CIT 4205 Cybersecurity Fundamentals Study Guide - Revision Questions

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CIT 4205 Cybersecurity Fundamentals Study Guide / Revision Questions

Question 1
Explain the following terms: Cyber, security, Cybersecurity, cyber attacks,cyber threats.
Internet security, application security, cloud, mobile device security, personnel security,
cybercrime, Physical security, network security, communication security, information
security, confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, Whitehat hacker, blackhat
hacker, firewall, DMZ, IDS. HBIDS, NTIDS, RISK, Risk Assessment, Risk Management,
vulnerability, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, cybersecurity incident, Incident
Response, Denial of Security, bot, botnets, honeypot, spyware, adware, malware, Hot site
facilities, Cold site facilities, risk transfer, risk avoidance, retention, cloud computing

Question 2
Explain any five Cybersecurity jobs
Explain five benefits of pentesting
Explain the steps you would take to protect mobile/portable devices
Describe the six stages of incident responseOutline any four Incident Categories as identified by
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Explain five Typical mobile security issues
Explain any five Consequences of a Mobile Attack Can Be Severe
Explain five characteristics of cloud computing
Explain the difference between the following terms:
“Cybersecurity” and “Information security”
“Privacy” and “confidentiality”
“Firewall” and “Intrusion detection system”
“Data integrity” and “system integrity”

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