fluid in motion.
Methods of describing the Fluid motion-
1. Lagrangian Method-
In Lagrangian approach, a single fluid particle is taken under consideration
and all the properties such as velocity, density, acceleration,etc. are taken into
consideration for this fluid particle.
2. Eulerian Method:-
In Eulerian method, a point is space (control space/volume) is taken into
consideration and all the properties such as velocity, density, acceleration,etc. are
taken into consideration for all the fluid particle passing through this point.
Type of Fluid Flow

Flow through a long pipe where the velocity
profile and other properties remain constant.

Water flowing in a river during a flood where
the velocity and depth change rapidly over time.
Type of Fluid Flow
Type of Fluid Flow

Fluid Behavior: In laminar flow, fluid particles move in an orderly manner along well-defined paths,
whereas in turbulent flow, the motion is chaotic and unpredictable.

Mixing: Laminar flow exhibits minimal mixing between fluid layers, while turbulent flow involves intense
mixing and exchange of momentum and energy between adjacent layers.

Velocity Profiles: Laminar flow typically has a smooth velocity profile, while turbulent flow results in a
fluctuating velocity profile with significant variations.

Ex: Flow in small-diameter tubes at low velocities vs Flow in industrial pipes at high velocities
Type of Fluid Flow
Type of Fluid Flow
Terminology in Kinematics
1. Path Lines
The actual path traced by fluid particles during the fluid flow is called as path lines.

Path Lines Stream Lines

2. Stream Lines
It is defined as the imaginary Lines drawn through the flowing mass of fluid such that
tangent drawn to it at any point represents the direction of velocity vector at that point.
3. Streak Lines
It is defined as the resultant lines drawn from the path lines of the number of fluid
particles passing through the fixed point over the given time.
4. Stream Tube
It is a Tubular Space formed by joining number of stream lines for the given fluid flow.
Continuity Equation for 1-D fluid flow
Continuity Equation for 3-D fluid flow
Continuity Equation for 3-D fluid flow
Continuity Equation for 3-D fluid flow
Velocity of the Fluid Particle
The rate of change of displacement with respect to time is called as
Velocity is the function of space and time.
Thus, V = f( s , t )
Let, u,v and w are the components of velocity in x,y and z direction respectively.
Acceleration of the Fluid Particle
The rate of change of velocity with respect to time is called as acceleration.
Types of motion of Fluid Particles
During the course of movement in the direction of flow, the fluid particle may undergoes
any one or the combination of the following type of motion
i. Translation
ii. Linear Deformation
iii. Angular Deformation
iv. Rotation.

i. Translation
When fluid particle moves steadily from
one point off position to another point of position
such that the median Lines in new position to those in
old positions and have same length as that of old
median, then such a particle is said to have
undergone pure translation
Types of motion of Fluid Particles
ii. Linear Deformation
In this case the median lines in new position are parallel to those in old position but there
length are different.
iii. Angular Deformation
In case of angular deformation, the two median line rotate in opposite direction by same
amount it but in opposite direction with respect to each other.
iv. Rotation.
When the two median lines of the fluid particles rotate by same magnitude in same
direction, the fluid particle is said to have undergone pure rotation.
Angular velocity (ω)
It is defined as the rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time.
It is denoted by ω.
Component of rotation (ωz)
Component of rotation about any axis is defined as the average of the angular
velocities to infinitesimal Linear elements which are perpendicular to each other and also
perpendicular to the axis of rotation. It is denoted by ωz.
Thus, Component of Rotation is given by,

For Irrotational Flow, The component of Rotation is Zero.

Thus, ωx = ωy = ωz = 0. (for Irrotational Flow)
It is defined as the value twice of component of Rotation, It is denoted by 2 ωz.
Velocity Potential (φ)
Velocity potential is defined as the scalar function of space and time whose negative
derivative with respect to time gives the component of velocity in normal direction.
It is denoted by Greek symbol ϕ (phi).

Laplace Equation
for Velocity
Velocity Potential (φ)

Important Points to Remember

Stream Function (ψ)
Equipotential Line (φ= Constant)
A line along which velocity potential (φ) is constant is called as Equipotential Line.
Stream Line (ψ = constant)
A line along which Stream Function (ψ) is constant is called as Stream Line.
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