Mechanical Characteristics of Oil Palm Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics As Filament For Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

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Adv. Manuf.

(2020) 8:72–81

Mechanical characteristics of oil palm fiber reinforced

thermoplastics as filament for fused deposition modeling (FDM)
Mohd Nazri Ahmad1,2 • Mohammad Khalid Wahid1,2 • Nurul Ain Maidin1,2 •
Mohd Hidayat Ab Rahman1,2 • Mohd Hairizal Osman1,2 • Izzati Fatin Alis@Elias1

Received: 19 April 2019 / Revised: 27 November 2019 / Accepted: 3 December 2019 / Published online: 17 January 2020
 Shanghai University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Abstract Fibers are increasingly in demand for a wide with the virgin ABS. Lastly, the most significant outcome
range of polymer composite materials. This study’s pur- of the OPF/ABS composite was its suitability for printing
pose was the development of oil palm fiber (OPF) mixed using the FDM method.
with the thermoplastic material acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS) as a composite filament for fused deposition Keywords Natural fibers  Oil palm fiber (OPF)  Fused
modeling (FDM). The mechanical properties of this com- deposition modeling (FDM)  3D printer  Composite
posite filament were then analyzed. OPF is a fiber extracted filament
from empty fruit bunches, which has proved to be an
excellent raw material for biocomposites. The cellulose
content of OPF is 43%–65%, and the lignin content is 1 Introduction
13%–25%. The composite filament consists of OPF (5%,
mass fraction) in the ABS matrix. The fabrication proce- Additive manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing, has been a
dure included alkalinizing, drying, and crushing the OPF to prevalent technique for delivering models since the 1980s
develop the composite. The OPF/ABS materials were and is quickly becoming the quickest, the most direct
prepared and completely blended to acquire a mix of 250 g approach to make custom products. AM is the overall term
of the material for the composition. Next, the FLD25 fil- for creating a product layer-by-layer [1]. AM has been one
ament extrusion machine was used to form the OPF/ABS of the most favorable methods for manufacturing compo-
composite into a wire. This composite filament then was nents, from prototypes to functional parts with intricate
used in an FDM-based 3D printer to print the specimens. geometries. The technique has revolutionized various
Finally, the printed specimens were tested for mechanical industries such as biomedical, orthodontics, aerospace,
properties such as tensile and flexural strength. The results automotive and semiconductors [2–8]. AM also has been
show that the presence of OPF had increased the tensile distinguished from traditional manufacturing methods,
strength and modulus elasticity by approximately 1.9% and such as casting and machining, by its ability to handle
1.05%, respectively. However, the flexural strength of the intricate shapes with great flexibility and avoid waste
OPF/ABS composite had decreased by 90.6% compared [7, 8]. Currently, there are many AM techniques used in
industry utilizing a CAD file of the object to be built,
including fused deposition modeling (FDM), stereolithog-
& Mohd Nazri Ahmad raphy apparatus (SLA), electron beam melting (EBM), laminated object manufacturing (LOM), selective laser
sintering (SLS), and digital light projection (DLP) [9–14].
Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
FDM was invented in 1989 (Stratasys Inc., Eden Prairie,
Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang
Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia MN, USA) [15], and it has been widely used for manu-
2 facturing plastic materials. Additionally, it is the only AM
Centre for Smart System and Innovative Design, Universiti
Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, technology that can create sparse-fill construction together
76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia with soluble support materials. However, only

Mechanical characteristics of oil palm fiber reinforced thermoplastics as filament… 73

