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Prayer Publications

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the King

James Version of the Bible, and used by permission. All emphasis within

quotations is the author’s additions.

First Edition, 2017

For further
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Block 1, Unachukwu Estate, 45 Chime Avenue, New Haven,

P.O. Box 807, Enugu

+234 803 353 0599

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Table of Contents

CHAPTER 2 - THE REQUIREMENT OF OBEDIENCE ........................ 14

DEVELOPING SERMON TOPICS ...................................................... 24

Church workers are leaders and servants in every local church.
They are trained to lead in the church, be ahead of other members and act as
guiding force, give direction, structure to other church members.

They are to motivate, lead members towards certain purpose, goal or course
of action by means of persuasion and example.

As workers in God’s house, they are to feed, direct God’s people and
influence others to co-operate with the leadership.

In other to start and accomplish the assignment:

You must genuinely and truly repent, turn away from all sins, have a change
of mind, purpose and action (Matthew 12:41, Jonah 3:8-10, Ezekiel 18:30,
14:16, Isaiah 55:7, 1 James 7:3).

True repentance is accompanied with hatred and abhorrence for sin. This
will lead you to turn away from all sin with all your heart.
Repentance is a commandment from God (Ezekiel 14:6, 18:1-4, 19-22,
33:11, Acts 17:30).

Christ preached and emphasized on the doctrine of repentance (Matthew

4:17, Luke 13:3, 5, 24:47, Revelation 3:19, 10).

The apostles and all followers of Christ joined suit and preached repentance
(Mark 6:12, Acts 20:21, 26:2, 2 Peter 3:9, Romans 2:4).

To seal your repentance, you must do restitution required of you.

It is compulsory because without it, your salvation is not perfect and will
not present you well before some people.
Your sinful life in the past was committed against God and some, against

If you are really born again and humble, you will be willing to obey the
word of God, including restitution (Matthew 5:23-24; 18:15-17; Luke 17:3-
5; 19:8-10; John 4:15-19). Restitution simply put, is restoring all properties
you gained through fraud, pretense, lying or in a wrong way in the past.
It is paying back just debts, uncovering your hidden crimes, confessing
covered lies, restoring things you misappropriated in the past.

Doing the above, obeying God’s word in totality will give you the boldness
to preach the whole truth (Psalm 119:60,101,106, James 1:22-25, Ezekiel
7:10, Psalm 57:7, 108:1, 112:7, John 7:17).

So, to qualify as a worker in the house of God,

You need to be born again and be ready to practice every part of God’s
word as fast as you learn them.

You must be determined and willing to introduce Christ to others (Proverbs

11:24-26, Romans 9:1-3, Galatians 1:11, 16).

This is because, if you are not born again, you will not be accepted by God,
no matter how you work (Matthew 7:21-23).
You must first experience true repentance, show forth the fruit and be sure
of what you wish to tell others (Isaiah 52:11, 2 Timothy 2:6-7, 19-21, 3:5).

You must have an evidence of what you profess, want to preach to others
and an unshaken conviction (John 9:4, Luke 5:9-11, Acts 26:22-24. 21:8-
14, 1 Corinthians 9:16).

For a true converted worker in the church, all believers, preaching of the
gospel, working in the house of God is not a charity but a debt that must be
paid (Romans 1:15).

It is a great commission, binding on every Christian, especially workers.

(Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, 16, Acts 1:4, 5:8, 13, 14, 8:1-4).

This tells us that God’s work goes beyond the pulpit, the church premises or
few open church programs outside the church building.

You must think, act and work without any geographical boundary, racial
limit, or class distinction.

A worker in the house of God is not restricted to work only in the church.
It is a responsibility you must carry along as you stay or move from place to
place, without limitation, restriction or prejudice (Mark 16:15, Mark 13:10,
Acts 1:8).

A worker in God’s house must get involved in visitation (Matthew 25:35-

40, James 1:27, Romans 1:11),
In invitation (John 1:38, 39, Matthew 2:1, 2, 5, 6, Hebrews 10:23-25),
In persuasion (John 1:45, 46, 1 Peter 3:15, Acts 9:26-28).
In preservation of souls (John 17:6-12, Matthew 28:1-27, Luke 24:13-36,
John 21:1-5).

Every Christian worker is responsible in assisting the senior Pastor to raise

a model church (Revelation 2:8-11) that will be:

Rich in favor, love of Christ, rich in the gifts of the Holy Ghost.
Rich in divine knowledge, rich in consolation and hope in making heaven.

Every worker in any local church must work in cooperation with God’s
word, with his head Pastor to achieve the purpose of Christ’s death (2
Timothy 2:6, 1 Corinthians 11:1).

