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A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of Degree of





Mr. Shantanu Gokul Shendge

Under Supervision of

Mrs. Sonali Pandhare

Shaurya Softech Solution, Malewadi - Akluj

(Duration:1 Aug 2023 - 31 Aug 2023)






This certify that the industrial training/ Internship report entitled


Submitted by

Mr. Shantanu Gokul Shendge

Is a record of bonafide work carried out by them in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of Final year Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering) at Sahakar Maharshi
Shankarrao Mohite-Patil Institute of Technology & Research, Shankarnagar - Akluj under the
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur. This work is done during year 2023-

Date: / /

Prof. R. R. Pote Prof. S. D. Pandhare

Industrial training Co-ordinator HOD
Dept. of Computer Science & Engg. Dept. of Computer Science &

Seal: Dr. P. A. Dhawale

Date: Principal


First, I would like to thank Mrs. Sonali Ekatpure Shaurya Softech Solution,
Malewadi - Akluj for giving me the opportunity to do an internship within the Organization.

I also would like all the people that worked along with me at Shaurya Softech
Solution, Malewadi - Akluj with their patience and openness they created an enjoyable
working Environment.

It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that I
acknowledge the help of these individuals.

I am highly indebted to Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University,

Solapur, and Principal Dr. P. A. Dhawale, for the facilitiesprovided to accomplish this

I would like to thank my Head of the Department Prof. S. D. Pandhare for his
constructive criticism throughout my internship.

I am extremely great full to my department staff members and friends who

helped me in successful completion of this internship.

Mr. Shantanu Gokul Shendge

B. Tech (CSE)

Roll No.:CS427.


The Company:
Shaurya Softech Solutions is a 2 years 3 months old Private Limited Company
incorporated on 11-Aug-2021, having its registered office located at 03, Shaurya Residency,
Malshiras, Akluj- Velapur Road, Akluj, Maharashtra. The major activity of Shaurya Softech
Solutions is Services, Sub-classified into Computer programming consultancy and related
activities and is primarily engaged in the Writing modifying testing of computer program to meet
the needs of a particular client excluding webpage designing. Shaurya Softech Solutions is
classified as Micro enterprise in the financial year 2021-22. It has its unit situated at Akluj,

Programmers and opportunities:

The Institute combines pioneering research with top class education. An innovative
curriculum allows the student flexibility in selecting courses and projects. Students,even at
the undergraduate level, get to participate in on-going research and technology development an
opportunity unprecedented in India. As a result, a vibrant undergraduate programmer Co - exists
with a strong postgraduate programmer.

Benefits to the company / institution through your report:

Creating a comprehensive report on the intern web developer's performance offers several
advantages to the company or institution. This evaluation serves as a valuable tool for
understanding the intern's strengths, weaknesses, and areas of growth. By showcasing specific
achievements and completed projects, the report aids in assessing the intern's capabilities and
potential fit within the organization. Moreover, it provides a basis for informed decision-making
regarding the possibility of offering a full-time position. The report's insights into the intern's
adaptability, work ethic, and cultural alignment are crucial for future hiring considerations.

Learning Objectives/Internship Objectives

Internships are generally thought of to be reserved for college students looking to gain
experience in a particular field. However, a wide array of people can benefit from Training
Internships in order to receive real world experience and develop their skills.
An objective for this position should emphasize the skills you already possess inthe area and
your interest in learning more
Internships are utilized in a number of different career fields, including architecture,
engineering, healthcare, economics, advertising and many more.
Some internship is used to allow individuals to perform scientific research whileothers are
specifically designed to allow people to gain first-hand experience working.
Utilizing internships is a great way to build your resume and develop skills that can be
emphasized in your resume for future jobs. When you are applying for aTraining Internship,
make sure to highlight any special skills or talents that can make you stand apart from the rest
of the applicants so that you have an improved chance of landing the position.


Remark by internship
Sr. No. Date Work Done
internal mentor with signature

Introduction to company, Roles and

Responsibilities in Industry, Study
1/08/23 of Range of Capital and history,
1 to
Products, The Project Development
life cycle, Basic of Emerging trends
in IT Industry.

08/08/23 Introduction to HTML, HTML

2 to
Tags, HTML Attributes, Lists,
Classes, Layout Table, Forms

15/08/23 Introduction to CSS, Internal

3 to
CSS, Inline CSS, External CSS,
CSS Properties, CSS Design

Introduction to JavaScript, JS
4 to basics, JS Objects, JS BOM, JS
31/08/23 DOM, JS Validation, JS Cookies

Internship Report Index

Sr. No. Name of Topic Page Number

1 Introduction 8-11

2 Problem statement 12

3 Objectives 13

4 Scope and rationale of the study 14

5 Results / Analysis 15-17

6 Conclusion 18

7 Internship completion certificate. 19


HTML is an acronym which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language which is used for creating
web pages and web applications. Let's see what is meant by Hypertext Markup Language, and
Web page.
Hyper Text: HyperText simply means "Text within Text." A text has a link within it, is a
hypertext. Whenever you click on a link which brings you to a new webpage, you have clicked
on a hypertext. HyperText is a way to link two or more web pages (HTML documents) with
each other.
Markup language: A markup language is a computer language that is used to apply layout and
formatting conventions to a text document. Markup language makes text more interactive and
dynamic. It can turn text into images, tables, links, etc.
Web Page: A web page is a document which is commonly written in HTML and translated by a
web browser. A web page can be identified by entering an URL. A Web page can be of the
static or dynamic type. With the help of HTML only, we can create static web pages.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language which is used to describe the
look and formatting of a document written in markup language. It provides an additional feature
to HTML. It is generally used with HTML to change the style of web pages and user interfaces.
It can also be used with any kind of XML documents including plain XML, SVG and XUL.