thermoplastics are presently used as a feedstock for FDM During the last forty to fifty years, the manufacture of
[16]. The most commonly used thermoplastic material in synthetic composites comprised of fine fibers in various
FDM is acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), followed by plastics (polymers) has dominated the market [24]. The
polycarbonate (PC), polylactide (PLA), polyphenylsulfone combination of oil palm fiber into 3D printing materials
(PPSF), and mixtures thereof [15]. With FDM, 3D plastic could have positive impacts on the environment and
parts can be built layer by layer, depositing build materials enhance the mechanical properties of the materials.
and support materials together, both of which are heated Therefore, this paper presents the development of an oil
and extruded separately through two extrusion nozzles on palm fiber-reinforced ABS for 3D printing and an analysis
the liquefier head. of the composite’s properties.
Research on the development of new composite filament
materials for FDM include wood/PLA [17], powder/nylon
[18], fiberglass/ABS [19] and carbon fibers/ABS [20]. 2 Materials and methods
Yusoff et al. [21] investigated the mechanical properties of
short random oil palm fibre (OPF) reinforced epoxy com- 2.1 OPF/ABS composite filament preparation
posites. In their research, the interaction between the fiber
and matrix was observed with a scanning electron micro- The raw material for the 3D printer filament was obtained
scope (SEM) micrograph to get a clear image of the vas- by mixing ABS thermoplastic pellets with OPF. The virgin
cular fiber wall bonds. Ning et al. [20] added carbon fibers ABS thermoplastic pellets, type IC3D, were supplied by a
(different contents and lengths) to plastic materials to form company from the United States of America (USA). The
thermoplastic matrix carbon fiber reinforced plastic OPF was extracted from the oil palm fruit bunch and
(CFRP) composites to improve the mechanical properties soaked for 2 d in water until the oily surfaces were
of FDM-fabricated parts [18]. Sapuan and Bachtiar [22] removed. The dried OPF then was soaked in a sodium
examined the mechanical properties of high-impact poly- hydroxide (NaOH) solution for 2 h to extract the undesired
styrene reinforced with coconut fibers. In the current study, soluble cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and lignin. The
high-impact polystyrene composites were formed mixed OPF was cleaned with water to eliminate the NaOH and
with five different fiber weight percentages. Condensation was dried in the sunlight for a couple of days. Once the
resistance and press release are techniques employed to drying process was complete, the OPF (5%, mass fraction)
produce composites. The evaluation of the composite’s was blended with the ABS materials to acquire a mix of
properties shows that increasing the palm fiber content 250 g for the composite material.
within the high-impact polystyrene’s network demonstrates The ABS pellets were dried at 80 C for 4 h to expel
better modulus and quality. any dampness [17]. Next, an FLD25 filament extrusion
Oil palms are one of the most valuable trees in Malaysia, machine was used to produce wire from the OPF/ABS
Indonesia and Thailand. The economic life span of an oil composite. The extrusion machine consists of a single
palm is approximately 25 years, and it contributes a sig- screw extruder and a 1.75 mm die and has three tempera-
nificant amount of agricultural waste in Malaysia. The ture zones: the feeding, compression and pumping zones.
estimated height of an oil palm is 7–13 m and has a During the printing process, the 1.75 mm OPF/ABS com-
diameter of 45–65 cm at approximately 1.5 m above posite filaments were used to print tensile and flexural
ground level and is a commercial crop in Malaysia. specimens.
Developing other applications for palm fiber requires it to
be extracted from the waste using the retting process. OPF 2.2 Printing process
contains a high cellulose content and has the potential as a
source of natural fiber, but this application contributes only The virgin ABS and OPF/ABS composite filaments were
a small percentage of total biomass production [23]. printed using an FDM 3D printer (UP plus 2 model). Two
Due to the low strength and ductility of pure thermo- sample quantities were required for this study for both the
plastic materials, there is a critical need to improve these tensile and flexural tests. It was necessary to verify the 3D
mechanical properties of pure ABS so that the printed parts model from the STL file format before printing to avoid
or products could be used directly in areas such as aero- errors. Most CAD applications produce errors in STL files,
space, automotive, or consumer products. Adding rein- which include gaps, normal faces, self-convergence, noise
forced material like OPFs into the ABS resin forms an OPF shells, and manifold errors. Most STLs generated through
thermoplastic composite, enhancing the parts’ mechanical 3D scanning regularly have a substantial number of these
properties such as toughness and strength. Synthetic plastic errors because 3D scanning regularly uses point-to-point
materials cannot be eliminated from the environment, sampling, incorporating significant errors in the model’s
leading to endless accumulation and serious pollution. reconstruction. However, the problems in the original