You must make sure that goals set by the pastor you are working under are
achieved by putting your best and encouraging every member of the church
to contribute as much as possible (Acts 16:4, 5, Titus 1:4, 5).

As a worker, you must supervise, identify needs and problems in the life of
the members, give them prompt attention and communicate to the senior
Pastor or workers ahead of you, if you cannot handle the problem (Proverbs
27:23, Ezekiel 3:17, Philippians 2:19-24, 1 Thessalonians 3:1,2).

To help your local Pastor to train members and encourage them to be

profitable workers in the church (2 Timothy 2:1, 2. 1:13, 14. Acts 14:21-23.
Romans 1:14-16).

To help your Pastor, leaders ahead of you to organize and hold church
programs, seminars, retreats, crusades, workers training, every daily,
weekly and monthly programs (2 Timothy 1:1,2, Revelation 3:2, Romans
15:20, 21).
To assist your pastor and leaders ahead of you to organize and hold annual
programs (Deuteronomy 16:16, Nehemiah 8:1-8).

To help your Pastor to plan and work out for the spiritual growth, physical
growth, numerical growth and to execute every training program organized
for every department in the church (Luke 22:32, Isaiah 35:3-5, Proverbs

Workers in the house of God must ensure that financial record are properly
kept without manipulation (1 Corinthians 4:2, Luke 16:10-12).

To make sure that you attend and participate in all church programs, daily,
weekly, monthly and to be involved in their planning’s (Romans 1:9-16. 2
Corinthians 12:14-18).
In the issue of relationship with God and with one another, as new creatures
living with eternity in view, you must put off the old man and put on the
new man (Colossians 3:15, 16, 17).
With these things in your mind, you are prepared for obedience required by

Servants, obey in all things your masters according to

the flesh; not with eye service, as men pleasers; but in singleness of heart,
fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not
unto men.

(Colossians 3:22-23) )

As a worker in the house of God,

see yourself as a servant to others.
Your obedience will help others to obey in all things.

Your pastors and other leaders ahead of you are your masters and you must
obey them in their presence and absence.
If you have God’s fear in you, the evidence will result to obedience.

Some leaders may not be recognize or be shown appreciation by the

leadership or the people they serve but if you have the mind that you are
working for God, He will reward you at the due time.

Obedience to leadership is obedience to God and if you do everything to the

glory of God, you must be rewarded.
Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh,
with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not
with eye

service, as men pleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of
God from the heart; With good will

doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Knowing that whatsoever
good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether
he be bond or

free. (Ephesians 6:5-8)

Your focus or aim should not only be to please your master, leader but to
please God.
Because God is everywhere present, you must serve with the consciousness
that God is watching you.

You are God’s servant first, before man’s servants.

The physical prove or an evidence that you are doing God’s work rightly is
to please your master, your physical leader, no matter how difficult he is,
how bad he or she is, try and respect him, please him and fulfill your
responsibilities over him with clear conscience.

Do not ever quarrel with your master, fight him and talk against him or
frustrate his ministry.

Doing so is doing the same to God and it brings curse and failure in your
service (Titus 2:9, Matthew 8:9, 1 Peter 2:18, 1 Timothy 6:1, Proverbs

You must not do anything without permission because you are under the
authority of your master or leader.

Communication is very important, so carry your leader along in every step

or decision, it is not weakness, and you must obey the last command, with
or without reward or encouragement.
If you must talk or complain against your leader, talk to God in prayer and
after that, carry your assignment without murmuring.

You must be subject to your master with fear, respect and gentleness, it is a
command from God.
For no reason will you speak against your leader or dishonor him.
You can go to him and let him know how you feel but you must obey him in
all, except when it is against God’s word.

But Peter and John answered and said unto them,

whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto

you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but
speak the things which we have seen and heard. (Acts

4:19-20) )

Do everything possible to please your leader; be

faithful and make him happy.

If you truly serve your leader, when it is time for you to be served, you will
never lack good servants around you (Proverbs 27:18, Colossians 4:1,
Deuteronomy 24:15, Job 31:13, 14, Ephesians 6:9).

If your leader refuses to give you what is due for you, report him to God
and after, increase your respect for him and allow him with God.

It is good for you to know your right as a worker or a servant, but if you are
denied, report to God, and do not gang up against your leader.

There are many reasons why you must obey your leaders (Colossians 3:24-
Your God can reward you through an obedient master.
But if he withdraws your reward, God will reward you through another
If you decide to withdraw your service because you are been ill-treated, you
will not receive God’s reward.

God can ask you to withdraw your service in a place, but you must not do
anything without God’s permission (Psalm 58:11, 2 Samuel 22:21-25,
Jeremiah 17:10, Ephesians 6:6-8, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:17,
Revelation 22:12).

No righteous person will serve the Lord in any place with all his heart and
lose his reward; it is not done!