CSS is used along with HTML and JavaScript in most websites to create user interfaces for web
applications and user interfaces for many mobile applications.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a crucial component of web development, serving as a style sheet
language that defines the presentation and layout of HTML or XML documents. It allows web
developers to separate the structure of a document (HTML) from its visual representation,
providing a systematic way to apply styles to different elements.

CSS achieves this through selectors, which target specific HTML elements based on their type,
class, ID, attributes, and more. Properties in CSS dictate the appearance of these selected
elements, specifying attributes like color, font size, margin, and more. The box model, a
fundamental concept in CSS, governs the layout of elements, encompassing content, padding,
border, and margin.

CSS offers various layout techniques such as floats, flexbox, and grid, facilitating responsive
design for different screen sizes. Additionally, CSS supports transitions and animations to create
dynamic user experiences. Selectors, CSS variables, and media queries contribute to the
flexibility and maintainability of stylesheets, allowing developers to craft visually appealing and
responsive web pages efficiently.


JavaScript (js) is a light-weight object-oriented programming language which is used by several

websites for scripting the webpages. It is an interpreted, full-fledged programming language that
enables dynamic interactivity on websites when applied to an HTML document. It was introduced
in the year 1995 for adding programs to the webpages in the Netscape Navigator browser.

Since then, it has been adopted by all other graphical web browsers. With JavaScript, users can
build modern web applications to interact directly without reloading the page every time. The
traditional website uses js to provide several forms of interactivity and simplicity.

JavaScript stands as a pivotal programming language in web development, primarily recognized

for its role in enhancing user interactivity on the client side. Operating within web browsers,
JavaScript executes client-side scripts, enabling developers to create dynamic and responsive web
pages without the need for constant page reloading.

Rooted in the ECMAScript standard, JavaScript boasts versatility through loosely-typed variables
encompassing numbers, strings, booleans, objects, and arrays. Functions play a central role,
encapsulating reusable code, accepting parameters, and returning values.

With a core focus on manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM), JavaScript empowers
developers to dynamically modify webpage content, structure, and style, responding to user
interactions. Event handling and asynchronous programming further enrich its capabilities,
allowing developers to craft responsive interfaces and fetch data without blocking execution.

College Event Organization Project

This is a web-related application that grants us to move toward the whole information with
respect to the college events according to departments. This general application made
arrangements for helping the students of an association about details on the social exercises,
specialized exercises, sports, courses, and workshops. It additionally permits the students to
realize the upcoming event details. The administrator would keep up the records of the students,
readies the upcoming event time table and transfer the present data with respect to the college
events. Taking care of and updating records manually expands the opportunity of slip-ups. It
requires some investment and necessities numerous workers to accomplish the task. It even needs
security and incapacity to deliver different kinds of reports.


Organizing & planning event which provides the complete information about the college events.
In which information about college social exercises, days, sports, courses, and workshops will be
easily available. So to keep the information correct, it will manage the status/information about
the events. College can upload events in our system, once they uploaded the events of our college
will be notified about the students and they can participate through the system.


Internships are generally thought of to be reserved for college students looking to gain
experience in a particular field. However, a wide array of people can benefit from Training
Internships to receive real world experience and develop their skills.
An objective for this position should emphasize the skills you already possess in the area and
your interest in learning more.
Internships are utilized in several different career fields, including architecture, engineering,
healthcare, economics, advertising and many more.
Some internship is used to allow individuals to perform scientific research whileothers are
specifically designed to allow people to gain first-hand experience working.
Utilizing internships is a great way to build your resume and develop skills that can be
emphasized in your resume for future jobs. When you are applying for a Training Internship,
make sure to highlight any special skills or talents thatcan make you stand apart from the
restate applicants so that you have improvedchance of landing the position.


In terms of business practices, in the U.S., consumer finance originally refers to fringe
banking where non-regulated institutions provide high-cost loans such as pay day loansto
consumers who need cash quickly but are excluded from mainstream financial services. In
recent years, consumer finance covers all financial services needed by consumers (Xiao,
2008, 2016).

In China, consumer finance originally refers to short term loans for consumption purposes,
but in recent years, consumer finance covers not only short term but also long-term loans such
as mortgage; not only consumer borrowing but also saving/investing, insurance, and
payment services (Liao, 2011). Based on financial functions needed by consumers and
specified by Turano (2009), these functions include paying, insuring, borrowing, and
saving. In this paper, paying is expanded to include general money management and is
referred as money managing thereafter.

In addition, consumer finance research topics are not limited to traditional financial
functions and include many other topics such as relevant datasets, fintech, financial
capability, demographics, family relations, and human developments (Xiao, 2008, 2016).


HTML is an acronym which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language which is used for
creating web pages and web applications. Let's see what is meant by Hypertext Markup
Language, and Web page. Web technology is essential in today’s era of technology.

From overall study of the technology, I found that Web Developers has large scope in


The four weeks of my web development internship have been an enriching and transformative
experience. I have had the opportunity to apply and expand my knowledge in real-world
scenarios, gaining hands-on experience in various aspects of web development.
Throughout the internship, I actively contributed to [specific projects or tasks], allowing me to
strengthen my skills in [programming languages, frameworks, or tools used]. Working closely
with the development team, I gained insights into collaborative problem-solving, code
optimization, and effective project management.
The experience exposed me to industry best practices and coding standards, providing a valuable
foundation for my future endeavors. I encountered challenges that fostered my problem-solving
abilities and learned how to adapt quickly to new technologies and methodologies.
One of the highlights of this internship was [mention any notable achievements or projects],
showcasing my ability to deliver high-quality solutions within tight deadlines. This not only
boosted my confidence but also reinforced the importance of meticulous planning and efficient
execution in a professional setting.



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