74 M. N. Ahmad et al.

model can be corrected during one stage in the STL-gen- obtained from the extensometer was recorded and gathered
eration process, known as the ‘‘fix’’. toward the end of the test. The tensile properties of the
When completed, the STL file is run with a program composites, including rigidity, ductile modulus, and pro-
called ‘‘slicer’’ which can transform the model into thin longation at breaking point, were determined. Equa-
layers, and subsequently generate a G-code record that tions (1) and (2) are the formulas used to compute
contains instructions personalized to a particular type of 3D elasticity and modulus.
printer. This G-code record can then be printed with a 3D F
printing client program, which combines the G-code and r¼ ; ð1Þ
uses it to align the 3D printers during the printing process.
Figure 1 shows a sample of dog bone-shaped and rectan- where r is the tensile strength at yield; F is the force
gular-shaped products created using the UP. Software applied (kN); A is the cross-section area.
before the printing process was executed. r
E¼ ; ð2Þ
2.3 Experimental set-up where E is the tensile modulus (MPa); r is the stress
applied on test specimen; e is the strain of the specimen
The experimental specimens fabricated using these com- (mm/mm).
binations were cut as per ASTM D standards to perform the Flexural ability is the capacity of a material to withstand
various tests to determine their tensile and flexural prop- twisting opposite to its longitudinal center. Additionally, it
erties. All tests were performed using the universal testing is the cross-breaking quality of an object, where the
machine (INSTRON 5969 model). The testing procedures greatest pressure is created when a bar-shaped test piece
were conducted following the ASTM D638 and ASTM with a straight shaft is subjected to a twisting force oppo-
D790 standards for tensile and flexural properties [25]. site to the bar. This pressure diminishes due to the flexural
Figures 2a, b show the products’ dimensions and the loads, which are a blend of compressive and elastic stres-
experimental specimens (virgin ABS and OPF/ABS ses. The flexural properties of the strained samples were
composite). acquired using the universal testing machine, and the
Tensile strength is an estimation of a material’s capacity testing methods were conducted as per the ASTM D790
to withstand being stretched or to what degree the material Standard, as shown in Fig. 3b. The specimens’ mean
extends before cracking. To conduct the tensile test, a flexural strength and modulus obtained from three test
strain measure (extensometer) was attached to the sample results were calculated. The specimens were placed on two
at the focal point of the sample. Each sample’s crosshead support beams. Then, the specimens were loaded in the
or dislodging rate was set to 2 mm/min. All information center using a loading nose. The support’s span-to-depth

Fig. 1 UP plus 2, 3D printer types FDM a tensile specimen, b flexural specimen

Mechanical characteristics of oil palm fiber reinforced thermoplastics as filament… 75

Fig. 2 Test specimens a dimensions for ASTM D638 and D790 (unit: mm) b tensile and flexural specimens for pure ABS and OPF/ABS

Fig. 3 Mechanical testing of ABS and OPF/ABS specimens a tensile and b flexural test

ratio (R) was 16:1. The rate of the crosshead motion for L3 P
each specimen was calculated using Eq. (3). The flexural EH ¼ ; ð5Þ
stress was calculated from the measured load using Eq. (4),
where P is the load at yield (the max load); rmax is the
while the flexural modulus was calculated using Eq. (5).
flexural strength (MPa); EH is the flexural modulus (MPa);
ZL2 L is the support span (mm); d is the thickness (mm); b is
R¼ ; ð3Þ
6d the width (mm) (a2 ? b2 = c2); R is the rate of crosshead
3PL motion, mm/min; Z is the rate of straining of the outer
rmax ¼ ; ð4Þ
2bd2 fiber, mm/min; where Z is 0.01.

76 M. N. Ahmad et al.

A microstructure analysis of the OPF/ABS composite area (E-modulus strength) indicates that the OPF/ABS
was conducted using a microscope (Nikon LV-NCNT-N samples recorded a slight increase compared with virgin
model). The microscopic views show the filamentous ABS samples. In addition, the elongation performance of
samples composed of both the OPF and ABS. The smooth the OPF/ABS specimen had increased against the virgin
surfaces of the filaments were observed and analyzed. ABS samples. The load-displacement curve of the virgin
ABS and OPF/ABS composite are shown in Figs. 5c, d.
The graphs indicate that the flexural strength shows a clear
3 Results and discussion downward trend, while adding 5% (mass fraction) of OPF
to the pure ABS. This result contrasts with the results
3.1 OPF/ABS composite filament wire and printed determined by Heidari-Rarani et al. [26] that show an
specimens improvement of 109% in bending strength. However, their
study used carbon fiber mixed with PLA, while the current
All the results obtained were interpreted from the fixing study uses OPF mixed with ABS, potentially explaining the
formula on each test machine. Several parameters consid- different results.
ered in this discussion are load, pressure, and displacement. The mechanical properties, including tensile modulus,
Based on the results, the mechanical properties (modulus, ultimate tensile strength (UTS), flexural strength at the
tensile strength and flexural strength) were compared. At breaking point, and the maximum flexural strength of the
the end of the research, a roll of OPF/ABS composite fil- virgin ABS, the OPF/ABS composite are summarized in
ament was fabricated by the extrusion machine, as shown Table 1. As the results indicate, all mechanical properties
in Fig. 4a. The diameter of the filament wire was set to have changed slightly. The tensile modulus of elasticity
1.75 mm. Hence, Fig. 4b shows the resulting 3D-printed and UTS of OPF/ABS compared with the virgin ABS had
specimens for the virgin ABS and the OPF/ABS compos- increased by approximately 1.9% and 1.05%, respectively.
ite. Due to the presence of OPF (5%, mass fraction), the In comparison, the results obtained by Ning et al. [20]
color of OPF/ABS was a darker grey than the pure ABS showed a significantly higher tensile strength of the carbon
thermoplastic material. fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRT) specimen. More-
over, Petinakis et al. [27] had gained similar results as
3.2 Mechanical properties of OPF/ABS composite obtained in the present study. The bending data show that
the maximum flexural strength of OPF/ABS had decreased
Figure 5a shows the tensile stress-strain curve for the vir- by approximately 90.6%, but had increased by 0.12% for
gin ABS, while Fig. 5b illustrates the tensile stress-strain the flexural strength at the breaking point.
curve for the OPF/ABS composite. Based on the tensile One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to
results of the virgin ABS, the slope in the elastic or linear determine the significance and relative importance of the