If you keep God’s way, refuse to join evil workers, do right things as you
are supposed to and remain upright, you will surely be rewarded beyond
your expectations.

Obedience in the midst of other disobedient servants is not easy.

You may look odd, strange and be persecuted for your stand for God but
God has records of your service.

If you move further and work for God in your office, outside the church, at
home and anywhere you go, God will reward you.

As an ambassador of Christ, your service is needed everywhere you go on

earth, God will surely reward you for a righteous life, keep it up.

The most important and most costly reward for your service is in heaven.
There, every labor will be rewarded in full and you will not need to labor

Christians everywhere on earth must not be worried of being under paid.

Our worry and concern must be to do the right thing everywhere, under any
Obedience and faithfulness is better than being over paid without obedience
to God’s word.
Believers must not envy those who receive reward from leaders above them
for doing wrong things.
In many churches today, evil pastors, workers are the ones receiving
promotion for doing wrong things.

They are posted to big branches for telling lies and doing wrong things,
others are been attacked for living rightly, keeping the standard but you
have to take your stand to obey God’s word.
You will be rewarded alive but if you die living right, you will be rewarded
and God will fight for your family 2 Kings 4:1-7 ...
Zachariah and Elizabeth lived righteously, walked in all commandments,
God’s ordinances and remained blameless in the days of the reign of evil

The witches and wizards in the church, the evil leaders of their days
bewitched them.

They attacked Elizabeth with bareness to her old age but they kept the
righteous living and obedience to God’s word (Psalm 74:1-9).

Their attack continued to their old age but they never stopped or withdrew
their service to God Luke 1:5-9 ...
With reproach, shame and disgrace of bareness, they remained obedient and
faithful to God.

One day, as he was executing the priest’s office before God, according to
the custom, an angel appeared to him and his problem vanished.

They recovered every good thing they ever lost in life, joy, gladness and
many rejoiced with them.
The child they gave birth to became great in the sight of God and was filled
with the Holy Ghost from his mother’s womb.

Through that miracle child, many children of Israel turned to the lord.
He moved in the spirit and power of Elijah and turned the hearts of many to
obey God again.
The angel later visited Virgin Mary and answered all her prayers beyond her
Her own son was greater than the greatest among men.

He is the son of the highest and he took over the throne of David and
reigned forever over the house of Jacob 1 Corinthians 15:58; Job 17:9 ...

If you keep laboring for God in truth with obedience, your reward here on
earth and after will be great.
Allow God to reward you, empower you and bless you and you will never
go down in life and in death, forever and ever. Amen.
1. Brotherly help in ministry. Genesis 14:12-24.
2. Deliverance for God’s servant. Exodus 8:1-20, 21. 10:3, 7.
3. Danger of separating your family from your ministry. Exodus 18:1-6.
4. Punishment for a servant. Exodus 21:26 ,277
5. Aaronic ministry. Exodus 32:1-6, 17.
6. Deliverance from servant hood. Leviticus 25:47-55
7. Aaron, a true servant and bad master. Numbers 8:1-3
8. Moses, a true master and servant. Exodus 18:1-27. Numbers 8:1, 4, 5.
Numbers 10:29-32
9. 9. 29
10. Pastors portion in the ministry. Deuteronomy 18:3-8


11. 16.24:14-15
12. Preparing for ministry. Deuteronomy 31:14-15, 22-23. 34:9

13. Reasons for ministry. Joshua 22:21-34, 1-20

14. Deliverance from the power that terminates ministry. 1Samuel 13:11-16
15. Deliverance from unfaithful servants. 2 Samuel 4:1-12
16. Deliverance to reduce your enemies to your servants. 2 Samuel 8:1-2, 5-
6, 14
17. Deliverance from servant hood to mastership. 1Kings 11:9-13, 26-43
18. Prophecies that breaks the ministry. 1Kings 11:26-43
19. Deliverance from loneliness in ministry. 1Kings 18:46. 19:1-3, 9-10, 11-
12, 13-18, 19-21. 18:43-46
20. The call of God and empowerment for ministry. 1Kings 19:1-3, 9-21.
21. The ministry of the nation’s prophet. 1Kings 21:17-24, 28, 29. 22:5,7-9,
22. The ministry of a good prophet. 2 Kings 1:1-4 23. The ministry of a true
prophet. 2 Kings 3:11-20
24. Reward for sowing into God’s servants. 2 Kings 4:8-17
25. 25. 15, 25-27, 29,31,37,38. 5:20-27. 8:4,5
26. Deliverance from running after material things in the ministry. 2 Kings
5:20-27, 18
27. The last ministry of a minister before death. 2 Kings 13:14-20
28. Favor, a confirmation of ministry. 1Chronicles 14:1-21
29. Deliverance from war against your ministry. 1Chronicles 14:8-12,13-17
30. Workers and wages. 2 Chronicles 2:3-10, 13-18
31. Touching the untouchables in the ministry. 2 Chronicles 15:3-19
32. Your ministry, sponsors and building. Ezra 4:1-6.
33. The battle against your ministry. Ezra 4:7-10,11