Fig. 4 Pure ABS and OPF/ABS in a form of a filament wire and b 3D printed part as specimens for tensile test

Mechanical characteristics of oil palm fiber reinforced thermoplastics as filament… 77

Fig. 5 Graph of mechanical properties a tensile stress-strain curves for virgin ABS, b tensile stress-strain curves for OPF/ABF, c load
displacement curve of virgin ABS and d load displacement curve of OPF/ABS

Table 1 Mechanical properties of virgin ABS and OPF/ABS

Mechanical properties Virgin ABS OPF/ABS Difference/%
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 1 Sample 2

Ultimate tensile strength/MPa 19.712 20.378 20.578 20.267 1.90

Tensile modulus/GPa 1.333 1.352 1.052 1.347 1.05
Max. flexural strength/MPa 35.261 37.512 19.423 19.676 -90.60
Flexural strength at break/MPa 6.539 6.510 6.462 6.517 0.12

Table 2 One-way ANOVA for UTS (a = 0.05)

Factor Degree of freedom Sum of square Mean square F-value P-value

Between groups 1 0.143 0.143 1.055 0.412

Within groups 2 0.270 0.135
Total 3 0.413

Table 3 One-way ANOVA for flexural strength (a = 0.05)

Factor Degree of freedom Sum of square Mean square F-value P-value

Between groups 1 283.485 283.485 220.997 0.004

Within groups 2 2.566 1.283
Total 3 286.050

78 M. N. Ahmad et al.

main factors. ANOVA also was used to identify the sig- into the structure during the production process. The cracks
nificant factor contributing to the experimental conditions began from the necking area and spread continuously in a
[28]. The P-values for the tensile and flexural tests were scattered manner. The observations show that the disper-
0.412 and 0.004, respectively, as listed in Tables 2 and 3. sion in the compression load area is weak compared with
The P-value for UTS was greater than 0.05, and the P- those at the bottom of the sample structure, which had been
value for flexural strength was less than 0.05. The smaller subjected to a malleable load.
P-value indicates a greater significance of the factors
influencing the value of the mechanical testing results.
However, the influence of OPF in the virgin ABS was not 4 Conclusions
influential to the value of UTS. Meanwhile, OPF signifi-
cantly affected the value of flexural strength. OPF/ABS composite filament wire for a 3D printer was
developed, and its mechanical properties were measured.
3.3 Microstructure analysis The following are the conclusions of this study.
(i) The OPF/ABS composite filament wire was able
The purpose of conducting a microscopic analysis is to
to be used in an FDM-based 3D printer.
observe the shape, size, quality of inner structure, and
(ii) The tensile strength and Young’s modulus had
fracture area of the different samples. Microscopic obser-
increased slightly by adding OPF to the ABS
vations of the inner structure of the pure ABS and OPF/
matrix. Meanwhile, the results showed a decrease
ABS samples are shown in Figs. 6a, b, respectively. The
in flexural strength due to the brittle nature of the
distribution of OPF particles is inconsistent, affecting the
overall strength of the specimens’ structure and various
(iii) The microstructure of the OPF/ABS composite
mechanical properties. Additionally, the microscopic
shows that the fibers were not mixed well with the
image of the OPF/ABS composite shows that the OPF had
pure ABS, and some of the fibers were in an
not completely dissolved into the ABS matrix, causing
insoluble form.
problems with the 3D printing process and affecting the
test results. Additionally, this new OPF/ABS composite material
The analysis of the point of failure as recorded using the could be cost-effective and a balance between environ-
microscopic stress test is shown in Fig. 7. The samples’ mental impacts, and the desired performance could be
fracture surface was analyzed at a low magnification of achieved by designing composites based on the product’s
0.679. In most cases, broken thermoplastic components requirements. With the target of providing superior
are ductile due to the reorientation and strain of the mechanical properties and cost-effective fabrication
macromolecules that enable the material’s high deforma- methods, it will be necessary to overcome many challenges
tion. The OPF was not able to be adequately transferred

Fig. 6 Microscopic images at high magnification (209) for a pure ABS and b 5% (mass fraction) OPF/ABS

Mechanical characteristics of oil palm fiber reinforced thermoplastics as filament… 79

Fig. 7 Microscopic images on fracture area a OPF/ABS composite and b virgin ABS

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80 M. N. Ahmad et al.

24. Kindo S (2010) Study on mechanical behavior of coir fiber Mohammad Khalid Wahid
reinforced polymer matrix composites. Dissertation, National received his M.Eng in Manu-
Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha facturing System Engineering
25. ASTM D638 (2003) Standard test method for tensile properties of from Universiti Putra Malaysia
plastics. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA (UPM) in 2012. He is a Char-
26. Heidari-Rarani M, Rafiee-Afarani M, Zahedi AM (2019) tered Engineer under Institute of
Mechanical characterization of FDM 3D printing of continuous Mechanical Engineers
carbon fiber reinforced PLA composites. Compos Part B Eng. (IMechE). He has 9 years working experience as an engi-
27. Petinakis E, Yu L, Edward G et al (2009) Effect of matrix-par- neer and vocational training
ticle interfacial adhesion on the mechanical properties of officer before joining Universiti
poly(lactic acid)/wood-flour micro-composites. J Polym Environ Teknikal Malaysia Melaka as
17:83–94 lecturer and researcher. His
28. Osman MH, Ab Rahman MH, Ahmad MN et al (2017) Opti- research interest includes
mization of drilling parameters on diameter accuracy in dry machining cutting force, bio
drilling process of AISI D2 tool steel. Int J Appl Eng Res composite and plastics processing.
Nurul Ain Maidin received her
M.Eng in Innovation and Engi-
Mohd Nazri Ahmad is a EC/ neering Design from Universiti
UK chartered engineer CEng, a Putra Malaysia (UPM) in 2013.
member of IMechE and a pro- She has 2 years working expe-
fessional engineer PEng for rience as an engineer before
Board of Engineer Malaysia. He joining Universiti Teknikal
began his career as an engineer Malaysia Melaka as lecturer and
in Sime Darby Engineering researcher. Her research interest
(O&G industry) and has been includes product design and
academic leader, educator, development, manufacturing
researcher, consultant for 14 design and sustainable design.
years. He has published more
than 30 manuscripts in interna-
tional journal/conference/book
chapter. His research interest
includes bio-composite in 3D
Mohd Hidayat Ab Rahman
printer application, additive manufacturing, rapid tooling and reverse
received his M.Eng in Innova-
tion and Engineering Design
from Universiti Putra Malaysia
(UPM) in 2013. He has 4 years
working experience as an engi-
neer before joining Universiti
Teknikal Malaysia Melaka as
lecturer and researcher. His
research interest includes ergo-
nomic and manufacturing

Mechanical characteristics of oil palm fiber reinforced thermoplastics as filament… 81

Mohd Hairizal Osman re- Izzati Fatin Alis@Elias ob-

ceived his M.Eng in Manufac- tained his B.Eng Tech. in Man-
turing System Engineering from ufacturing (Product Design)
Universiti Putra Malaysia from Universiti Teknikal
(UPM) in 2011. He is Profes- Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) in
sional Technology under 2017. Currently, he works as
Malaysian Board of Technology Engineer at manufacturing
(MBOT). He has 6 years work- company. His expertise includes
ing experience as a lecturer CAD/CAM and Product Design
before joining Universiti Development.
Teknikal Malaysia Melaka as
lecturer and researcher. His
research interest includes
machining technology, joining
technology and plastics


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