34. Petition against your ministry. Ezra 4:1-16

35. Petition letter against your ministry received and replied. Ezra 4:!7-22

36. Letter of authority to stop your ministry. Ezra 4:23-24.

37. Starting your ministry by force. Ezra 5:1-5,6-17
38. Let the ministry be built with government fund. Ezra 6:13-15
39. Example of a true servant of God. Nehemiah 5:14-19
40. The praises of God’s servants. Psalm 113:1-6
41. Deliverance of God’s servant 1. Psalm 119:17-24
42. Deliverance of God’s servant ii. Psalm 119:25-32
43. Deliverance of God’s servant iii. Psalm 119:33-40
44. Deliverance of God’s servant IV. Psalm 119:41-48
45. Deliverance of God’s servant VI. Psalm 119:49-56
46. Deliverance of God’s servant vii. Psalm 119:57-64

47. Deliverance of students in school of ministry. Psalm 119:73-80

48. Deliverance of God’s servant under persecution. Psalm 119:81-88

49. Deliverance by judging his servants who backslide. Psalm 135:14-21

50. Deliverance of godly servants. Proverbs 17:1-4
51. Deliverance of a faithful servant. Proverbs 27:18. 29:19,21
52. Deliverance from a servant curse. Proverbs 30:10
53. Deliverance from a wicked servant and a drunken fool. Proverbs 30:21-
54. Deliverance of princes walking as servants. Ecclesiastics 10:7
55. Deliverance of God’s servant. Isaiah 42:17-20
56. The famine of teaching ministry. Isaiah 43:26-28
57. Deliverance of strangers, eunuchs and servants. Isaiah 56:3-8
58. Deliverance of God’s servant. Isaiah 65:13-16,11-12 59. 59. 6,7-13
60. Deliverance of backsliding ministry. Jeremiah 26:1-24
61. Deliverance by serving God’s servant. Jeremiah 27:1-22. 28:10-17
62. 62. 2,6,14-19,27-32
63. 63. 19,27-32. 45:1-5
64. Deliverance from wasted years of ministry. Zechariah 7:1-14
65. Call into ministry to preach. Matthew 4:18-22,17,22
66. Deliverance of a centurion sick servant. Matthew 8:5-13
67. Deliverance of position seekers in the ministry. Matthew 20:20-29
68. Fasting to prepare for ministry, mark 1:13-15

69. Professionals called into the ministry. Mark 1:16-20. 2:14. 3:13-19
70. Divine publicity in Christ’s ministry. Mark 3:8-13,20,21

71. Deliverance from family distraction in ministry. Mark 3:31-35

72. Talking groups in deliverance ministry. Mark 6:14-29
73. Deliverance from evil authorities against your ministry. Mark 11:27-33
74. Jesus’ preparation for ministry. Luke 4:1-2
75. Thanking God for fruitful ministry. Luke 10:1, 17-24
76. Deliverance from the ministry of buying and selling. Luke 19:45-48
77. Filling the vacant position in the ministry. Acts 1:15-26
78. Deliverance through the ministry of teaching. Acts 11:25-26
79. Deliverance from carnal and family consideration in ministry. Acts
12:25. 13:4-5, 13. 14:12. 15:25-41
80. Bringing people out for ministry. Acts 13:1-5 81. The ministry of Paul
and Silas began. Acts 15:37-41. 16:19, 16. 17:4, 14-15. 18:5
82. Prisoner’s ministry to their keepers. Acts 16:27-34
83. Follow up ministry for new converts. Acts 18:18-23
84. Paul’s faithful servants in ministry. Acts 19:21-22, 30, 31. 20:33-38
85. Paul’s deliverance ministry bear fruits in Rome. Acts 28:16-31
86. Introduction and recommendation of God’s servants. 1 Corinthians
87. Open door for ministry without rest. 2 Corinthians 2:12-17
88. 88. 19, 12-14
89. Deliverance from evil workers, satanic agents. Philippians 3:1-10

90. Deliverance of apprentice and servants. Colossians 3:22-25

91. Deliverance of apprentice and servants. 1Timothy 6-2

92. 92. 14,16-18

93. Deliverance of servants and apprentice. Titus 2:9-10, 11-15
94. Deliverance of civil servants and apprentice. 1Peter 2:18-25
95. Deliverance of God’s servant’s problems. Revelation 7:1-12
96. Deliverance from fake miracle workers. Revelation 12:13-18, 17:8-9.

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